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Vibrations! 2.6
Vibrations is an app for measuring mechanical vibrations andacoustic noise from engines, the environment, machines, and otherequipment. This is (currently) the only app that combines acoustic*and* mechanical measurements! Uses: monitoring vehicle enginevibration, monitoring vibrations of household appliances(dishwasher, refrigerator, waste disposal units, clothes dryers,etc.), measuring g-force in moving vehicles, helping to identifyfailing gears, evidenced by knocking sounds, modes, etc..Vibrations uses data streams from the built-in accelerometer andmicrophone: it calculates two simultaneous FFTs, one from themechanical measurements, one from the audible measurements. It thenshows the frequency spectra on the screen. The frequency axis islabelled in Hz and RPM (revolutions per minute). Four on-screensoftware gauges give an overview of the measurements: 1) Theg-force (excluding gravity), which measures acceleration 2) Thefrequency of the current peak in the mechanical/vibration noise 3)The frequency of the current peak in the acoustic noise 4) Thesample rate at which mechanical vibrations are being measuredScreen shots can be taken using the "Save Screen" button, andstored to the SD card. Time series of accelerometer data (up to 20seconds) can be recorded and saved using the "Record Data" button.Since data are continually being gathered, the recorded datawritten to the file actually starts a second or so *before* thebutton was pressed. Recording can be interrupted while in progress,and the data discarded or saved. Otherwise, the recording willautomatically terminate after 20 seconds have elapsed, and the datadiscarded or saved then. Data collection can be paused and resumedusing the "Pause"/"Resume" button. This is the first release ofthis app, and ideas for improvements/enhancements are welcome:please contact me. Also, please note that the frequency limit ofthe mechanical vibration measurement is limited by the maximum ratethat accelerometer samples can be obtained from the Android device:this typically varies from device to device - e.g. on the Nexus 7and 10 tablets, the rate is ~200 samples/sec, giving a maximumfrequency measurement of ~100Hz or 6000 RPM. On the Galaxy S3 therate is ~100 samples/sec, giving a maximum frequency of ~50Hz.
GTDACT 6.4.1
The GTDACT is a simple, semi-automated way ofcalibrating every audio zone quickly and efficiently. It is thepart of the Genesis TechnologiesTM Distributed Audio CalibrationToolbox.The GTDACT App in combination with NGTC DSP super modules byGenesis TechnologiesTM enable efficient design and deployment ofNGTC audio network system featuring the highest levels offunctionality and performance.The GTDACT features: 1/1, 1/3 & 1/6 octave RTA modes, Leq(wideband, Octave, variable duration), RT60 (wideband, Octave),Peak Store, Spectrogram, Peak frequency, Fast, Medium & Slowfilters, Flat & A/C Weighting and film industry X Curve,Averaging, SPL Chart Recorder, Noise Criteria, White/Pink Noise,Sine, Square, Triangle, Sweep, Ramp and Impulse signals &loudspeaker polarity checker, L/R select. RTA Store & Load,Hann windows, pinch to zoom, scroll to center.Disclaimer: GTDACT’s performance depends on your Androidhardware, and is not guaranteed to meet any audio measurement orsafety standards.
AudioCaps 1.9
Prints a list of the supported recording and playback formats onyour device.
Sensors 2.3
V2.2: Add zoom in/out buttons and Mag Field on/off button forMonica Simple application showing the output from the 3-axisaccelerometer and magnetometer. Scales variable between 0.01 and20g for acceleration.
Musician's Spectrum Analyser 1.7
MSA (Musician's Spectrum Analyser) is a new app for singers andmusicians.
AudioTool 8.6
AudioTool: Fully Featured SPL, dB and Sone Meter, plus AudioSpectrum Analyzer
SPL and Spectrum Analyser 2.10
An SPL Meter and Audio Frequency Spectrum Analyzer for the Androidphone.
SoundForm Signal Generator 2.5
Soundform generates White and Pink Noise Sine Square Triangle Rampand Impulses
Impulse Response 1.9
Turns an Android into a powerful tool for audio Impulse Responsemeasurements
Vibrations! (Ads) 2.5
Vibrations is an app for measuring mechanical vibration andacoustic noise