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Baseball Indicators 1.0
· Referee in amateur baseball, the score bookwhen creating in BaseballIndispensable thing is the "baseball indicators".Indicator is broken or if, even if I forgetYou can rest assured as long into the smartphone.In order to be able to set count, runner, inning, the scoreHas been developed.The paid version is (Ver3.0)Add the following functions: demand was often-I can now set the number of innings each.Runner comes out fur ball.Strike out will increase out count.· [F] button Foul· [DB] dead ball runner button appears.Count· [B] = Ball· [S] = Strike· [O] = OutRunner· [1B]· [2B]· [3B]Other· [R] = Clear· [ALL] = All clear· [F] = Foul· [DB] = Dead ball
オリンピック計算(ゴルフ)FREE 1.5
ゴルフ仲間との楽しいゴルフ。その中でも特に盛り上がるのが「オリンピック」という遊び。グリーンにオンした時点で、如何に遠くからパットを沈めるかを競うポイント制のゲーム。カップからの距離が遠い順に、1パットで沈めたときに貰えるポイントが高くなります。それぞれに金・銀・銅・鉄という名があり、点数がそれぞれ違います。このポイント制が仲良しの仲間内ではとても盛り上がります。少しでも高得点を取ろうと必死でパッティングをします。しかし、面倒なのが終わった後のポイント計算。飲みながらプレイしたり、必死にプレイしすぎて疲れ果てたり…そんな状況でのややこしい点数計算はイヤになります。それで計算ミスがあったりして、本当は勝ちなのに負けだったり…そんなことは避けたいですし、あってはならないことですよね。とにもかくにも、このオリンピックのポイント計算の面倒くささは、プレイしたことのある人なら誰もが感じたことのある悩みでしょう。あまりの面倒くささに、スマホのアプリでポイント計算が出来たらいいのに…と思ったことはありませんか?入力したらすぐに結果が出るアプリがあれば確かに便利ですよね。そこでスマホでポイント計算ができてしまう便利なアプリを開発しました!「ゴルフ・オリンピック計算」です。このアプリの使い方は実に簡単。名前を入力し、計算する人数分の得点を入力して計算ボタンを押すだけ。それだけで簡単に計算ができちゃいます。せっかく高機能なスマホなのですから、積極的に、賢く活用していきましょう。面倒なポイント計算からもこれで解放されます!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------操作・選手名に名前入力(初期値「1,2,3,4」)・計算する人数分の得点を入力(空白の部分は計算されません。) 3人プレー時、2人プレー時にも対応。・マイナスも計算できます。「-」を点数前に入力。(半角のみ)・「計算」ボタンを押すと簡単に計算されます。・「消去」ボタンを押すと得点、獲得点数が消去されます。※android バージョン5.0以降には対応していません。※賭けゴルフは法律上禁止となっています。
Fun golf with a golf buddy .More , the application of " Olympics" can enjoy .Game point system to compete at the time you turned on the green ,whether sink putts from a distance .In the order of distance from the cup is far , point to getface-to-face when it is submerged in 1 pat will be higher .Number is different each by the name of gold , silver, copper, iron.This point system is really lively companions in the good friend.And then putting a desperately trying to score even a little high.However , the most troublesome point calculation after the game.The exhausted by too much play desperately , confusing scorecalculation It is hate .Where it After the miscalculation , it will be cool .Care of the point calculation is probably the trouble thateveryone felt that anyone who has ever calculated .Have you thought it was , and I wish I could point calculated bythe app?I 'm certainly useful if there is a app that result comes out assoon as you enter .App does the point calculation .It is the " Golf Olympics calculation " .How to use this app is really easy .It will be freed from this troublesome point calculation !Operation・Supports three-play game, four-play game, five-play game,six-play game,• The player's name name input (initial name "No1, No2, No3,No4, No5, No6")• Enter the score by pressing the "+" button or the "-" button.(Maximum score 99, Minimum score -99)• Enter the rate by pressing the "+1" button or the "+10"button. (Maximum rate 100)• It is calculated by pressing the "count" button.• Score, Ascore will be erased by pressing the "Reset"button.• Move to a preservation screen of Score when I push the "DIS"button.• When I input a letter into ID and push the "SAVE" button,Score is stored.※ I can store ID in the blanks.• I can read Score which I stored when I push the "DIS"button.• I input stored ID and am deleted when I push the "DEL"button.※ When ID is the same (including the blank), I am deleted all.
