unite1994 برنامه ها

Ballistic 1.0
This application gives the trajectory ofaprojectile fired from a cannon and the equation of thecurverepresentative of the projectile, altitude, durationandscope.The friction is neglected and subjected to a constant force whichisits weight.This app is optimized for screens with a resolution of 854 pxby480 px in full screen, do not download if your screen has ahigherresolution.Program developed by IDE unité1994 Processing.If you want to develop a video game arcade, I offers basicmathtutorial and Java-based programming on my website:www.mathgames.esy.esCette application donne la trajectoire d'un projectile tiréd'uncanon et l'équation de la courbe représentative duprojectile,l'altitude, la durée et la portée.Le frottement est négligée et soumis à une force constante quiestson poids.Cette application est optimisée pour les écrans avecunerésolution de 854 px par 480 px en plein écran, ne pastéléchargersi votre écran a une plus grande définition.Programme développé par unité1994 sur IDE Processing.Si vous voulez développez un jeu vidéo d'arcade, je proposeuntutoriel de mathématique de base et de programmation à base deJavasur mon site web:www.mathgames.esy.esThis Application Givesthetrajectory of a projectile fired from a cannon and the equationofthe curve representative of the projectile, altitude, durationandscope.The friction is neglected and Subjected to a constant strengthquiest icts weight.This app is optimized for screens with a resolution of 854 pxby480 px in full screen, do not download if your screen: has aHigherresolution.Program developed by IDE unité1994 Processing.If you want to Develop a video game arcade, I offers basicmathtutorial and Java-based programming on my website:www.mathgames.esy.esThis application gives the trajectory of a projectile firedfroma cannon and the equation of the curve representative oftheprojectile, altitude, duration and scope.The friction is neglected and subjected to a constant force whichisits weight.This app is optimized for screens with a resolution of 854 pxby480 px in full screen, do not download if your screen has ahigherresolution.Program developed by IDE unité1994 Processing.If you want to develop a video game arcade, I offers basicmathtutorial and Java-based programming on my website:www.mathgames.esy.es