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keukey, Inc.
Keukey For AndroidIn the present days, users have to press backspaces and movecursors constantly just to fix simple typos. They are highlyfrustrating, time consuming and definitely unnecessary. But withKEUKEY, correcting typos do not require those hideous actions. WithKeukey, all users have to do is retype the correct words, simplydownward swipe the keyboard and the typos will be automaticallycorrected. No other app but Keukey allows such revolutionarysolution.Now that is not all. If you swipe the keyboard upwards, the recentediting can be undone. Swipe it towards the right for continuousinput. On top of that, Keukey provides creative themes and uniquekey tones that take typing to the next level, presenting users notonly convenience but also entertainment![*For further details, check the information below!]EASIEST TYPO CORRECTION EVER!Forget those dreadful days when you had to spam backspaces andclick the screen in distress to position the cursor at the rightspot just to fix some typos. Now do not meddle around with the typoitself. Ignore it. But simply retype the correct word, swipe thekeyboard downwards. Done. The typo will be gone and the retypedword will instead take its space. Easy right?INSERT ANY WORDS YOU PREFER!Ordinary auto correcting solution makes use of the words in thedictionary database to correct wrong words. Hence, if themisspelled words or slangs are not from the dictionary, it will notbe recognized and replaced by another word that is remote from whatthe users were searching for. However, Keukey will label such typosas ‘foreign words’, instead of ‘words not in the dictionary’. Dueto this, users can correct typos with any words they want.UNDISTURBED TYPING!Honestly, the main reason that makes typo so annoying is not in theprocess of editing it but having to erase the wrong letters.However, with Keukey, your typing does not have to be distractedeven if u make a typo, because you simply retype, swipe, andcontinue your typing. Correction can be done anytime. Like always,typing should not be disturbed.MAJOR FEATURES-Move cursors and edit-Reposition words-Continuous input-Erase word at once-Cut and paste-Easy inserting of words in brackets-Supports Bluetooth keyboard? Korean and English are both supported.? If there are any questions or queries regarding this keyboardsoftware, please make use of the ‘Directly ask questions to thedeveloper’ in the bottom section of the official Keukey site, oremail ‘’.