1.0 / September 13, 2013
(4.3/5) ()


Découvrez comment vous brosser les dents avecLuca Longs Cils ! C’est la deuxième app de la série des premièresexpériences pour les enfants. Vous pouvez lire et interagir aveccette histoire dans cinq langues : anglais, français, italien, etespagnol. Profitez de cette série d’app multilingue et éducative.

Cette app suit la série de livres de Luca Longs Cils et guidevotre enfant avec les routines d'une bonne hygiène buccale. Lesenfants apprennent avec Luca Longs Cils pendant qu’il apprendcomment et pourquoi il doit se brosser les dents. Cette app estinteractive (le touché, la voie, et l’ouïe sont sollicités), vous ytrouverez des suggestions pour les parents, et un personnage à quiles enfants peuvent s’identifier. Ces livres sont pour les enfantsde l’âge 0 à 4 ans.

Pour encourager les plus jeunes enfants à commencer à lire, lesmots et les dessins sont interactifs. Le but de Luca Longs Cils estde promouvoir la lecture en combinant le texte, les dessins, et leson en proposant des animations et des possibilités d'apprentissageinteractif.

• Narration audio multilingue
• Effets sonores interactifs pour chaque scène
• Option pour l’enfant de lire tout seul
• Musique originale composée pour améliorer chaque histoire
• Animation d’écran
• Les pages sont dimensionnelles pour améliorerl’apprentissage
• Cette « app universelle » est optimisée pour l’affichageRetina
• Association dessin/mot – quand on touche une image, le mot estsurligné et énoncé
• Belles illustrations

Si vous aimez cette app, vous aimerez aussi les autres apps denotre série! On vous offre gratuitement la première app de lasérie, « Luca Longs Cils, Le Garçon aux Yeux Marron et aux CilsMagiques» pour que vous puissiez rencontrer Luca! N’oubliez pas dela télécharger !

*********Ce qu’on dit de Luca Longs Cils*********

« Les livres sont très bien écrits- les illustrations sontadorables et j’ai beaucoup aimé les fonctions interactives. J'aiégalement apprécié les conseils aux parents, car parfois il peutêtre difficile de savoir la meilleure façon de confronter la peurd'un enfant.
— Bekah, Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12

«J'aime beaucoup que le livre soit disponible en plusieurslangues. Quelle bonne idée d’avoir la section parents à la fin dechaque histoire pour orienter les enfants faces à leurs premièresexpériences ! Une excellente introduction de Luca dans cettehistoire et je suis impatiente d'apprendre plus sur son personnagedans les livres à venir. » - iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12

« Histoire mignonne. J'ai beaucoup aimé la lire à l’enfant de 3 ansque je garde. Il a adoré toucher les illustrations et regarder lesanimations. » - Brooke Babblin’, iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12

« Luca Longs Cils est une activité innovante, amusante, etpassionnante qui peut aider à créer des liens incroyables pour lesjeunes familles. » -. Scott A. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12

Le Blog de Luca Longs Cils

Regardez notre kit de presse électronique

Learn how to brush yourteeth with Luca Lashes! This is the second app in a series of earlyexperiences for children. You can read and interact with the storyin five languages: English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Enjoythis series of multilingual and educational app.

This app follows the series of books by Luca Lashes and guideyour child with the routines of good oral hygiene. Children learnwith Luca Lashes while learning how and why they should brush theirteeth. This app is interactive (touch, track, and hearing arerequested), you will find suggestions for parents, and a characterthat children can identify with. These books are for children age0-4 years.

To encourage younger children to start reading the words andpictures are interactive. The purpose of Luca Lashes is to promoteliteracy by combining text, drawings, and sound with entertainmentand interactive learning opportunities.

• Multilingual audio narration
• Interactive sound effects for each scene
• Option for the child to read alone
• Original music composed to enhance each story
• Animation Screen
• Pages are dimensional to enhance learning
• This "universal app" is optimized for the Retina display
• Association drawing / word - when an image is touched, the wordis highlighted and statement
• Beautiful illustrations

If you like this app, you will also like the other apps in ourseries! We offer free first app in the series, "Luca Lashes, TheBoy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic" for you to meet Luca! Donot forget to download it!

