6.0.44 / July 3, 2019
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NOTE: This application access is restricted to Play School Egyptstudents and parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keepingyou up to date on Play School Egypt announcements. **About PlaySchool Egypt** Mission: ----------- Our mission is to develop earlylearners with active and creative minds offering a broad andchallenging educational program to students from diverse culturalbackgrounds. Vision: --------- We are a caring learning communitycommitted to safely and joyfully nurture our children’s excellencevia an international play based and inquiry based curriculum.

اطلاعات برنامه اندروید Play School Egypt

  • نام برنامه
    Play School Egypt
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    July 3, 2019
  • حجم فایل
  • حداقل نسخه اندروید
    Android 4.4 and up
  • نسخه
  • توسعه دهنده
    Entrepreware for Education
  • تعداد نصب
  • قیمت
  • دسته بندی
  • توسعه دهنده
  • Google Play Link

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Super Kidz Nursery 3.2.1 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted toSuper Kidz Nursery students and parents.Key Features:------------------* Keeping you up to date on the Super Kidz Nurseryannouncements.**About Super Kidz Nursery**Education:--------------Art and craft’s influence on kids:We believe how art enhances creativity, imagination, andself-esteem, and encourages critical thinking and learning. We alsobelieve that what makes art such a great teaching tool is that artengages children’s senses in open-ended play and develops Social,Emotional and Sensory-Motor skills. Art is a cooperative learningexperience that provides pleasure, challenge, and a sense ofmastery. That’s why a big part of our education is based onart.Jolly phonics:Jolly Phonics is a systematic synthetic phonics program designed toteach children to read and write. Children learn the 42 lettersounds of the English language, rather than the alphabet. They arethen taken through the stages of blending and segmenting words todevelop reading and writing skills.Montessori approach:-----------------------------We use the Montessori approach in early childhood education as itis a wonderful way to introduce problem solving for a young child’sbrain and help work on their motor skills as well. Children oftenlearn through play and through manipulation of toys. Imaginativeplay and real life role play helps the child grasp concepts thatmight be foreign to them. Early stimulation rather than introducingthe behaviors later can help the mind grow and process informationway before what was originally thought possible.7 Habits of a happy kid:--------------------------------Habit 7 : Sharpen the sawHabit 6 : SynergizeHabit 5 : Seek first to understand, then to be understoodHabit 4 : Think win-winHabit 3 : Put first things firstHabit 2 : Begin with the end in mindHabit 1 : Be proactiveHealth and care:----------------------Our dedicated nursery team is committed to the task of lookingafter your child. All senior members of staff hold child carequalifications. We are proud of our nursery team who endeavor tomake each child’s time and learning experience important and funwith their enthusiasm and positive attitude. We also offer periodicmedical and dental checkups.
Alzohor Nursery 3.2.1 APK
الرسالة:---------تسعى الحضانة الى بناء جيل وطني محب للعلم والوطن والمساهمة بتحقيقرؤية قطر ٢٠٣٠ من الناحية الاجتماعية وتلتزم الحضانة بمساعدة الاسرةبغرس القيم والاخلاق الدينية وتنشئة طفل له قيمة أخلاقية وسلوكيةمميزة وإكسابه مهارات اجتماعية جديدة ففي هذه المرحلة يتم بناء الأسسوتكوين الشخصية.الرؤية:-------تعتمد الحضانة على أسلوب التعليم باللعب فيتم توجيه نشاط الأطفاللتنمية سلوكهم وقدراتهم العقلية والجسدية ويحقق في نفس الوقت المتعةوالتسلية لهم فيتم استغلال اللعب في اكسابهم المعرفة وتقريب مبادئالعلم للأطفال وتوسيع مداركهم وتنشئة طفل مبدع ومتوازن قادر علىالتفاعل مع البيئة المحيطة به وتعزيز ثقته بنفسه وتنمية مهاراتهوقدراته الإبداعية.الأهداف:---------۱- تنمية القيم والآداب والسلوك وتعزيز الثقة بالنفس والانتماء لدىالأطفال.۲- تدريب الأطفال على تحمل المسؤولية والاعتماد على النفس.۳- تنمية المهارات المختلفة والقدرات الإبداعية لدى الأطفال.٤- تعويد الأطفال على حب الجماعة والعمل التعاوني ومساعدتهم علىالاندماج مع الأقران.٥- المساهمة في حل الكثير من المشكلات لدى الأطفال كالخجل والإنطواءوالعدوان....الخ.٦- توطيد العلاقة بين الطفل ومعلمته من خلال التفاعلمعه.٧- تنمية شخصية الطفل من النواحي الجسمية والعقلية والحركيةواللغوية الانفعالية والاجتماعية.٨- مساعدة الطفل على التعبير عن نفسهبالرموز الكلامية وعلى التعبير عن خيالاته وتطويرها.
