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Violin Tuner 바이올린 튜너 1.0
The Violin Tuner make tuning sounds for fourstring musical instruments (Violin, Cello, Viola and Bass).Each screen also has colorful circle equaliser with regard to thetuning sound.The length of the sound is around 3 minutes. so, it is useful for agroup of players to tune continuously.Also, the navigation drawer makes easy to change musicalinstruments' tuning sounds.The usage is as a default the lowest tuning sounds start. you canthen change another tuning sound by pushing the key and startbutton. and when you need to stop, just push stop button.Finally, you can search for (violin, cello, viola, bass) orchestrapieces on youtube.Enjoy your music hobby or professions with our cute app!바이올린 튜너는 4가지 현악기(바이올린, 첼로, 비올라, 콘트라베이스) 튜닝 사운드를 제공합니다.각 화면은 튜닝사운드에 맞게 화려한 서클 이퀄라이저를 보여줍니다.사운드는 3분정도여서 그룹의 연주자들이 계속 튜닝할 수 있게 도와줍니다.이동화면은 쉽게 다른 악기화면으로 변경할 수 있습니다.사용법은 가장 낮은음부터 시작하고, 다른 사운드 key를 선택후에 스톱/스타트버튼을 누르면 됩니다.마지막으로 각 악기별로 유튜브 검색화면으로 갈 수 있습니다.제 귀여운 앱과 함께 취미나 전공으로의 음악을 즐기세요!감사합니다
Medic - 영한 의학 용어집 1.3
11574개의 전문 의학용어집으로 영,한 문자 검색, 알파벳별 리스트, 영 단어음성지원, 끝으로 위키피디아로 상세 설명이동합니다. 사용법이 단순하고, DB가 내장되어 있어 속도가 빠릅니다. 7인치테블릿(주로 넥서스 7)에 화면 최적화 되어있고, 향후 랭킹이나 유사단어리스팅, 타 외국어 추가할 예정입니다.This app includes approximately 11574 medical terminologies(currently, English/Korean). It enables search any character/ wordsin both English and Korean, listing by alphabets, English medicalterminology TTS(Text to Speech), and guiding to Wikipedia. Itactually is very easy to use and fast enough as built-in DB. Itsscreen layout is optimised for tablets (eg, Nexus 7). In thefuture, popular medical terminology ranking or thesaurus and otherforeign languages will be supported.Enjoy your study and save time!Young professionalmedical glossary of 11,574, a text search, the list by alphabet,English words sound support, go to the end of the description inWikipedia. Using this simple, DB is built faster. 7 inches tablet(mainly Nexus 7) is optimized for a screen, and the next rankingand listing similar words, will add other languages.This app includes approximately 11574 medical terminologies(currently, English / Korean). It enables search any character /words in both English and Korean, listing by alphabets, Englishmedical terminology TTS (Text to Speech), and guiding to Wikipedia.It actually is very easy to use and fast enough as built-in DB. Itsscreen layout is optimised for tablets (eg, Nexus 7). In thefuture, popular medical terminology ranking or thesaurus and otherforeign languages ​​will be supported.Enjoy your study and save time!
Queenslander 호주 퀸즈랜드 한인 전화번호부 1.0
호주 퀸즈랜드주 (브리즈번, 골드코스트) 한인 비즈니스 전화번호부입니다.굳이, 연락처를 폰에 저장하지 않고 그때 그때 찾아볼 수 있고 전화할 수 있는 앱입니다.한인 커뮤니티가 지속적으로 성장함에 따라 이 전화번호부도 계속해서 업데이트할 예정입니다.향후, 검색기능 강화하고 구글맵연동할 수 있도록 데이터 보완할 예정입니다.연락처 정보 수정 혹은 추가하는 싶으신 분은 개발자에게 메일 보내주시면 정기 업데이트시 반영하겠습니다.감사합니다~This app is a phone book for Australian-Korean communityinQueensland(Brisbane, Gold Coast).You don't have to save a lot of phone numbers into yourcontacts,it's easy to look up, categorised and to make calls. Aslong asKorean community keeps growing, this phone book will beupdatedperiodically. In near future, the app will be strengthenedinsearch functionality and incorporated with google map apis.If you would like to change your information or add more,pleasesend the developer email,then, the app's database will be upgraded in next update.Thank you and have good time in Sunshine State!Queensland (Brisbane,GoldCoast) Korean business telephone directory.Bother, do not save contacts to phone and phone from time totimecan be found in app.Korean community will continue to grow, continue to update thephonebook in the future.In the future, the search function to help strengthen thelinkageGoogle is expected to complement the data.Contact details If you would like to add or send us an email tothedeveloper will be reflected in periodic updates.Thank you ~This app is a phone book for Australian-Korean communityinQueensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast).You don't have to save a lot of phone numbers into yourcontacts,it's easy to look up, categorised and to make calls. Aslong asKorean community keeps growing, this phone book will beupdatedperiodically. In near future, the app will be strengthenedinsearch functionality and incorporated with google map apis.If you would like to change your information or add more,pleasesend the developer email,then, the app's database will be upgraded in next update.Thank you and have good time in Sunshine State!