********* It is said Luca Lashes *********

"The books are very well written, the illustrations are adorableand I loved the interactive features. I also appreciated the adviceto parents, because sometimes it can be difficult to know the bestway to confront the fear of a child.
- Bekah, Motherhood Moment 5/8/12

"I love that the book is available in several languages. What agreat idea to have the parents' section at the end of each story toguide children in their faces first experiences! An excellentintroduction to Luca in this story and I am eager to learn moreabout his character in the books to come. "- ITunes review, LucaLashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars5/4/12

"History cute. I loved to read the 3 year old that I keep. He lovedtouching illustrations and watch the entertainment. "- BrookeBabblin 'iTunes review, Luca Lashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes andEyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars 5/4/12

"Luca Lashes is an innovative activity, fun, and exciting thatcan help create amazing connections for young families. "-. ScottA. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12

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Blog Luca Lashes

View our electronic press kit

اطلاعات برنامه اندروید Luca Sait Se Brosser Les Dents

  • نام برنامه
    Luca Sait Se Brosser Les Dents
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    September 13, 2013
  • حجم فایل
  • حداقل نسخه اندروید
    Android 2.0.1 and up
  • نسخه
  • توسعه دهنده
    Luca Lashes LLC
  • تعداد نصب
    10 - 50
  • قیمت
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  • توسعه دهنده
  • Google Play Link

Luca Lashes LLC نمایش ادامه...

