愛皮皮 برنامه ها

麗纓宸 奶粉 嬰品 倉儲 3.3.12
品牌奶粉.紙尿褲.婦嬰精品.嬰幼兒營養品.最新情報!Brand milk. Diapers.Maternal and infant boutique. Infant nutrition. Latestinformation!
士明出版社-警察“試”家-李如霞老師工作室 3.3.12
非來不可 0.0.4
逆時奇肌 3.1
“成為最誠實、可信賴的精品保養品品牌” 關於逆時奇肌美顏飲 近年來BeauteConcept生技研發團隊秉持著信念,堅持以獨特的研發技術與配方,結合多種天然珍貴的精華成份,成功研發出給予人體內最深層營養補給、促使肌膚活力再現,更有效的達到撫平細紋、提升緊緻、還原水潤光采的年輕美顏肌飲品!強大的研究背景 安全可靠 BeauteConcept生技研發團隊始終相信,外在肌膚的健康、美麗需要由內而外的改變,從體內的深層核心開始研究出獨特的配方,並結合世界頂尖知名具有專利技術的珍貴品牌原料,嚴選國際食品大廠配合,全程嚴格監製。給予您100%的安全與效果!"Has become the mosthonest and trustworthy quality skin care products brand" on thereverse in recent years when the odd drink muscle beauty BeauteConcept biotech R & D team to uphold the faith, adhere to thedevelopment of a unique technology and formula, combined with avariety of natural precious essences successfully developed thedeepest human body given nutritional supplements to promote skinvitality reproduction, and more effectively achieve smooth finelines, improve firmness, radiance restored moist young beautymuscular drinks! strong research background secure Beaute Conceptof Health Technology R & D team always believed that theexternal skin healthy and beautiful requires a change from theinside out, from the deep core of the body beginning developed aunique formula, combined with the world's best-known brands withpatented technology of precious raw materials, strict selection ofinternational food manufacturers with, full strict producer. Givesyou 100% safety and effectiveness!
甲子產品設計有限公司 3.1
On The Go Solution for Traveller新加坡CARD-TEC以高設計質感的3C產品為發展的目標,公司名稱與LOGO融入"卡片"概念, 更深層之涵意為"Compact AndRevolutionary Designs" 的設計理念。意即為精簡尺寸,功能豐富並具革命性的創新設計,突破舊有的思維與傳統設計窠臼,打造一系列專為移動族群所設計的便攜精品。CARD-TEC主要產品為通訊週邊產品﹨旅行用隨身3C類產品﹨創意設計類3C產品,公司最大優勢在於設計能力強,產品開發團隊結合新加坡、台灣、荷蘭..等知名設計師,優異的產品設計能力更榮獲國際知名獎項如德國紅點設計(Reddor Design)Best of Best, 台灣金點設計(Taiwan Golden Pin Design)等獎項的肯定。CARD-TEC產品已在台灣、美國、歐洲、新加坡、香港、韓國、中東等國銷售販賣。在台灣更與許多大企業有豐富合作案,例如7-11、Yahoo、PCHome、台灣大哥大 myfone等產品合作案。優異的設計能力更被7-11青睞,為台灣7-11設計代言玩偶OPEN將限量手機。On The Go Solution forTraveller Singapore CARD-TEC 3C products for high design texturedevelopment goals, the company name and LOGO into a "card" concept,a deeper meaning as "Compact And Revolutionary Designs" designphilosophy. Means to streamline the size, feature-rich and therevolutionary innovative design, breaking the old stereotypethinking and traditional design to create a series of portabledesigned specifically for mobile populations boutique. CARD-TECproducts for the communications peripheral products \ travelportable 3C products \ creative design class 3C products, thecompany's largest advantage of the design capacity, the productdevelopment team combined with Singapore, Taiwan, the Netherlands.. and other well-known designers, excellent products designcapacity awarded the internationally renowned awards such as theGerman Red Dot Design (Red dor Design) Best of the Best, Taiwangold point design (Taiwan Golden Pin Design) awards recognizing.The the CARD-TEC products have been sold in Taiwan, the UnitedStates, Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, the Middle Eastand other countries trafficking. Taiwan case has extensivecooperation with many large enterprises, such as 7-11, Yahoo, PCHome, Taiwan Mobile myfone products such as cooperation in thecase. Excellent design capacity is 7-11 all ages, will be limitedto the phone the 7-11 design the endorsements doll OPENTaiwan.
