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Increase Height 1.0
A large number of people are interested in knowing how to increaseheight without taking any risks. To be a tall person usually meansto command respect in society, make an appealing first impressionand see over dozens of heads when walking in a crowd. So this appis for you where you will get all that how to increase heightnaturally, best exercise for increase height and many more. Andalso know Factors Affecting Height, Techniques & Secrets andfacts about increase height.
Heart Murmurs Information 1.0
You know the sound of your heartbeat: lub-dub,lub-dub. In some people, there's an extra noise that the bloodmakes as it flows through the heart. It sounds sort of like thenoise of water flowing through a hose. This sound is called amurmur. A heart murmur is a swishing sound heard when there isturbulent or abnormal blood flow across the heart valve. Learnabout Causes of Heart Murmur, symptoms, treatment, facts, BestFoods for Heart, and more.
Chanakya Quotes 1.0
A quotation is the repetition of oneexpression as part of another one, particularly when the quotedexpression is well-known or explicitly attributed by citation toits original source. Quotes easily make you motivated and inspire.Chanakya is a great thinker. So this application provides you alist of great and motivated quotes of Chanakya. This applicationprovide you Best quotes of Chanakya, Bitter truth of life quotes,Chanakya Women Quotes & Sayings, Great thoughts By Chanakya,Motivational Quotes, Political Quotes, Secret ofSuccess-Quotes.
Sports Rules 1.0
If you don't know rules, you can't know sportsmean. So this app is about to explain the basic rules of varioussports in a simple, easy to understand way. Covering top 12 sports,you will be able to quickly glean information on each sport’s basicprocedures, equipment, competitive playing areas, scoring systems,and all other aspects of each sport or activity.
Water Quality Measurement 1.0
Water quality testing is an important part ofenvironmental monitoring. When water quality is poor, it affectsnot only aquatic life but the surrounding ecosystem as well. Sohere are some of the most common measures of water quality arelisted in this app, with an explanation of why they are importantto the health or utility of a water body. Grab this app and knowhow to measure water quality.
Flirting Texts 1.0
In today's world, you may spend more timetexting your crush than actually hanging out with him. This meansthat you should not only be able to flirt with your crush inperson, but through your texts. If you want to flirt throughtexting, you have to know how to be playful, witty, and charming injust a sentence or two. Follow these flirting texts and practicetill you're an expert flirt.
Eye Test & Examinations 1.0
Your eyes are like a wonderful kind of camera.They take pictures of the world around you and send the pictures toyour brain. Your brain works out what your eyes are seeing. Thishappens from the moment that you open your eyes in the morning towhen you close your eyes at night. So here will briefly describeall about eyes. You will find eyeglass prescription, symptoms andtypes, eye tests and examinations, vision problem and manymore.
Gastritis Disease & Symptoms 1.0
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomachlining. Weaknesses in the mucus-lined barrier that protects yourstomach wall allow your digestive juices to damage and inflame yourstomach lining. A number of diseases and conditions can increaseyour risk of gastritis. Some of the more common causes of gastritisare listed here. And also find Sign & Symptoms, Treatments anddrugs, Home Remedies For Gastritis, Types of Gastritis and factsabout Gastritis.
Accupressure Guide 1.0
Acupressure technique is very ancient and veryeffective technique to cure many medical problems. Acupressure isan ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points onthe surface of the skin to stimulate the body's naturalself-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, theyrelease muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood andthe body's life force to aid healing. All the pressing point hasbeen explained with the help of image for the ease of theuser.
Hair Loss Disease & Symptoms 1.0
Most people think about preventing hair lossonly after they have lost a lot of it. But if you start early (likewhen you still have a head full of hair) it works out a lot easierboth emotionally and financially. This app is describing about Haircare tips, causes of hair loss, symptoms of Hair Loss, naturalremedies, and effective treatments for thicker hair. So grab thisapp and you can do to prevent your hair from falling.
Gallstones Disease 1.0
Gallstones are small stones that build-up inthe gallbladder. Around one in 10 people have gallstones but mostwon’t be aware of them because they don’t cause any symptoms.However, gallstones can be very painful and may require treatmentor an operation to remove the gallbladder. Through this app, youwill know about Gallstones Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Diagnosed,Risk Factors, Home Remedies for Gallstones, Treatment, facts andmany more.
Juicing Recipes For Nutrition 1.0
Juicing is the best way to get raw liquidnutrients into your body. So if you are looking for a juice thatcould help with a specific health benefit and nutrition or couldhelp with an ailment? This app is perfect for you. SO find thejuice recipe through this app that's tailored to you by sorting thejuice recipes by health!
Stay Fit 1.0
You want to get fit. But don't want to jointhe gym as you aren't comfortable exercising with others.Here areuseful tips to transform yourself without going to the gym and keepyou healthier. App has contains like being active every day,fitting exercise into your schedule, some stay fit tips andmore.
Wildlife Safari 1.0
A safari park is a large enclosed area oflandwhere wild animals, such as lions and elephants, livefreely.People can pay to drive through the park and look at theanimals.This application contains all information about wildlifeand itsbeauty as well as its benefits. You can also use thisapplicationlike visitors guide. Here you can easily find TopAfrican SafariDestinations with World's best wildlife safari. Thisapplicationalso provides the name of top wildlife safari park ofIndia.
Interview Q&A of Programming 1.0
In programming interview understandingofvarious programming languages will help you to excel inyourinterview. If you’re looking to land a well paying job in anITcompany, you need to make sure you have the basics of C downpatbefore you go for the interview. In today’s competitive worldyouhave to make well prepared programming skills. Thisapplicationhelps those aspirants who are ready for getting job.Thisapplication provide C interview questions and answers,C++interview questions and answers, Java interview questionsandanswers, DBMS interview questions and answers, Htmlinterviewquestions and answers, PHP interview questions andanswers, Asp.Netinterview questions and answers.