Luca Va Chez le Docteur 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Le médecin n’est pas si effrayant quand onsait à quoi s’attendre. Joignez-vous à Luca Longs Cils pour sapremière visite chez le docteur ! Luca se montre courageux pour sesvaccins et après, il reçoit même un pansement super marrant !Cette app suit la série de livres Luca Longs Cils, alors queLuca, le garçon aux cils magiques, se prépare pour ses vaccins aucabinet du médecin. Les enfants peuvent découvrir ce rendez-vouspédiatrique interactivement (le touché, la voie, et l’ouïe sontsollicités). Les parents reçoivent une liste de suggestions pouraider à faire face à cette expérience et qui peuvent diminuerl’appréhension de cette situation pour les enfants.Cette série de livres Luca Longs Cils est pour les enfants del’âge 0 à 4 ans, et chaque livre est disponible en anglais,français, italien, et espagnol. Pour encourager les plus jeunesenfants à commencer à lire, les mots et les dessins sontinteractifs.Le but de Luca Longs Cils LLC est de promouvoir la lecture encombinant le texte, les dessins, et le son en proposant desanimations et des possibilités d’apprentissage interactif.Mais aussi:• Narration audio multilingue• Effets sonores interactifs pour chaque scène• Option pour l’enfant de lire tout seul• Musique originale composée pour améliorer chaque histoire• Animation d’écran• Les pages sont dimensionnelles pour améliorerl’apprentissage• Cette « app universelle » est optimisée pour l’affichageRetina• Association dessin/mot – quand on touche une image, le mot estsurligné et énoncé• Belles illustrationsSi vous aimez cette app, vous aimerez aussi les autres apps denotre série! On vous offre gratuitement la première app de lasérie, « Luca Longs Cils, Le Garçon aux Yeux Marron et aux CilsMagiques» pour que vous puissiez rencontrer Luca! N’oubliez pas dela télécharger !*********Ce qu’on dit de Luca Longs Cils*********« Les livres sont très bien écrits- les illustrations sontadorables et j’ai beaucoup aimé les fonctions interactives. J'aiégalement apprécié les conseils aux parents, car parfois il peutêtre difficile de savoir la meilleure façon de confronter la peurd'un enfant.— Bekah, Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12«J'aime beaucoup que le livre soit disponible en plusieurslangues. Quelle bonne idée d’avoir la section parents à la fin dechaque histoire pour orienter les enfants faces à leurs premièresexpériences ! Une excellente introduction de Luca dans cettehistoire et je suis impatiente d'apprendre plus sur son personnagedans les livres à venir. » - iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12« Histoire mignonne. J'ai beaucoup aimé la lire à l’enfant de 3 ansque je garde. Il a adoré toucher les illustrations et regarder lesanimations. » - Brooke Babblin’, iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12« Luca Longs Cils est une activité innovante, amusante, etpassionnante qui peut aider à créer des liens incroyables pour lesjeunes familles. » -. Scott A. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12*******************Suivez-nous**************************Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCYouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchLinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLe Blog de Luca Longs Cils http://blog.lucalashes.com/Regardez notre kit de presse électroniquehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=The doctor is not soscary when you know what to expect. Join Luca Lashes for his firstvisit to the doctor! Luca shows brave for his vaccines and later heeven gets a dressing super fun!This app follows the book series Luca Lashes, while Luca, theboy with the magic eyelashes, prepares for his shots at thedoctor's. Children can discover the appointment pediatricinteractively (touch, track, and hearing are requested). Parentsreceive a list of suggestions to help cope with this experience andcan reduce the apprehension of this situation for children.This series of books Luca Lashes for children age 0-4 years, andeach book is available in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Toencourage younger children to start reading the words and picturesare interactive.The purpose of Luca Lashes LLC is to promote literacy bycombining text, drawings, and sound with entertainment andinteractive learning opportunities.But also:• Multilingual audio narration• Interactive sound effects for each scene• Option for the child to read alone• Original music composed to enhance each story• Animation Screen• Pages are dimensional to enhance learning• This "universal app" is optimized for the Retina display• Association drawing / word - when an image is touched, the wordis highlighted and statement• Beautiful illustrationsIf you like this app, you will also like the other apps in ourseries! We offer free first app in the series, "Luca Lashes, TheBoy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic" for you to meet Luca! Donot forget to download it!********* It is said Luca Lashes *********"The books are very well written, the illustrations are adorableand I loved the interactive features. I also appreciated the adviceto parents, because sometimes it can be difficult to know the bestway to confront the fear of a child.- Bekah, Motherhood Moment 5/8/12"I love that the book is available in several languages. What agreat idea to have the parents' section at the end of each story toguide children in their faces first experiences! An excellentintroduction to Luca in this story and I am eager to learn moreabout his character in the books to come. "- ITunes review, LucaLashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars5/4/12"History cute. I loved to read the 3 year old that I keep. He lovedtouching illustrations and watch the entertainment. "- BrookeBabblin 'iTunes review, Luca Lashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes andEyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars 5/4/12"Luca Lashes is an innovative activity, fun, and exciting thatcan help create amazing connections for young families. "-. ScottA. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12Follow us ************************** *******************Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCYouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchLinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcBlog Luca Lashes http://blog.lucalashes.com/View our electronic press kit