愛飯團 3.1
有愛、有飯、有朋友!在美食裡,我們找到人生幸福的片刻;而一起享受美食的飯團朋友,更是共享幸福時刻的美好相遇。我們是一群不相信團購/折價或是Google餐廳地址就可以找到美食的朋友,我們相信的是美食家/達人的衷心推薦,和他們精心安排的特殊菜單......。歡迎你到訪我們的"愛飯團"網站,並誠心邀請你成為我們的VIP會員,一起和我們共享生命中的美食美酒的美好時刻!愛飯團是一個付費會員制網站,提供會員尊榮專屬的餐飲體驗與精品級美食購物服務。★飯團活動:精選美食餐廳、達人推薦必點料理、餐廳私房菜單、主廚招待水果或甜點,與其他菁英會員餐敘交流。★愛飯團福袋:限量及專屬精品級美食購物服務★海外飯團活動:東京、上海、紐約、巴黎、香港美食餐廳旅行團★烹飪教室:參與知名烹飪教室教學及品嚐活動★私人餐飲安排:代訂及規劃頂級私人餐飲,適合招待重要貴賓、長輩、國內外客戶及自由行旅客There is love, there isfood, friends! In the food, we find a moment of happiness in life;onigiri friends and enjoy the food together, shared happy momentsbetter meet.We are a group do not believe buy / discount or by Google'sRestaurant Address can find the gourmet friends, we believe thegourmet / Daren heartily recommend, and their carefully arrangedspecial menu ... You are welcome to visit our love onigiri websitein, and sincerely invites you to become our VIP member together andwe share the beautiful moments of the life of food and wine!Love rice balls is a paid membership site members honorexclusive dining experience with quality products with excellentfood shopping service.★ the onigiri activities: a selection of gourmet restaurants,people will point cuisine, the menu of the restaurant owners, thechef entertain fruit or dessert, with the other elite members Canxuthe exchange.The ★ love "rice Lucky: Limits and exclusive boutique-level foodshopping service★ overseas the onigiri activities: Tokyo, Shanghai, New York,Paris, Hong Kong gourmet restaurant tours★ cooking class: the participation of well-known cooking classteaching and tasting events★ private dining arrangements: booking and planning a top privatedining, suitable for entertaining important guests, elders,domestic and foreign customers and individual travelers
Gavin ❤ Jenny 2.2.3
月老將紅線牽過赤道的另一端~讓我們相愛!Joking the other end ofthe red line Took equator ~ let us love!
Joe&Su's wedding party 2.2.10
此為愛皮皮享幸福AppThis is Ai Pipi enjoy ahappy App
EasyGo立即購 3.3.3
我們把每位顧客當成自己的好朋友,推薦生活中所有的好物給大家。我們不定期推出限時限量超低價商品、專營網路購物、實體通路整合行銷服務;商品全部以批發價銷售供應。歡迎各位顧客留下寶貴的意見喔We treat each customer astheir friends, recommend all the good things in life foreveryone.We occasionally launched limited limited super cheap goods,specializing in Internet shopping, the physical channel integratedmarketing services; merchandise all at wholesale salessupply.Welcome customers to leave valuable comments Oh
新北市牙醫師公會 3.1
新北市牙醫師公會成立至今,倏忽之間,已經歷二十三屆,會員逾二千名,為全國第二大牙醫公會團體。公會旨在服務會員,舉凡法律及稅務之諮詢、健保資訊之提供、會員福利規劃和急難救助、協調醫療糾紛、以及各類團康活動等,皆在其列。本會自成立以來,歷經各屆理事長及理監事之努力,服務成果豐碩,已然奠定深厚之基礎。爾後亦將師法先賢,竭誠奮力,配合時勢,提供更即時而完備之服務。New Taipei City DentalAssociation has been established between mortal has experiencedtwenty-third, more than 2,000 member organizations for thecountry's second largest Dental Association. The Association aimsto service members, covered the legal and tax advice, the provisionof health insurance information, membership benefits planning andemergency relief coordination of medical malpractice, and a varietyof group activities, both in its columns. Since the establishmentof the Council, after the sessions of the chairman and the hardwork of the Board of Directors and Supervisors, serviceachievements fruitful, already has laid deep the foundation.Thereafter will also imitate the sages, dedication struggling withthe current situation, to provide more immediate and completeservice.
榮騰農產-掛川酵母豚 3.3.12
以健康為己任的榮騰農產,堅持提供既健康又美味的頂級食材,讓國人能吃得安心。  因為相信「種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆」的道理,榮騰堅持在所有細節採最進步的飼育方式及科學化管理,用心照顧家畜成長,以換得健康美味、無毒無害、讓國人安心的食材。  以掛川完熟酵母豚為例,榮騰遠赴海外與日本掛川酵母株式會社進行技術合作,從製作天然酵母發酵熟成的優質飼料到飼育家畜,全由榮騰嚴格把關,只為飼育出健康、充滿活力的家畜;因為健康,自然不用施打藥劑,充滿活力,肉的口感才會細緻、好吃。  未來,榮騰將以嚴謹的態度持續創新,為您細心發掘更多健康美味食材,不只滿足味蕾,也讓您的生活更有味道Health mission of RongTengnong production, insist on providing healthy and delicious foodtop, so that people can eat at ease.Because believe that "you reap what you melon, sown," the truth,Rong Tengjian taken hold in all the details of the most advancedbreeding methods and scientific management, the intention to takecare of livestock growth, in exchange for healthy and delicious,non-toxic, so that people feel at ease ingredients.In Kakegawa ripe yeast dolphin, for example, Roten went overseaswith Japan Kakegawa Yeast Corporation for technical cooperation,from the production of natural yeast fermentation cooked into highquality feed to breeding livestock, all strictly by the Roten, onlyfor breeding healthy, full vibrant livestock; because healthfacilities do not have to fight the natural agents, vibrant,delicate meat will taste delicious.Future, Roten will be strict attitude of continuous innovation, foryou to explore more healthy and delicious ingredients carefully,not only to satisfy the taste buds, but also make your life moreflavor
TAIWAN EGO台灣醫購 3.1
經營……就是不斷的再創新、再求變。 『團購力量大』二0一0年台灣醫購誕生,結合團購的力量,整合牙科相關產業與牙醫們共同經營,打造全新的台灣醫購。Business ...... isconstant innovation, ideas. "Buy power" Taiwan's medical purchasewas born in 2010, combined with the strength of the buy,integration of the dental industry and dentists have to co-operate,to create a new share of Taiwan's medical.
