捕魚達人 برنامه ها

1.2016電玩城多人對戰街機捕魚游戲!超爽超刺激!萬炮齊發!華麗貴賓場,娛樂無極限。2. 真人PK的捕魚游戲,真實還原浪漫捕魚,唯美畫面,真人搞笑配音提升趣味性。3. 一網打盡、大三元、大四喜、同類炸彈,全屏炸彈、能量炮等經典玩法4. 節日福利大贈送,海量金幣每天免費領取。5. 加入捕魚就送金幣,每天還有更多免費金幣,捕魚無憂。6. 海量金幣大放送,技能禮包送不停,每天都可以領取免費金幣和神秘技能禮包,讓你免費徹底體驗捕魚帶來的快樂!========================================================================【遊戲特色】1.逢年過節都有節日禮包。2.技能禮包每日贈送,免費使用功能,每日任務更多,領取拿到手軟。3.砲台不斷升級,更有超級雷電激光大砲,點擊立馬變土豪!4.3D立體BOS​​S海底閑庭信步,挑戰Boss:升級你的超級武器,使用獨門秘籍與Boss決戰到底!5.競技之王:參加聯網捕魚比賽場!體驗競技快感!6.冰封天地、鎖定BOSS,多樣技能,豐富玩法,更有神秘寶盒等你搶!2016年你也是捕魚達人!快來一起挑戰吧! !狹路相逢,砲兵必勝! !【聯繫我們】電話:4000696960客服QQ:3300435996客服邮箱:kefu@prgame5.com官方微信:buyuchuanshuoFacebook line:https://www.facebook.com/jiejidaren/1.2016 multiplayer gamingcity arcade fishing game! Ultra-cool super exciting! 10000 cannonshair! Gorgeous VIP field, entertainment without limits.2. PK real fishing game, true to the romantic fishing, beautifulpicture, real funny voice upgrade interesting.3. Clean Sweep, Big Three, Luckiest Man, similar bomb, full-screenbombs, energy cannon and other classic games are played4. Get the big holiday benefits, massive gold receive a freeday.5. Add fish would send gold coins, gold coins every day there aremore free, worry-free fishing.6. Mass coins big run, skill packs to send non-stop, every day youcan get a free gold and mysterious skill packs let you completelyfree to experience the pleasure of fishing!========================================================================[Game Features]1. The holidays have holiday spree.2. Skills gift packs daily, free use of the function, more dailytasks, receive get soft.3. Fort escalating, more super laser cannon thunder, clickimmediately change Tyrant!4.3D perspective BOS S seabed strolling, challenge Boss: Upgradeyour super weapon, the use of unique Cheats and Boss battle in theend!5. The king Athletics: Participation in networking field fishinggame! Experience the thrill of athletics!6. The frozen world, locking BOSS, diverse skills, rich gameplay,more mysterious treasures waiting for you to grab!2016 you are fishing up! Come and challenge it! ! Territories,artillery win! !【contact us】Phone: 4000696960Customer Service QQ: 3300435996Customer Service Email: kefu@prgame5.comOfficial micro letter: buyuchuanshuoFacebook line: https: //www.facebook.com/jiejidaren/