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درحال دانلود The Piano Memory Game_Latest Version.apk از سرور Apk-Dl

با سپاس از شما بدلیل استفاده از apk-dl.com جهت دانلود (The Piano Memory Game_Latest Version.apk),

درصورتی که دانلود به صورت خودکار شروع نشد لطفا اینجا را جهت دسترسی به لینک مستقیم دانلود کلیک فرمایید

فایل apk را پس از دانلود به داخل حافظه گوشی خود انتقال داده و با استفاده از برنامه های مدیریت فایل آن را نصب فرمایید


Learn to remember piano notes while having funplaying a game!
The game is designed to exercise your memory by playing randomsequences of piano notes for you to repeat and to try to beat yourown high score. This will help you learn the notes and expand yourpiano memory.

Repeat the randomly generated pattern the piano plays.
The piano will play one note, then you should repeat that note. Thepiano will then play the first note and a second note. Then youshould play both of those notes in the same order. The piano willcontinue to add one note to the sequence each time you repeat thepattern successfully.

Press the options button if you would like to have the pianospeak the notes to you or remove the speed increase.

We cares about our users!
★ No trackers!
★ Absolutely free app!
★ No special permissions!
★ No pop ups!
★ No stealing data!
★ 100% honest trustworthy app!
★ Does what is says and does it well!