Luca Lashes Visits the Doctor 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
The doctor is not so scary when you know whatto expect. Join Luca Lashes as he visits his doctor, braves a shotand gets a cool band-aid for the road. This is an award winningmultilingual, educational, interactive, audio app. It continues theLuca Lashes series about children’s first experiences.In this award winning app, Luca, the boy with the magiceyelashes, is ready to get his shots at the doctor's office.Children experience this pediatric appointment interactivelythrough touch, sight and sound. The story includes a list ofsuggestions for parents focused on helping to guide them throughwhat can be a stressful experience.The Luca Lashes series is intended for children 0–4 years old.The books can be read in English, French, Italian and Spanish. Tohelp children learn to read, individual words are highlighted asthe story is narrated.Luca Lashes LLC promotes learning to read by combining originaltext with lively artwork and audio. With several interactivefeatures, the apps create an entertaining and effective learningexperience. It is never too early to fall in love withlanguage!Additional features:• Multilingual audio narration (English, French, Italian, andSpanish)• Fun & engaging interactive sound effects for each scene w/some animation!!!• “Read to me” or “By myself” option• Original music composed to enhance each story• Screen Tilt Animation• Pages are dimensional to enhance the learning experience• This “Universal App” is optimized for Retina displays• Word/Sound association - words are highlighted as they arespoken• Beautiful hand drawn illustrationsIf you like this app, you will LOVE the other apps in ourseries! We are offering the first app in the series “Luca Lashes,The Brown- Eyed Boy with The Magic Eyelashes” for FREE, so you canmeet Luca and see what our series is all about! Make sure todownload it!********What Readers are Saying About Luca Lashes*********"The books are very well put-together - the illustrations areadorable and I like that there are interactive features. I alsolove the bonus parent tips, since sometimes it can be hard to knowwhat the best way to approach a child's fear is." — Bekah,Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12"I love that this book comes in multiple languages. What a greatconcept by having a parent's section at the end of each of yourstories to provide guidance with first encounters. A greatintroduction of Luca in this story an dI look forward to learningmore about his character in books to come." — iTunes review, LucaLashes: The Brown Eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5stars, 5/4/12"Cute story. I enjoyed reading it to the 3-year-old I babysit.He loved touching the illustrations and watching them animate." —Babblin' Brooke, iTunes review, Luca Lashes: The Brown Eyed Boywith the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5 stars, 5/4/12“Luca Lashes is an innovative, fun, and exciting activity. Itprovides an incredible bonding experience for young families.” —Scott A. Irwin, M.D., Ph.D., 3/30/12*************************Follow Us On**************************Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter at http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLuca Lashes Blog at http://blog.lucalashes.com/YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchSee our Electronic Press Kit at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=For YouTube Parental Video Book TrailersEnjoy this video for helpful parental tips and a look into thisbook’s beautiful illustrations. To learn more about our products,please read on for our app and eBook descriptions.All our eBooks and apps can be found on-line!Company Website: http://www.LucaLashes.com/
Luca Va dal Dentista 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Preparate i bambini per la prima visitadaldentista con Luca Lashes! Leggete ed interagite con una storiaperbambini in quatro lingue. Divertitievi con questaapplicazioneaudio multilingue App Series.Questa applicazione continua la serie di “Luca Lashes, ilbambinodalle sopracciglia marroni e le ciglia magiche”, e come luisiprepara per la prima visita dal dentista. I bambini scoprirannocomeaffrontare l'esperienza all'interno dello studiodentistico.L'applicazione è interattiva, ed è scritta per bambinidagli 0 ai 4anni circa, ed anche alcuni consigli per i genitori peraffrontarele emozioni dei bambini. Ogni versione è disponibile ininglese,francese, italiano e spagnolo.Per stimolare la lettura nei bambini piccoli, alcunesingoleparole sono evidenziate e si ingrandiscono quendo leimmaginivengono toccate. Luca Lashes desidera promuovere laletturaattraverso non solo il testo originale ma anche con audioedmmagini, fornendo intrattenimento e apprendimento interattivo peripiù piccoli.Ulteriori caratteristiche:★ Associazione immagine/parola. Le parole si ingrandisconoquandopronunciate e si tocca un'immagine★ Narrazione audio multi lingue★ Suoni interattivi per ogni scena★ Le pagine sono adattate all'esperienza di apprendimento★ Questa 'Universal App' è ottimizzataSe vi piaceva questo app, veramente l’amerai le nostrealtreapplicazioni nella serie! Ofrimo il primo app nella serie,“LeCiglia di Luca, il bambino con gli occhi marroni e lecigliamagiche” GRATIS, cosi pote scoprire Luca e si puo scoprire decosasi centra la serie!