エリコリドットコム برنامه ها

時刻計算(開始時刻+経過時間) 1.5
開始時刻と経過時間を入力すると、完了時刻を表示します。 終了時刻と経過時間から開始時刻を表示することもできます。
RGB10進数16進数変換 1.9
And the RGB values ​​of the decimal, I can convert a hexadecimalcolor card. Since the color swatch is displayed, I can color alsoconfirmation of.
消費カロリー計算 1.6
If you enter a time and body weight type and ran the exercise, youcan calculate and display the calories burned.
経過時間計算 1.5
If you enter a start time and end time, it displays the elapsedtime.
時間・分・秒換算 1.5
I converted each entered a time to ", day, hour, minute and seconddisplay," "Day view", "time display" and "minute display" "SecondsDisplay".
宅配便の配達追跡 1.11
出産予定日・妊娠週数計算 1.5
If you enter the last menstrual date or day of ovulation, itdisplays the expected date of birth and gestational age ofschedule.
ゆで卵タイマー 1.7
It is a timer that will measure the time boiled eggs boiled. Boiledacceleration can choose the boiled and solid soft-boiled.
比率計算 1.6
It is easy tool that allows you to calculate the ratio.
レシピ分量換算 1.6
"4 servings of recipes, I want to! Make only three minutes" is auseful tool when called.
AAしりとり 1.10
Your opponents answer them using AA (Ashart). You can copy andstick them in Lines, emails, or twitter them.
○○日後は何月何日? 1.6
○○ days after will know immediately what May many days from onedate. Please for the calculation of the weaning ceremony andShijukunichi.
通貨換算 1.6
It is a currency conversion tool that supports 88 kinds ofcurrency.
うどん加水量計算 1.20
あなたは何頭身? 1.8
You will measure what animals only from photos.
あの日は何曜日? 1.17
When you enter year, month, day, the day of the week is displayed.The year's input corresponds to 5 AD, Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei.
結婚式のご祝儀目安 1.5
If you enter a relationship with your age and the bride and groom,it displays the measure of your celebration.
底辺と高さから斜辺と角度計算 1.6
If you enter the base and height of a right triangle, it displaysthe hypotenuse and angle. Please to work and do-it-yourself.
ナンプレ自動解答 1.11
Enter a Sudoku question and it will appear. If you have a questionthat you can’t solve or want to create one?
燃費計算と記録 1.5
When you record the total mileage and the amount of oil, andautomatically calculates the fuel consumption.
ナトリウム塩分換算 1.6
The amount of sodium that is displayed in the food, I converted tosodium chloride equivalent. It is recommended for those who havebeen a salt restriction.
西暦・年号変換 1.9
You can convert the year and year (Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei,Lauret).
インターネット条件検索 1.13
I can search conditions of the following in Internet search. · Iinclude all keywords · Does not have · Fully match phrase · Iinclude any of the keywords
日数計算 1.8
If you enter a start and end date, it displays the number of daysbetween them. Input is compatible with AD-Meiji, Taisho, and ShowaHeisei.
履歴書の学歴計算 1.6
If you enter a date of birth, it displays the admission year,graduation year of elementary school, junior high and senior highschools and universities.
底値表 1.8
I can easily record and check the floor of groceries and householdgoods.
ムーンメモ~簡単生理日記録と予測~ 1.5
By recording the only physiological start date, you can record andprediction of easy physiological Date in PITA rising such people.
釣り単位変換 1.13
Each size of the yarn (line) and weight (sinker) to be used infishing, you can convert to pounds and grams. Feet Inch yardconversion I can also.
釣りメジャー 1.19
If you take a picture with the camera along with the plastic bottlefish you caught, you can measure the length of the fish.
子どもの身長予測 1.8
Simple ToDo 1.12
"Simple ToDo" is the simple ToDo management application.
シンプル目覚まし時計 1.10
You can set a quick Start with the package, it is a simple alarmclock of single function.
StatusBar ToDo
The simple ToDo management application which can be started from astatus bar.
身長チェッカー 1.7
It is a tool that allows you to calculate the height from thephoto.
どっちが安い? 1.9
"And 198 yen at 150g meat, meat of 298 in 250g, Which would? What adeals" in the shopping is a useful tool when you thought.
基礎代謝量チェッカー 1.5
BBQ Calculator 1.4
It is a calculator that can calculate the amount of meatnecessaryfor barbecue.