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درحال دانلود Taxi Motions - Passenger_Latest Version.apk از سرور Apk-Dl

با سپاس از شما بدلیل استفاده از apk-dl.com جهت دانلود (Taxi Motions - Passenger_Latest Version.apk),

درصورتی که دانلود به صورت خودکار شروع نشد لطفا اینجا را جهت دسترسی به لینک مستقیم دانلود کلیک فرمایید

فایل apk را پس از دانلود به داخل حافظه گوشی خود انتقال داده و با استفاده از برنامه های مدیریت فایل آن را نصب فرمایید


TAXIMOTIONS is a mobile app that willrevolutionize the way you travel by taxi.
You can call a taxi with just 2 clicks and you’ll never have thatbad taxi experience again.

We are in Beta, so the taxi availability is still limited, butour community is growing fast!
For now we are restricted to the Lisbon area.

With an appealing design, TAXIMOTIONS is very easy to use:
1. Define/confirm pickup address
2. Define/confirm booking details
3. Wait for the best taxi to be selected and follow the taxiroute
4. Rate the service at the end of the trip

We invite all the users to send their suggestions to: info [at]taximotions.com