***********Seguete Luca Qui************************Luca Lashes Blog sul http://blog.lucalashes.com/Facebook qui sul http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter qui sul http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn qui sul http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcYouTube qui sul http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchGuardate il nostro “Electronic Press Kit” sul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=Prepare children forthefirst visit to the dentist with Luca Lashes! Read and interactwitha children's story in four languages. Divertitievi withthisapplication multilingual audio App Series.This application continues the series of "Luca Lashes, thebabybrown eyebrows and eyelashes magical," and as he gets ready forhisfirst visit to the dentist. Children will discover how to dealwiththe experience within the dental practice. The applicationisinteractive, and is written for children aged 0 to 4 years,andalso some tips for parents to deal with the emotions ofchildren.Each version is available in English, French, ItalianandSpanish.To promote reading in young children, individual wordsarehighlighted as the zoom up when pictures are touched. LucaLashesaims to promote literacy by combining the original text butalsowith artwork and audio, providing entertainment andinteractivelearning for children. Further features:★ Picture / Word association. Words zoom up when picturesaretouched and spoken★ Multilingual audio narration★ Interactive sound for each scene★ The pages are adapted to the learning experience★ This 'Universal App' is optimizedIf you liked this app, you'll LOVE our other apps in theseries!We are offering the first app in the series, "Luca Lashes,thechild with brown eyes and eyelashes magic" FREE, so find outpotede Luca and you'll discover what our series!*********** Seguete Luca Here ************************Luca Lashes Blog on http://blog.lucalashes.com/Facebook here on http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcHttp://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLC on Twitter hereLinkedIn here on http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcHere on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchLook at our "Electronic Press Kit" on
Luca Sait Se Brosser Les Dents 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Découvrez comment vous brosser les dents avecLuca Longs Cils ! C’est la deuxième app de la série des premièresexpériences pour les enfants. Vous pouvez lire et interagir aveccette histoire dans cinq langues : anglais, français, italien, etespagnol. Profitez de cette série d’app multilingue et éducative.Cette app suit la série de livres de Luca Longs Cils et guidevotre enfant avec les routines d'une bonne hygiène buccale. Lesenfants apprennent avec Luca Longs Cils pendant qu’il apprendcomment et pourquoi il doit se brosser les dents. Cette app estinteractive (le touché, la voie, et l’ouïe sont sollicités), vous ytrouverez des suggestions pour les parents, et un personnage à quiles enfants peuvent s’identifier. Ces livres sont pour les enfantsde l’âge 0 à 4 ans.Pour encourager les plus jeunes enfants à commencer à lire, lesmots et les dessins sont interactifs. Le but de Luca Longs Cils estde promouvoir la lecture en combinant le texte, les dessins, et leson en proposant des animations et des possibilités d'apprentissageinteractif.• Narration audio multilingue• Effets sonores interactifs pour chaque scène• Option pour l’enfant de lire tout seul• Musique originale composée pour améliorer chaque histoire• Animation d’écran• Les pages sont dimensionnelles pour améliorerl’apprentissage• Cette « app universelle » est optimisée pour l’affichageRetina• Association dessin/mot – quand on touche une image, le mot estsurligné et énoncé• Belles illustrationsSi vous aimez cette app, vous aimerez aussi les autres apps denotre série! On vous offre gratuitement la première app de lasérie, « Luca Longs Cils, Le Garçon aux Yeux Marron et aux CilsMagiques» pour que vous puissiez rencontrer Luca! N’oubliez pas dela télécharger !*********Ce qu’on dit de Luca Longs Cils*********« Les livres sont très bien écrits- les illustrations sontadorables et j’ai beaucoup aimé les fonctions interactives. J'aiégalement apprécié les conseils aux parents, car parfois il peutêtre difficile de savoir la meilleure façon de confronter la peurd'un enfant.— Bekah, Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12«J'aime beaucoup que le livre soit disponible en plusieurslangues. Quelle bonne idée d’avoir la section parents à la fin dechaque histoire pour orienter les enfants faces à leurs premièresexpériences ! Une excellente introduction de Luca dans cettehistoire et je suis impatiente d'apprendre plus sur son personnagedans les livres à venir. » - iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12« Histoire mignonne. J'ai beaucoup aimé la lire à l’enfant de 3 ansque je garde. Il a adoré toucher les illustrations et regarder lesanimations. » - Brooke Babblin’, iTunes review, Luca Longs Cils, LeGarçon aux Yeux Marron et aux Cils Magiques, 5 sur 5 étoiles,5/4/12« Luca Longs Cils est une activité innovante, amusante, etpassionnante qui peut aider à créer des liens incroyables pour lesjeunes familles. » -. Scott A. