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درحال دانلود AT File Manager Pro_Latest Version.apk از سرور Apk-Dl

با سپاس از شما بدلیل استفاده از apk-dl.com جهت دانلود (AT File Manager Pro_Latest Version.apk),

درصورتی که دانلود به صورت خودکار شروع نشد لطفا اینجا را جهت دسترسی به لینک مستقیم دانلود کلیک فرمایید

فایل apk را پس از دانلود به داخل حافظه گوشی خود انتقال داده و با استفاده از برنامه های مدیریت فایل آن را نصب فرمایید


What's inside Pro version:
1) No advertisement
2) Unlocked features

AT File Manager Pro provides four tabs which allow to navigatethrough folders, copy or move files in a way never been easier. Ifyou are working on different folders you won't need to navigateback every time, just switch between them by clicking the tabbuttons.

Also included:
- integrated FTP client
- send via bluetooth feature
- mini-text editor and ability to create new text files
- zip tool capable of zip, unzip, browsing zip contents

Root users can access and modify any content including those indata, cache and systems folders.