愛倫斯精品婚紗會館 3.1
愛倫斯精品婚紗會館愛倫斯(HERANS)是婚紗界最崇高與尊貴的代表, 它來自對愛倫斯婚紗女王(QueenHerans)誕生6位公主形象精神的延續…H指的是海柔公主HALO,如同天使一般的光環E指的是愛勒更斯公主ELEGANCE, 高貴典雅的氣質R指的是若優公主ROYAL,是身為皇宮貴族的經典A指的是歐拉公主AURA, 一種品味獨特的個性⋯⋯ N指的是奴米娜絲公主NUMINOUS, 權威和能力的地位S指的是莎佛琳公主SOVEREIGN, 創見想法的自主「每一場婚禮,都有一個故事!」引領婚紗時尚的愛倫斯精品婚紗會館,以情感為訴求;以天使般的光環守護著每位新人,高貴典雅的禮服設計、皇宮貴族的經典設備、品味獨特的攝影、權威能力的管理團隊、不斷創新的造型、詮釋着品牌的精髓!將我們的品牌文化傳答給顧客實現“有愛就有愛倫斯”的品牌核心理念,打造每一對愛倫斯的新人為最璀璨的新星。經營以「誠」與「信」為精神,為建構一個幸福產業而努力,我們始終秉持著專業、信用、服務、品質為我們的座右銘,為妳這一生一次的美麗,我們將持續不斷的努力…Ai Lunsi boutique weddinghallAi Lunsi (HERANS) is the wedding industry's most noble anddistinguished delegates, it comes right Ai Lunsi Wedding Queen(Queen Herans) image of the birth of six princesses continuation ofthe spirit ...H refers to a soft sea princess HALO, like angel haloE refers more love Le Adams princess ELEGANCE, noble and eleganttemperamentR refers to is that if gifted princess ROYAL, who is a classicaristocratic palaceA refers Euler princess AURA, a taste unique personality⋯ ⋯ N refers Numinuosi princess NUMINOUS, the position of authorityand capabilityS refers Sha Folin princess SOVEREIGN, the idea of ​​autonomyTranscend"Each day a wedding, there is a story!" Ai Lunsi leading weddingfashion boutique wedding hall, emotionally and appeal; angelic aurato guard each new, elegant dress design, classic aristocraticpalace equipment, The unique taste of photography, authoritativeand capable management team, innovative styling, the interpretationof the brand's essence! Our brand culture will pass to the customerto achieve A "there is love there Ai Lunsi" brand core idea of​​creating each pair Ai Lunsi newcomer is the most brilliantstar.Operating with "sincerity" and "faith" as the spirit of industryefforts to build a happy, we always uphold the professional,credit, service, quality as our motto for you in this life oncebeautiful, we will continue ongoing efforts ...
泰摩科技 3.1
泰摩科技是以產品設計以及代理保護貼進入市場~始於1997年,以網路拍賣開始經營~至今累積超過20000筆優良評價。 2003年起則開始設計以及生產一系列Apple周邊商品,並且與美國之名蘋果周邊網站OWC合作推出許多商品~ 自2007年起泰摩科技更開始以代理APPLE周邊品牌進軍台灣,讓台灣的消費者有更多元化的選擇。 至今泰摩科技已經擁有九大品牌總代理, 以及超過五十種品牌的經銷權 且陸續增加中;商品線除了以APPLE全系列周邊外,還跨足了眾多頂級3C(如智慧手機,平板電腦,相機..等等) 商品種類超過1200種至2010年末,泰摩科技已經累積了近120000的專屬會員, 為了提供給會員以及廣大民眾更優質的服務, 自2011年一月起~泰摩科技正式成立銷售聯盟, 並且從桃園出發,蔓延至全省, 以最舒適的環境 / 精品的空間 / 完整的商品線 / 完善的售服 /優質親切的服務 提供給所有顧客, 讓廣大的會員都能在親近的銷售點取得喜歡的商品以及得到完善的服務,泰摩科技更特別成立0800免付費專線, 一再的用心以及努力, 只為了給您最好的...Taymor technology basedon product design as well as proxy protection affixed to enter themarket to began in 1997, the online auction business to over 20,000pen excellent evaluation so far. 2003 design and production of aseries of Apple merchandise, and many goods to Taymor technologysince 2007, it began a march to agent APPLE surrounding brandlaunched website OWC cooperation with the United States in the nameof Apple peripheral, so that consumers in Taiwan There are morediversified choices. Taymor technology has so far has nine branddistributor, as well as more than 50 brands and distribution Dividecontinually growing; merchandise line also branched out into anumber of top-3C APPLE full range of peripheral (such as smartphones, tablet PCs, camera .. etc) types of goods more than 1200kinds of the end of 2010, Taymor technology has accumulated nearly120,000 exclusive membership, in order to provide better service tomembers and the general public, to Taymor Technology officiallysince January 2011 set up a marketing alliance and departure fromTaoyuan, spread to the province, most comfortable environment /boutique space / complete line of merchandise / sale service /quality friendly service to all customers, so the majority of themembers can be in obtain goods like to get close to the point ofsale as well as perfect service, Taymor technology is even morespecial was established 0800 toll-free, repeated the intentions andefforts, only in order to give you the best ...
