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Stopwatch-result transmission 1.0.2
It is a very simple and easy to usestopwatch.A button is large and measurement of lap time and split time ispossible at easy operation.And if RESULT TRANSMISSION button pushed, ,also a function whichcan transmit the result of lap time and split time to variousapplications at applications, such as e-mail.You can this app move to sd card.
Color Scheme (RGB,HEX) Assist 1.0.3
For developers and designers, it is veryuseful app that You can get color scheme of the value just byoperation the seek bar.For example JAVA is mainly use red, green, blue the RGB valuespecified from each 0 to 255, HTML is mainly use red, green, bluethe specify each of the hexadecimal.You can get RGB values and the hexadecimal, Easily operation of theseek bar, there further also can function to be sent to theapplication, such as RGB values and the hexadecimal mail.Let's efficiency of the design of the web site and apps to use thisapp.You can this app move to sd card.
ロシア語基本単語簡単コピーペーストツール 1.0.1
Quickly Short Note 1.0
If there is a app that was specialized inthatnote that want to remember anyway quickly!In terms of the speed at which fulfill such a desire is themostexcellent memo application.Anywhere at the time of the launch of the application in ordertoeffectively take notes at any time, it becomes the state thatcan beentered in the add data screen.have save button, but if you close the app, it will besavedautomatically.been able to save up to 500 characters and list screen isusefulin very check the contents are displayed all.(In the list screen, line break replaced by space)In the list screen search function, input character eachtimewill be filtered search.You can starting selection to each application willbedisplayedSelected application start has been pasted when selecttheapplication.[How to use]Simple the function, easy to use.[Add data screen]When start the application, first that can be entered in theadddata screen.Have save button, but if you close the app, it will besavedautomatically.[List screen]In the list screen search function, input character each timewillbe filtered search.(Tap)Move to the update screen.(Long-tap)Delete the data.(Double-tap)Starting selection to each application will be displayedSelected application start has been pasted when selecttheapplication.In the list screen line break replaced by space, but the stateinfact that neatly the line break pasted.In the list screen line break replaced by space, but the thatneatlythe line break pasted state in fact.[Update screen]You can update, delete, and starting selection to eachapplicationwill be displayed.Have save button, but if you close the app, it will besavedautomatically.[Help screen]Screen display how to use.
Voice to Text Send Tool 1.0.8
It is a voice change to text and transmits to various applications(web search, mail, twitter, etc.). [USAGE] APPS If the APPS of themenu which is upwards is pushed, it will become an input screen fortransmits to various applications. Let's input the text. If a voicebutton is pushed, input in a voice is possible. And if does notpush a voice button, input can also be done ordinarily. If atransmit button is pushed, the menu of various applications fortransmits. MAIL If the MAIL of the menu which is upwards is pushed,it will become an input screen for transmits to mail. Let's inputthe subject and text. If a voice button is pushed, input in a voiceis possible. And if does not push a voice button, input can also bedone ordinarily. If a send button is pushed, the menu of mail fortransmits. WEBSEARCH If the WEBSEARCH of the menu which is upwardsis pushed, it will become an input screen for transmits towebsearch. Let's input the text. If a voice button is pushed, inputin a voice is possible. And if does not push a voice button, inputcan also be done ordinarily. If a search button is pushed, whenwebsearch.
Voice to Text Web Search 1.0.4
Voice change to text(keyword) andkeywordtransmits to web search.And attached some convenient button, so possible so moreefficiencyof web search .
Useful Voice to text mail 1.0.4
Voice change to text and text transmits tomailapplications.And attached some convenient button, so possible so moreefficiencyof mail .