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獨享客(店家版) 1.7.1
您還在花大錢讓市面網路購物公司抽成?客戶每天從您門口經過,還捨近求遠和網路業者合作嗎?為您的生意精心打造,在地行銷解決方案您的生意,您做主,為您的客戶打造專屬方案Are you still spendinglots of money to make internet shopping company pumped into themarket?Customers through the door every day from you, but also far awayand internet industry in cooperation?Carefully crafted for your business, in the way marketingsolutionsYour business, you call the shots for your customers to createexclusive programs
獨享客 1.6.16
各種商家方案任您選擇,每一筆交易都帶給您更多的優惠讓商家為您動起來,商家為您打造專屬優惠Various businesssolutions to choose from, each transaction will bring you morebenefitsLet businesses for you to move up, businesses for you to createexclusive offers
獨享客訂單助理 1.2
一機在手,訂單不漏接本程式為獨享客(店家版)的迷你平台提供店家更快速更簡便的接單服務除了接單及客戶評論回覆功能外也包含了無線藍芽熱感印表機之功能A machine in hand, donotmiss ordersThis program is exclusive customer (storeversion)mini-platformProvide faster and more convenient store orders serviceIn addition to orders and customer reviews reply functionalsoincludes Bluetooth wireless capabilities of thermalprinters