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12*************Suivez-nous****************************FacebookTwitterYouTubeLinkedInLe Blog de Luca Longs CilsRegardez notre kit de presse électroniqueLearn how to brush yourteeth with Luca Lashes! This is the second app in a series of earlyexperiences for children. You can read and interact with the storyin five languages: English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Enjoythis series of multilingual and educational app.This app follows the series of books by Luca Lashes and guideyour child with the routines of good oral hygiene. Children learnwith Luca Lashes while learning how and why they should brush theirteeth. This app is interactive (touch, track, and hearing arerequested), you will find suggestions for parents, and a characterthat children can identify with. These books are for children age0-4 years.To encourage younger children to start reading the words andpictures are interactive. The purpose of Luca Lashes is to promoteliteracy by combining text, drawings, and sound with entertainmentand interactive learning opportunities.• Multilingual audio narration• Interactive sound effects for each scene• Option for the child to read alone• Original music composed to enhance each story• Animation Screen• Pages are dimensional to enhance learning• This "universal app" is optimized for the Retina display• Association drawing / word - when an image is touched, the wordis highlighted and statement• Beautiful illustrationsIf you like this app, you will also like the other apps in ourseries! We offer free first app in the series, "Luca Lashes, TheBoy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic" for you to meet Luca! Donot forget to download it!********* It is said Luca Lashes *********"The books are very well written, the illustrations are adorableand I loved the interactive features. I also appreciated the adviceto parents, because sometimes it can be difficult to know the bestway to confront the fear of a child.- Bekah, Motherhood Moment 5/8/12"I love that the book is available in several languages. What agreat idea to have the parents' section at the end of each story toguide children in their faces first experiences! An excellentintroduction to Luca in this story and I am eager to learn moreabout his character in the books to come. "- ITunes review, LucaLashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes and Eyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars5/4/12"History cute. I loved to read the 3 year old that I keep. He lovedtouching illustrations and watch the entertainment. "- BrookeBabblin 'iTunes review, Luca Lashes, The Boy with Brown Eyes andEyelashes Magic, 5 of 5 stars 5/4/12"Luca Lashes is an innovative activity, fun, and exciting thatcan help create amazing connections for young families. "-. ScottA. Irwin, MD, Ph.D., 30/03/12Follow us ************* ****************************FacebookTwitterYouTubeLinkedInBlog Luca LashesView our electronic press kit
Luca Visits the Nursing Home 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Award Winning - Recommended for Ages 0-4 with75+ Interactive OpportunitiesDo you have a parent or grandparent in a nursing home? Are youready to bring your child to see them? Join Luca Lashes as hevisits his great grandmother, plays some games, and has a greattime visiting! This is an award winning multilingual, educational,interactive, audio app that continues the Luca Lashes series aboutchildren experiencing their ‘firsts.’ The stories can be read inChinese, English, French, Italian and Spanish.This app is the seventh in our series. In this story, Luca, thebrown-eyed boy with the magic eyelashes, visits his greatgrandmother in a nursing home. Children experience the sights andsounds of a nursing home by touching interactive areas on thescreen. The story also includes some suggestions for parents tohelp parents take the newness and anxiety out of thissituation.The Luca Lashes series is written for children under four. Tohelp children learn to read, individual words are highlighted asthe story is narrated.Luca Lashes LLC is committed to reading education. To achievethis goal, we combine the original text with lively,age-appropriate artwork and audio. This combination creates anentertaining and interactive learning experience. It is never tooearly to fall in love with language!Additional features:• Multilingual audio narration available in Chinese, English,French, Italian and Spanish• Fun and engaging interactive sound effects for each sceneincluding some animation• “Read to me” or “By myself” options• Original music composed to enhance each story• Screen Tilt Animation• Pages are dimensional to enhance the learning experience• This “Universal App” is optimized for Retina displays• Word/Sound association—words are highlighted as they arespoken• Beautiful hand drawn illustrationsIf you like this app, you will LOVE the other apps in the series!We offer the first app in the series—Luca Lashes, The Brown- EyedBoy with The Magic Eyelashes—for FREE, so you can meet Luca and seewhat our series is all about! Be sure to download it!