1313健康館 3.3.12
1313健康館各位親愛的買家您們好^^我們是專業銷售及批發健身器材、保健器材的店家, 除了網路通路外,我們也有實體店面,讓您購物更安心^^也歡迎至店面參觀試用產品^o^經營宗旨: 市場最低價 服務最貼心 出貨最快速 回應最即時相關產品:健身器材運動器材按摩器材跑步機健身車飛輪車踏步機划船機桌球桌舉重床橢圓機健腹器仰臥板倒立機競速飛輪T寇搖擺鈴健臂器健腹輪伏地器韻律球乒乓球桌按摩椅泡腳機按摩棒美姿機甩脂機動動機搖擺機氣血循環機蒸臉器仰臥起坐板美背機強生ChansonBH必艾奇纖體塑身瘦身1313 Health CenterDear buyer you are good ^ ^We are a professional sales and wholesale fitness equipment, healthequipment stores, in addition to Internet access, we also have aphysical store to make your shopping more at ease ^ ^ are alsowelcome to visit the store try the product ^ o ^Business purposes: lowest market services most intimate fastestresponse to the most immediate shipmentRelated Products:Fitness EquipmentSports EquipmentMassage equipmentTreadmillExercise BikeFlywheel carStepperRowing machinePool tablesWeightlifting bedElliptical machinesABSupine boardInversionRacing FlywheelT KouSwing bellArm KinAB WheelProstrate deviceRhythm BallPing pong tableMassage ChairMachine feetVibratorsMT machineRejection of fatMoving motivesSwing MachineBlood circulation machineSteaming face deviceSit-up boardAb backJohnson & JohnsonChansonBHRequired ArcherSlimmingWorkoutSlimming
昆達♥惠惠 2.2.3
2005年校園邂逅6年來從不曾忘記彼此2011年牽起對方的手2013年決定牽手一輩子2005 CampusEncounters6 years, never forget each from2011 hold up each other's hands2013 decided to hand a lifetime
Bridestory新娘物語皇室婚禮 2.2.3
◆ 簡介 ◆座落新竹科技重鎮的首席婚紗公司【新娘物語皇室婚禮】,以「一次服務,終身貴賓」為企業理念永續經營,對於服務品質嚴守「尊貴服務、設計禮服、主題攝影、獨家美工、精緻相本」五大訴求帶來完美服務,深受結婚新人的肯定與支持。秉持「拍攝不滿意,免費重拍」即是新娘物語婚紗的尊貴服務保證,來自新人的親身見證、良好口碑,亦為本公司帶來許多的客源支持與鼓勵,更是新竹婚紗界的傳奇!◆ 唯一的憧憬 ◆新娘物語婚紗特別「邀您入主,擁抱名牌」,獨家代理設計師夢寐以求的國際品牌婚紗──PRONOVIAS fashiongroup,以及歐洲皇室專屬、世界頂尖品牌婚紗奢華ROSE MADAMS,引領國際時尚獻給每一對幸福的新人。◆ 除了專業更多了幾分感動! ◆為新人量身創造屬於自己的婚紗照,融入生活點滴的互動感、真摯的相處模式;斥資打造電影片場──飄雪覆蓋的雪白城堡森林、攜手漫步石磚街道、象徵雋永浪漫的愛情時鐘...,將彷若電影會出現的感人場景帶入婚紗攝影裡。為了創造台灣婚紗流行新元素,率先拍攝水中婚紗主題,將婚紗攝影推向新格局,既唯美又獨特!◆ Introduction ◆Located in Hsinchu city's chief technology company [Bride Storywedding royal wedding], as "a service, lifetime VIP" for thecorporate philosophy of sustainable management, quality of servicestrictly for "distinguished service, design dress, themephotography, exclusive art, delicate phase of the "five demands tobring the perfect services by married couples recognition andsupport.Uphold the "Shooting unsatisfactory, free remake" that is noblebride wedding service assurance Story from the couple's witness, agood reputation, but also bring a lot of tourists Company supportand encouragement, it is a legendary wedding Hsinchu !The only vision ◆ ◆Story bride wedding special "invites you entered, hugging Brand",the exclusive agent of international brand designer dream wedding ── PRONOVIAS fashion group, as well as exclusive European royalty,the world's leading luxury brand wedding ROSE MADAMS, leadinginternational fashion dedicated to each pair happy couple.◆ In addition to professional a bit more impressed! ◆Tailored for the couple to create their own wedding, into life witha sense of interaction, sincere coexistence mode; spend to buildfilm studio ─ ─ snow-covered white castle forest, stroll hand inhand brick streets, timeless symbol of romantic love clock. .. thatwill appear in the film are like moving into the weddingphotography scene inside.In order to create a new element of Taiwan popular wedding, thefirst to shoot underwater wedding themes, wedding photography to anew pattern, both beautiful and unique!
青山宜庭的婚禮 2.2.10
青山宜庭的婚禮愛皮皮享幸福婚禮AppAoyama tribunal shouldenjoy a happy wedding wedding Ai Pipi App
邀請您一同見證我們的愛情~給予我們祝福!!Invite you to witness ourlove - give us a blessing !!
開心牙醫診所 2.2.8
開心牙醫秉持著"以客為尊"的服務,希望能在最優質的環境中,以最科技的醫療設備,最精湛的醫療技術,提供全方位的治療與服務為患者達到最完善的治療,讓每位患者能帶著關心,滿意的微笑離開診所。Happy dentist upholdthe"customer-oriented" services, and hope that the bestenvironment,to most technology medical equipment, superb medicaltechnology,provides a full range of treatment and services to themostcomprehensive treatment of patients achieved each patient tobeable to bring care to leave the clinic, a satisfied smile.
