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說文字典 試用版 3.0.8
  學習中文最有效率的捷徑,就是充分利用文字學的方法,去檢索單字與理解文字結構,每次查詢所列出來的都是意義相關的字,可以互相查看與比對,加深對文字的理解,加快學習的速度。  本字典採用「偏旁組合」查詢方式,如「言兌=說」「門口=問」,比「部首檢索」更精確更完整。輸入「偏旁組合」時,會列出包含相同偏旁的全部單字,每個字都標示出偏旁的位置,同時列出「偏旁結構」、「筆劃教學」、「詞彙列表」。  本字典內容以《東漢.許慎》所著「說文解字」為主(9831字),現代字詞解釋為輔,「簡/繁」體單字23136個,收錄詞彙約15萬條。說文黑色字體部分為許慎所著原文,藍色字體為《清.段玉裁》的注釋,標注「臣鉉等曰」則為《宋.徐鉉、徐鍇》的注釋。一.主要畫面(1)單字列表: 列出以「輸入偏旁」搜尋到的單字,順序是以筆劃數來排列。(2)詞彙列表: 列出以「輸入字詞」搜尋到的詞彙,順序是以輸入的「已知字詞」在詞彙中的位置來排列。(3)偏旁結構: 以小篆為主, 右方並列「楷書」可供比對。(4)筆劃教學: 可隨時查看「偏旁結構」中每個偏旁的「筆順動畫」,可在放大後進行「筆劃練習」。(ChineseStrokeTeaching)二.自動以「偏旁」搜尋「單字」。三.自動以「字詞」搜尋「詞彙」。四.提供「局部偏旁」輸入方式。例如輸入「走2」代表輸入了「止」,輸入「這1」代表輸入了「辶」,利用此法可用來輸入任何不知名的偏旁。五.詞彙的「模糊搜尋」:輸入「?」或「*」符號時,會自動啟用「模糊搜尋」。六.提供「瀏覽棒」隨時調整每個畫面的顯示大小。七.提供「詞彙翻查」,可點選釋義中的字詞,快速翻查解釋。八.提供「偏旁結構」樹狀圖,即時顯示文字結構。九.提供每個單字的「筆劃練習」功能。十.即時切換 「簡/繁」 體文字顯示。十一.每個視窗都提供「手勢縮放」功能,隨時調整文字大小。LearningChinese most efficient shortcut method is to take fulladvantage ofphilology, to retrieve words and understanding wordstructure,meaning each query words are related to the listed, youcan viewand compare each other and deepen understanding of thetextaccelerate the speed of learning.The dictionary uses "radical combinations" query, such as"astatement said against the =" "door = Q", more accurate andmorecomplete than the "Header retrieval." Enter the"radicalcombination ', the word lists contain the same radical ofall,every word marked out a radical position, also lists"radicalarchitecture "," stroke teaching "," word list. "The dictionary contents to the "Han. Xu Shen," book"ExplainWord" based (9831 words), supplemented by a moderninterpretationof the words, "Jane / Traditional" body word 23136,contains about150,000 words. Wen said Xu Shen black font part ofthe originalbook, blue font is "clear. Duan," the notes,annotations, "saidChen Xuan, etc." was "Song Xu Xuan, Xu Kai," thecomment.A main frame(1) The word list: Lists with "Enter the radical" will findthewords, the order is based on the number of strokes toorder.(2) the word list: Lists with "Enter words" will find the words,theorder is entered, "known term" position in thevocabularyarranged.(3) radical structure: In Xiaozhuan mainly on the right side byside"regular script" for comparison.(4) stroke Teaching: You can always see the "radicalarchitecture"in "Stroke animation" each radical can be carried outafteramplification "stroke exercises." (Chinese StrokeTeaching)II. Automatically "radical" search "word."III. Automatically "word" search "vocabulary."IV. To provide "local radical" input. For example, enter "go2"represents the input of the "stop" input "this one" representstheinput of the "Chuo" Using this method can be used to enteranyunknown radical.Five Words "fuzzy search": Enter or "*" symbol,automaticallyenabled "fuzzy search" "?."VI. Providing "Browse bars" at any time to adjust thedisplaysize of each picture.VII. To provide "vocabulary search of" clickableinterpretationof the word, flipping through interpretation.VIII. To provide "radical structural" tree, real-time displayoftext structure.IX. To provide every single word "stroke exercise" feature.X. instantly switch "Simplified / Traditional" body text.XI. Each window offers "gesture to zoom" function, alwaysadjustthe text size.
說文字典 3.8.54
The structure of Chinese characters is beautiful. First, understandthe structure of the characters from the explanation of the text,try to integrate the relevant structure of the characters, andextensively refer to the explanations of various calligraphy booksand classics, so that you can learn quickly and penetrate theancient and modern characters.