***What Readers are Saying About Luca Lashes***"The books are very well put-together - the illustrations areadorable and I like that there are interactive features. I alsolove the bonus parent tips, since sometimes it can be hard to knowwhat the best way to approach a child's fear is." — Bekah,Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12"I love that this book comes in multiple languages. What a greatconcept by having a parent's section at the end of each of yourstories to provide guidance with first encounters. A greatintroduction of Luca in this story and I look forward to learningmore about his character in books to come." — iTunes review, LucaLashes: The Brown Eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5stars, 5/4/12"Cute story. I enjoyed reading it to the 3-year-old I babysit.He loved touching the illustrations and watching them animate." —Babblin' Brooke, iTunes review, Luca Lashes: The Brown Eyed Boywith the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5 stars, 5/4/12“Luca Lashes is an innovative, fun, and exciting activity. Itprovides an incredible bonding experience for young families.” —Scott A. Irwin, M.D., Ph.D., 3/30/12*****Follow Us On*****Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter at http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLuca Lashes Blog at http://blog.lucalashes.com/YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchSee our Electronic Press Kit at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=
Luca Lashes Visits the Dentist 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Prepare your child for their first trip tothedentist with Luca Lashes! Read and interact with this storyaboutone of the many “first” experiences children have. This isaninteractive, educational and multilingual, audio appseriesavailable in Chinese (coming soon), English, French, Italian,andSpanish.This app continues the award winning Luca Lashes series,andhelps your child experience their first dentist visit throughtheeyes of Luca Lashes, the Brown-Eyed Boy with the MagicEyelashes.Children can experience the sights and sounds of adentist officethrough interactivity (touch, sight, and sound), andparents aregiven a list of supportive information to assist withthisinteresting first experience all children go through. TheLucaLashes series is intended for children under four.To promote reading in children, individual words arehighlightedas the story is read. Luca Lashes LLC aims to promoteliteracy bycombining the original text with terrific artwork andaudio, eachproviding entertainment and interactive learningopportunities.Additional features:• Multilingual audio narration (Chinese, English, French,Italian,and Spanish)• Fun & engaging interactive sound effects for each scenew/some animation!!!• “Read to me” or “By myself” option• Original music composed to enhance each story• Screen Tilt Animation• Pages are dimensional to enhance the learning experience• This “Universal App” is optimized for Retina displays• Word/Sound association - words are highlighted as theyarespoken• Beautiful hand drawn illustrationsIf you like this app, you’ll LOVE the other apps that wealsohave available in our series! We are offering the first app intheseries “Luca Lashes, The Brown- Eyed Boy with The MagicEyelashes”for FREE, so you can meet Luca and see what our series isallabout! Make sure to download it!********What Readers are Saying About Luca Lashes*********"A great book for any little one's first trip to the dentist!LucaLashes takes children on a wonderful adventure in this bookaboutthe 'scary' dentist office. Most kids are terrified at thedentist,but mostly because they don't understand what is happening.Thetools are strange. The chair is weird, and the dentist isastranger to new patients. This book tells kids what to expectandtakes that fear away. When children are clearly told whattoexpect, that fear of the unknown is taken away. I wouldrecommendthis book to anyone with a child about to embark on thatfirstdental visit." — Kel Fuller, Librarian, Luca Lashes and HisFirstTrip to the Dentist, 4/22/12"I love that this book comes in multiple languages. What agreatconcept by having a parent's section at the end of each ofyourstories to provide guidance with first encounters. Agreatintroduction of Luca in this story an dI look forward tolearningmore about his character in books to come." — iTunesreview, LucaLashes: The Brown Eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes, 5out of 5stars, 5/4/12I am terrified of dentists, although when I was a kid, Iwasn't.Maybe it was because my dentist gave me free stuffliketoothbrushes and cute VHS tapes. If this book [existed backthen,I'm sure she would have given me a copy." — MarianneBenavidez,Second Bookshelf on the Right, Luca Lashes and His FirstTrip tothe Dentist, 4/26/12**********Follow Us On*********************Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter at http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLuca Lashes Blog at http://blog.lucalashes.com/YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchSee our Electronic Press Kit at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=
Luca Lashes The Brown-Eyed Boy 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Discover the world with Luca Lashes! Read andinteract with a children’s story in four languages. Please enjoythis award winning multilingual educational audio App Series.This App introduces the series, which follows the exploits of“Luca Lashes, the Brown-eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes,” as hediscovers the world around him and experiences his “firsts” inlife. The App features interactivity (touch, sight, & sound),parent suggestions, a relatable character and is written forchildren under four. Each version can be read in English, French,Italian, & Spanish.To promote reading in young children, individual words arehighlighted as the story is read and words zoom up when picturesare touched. Luca Lashes aims to promote literacy by combining theoriginal text with artwork and audio, each providing entertainmentand interactive learning opportunities.Additional Features:★ Picture/Word association -words