均潔牙醫診所 2.2.8
均潔牙醫診所擁有獨立隱密的看診空間,並全面落實維持優良的交叉感染控制,採用醫學中心級無塵無菌手術室,一人一套高溫高壓消毒器械,一人一組全新隔菌膠膜。均潔牙醫診所秉持著以客為尊的服務精神,堅持最高品質的專業醫療團隊配合先進優良的科技化設備,醫療環境寬敞、明亮、舒適,潔淨優雅的候診區及親切熱情的問候,能帶給您與以往不同的全新感受,讓微笑閃亮您的健康人生。Are clean dentist'sofficehas a separate secret visits to maintain excellentcross-infectioncontrol and the full implementation of cleansterile operating roommedical center, one set of high temperatureand pressuredisinfection equipment, and a whole new groups ofbacteria barrierfilm. Uphold the spirit of customer-orientedservices are cleandental clinics adhere to the highest qualityprofessional medicalteam with excellent advanced technologicalequipment, medicalenvironment is spacious, bright, comfortable,clean and elegantwaiting area and cordial and warm greetings, bandGive you differentfrom the past, a new experience, so smileshining your healthylife.
Ro♥mi wedding 2.2.10
Ro♥mi weddingRo ♥ mi wedding
Alex & Alarize 2.2.10
Alex & AlarizeAlex & Alarize
Eddie♥Claire 2.2.3
Eddie♥ClaireEddie ♥ Claire
Johanson & Joanne 2.2.10
Johanson & JoanneJohanson&Joanne
Sam❤Alice 2.2.5
快下載我們的APP,出席宴會帶我去地圖導覽,倒數計時提醒,手機拍大頭貼以及更多的互動功能,快點跟我們一起APP聊天~Fast download ourAPP,attended the banquet with me to map navigation, countdownreminder,phone shot emoticons and more interactive features, hurryAPP chatwith us ~
❤Charles & Ellen❤ 2.2.10
❤Charles & Ellen❤❤Charles&Ellen❤
維❤妹’s Wedding Party 2.2.5
2011/07/01維&妹相遇因為擁有,我們更加珍惜;因為了解,我們懂的包容。一個機緣讓我們認識了彼此,一年跨海的分隔也斷不開我們的思念。過去我們有歡笑、有淚水,而未來我們要用開心與幸福走過每一天。維:謝謝爸爸媽媽把玉妹交給了我,未來的日子我會全心全意照顧她。玉妹,也謝謝妳,因為有妳讓我的生活更多彩多姿。妹:謝謝爸媽為了成全我的幸福,忍受飄洋過海對我的思念。也謝謝維對我的疼愛與包容,因為有你讓我對未來充滿了期待與夢想,有你們的我是最幸福的。2014/05/24 To be continuing…因為有了彼此,讓我們的世界更美滿。 Let’s start the PARTY!2011/07/01 Victoria&sister metBecause they have, we cherish; Because understanding, weunderstandtolerance.A chance to let us know each other, separated by a year offacrossthe sea are also not open to our thoughts. In the past wehavelaughter, tears, and the future we will use fun andhappinessthrough every day.Victoria: Thank you, Mom and Dad jade sister to me, I will servethefuture take care of her. Yu-mei, thank you, because you make mylifemore colorful.Girl: Thank you parents for the sake of my happiness, mythoughtsput across the seas. Xie Xiewei also my love and tolerance,becauseyou make me look forward to the future with a dream, youhave thehappiest I was.2014/05/24 To be continuing ...Because of each other, so that our world happier. Let's startthePARTY!
啾&栗 結婚。幸福 2.2.10
第一隻我們的App,11/11結婚日,妳+我=愛,生活在笑、愛與幸福中,將幸福分享給大家,一同見證吧!Only our App 11/11weddingday, you + me = love life laugh, love and happiness toshare thehappiness to everyone, to witness it!
品佑&惠萍 終於要結婚了! 2.2.3
請點選下方的"我要參加品佑&惠萍婚宴"進入填寫要參加婚宴的人數與資訊喔!Click below enter fillinthe number of people to attend the wedding of the "I wanttoparticipate in the product Woo & Huiping weddinginformationOh!
法緹新絲路 3.1
「法緹婚禮」成立於2003年12月,是全台最高資本額新台幣1億5千萬的婚禮業者,致力於為新人提供「全方位婚禮服務」。2011年法堤婚禮更攜手與亞洲第一Model經紀公司「新絲路」,首度跨界合作以「法緹.新絲路」為亞洲新人創造新穎、時尚的婚禮服務,讓婚禮服務邁向前所未有的新境界。因為了解婚禮是一生中的大事,為了實踐AsYouWish的品牌承諾,法緹.新絲路的服務團隊,每個成員都是真心熱愛婚禮服務的工作,亦是一群透過國際級標準化訓練流程的嚴格檢驗的菁英夥伴,在此為新人提供優質的專業服務;並由時尚大師李明川擔任品牌總監,完美整合婚禮服務與國際時尚趨勢,當您的幸福靠山。"France Ti wedding"wasestablished in December 2003, is the highest in Taiwan capitalofNT $ 150 million of the wedding industry, is committed toprovidingnew "full wedding service." 2011 France embankment weddingmorehand in hand with Asia's first Model brokerage firm "New SilkRoad"for the first time cross-border cooperation with "France twipsNewSilk Road" for the Asian newcomers to create innovative,stylishwedding services, wedding services to move towards anunprecedentedlevel . Because understanding the wedding is a majorevent in life,in order to practice As You Wish brand promise,France Ti. New SilkRoad service team, each member is working reallylove weddingservice is also a group of world-class standardizedtrainingthrough rigorous testing processes elite partners in thisfor thecouple to provide quality professional services; fashionguru bySDS system served as brand director, wedding servicesseamlesslyintegrate with the international fashion trend, when yourhappypatron.