ぱっと消費税計算8%対応版 2.1
2014年4月1日よりアップする消費税消費税アップする前に購入したほうが得か消費税アップ後の購入してもよいのか?消費税の金額によって考えることもございます。このアプリでは8%消費税5%消費税合計金額の差額をパット計算します。VER2.0背景を白にしました。Consumption tax to be upfrom April 1, 2014Should I just buy before the consumption tax or give upIs it may be purchased in the consumption tax up later?Be considered by the amount of consumption tax is alsoavailable.In this app8% sales tax5% consumption taxI will pat calculate the difference of the total amount.VER2.0I have a white background.
baseball indicators 1.0
Is "baseball indicators".Count, inning, score can be.It is safe if there is a indicator.It is safe if it entered the smartphone.In four ball, ball count, strike count is reset.3 Tsude strike, ball count, strike count is resetOut count is incremented by one.3 Tsude out count, ball count, strike count, out count is reset,innings display changes.I also can be aggregated score.Located in the paid version the following functions.Runner DisplayScore of the inningshttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_mizuyama_kizai.Indicator
女子会もりもり 1.5
課金テスト 2.0
「かっくん」の災害チェックリスト 1.0
災害時にオフラインでも利用できる持ち物チェックリスト。普段から準備しておくと災害時に役立つ。・チェックリスト 災害時には普段は必要なくても意外なもので助かったりします。 普段から緊急時にも持ち出せるようにしておきましょう。・避難距離計算 今いる場所が普段慣れていない場所であり土地勘も働かない場合 目的の場所までの距離を計算します。徒歩での時間換算も行います。・災害フロー 災害に遭遇した場合には、まず落ち着くこと。周りの状況を確認して行動することです。 自宅に戻るかどうかも確認してから行動することになります。 いったんフローで何をするべきなのか確認しましょう。・「すいふよう」災害トイレを用意しておくと便利です。 インフラが復旧する3日分を確保しています。・災害時にはふさぎ込みがちです。 「かっくん」LINEスタンプを使って励まし合いましょう。Belongings checklist thatcan be used in off-line in a time of disaster.It should be ready from the everyday and to help in the event of adisaster.ChecklistI will or survived in what surprising even without the usuallyrequired at the time of disaster.Let's leave to Mochidaseru also in the event of an emergency fromthe usual.And evacuation distance calculationIf the place where now is not working also land intuition a placethat is not familiar everydayI will calculate the distance to the desired location. Also donetime in terms of on foot.And disasters flowTo, first, settle down and that if it encounters a disaster. It isto act to check the status of around.You will be action Make sure to whether return to the home.Once Let's make sure we should be doing in the flow.· It is handy to have a "sailor so" disaster toilet.Infrastructure I have secured the three days to recover.· Is often Fusagikomi in the event of a disaster.Let each other encouragement using the "Kakkun" LINE stamp.
