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درحال دانلود VOA Learning English_Latest Version.apk از سرور Apk-Dl

با سپاس از شما بدلیل استفاده از apk-dl.com جهت دانلود (VOA Learning English_Latest Version.apk),

درصورتی که دانلود به صورت خودکار شروع نشد لطفا اینجا را جهت دسترسی به لینک مستقیم دانلود کلیک فرمایید

فایل apk را پس از دانلود به داخل حافظه گوشی خود انتقال داده و با استفاده از برنامه های مدیریت فایل آن را نصب فرمایید


VOA stand for Voice of America. This is anapplication to subscribe and study the podcast contents fromVOA.

- Display, download the contents provided from VOA
- You can listen and read more than 500 lessions.
- You can download audio to your sdcard and listen offline.
- You can mark some favourite lesson.
- Pause to play when you have an incoming call.
- Share app to your friend

- This is NOT the official application from VOA Pod.
- Created for more convenience and efficiency for the contents ofVOA Pod.
- VOA has all copyright about these provided contents.
- Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions about thisapplication.

If you have any question please tell me by:phamkeit@gmail.com