Jason❤Irene 2.2.3
10000公里的距離..我們的愛情沒有國界..只有相知相惜以及相守一輩子的約定..邀請您一起分享我們最幸福的一天10,000 km of distance..we love has no boundaries .. only friend Xiangxi and spendalifetime contract .. invite you to share with us the happiestdayof
YOYO & HY 2.2.3
快下載我們的APP,出席宴會帶我去地圖導覽,倒數計時提醒,手機拍大頭貼以及更多的互動功能,快點跟我們一起APP聊天~Fast download ourAPP,attended the banquet took me to map navigation, countdownreminder,phone shot emoticons and more interactive features, comechat withus APP ~
婚紗蘇菲雅攝影 3.1
時尚國際品牌的精神,對於限量發行的堅持記得今年春天在法國LouisVuitton,觸摸著象徵路易威登盃帆船賽限時限量款皮件,那迷死人的悠閒實用主張,透過質地柔軟的皮革搭配粗獷的銅環與麻繩,加上銷售人員以充滿自信與驕傲的語氣訴說著設計理念與材質,那種令人無法招架的誘惑,差點就讓荷包淪陷了呢!讓我深深感覺到,在21世紀裡,美感不是奢侈品,對於女人來說,哪怕只有一丁點安定和生計,追求「賞心悅目」的原始慾望,也會驅動人們利用各種素材、形式美化生活。而自從新奢華主義的大肆流行開始,最懂得撩動時尚迷購物心態的時尚龍頭們,利用消費者們天生都有「刻意與眾不同」的天性,在每一季總不忘玩耍「限量」標籤,讓時尚迷盡情享受「只有我有,妳沒有」的驕傲心情,不僅推出「限量」款,甚至大玩「限區、限時」的誘人價值,就是要勾起大家立即打開荷包的慾望才罷休!其實,綜觀高級訂製禮服的發展史,從奧黛麗赫本、賈桂琳、瑪麗蓮夢露到到今天的妮可基嫚、茱莉亞蘿勃茲都是大家耳熟能詳,瘋狂追逐的偶像,設計大師們以內心散發出的涵養,根據不同的人格特質,以不斷創新前進的流行元素,無論是簡單的設計或是只在手工或剪裁上凸顯一兩個重點,或是採華麗亮片、珠工蕾絲,都為訂購者表現出最高質感的個人穿衣哲學。對我來說,『限量』,便是我承諾給新娘們的堅持。這樣的堅持就反應於蘇菲雅每一套禮服上,從最好的布料搭配優質的設計,一款設計只能製作一套禮服,然後針對新娘的身材、氣質、個性及喜好來提出合適的建議。每個新娘適合的禮服款式都不一樣,在挑選的時候,建議新娘們要先了解自己的體型,以能修飾身材為優先考慮來選擇合適的禮服,而顏色的選擇上面,除了挑選自己喜愛的顏色之外,還要考慮婚宴會場的背景顏色,我就常常問的新娘打算在哪裡宴客後再做建議,像是如果整個宴會廳的顏色都是大紅色,那麼可千萬別挑選紅色晚禮服,但是如果選擇貴氣且神祕的寶藍色晚禮服,或是優雅的淺色系晚禮服,搭配上同色系鑽飾配件,效果卻會是十分突出喔!又或者宴請賓客桌數在15桌以內,屬於溫馨甜美的感覺,建議選擇親和力高的粉嫩色調禮服,相對的禮服的托襬也不宜過長,避免與賓客造成距離感。在我的觀念裡,每個新娘都是獨一無二的,我為不單單只是提供最頂級的婚紗服務,也為新娘創出一個『限量、限時、限區』光環的最佳表徵。The spirit oftheinternational fashion brand, adhere to remember for thelimitededition this spring in France Louis Vuitton, touch thesymbol ofthe Louis Vuitton Cup Regatta Limited Time limited editionleather,that awesomeness leisurely practical proposition, through asoftleather with a rough copper ring with rope, with sales staff inaconfident tone with pride tells design concepts and materials,thatthe overwhelming temptation to fall almost let pockets of it!Ideeply feel that in the 21st century, beauty is not a luxury, forawoman, even if only a little bit of stability and livelihoods,thepursuit of "pleasing" the original desire, will drive people tousea variety of materials, forms beautify life. And since thenewluxury pandemic began, most fashion fans know flipping theleadingfashion shopping mentality who take advantage of consumerswho areborn with "deliberately different" from nature, never forgettoplay in every season "limited" tab, Let fashion fans enjoy "OnlyIhave, you do not" feel pride, not only launched the"limitededition" models, or even playing "restricted area,limited"attractive value, is to tap into people's desire toimmediatelyopen their wallets just give up ! In fact, an overviewof thehistory of haute couture dress from Audrey Hepburn,Jacqueline, totoday's Marilyn Monroe to Nicole Kidman, 茱莉亚萝勃 herebyare familiarto everyone, crazy chase idol, design guru who exudesconservationin mind, depending on the personality traits, in orderto advanceinnovative fashion elements, whether it is a simpledesign or onlycut on the hand or highlight twelve key, or miningHuali Liangtablets, beads lace work have demonstrated for thesubscriber'spersonal dressing up texture philosophy. For me,"limited", thatis, I promise to give brides insist. Such insistenceon thereaction in each set Zofia dress, from the best fabrics withhighquality design, a design can only make a dress, and then forthebride's body, temperament, personality and preferences tomakeappropriate recommendations. Every bride suitable dress styleisdifferent, in the selection, it is recommended brides mustfirstunderstand their own body to body modification can beconsidered asa priority to select the appropriate dress, and thecolor choicesabove, in addition to selecting their favorite color,we shouldalso consider the background color of the wedding venue, Ioftenask where the bride plan a banquet before makingrecommendations,such as if the entire ballroom colors are brightred, so be carefulnot to choose red evening dress, but if youchoose extravagance andmysterious royal blue evening dress, or anelegant evening dressbright colors, with the same color diamondaccessories, the effectwill be very prominent Oh! Or the number ofdinner guests at 15tables within tables, are warm and sweetfeeling, recommended tochoose a high affinity pink hue dress,relative care pendulum dressnot too long, to avoid causing a senseof distance with the guests.In my view, every bride is unique, andI'm not just provide topwedding services, but also for the bride tocreate a "limitededition, limited, limited area" aura of thebestcharacterized.