zoom up and are spoken whenpictures are touched★ Multilingual audio narration★ Interactive sound effects for each scene★ Pages are dimensional to enhance the learning experience********What Readers are Saying About Luca Lashes*********"I love that this book comes in multiple languages. What a greatconcept by having a parent's section at the end of each of yourstories to provide guidance with first encounters. A greatintroduction of Luca in this story an I’ll look forward to learningmore about his character in books to come." — iTunes review, LucaLashes: The Brown Eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5stars, 5/4/12"The books are very well put-together - the illustrations areadorable and I like that there are interactive features. I alsolove the bonus parent tips, since sometimes it can be hard to knowwhat the best way to approach a child's fear is." — Bekah,Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12"The story offers kids a way to overcome their fears on theirown, which I think is great! And the app lets kids poke around withthe characters and the objects. It's cute. Also, other books in theseries seem to target other common problem-areas. I look forward tomore!" — StaticFox, Amazon review, Luca Lashes: The Brown Eyed Boywith the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5 stars, 5/3/12Luca Lashes is an innovative, fun, and exciting activity. Itprovides an incredible bonding experience for young families.” —Scott A. Irwin, M.D., Ph.D., 3/30/12*************************Follow Us On**************************Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter at http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLuca Lashes Blog at http://blog.lucalashes.com/YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchSee our Electronic Press Kit at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=
Luca Lashes Learns to Brush 1.0 APK
Luca Lashes LLC
Have your child journey with Luca Lashes as hediscovers how to clean his teeth! This is the second app in aseries about children’s “first” experiences that will help yourchild understand the importance of brushing their teeth. Read andinteract with this story in five languages: Chinese (coming soon),English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Please enjoy thismultilingual educational audio app series.This app continues the award winning Luca Lashes series, andhelps guide your child through the early routines of good dentalhygiene. Children can learn along with Luca Lashes as he learns howto use a toothbrush and why. The app features interactivity (touch,sight, & sound), parent suggestions, a relatable character andis written for children under four.To promote reading in young children, individual words arehighlighted as the story is read. Luca Lashes aims to promoteliteracy by combining the original text with terrific artwork andaudio, each providing entertainment and interactive learningopportunities. It’s never too early to fall in love withlanguage!Additional features:• Multilingual audio narration (Chinese (coming soon), English,French, Italian, & Spanish)• Fun & engaging interactive sound effects for each scene w/some animation!!!• “Read to me” or “By myself” option• Original music composed to enhance each story• Screen Tilt Animation• Pages are dimensional to enhance the learning experience• This “Universal App” is optimized for Retina displays• Word/Sound association - words are highlighted as they arespoken• Beautifully hand drawn illustrations★★★★★If you like this app, you’ll LOVE the other apps that we alsohave available in our series! We are offering the first app in theseries “Luca Lashes, The Brown- Eyed Boy with The Magic Eyelashes”for FREE, so you can meet Luca and see what our series is allabout!********What Readers are Saying About Luca Lashes*********"I love that this book comes in multiple languages. What a greatconcept by having a parent's section at the end of each of yourstories to provide guidance with first encounters. A greatintroduction of Luca in this story an I’ll look forward to learningmore about his character in books to come." — iTunes Review, LucaLashes: The Brown Eyed Boy with the Magic Eyelashes, 5 out of 5stars, 5/4/12"My eyes immediately were drawn to the Luca Lashes books. Theillustrations are simple, but colorful and stand right out. And thesubject matter is very relevant for young families like my own...Iloved Luca Lashes Learns to Brush His Teeth because it relates tothe children and how they feel. It says to a child, 'I'm on yourside,' and that's important when facing scary situations. I alsoloved that it had a section in the back with facts for parents andresources." —Tiffany Taylor, Just 10 More Minutes, 4/13/12"The books are very well put-together - the illustrations areadorable and I like that there are interactive features. I alsolove the bonus parent tips, since sometimes it can be hard to knowwhat the best way to approach a child's fear is." — Bekah,Motherhood Moment, 5/8/12“Luca Lashes is an innovative, fun, and exciting activity. Itprovides an incredible bonding experience for young families.” —Scott A. Irwin, M.D., Ph.D., 3/30/12*************Follow Us On****************************Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/lucalashesllcTwitter at http://www.twitter.com/LucaLashesLLCLinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/luca-lashes-llcLuca Lashes Blog at http://blog.lucalashes.com/YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/LucaLashesLLC?feature=watchSee our Electronic Press Kit at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrjJwEfNjU&context=C4343195ADvjVQa1PpcFPWddWLRdv7qSmbLA9AhYnSVWpHNSzvgLg=