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7 days Diet Chart 4.0
In this project user calculate ownBMIaccording to height and weight and if you are overweightandUnderweight then you can click overweight and Underweight thenusergo to next page sothat you show the all concept of lossing andgainweight with in one week
First Aid 1.0
In this app,When you are in aemergencysituation, how to handle with it? You need someinstructions andFirst aid treatment. Daktari is make to help youfollow the rightprocedures in a emergency situation or supportother people bygiving them instructions.It is based on videos, and short texts that show you how to takethenecessary action step by step and in the right order.
Torch Light 3.2
It is freeware simple tool which turns your Camera Flash to Torch.Even if your camera doesn't have a Flash, it will give you amessage.
Face Recognition Demo with Opencv Manager 1.0
We can detect faces and train the faces with their name. Totrainthe faces, we press on button train and for face recognitionwepress Search button