橘攝婚紗攝影 2.2.3
橘攝婚紗攝影在創立時,就以區隔化市場策略進入寫真市場經營,不同於其他同業大同小異之商品風格,獨家以廣告風格MV拍攝手法,迎領流行時尚趨勢的風格;獨特的攝影手法與堅強的設計團隊,媒體爭相採訪報導錄製,並提供攝影棚拍攝現場節目,與當紅藝人廣告宣傳之平面攝影。對於消費者,寫真已是時尚美麗造影的最佳典範,有別於業務量日益擴大與媒體長期配合,積極增員與開發編設軟硬體,為的就是能全方位地擴展公司的未來,進而回饋給我們廣大的客戶。Orange weddingphotographytaken in the creation of time, with regard tocompartmentalizationinto the photo market business marketingstrategy, unlike othersimilar merchandise interbank style,exclusive to advertising styleMV shooting style, fashion trendsgreet collar style; uniquephotographic techniques and strongdesign team, competing mediacoverage of the news recording studioshooting scene and provideprograms, advertising and popularartists of the planephotography.For consumers, photo imaging is the best example ofbeautifulfashion, unlike the growing volume of business and themedialong-term cooperation, and actively by members of hardwareandsoftware design and development series, as is to expandthecompany's full range of future then back to the majority ofourcustomers.
新竹法國巴黎婚紗 2.2.3
新竹法國巴黎婚紗攝影名店創立於1994年,深受結婚新人的支持與愛戴,並於2003年10月正式加入全球(十大聯盟法國巴黎婚紗新概念)。在這競爭的婚紗業中,您需要的是一群像我們一樣對婚紗經營及婚紗服務品質,深具開創性概念的人。我們可提供全方位婚紗資訊及服務,在婚紗經營及管理工作上,我們務實的專業知識,絕不遜於任何一個行業經理人。社會的快速成長,婚紗攝影行業已從單純的結婚照,昇華為現在的婚紗諮詢,婚禮週邊及婚禮總規劃,講究的是全方位的婚紗服務品質,是一份誠信與創作的永續經營事業。法國巴黎是您倆結婚的夢想家。Hsinchuweddingphotography boutiques in Paris, France was founded in 1994,by themarried couple's support and love, and in October 2003formallyjoined the global (the Big Ten Conference in Paris, Franceweddingnew concept). In this competition the wedding industry, youneed agroup like us operate on the wedding and bridal servicequality,pioneering the concept of a deep person.We provide comprehensive wedding information and services,operationand management work in the wedding, we are pragmaticexpertise, noless than any one industry managers.The rapid growth of social, wedding photography industry fromsimplewedding, wedding advice sublimation now, weddings andweddingsaround the Master Plan, the emphasis is on the quality ofthe fullrange of wedding services, is the creation of asustainable businessintegrity and career . Paris, France, is bothmarried dreamer.
豪中❤慧如 2.2.3
緣份,命中註定的緣份註定了我們橫跨半個地球的相遇完成生命中找尋另外一半的使命相遇而相愛,相愛則相惜八月四日,我們將承諾對方一生的相愛與相惜歡迎您與我們一起分享與見證這份幸福的愛2013,我們結婚了。Fate, destiny fateDestined to meet us half way across the planetComplete life's mission to find the other halfMeet and fall in love, love the XiangxiAugust 4, we will commit to a lifetime of love with eachotherXiangxiYou are welcome to join us to share this happiness with the loveofwitness2013, we got married.
台北婚紗喜宴博覽會 3.1
展出日期:2013年4月19日(週五)至4月22日(週一) 展出時間:每日上午11時~晚上7時 展出地點:台北世貿三館(台北市信義區松壽路6號) 參觀方式:免費參觀主辦單位:上聯國際展覽股份有限公司服務電話:(02)2759-7167Exhibition date:2013April 19, 2002 (Friday), on display through April 22, 2002(Monday)time: daily from 11:00 to 7:00 pm Venue: Taipei World TradeCenterHall (Xinyi District, Taipei loose Shou Road, No. 6) visited:freeadmission to the organizers: The Union InternationalExhibitionCo., Ltd. Tel: (02) 2759-7167
易連通科技 3.1
一家消費性電子系統設計公司,專注於開發影音傳輸的創新應用產品,並致力於創造一個簡單易用、隨連即通的使用環境給消費者。A consumerelectronicssystem design company focused on the development ofinnovativeapplications of video transmission products, and iscommitted tocreating an easy to use, with even that through the useof theenvironment to the consumer.