Fun golf with a golf buddy .More , the application of " Olympics" can enjoy .Game point system to compete at the time you turned on the green,whether sink putts from a distance .In the order of distance from the cup is far , point togetface-to-face when it is submerged in 1 pat will be higher.Number is different each by the name of gold , silver, copper,iron.This point system is really lively companions in the goodfriend.And then putting a desperately trying to score even a littlehigh.However , the most troublesome point calculation after thegame.The exhausted by too much play desperately , confusingscorecalculation It is hate .Where it After the miscalculation , it will be cool .Care of the point calculation is probably the troublethateveryone felt that anyone who has ever calculated .Have you thought it was , and I wish I could point calculatedbythe app?I 'm certainly useful if there is a app that result comes outassoon as you enter .App does the point calculation .It is the " Golf Olympics calculation " .How to use this app is really easy .It will be freed from this troublesome point calculation !Operation・Supports three-play game, four-play game game,• The player's name name input (initial name "No1, No2, No3,No4,No5, No6")• Enter the score by pressing the "+" button or the "-"button.(Maximum score 99, Minimum score -99)• Enter the rate by pressing the "+1" button or the "+10"button.(Maximum rate 100)• It is calculated by pressing the "count" button.• Score, Ascore will be erased by pressing the"Reset"button.• Move to a preservation screen of Score when I push the"DIS"button.• When I input a letter into ID and push the "SAVE" button,Scoreis stored.※ I can store ID in the blanks.• I can read Score which I stored when I push the"DIS"button.• I input stored ID and am deleted when I push the"DEL"button.※ When ID is the same (including the blank), I am deleted all.・This application is a free copy with an advertisement.・It is for pay, and an advertisement is non-displayed.・It is for pay and copes with five-plays and six-plays.
温泉卓球 2.0
ぶらり温泉に知人と出かけ、ゆったりまったりしたあとにむしょうにやりたくなる卓球です。卓球台はあるけど得点ボードがありませんやはりやるからには白黒つけたいのが勝負事そんなとき「温泉卓球スコア」があれば画面をタップづるだけでスコアがカウントされます。11点の卓球勝負勝つのはどちらだ!!・タップするとスコアが追加・長押しでポイントマイナスできます。Go out with friends toahot spring Burari, after I was chillin looseIt is a table tennis you will want to do Mushoni.There is no score board but there is a ping-pong tableNow that I do still want to wear black and white is ShobugotoIf there is a "hot table tennis score" when suchScore will be counted only in the Rising tap the screen.Win game of table tennis is either 11 points! !Score is added when you tap· You can press and hold the minus point.
The basketball is a popular sport in animeandNBAApplication of the scoreboard for basketball+2 Point field goal+3 Points 3 point shot+1 Points Free throw(You can modify the score Press and hold the button)I can manage a team score of visitor and home team.I can also check the count of the time according tostandardrules.Twice the first halfTriple the second half
野球 オーダー表 1.0.0
①「選手一覧画面」・選手登録・選手削除 選手名右端の×をタップして削除・リストグループ:3グループ②「オーダー選択画面」・グループリストを選択・名前を選択(他の選手名を選択すると自動で切り替え・守備を選択(他の守備を選択すると自動で切り替え・打順を選択(任意の打順を選択すると、選手名と守備まとめて切り替え※他のリストを選択すると選手名のみリセットされます。① "playerlistscreen"- Player registrationRoster DeleteDelete Tap × of player name right edgeList Group: 3 groups② "Order selection screen"- Select the group list- Select the name (switching automatically when you selectanotherplayer name- Select the defense (switching automatically when youselectanother defensive• When batting order a selection (to select any of thebattingorder, switching together defensive and player name※ player name when you select the other list only will bereset.
「かっくん」のメモ帳アプリ。 2.0
メモ帳アプリの登場「かっくん」メモ帳&プロフィールメモ帳デザインは3種類使うたびにどのデザインが飛び出すかわからない。手書きでメモが取れます。メモしたものは「Share」ボタンでメールやSNSで共有可能。メモにはペン、ドットペンとスタンプ「★」「◎」笑顔顔文字、泣き顔顔文字がセットされています。更にはLINEクリエイターズスタンプの紹介ページ日本化工機材のFacebookのページにいけるボタンをご用意しています。もっとも前向きなゆるキャラ「かっくん」をよろしくお願いします。Appearance ofNotepadapp"Kakkun" Notepad & profileNotepad design do not know what design pops out every time youusethree types.Note by hand is I will take. NOTE the ones in the"Share"buttonCan be shared by email or SNS.Pen to note, and dot penStamp "★" "◎" smile emoticon, crying face emoticon hasbeenset.Further introduction of LINE Creators stamp pageThe button go to the Facebook page of the Japan Chemicalequipmentand offers.Thank you a loose character "Kakkun" the most positive.