Ghost Hunting 1.0
While ghost hunting can be fun, itcansometimes be frustrating as well. There are only two thingsworsethan doing everything right and coming home with nothing toshowfor your efforts. These app cover ghost hunting tips, safety,use,techniques, rules and how to conduct a properparanormalinvestigation. If you want to become make ghost huntingendeavoursas successful as possible, here are best tips onghosthunting.
HR Interview Preparation 1.0
Here are HR Interview Preparation tips tohelpprepare you to interview effectively. Proper preparation whichwehelp to alleviate some of the stress involved in job interviewsandthe more you prepare, the more comfortable you willbeinterviewing. Improve your interview skills through ourfabuloususeful application and grab your success in yourmobile.
Daily Workout Schedule 1.0
Working out is important for achievingfitnessresults. Creating a workout plan will help you to achievegreaterconsistency. So this application gives you lots of workouttips foryour plan. A commitment to a regular workout regimen willincreaseyour fitness level, improve your health and generate agreatersense of mental well being. Here you can find a list ofexercisefor all ages. This application contains all easy and lesstimerexercise.
Anti Anxiety 1.0
Anxiety is a normal human emotion thateveryoneexperiences at times. Many people feel anxious, ornervous, whenfaced with a problem at work, before taking a test,or making animportant decision. Anxiety disorders, however, aredifferent. Theycan cause such distress that it interferes with aperson's abilityto lead a normal life. So grab this app and learnmore about anxietyrisk factors, causes, symptoms, anxietymedications, facts and manymore.
Calories Counter 1.0
A calorie counter is a way to count yourdailycaloric intake using our easy to use caloric counter.Caloriecounting is an easy way for you to manage your weight. Ifyou havea daily caloric requirement that you want to meet, or youneed tomonitor your caloric intake, our calorie counting techniqueis foryou. So find out how many calories are in the foods youeat.Calorie counter provides nutritional food information forcaloriecounters and people trying to lose weight.
Pregnancy Care Tips 1.0
Taking care during pregnancy is veryimportant.To help make sure that you and your baby will be ashealthy aspossible. so this application provide all tips and caretricks forpregnant ladies as well as baby. This application isvery useful forthose who are planning for getting pregnant andalso who already gotpregnant. Here you can easily find informationabout Pre-pregnancyTips for a Healthy Baby, Classic symptoms ofpregnancy, Diet duringPregnancy, Tips for Having Healthier Babies,Seven great ofpregnancy exercise, Tips for Normal delivery, Stepsto a healthypregnancy.
Chicken Khana Khajana 1.0
Now a day Chicken is most important andhealthyfood for all agers. This application contains allinformation aboutdifferent kind of chicken recipes. Here you caneasily findIngredients of chicken and preparation process ofdifferent kind ofchicken. Chicken Khana Khazana provideIngredients and cookingprocess of Butter Chicken, ChettinadChicken, Chicken Cafreal,Chicken Curry, Chicken Dhansak, ChickenSaagwala, Chicken TikkaMasala, Mughlai Biryani, Mughlai Chicken,Tandoori Chicken.
Wrestling Tips 1.0
No wonder, wrestling has become one of themostpopular sports that attracts millions of fans. Wrestlingissomething that a lot of people enjoy doing; you might findthatyou’re good at it by following a few wrestling tips forbeginners.This provides you with everything that you need to knowbeforetaking on a match.
Baby Vaccination Chart 1.0
Information about vaccinations to be takenatdifferent ages for protection against diseases, child healthcare.So here are define vaccinations chart that will help you toseewhen your baby will be offered immunisations, what they are forandhow they are given.
Horse Riding 1.0
Horse riding is a great form of exercisewhichhas both cardiovascular and muscle conditioning benefits.Horseriding application provides all information and tricksforbeginners as well as intimidator and experience. Horse ridingisrecognized as having excellent therapeutic qualities.Thepsychological benefits can be of equal importance to riders asthephysical benefits. This application contains informationaboutHorseback Riding Tips for Beginners, Essential Horse RidingGearand Benefits of horse riding.
Stroke Disease 1.0
Stroke is a disease that affects thearteriesleading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when abloodvessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain iseitherblocked by a clot or bursts (or ruptures). When that happens,partof the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so itandbrain cells die. Check out some interesting Key Facts aboutstroke.So grab this app and also know complications, foods toprevent astroke, natural remedies for stroke, public strokeprevention,stroke symptoms & Signs, risk factors aboutstroke.
Boost Your Concentration 1.0
We all know what concentration means:givingyour close, undivided attention to something. But forconcentrationyour mind, here are require a great amount of effortand time. Evenif you practice it for one week or even a month, theresult won'tbe productive if your brain isn't performing well.Still, there arefairly easy ways to improve your concentrationquickly andeffectively. So grab this app and improve yourconcentration.
Skydiving 1.0
Skydiving is a sport in which skydiversjumpingdown from an airplane while it is flying and parachuting totheground. This application contains all information aboutskydiving.Skydiving is a high risky sport and it needs lots ofimportantequipment and it can be done individually and with otherpeople. sothis application provide information about EssentialSkydivingEquipment, Movements Of Skydiving, Skydiving SafetyMyths, Tips Forbeginners and World’s Best Skydiving place.
Summer Food Recipes 1.0
Application Summer Food Recipes A collectionofdelicious recipes, the recipes are easy. My Application SummerFoodRecipes will help you easily prepare several recipes, thereareseveral delicious recipes for all ages and good for allseasons.This application shows the information about HealthyDinner, Lunch,Breakfast Recipes. If you want to know how to makeDrink for diet orbeat winter YOU'VE FOUND IT!!.