Vincent ♥ Vivian 2.2.4
Vivian ♥ 粉紅夢境http://vivianpink.pixnet.netVivian ♥ pink dreamhttp://vivianpink.pixnet.net
GENERGY 3.3.15
--- GENERGY品牌故事 ---我們的堅持,來自於期望能擁有更好的健康,讓生命更有價值。GENERGY群基能量科技是專注在人體能量科學研究的公司,GENERGY首創3合1整合之全新健康保健模式,包括由中醫師、營養師組成之專業團隊,依據最新人體關鍵營養素的理論,運用尖端能量醫學儀器,並引進歐、美、日最先進的生物科技營養素,將個人化健康諮詢保健的服務導入營運機制,開創人體保健新紀元。GENERGY3合1模式的個人化健康服務不僅是最先進、最正確的保健觀念,更將是導正目前健康保健市場一片混亂的最佳Solution。由於創新的定位與成功實證的快速累積,GENERGY因此能夠在2008與嘉信健康銀行策略聯盟,並成功讓嘉信健康銀行轉型不再往西方醫學靠攏,進一步採用GENERGY模式,作為公司營運主軸。嘉信健康銀行為嘉信控股集團與中信集團於2003合資成立,以建構企業菁英的健康資產著稱,並將積極搶攻亞洲區頂級健康管理效能諮詢服務市場。GENERGY群基能量科技與嘉信健康銀行策略聯盟後,開始整合兩家公司資源,於2009/Q2陸續在台中、台北開始營運。GENERGY群基能量科技與中醫策略聯盟獲重大突破,GENERGY所提出"優良中醫+尖端能量科技+尖端生物科技關鍵營養素"的solution有機會將傳統中醫大幅推進,甚至超越西醫。目前集團進一步計畫在台北成立最先進的生技中醫連鎖診所,期盼優良中醫師的加入,一起尋求中醫的突破,並為造福人類的健康盡一份心力。Brand Story ------GENERGYOur insistence, from hope to have better health, make lifemorevaluable.GENERGY Qunji energy technology research is focused onhumanenergy companies, GENERGY's first 3-in-1 integrated the newhealthcare model, including a professional team frompractitioners,nutritionists be composed of key nutrients the bodyaccording tothe latest theory, the use of cutting-edge energymedicalequipment, and the introduction of Europe, the UnitedStates,Japan's most advanced biotechnology nutrients, thepersonalizedhealth care advisory service import trading mechanism,creating anew era of human health.GENERGY3 fit a pattern of personal health services is notonlythe most advanced and proper health care concept, but willbeguided health care market are currently a mess of thebestSolution.Due to the rapid accumulation of innovation and successempiricalorientation, GENERGY can be healthy in 2008 and SchwabBank ofstrategic alliances and successfully make the transitionSchwabhealthy banks no longer move closer to Western medicine, andfurtheruse of GENERGY mode, as the company operating thespindle.Health Schwab Schwab Bank and CITIC Group Holdings, ajointventure founded in 2003, in order to construct a healthy asset著称business elite, and will actively inroads into Asia's tophealthmanagement efficiency consulting services market.GENERGY Qunji energy technology and health Schwab Bankstrategicalliance, the two companies began to integrate resources,in 2009 /Q2 gradually began operating in Taichung, Taipei.GENERGY Qunji energy technology and strategic alliancesChinesemedicine was a major breakthrough, GENERGY proposed"ExcellentChinese medicine + advanced energy technology +sophisticatedbiotechnology key nutrients," the organic solutionwill greatlypromote the traditional Chinese medicine, Westernmedicine and evenbeyond.Currently the group further plans to set up in Taipei'smostadvanced biotechnology TCM clinic chain, looking forward toanexcellent practitioners to join together to seek a breakthroughoftraditional Chinese medicine, and for the benefit of humanhealthand make a contribution.
積創科技 3.1
愛皮皮台灣伴手禮 3.3.12
由各縣市商業會選拔5項代表該縣市特色之優質伴手禮,20縣市總計選拔出台灣百大伴手禮,選拔伴手禮產品類別為食品、手工藝品、紀念品、當地特產等,需具有地方特色、或符合創新概念、或獨具風格品味之產品By the selection offivecounties of Commerce on behalf of the county'smunicipalcharacteristics of quality Souvenir, selection of a totalof 20counties in Taiwan Baida Souvenir, selection Souvenirproductcategories for the food, handicrafts, souvenirs, localspecialties,etc. need to have local characteristics, or in linewith innovativeconcepts, products or unique style taste
寶爺食代 3.3.12
寶爺食代Bao Lord, Food
艾堤小舖 3.1
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小歐&小猴 2.2.3
快下載我們的APP,出席宴會帶我去地圖導覽,倒數計時提醒,手機拍大頭貼以及更多的互動功能,快點跟我們一起APP聊天~Fast download ourAPP,attended the banquet took me to map navigation, countdownreminder,phone shot emoticons and more interactive features, comechat withus APP ~
律倫健康睡眠館 3.3.15
律倫健康睡眠館,創立已有10年專經銷IT荷蘭英黛爾、Slumberlandn斯林百蘭...等等各大知名寢具品牌Law Lun healthysleepMuseum, founded over 10 yearsDesigned Business IT Netherlands British Lonsdale,SlumberlandnSlumberland major well-known bedding brands, etc...