New Generation Int. School 3.2.2 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted toNew Generation International School students and parents.Key Features:------------------* Keeping you up to date on New Generation International Schoolannouncements.**About New Generation International School**Our Mission-----------------New Generation International Schools, along with parents, foster anenabling community that brings forth well-balanced leaders, guidedby mentors who unleash students' creativity, in an equipped safeenvironment.Our Vision---------------New Generation International Schools’ graduates will make valuablecontributions to the society by being visionary leaders.
Kinder house Playschool 2.9.0 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted toKinder house Playschool students and parents.Key Features:-------------------* Keeping you up to date on Kinder house Playschoolannouncements.**About Kinder house Playschool**Because we believe that the children of today are the scientistsof tomorrow, our nursery places special attention to educationthrough using the latest educational methods as well as our ownmethods of clarification.We are also interested in teaching languages such as English,French, German & of course Arabic. Our nursery believes inreligious education where we help children memorize Quran from theage of one & a half years.The nursery also cares about Child behavior & Communication,which is why we teach children how to eat, how to deal with peers,how to buy & sell through weekly markets within the nursery. Weteach Music, Playing musical instruments & Singing in English,French & German.Because sports is important to the health of our children, we offersports activities including Swimming, Football, Basketball,Handball & Gymnastics.Children love entertainment, we offer Children’s Cinema, Outdoorgames & Parties as well as helping them develop a sense ofartistic innovation through our Arts & Crafts activities.Mission:-----------Our mission does not end at kindergarten, we are pleased to hostprimary school children where we review their curriculum & helpwith their homework, such as Arabic, English, French, Math &Religion.
Under5 International Preschool 3.2.1 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted toUnder5 International Preschool students and parents.Key Features:------------------* Keeping you up to date on Under5 International Preschoolannouncements.**About Under5 International Preschool**Creating nurturing, caring and creative environments for yourchildren.About Us:--------------Under 5 is not just your regular next-door preschool, it is a placewhere you can feel your kids are safe, learning and within a lovingenvironment.We started in 2003 with the vision of a better life. Our staff didnot just want to raise kids, they wanted to develop society andimprove new generations. Later on, in 2008, we expanded intoseveral branches in different locations in Cairo, Egypt.Our philosophy focuses on providing a safe environment thatembraces children and enables them to expand their skills. We teachthem how to grow and become responsible.Currently, the company owns five successful contributions to thedevelopment of Egyptian youth in the child care service.Under 5 is associated with many multinational and local companiesthrough our unique corporate programs. These programs provideimportant benefits to working parents, especially workingmothers.Our Mission:------------------Under 5’s goal is to promote awareness on how early braindevelopment works and provide advanced learning opportunities toyoung children and their parents through internationally acclaimedprograms.Our aim is to create a warm, welcoming and homely environment inwhich children feel comfortable and safe, allowing them to thriveand grow in confidence.
NIS 6.0.45 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted to NIS students andparents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keeping you up to dateon the NIS announcements. **About NIS** Our Mission----------------- Our mission is to empower our students to utilizetheir potentials in a diverse and challenging world. We provideoutstanding education for the mind, spirit and body usingstate-of-the-art methodologies while fostering interculturalawareness, and lifelong learning. Our Vision --------------- Ourvision is to be recognized as a benchmark of quality and innovativeproviders of education. AT NIS, WE FOLLOW A CORE SET OF BELIEFS--------------------------------------------------------------------------• We believe in the potential of a triangulated partnership; parent– student – school, to foster a sense of community andresponsibility within the learning process; • We believe thateducation is effective when we develop the whole child both incharacter and academics; • We believe in a learner-centeredapproach, developing such curricula and delivering instruction thatfocuses on the learning needs of each individual child; • Webelieve that our staff should aim to inspire within students anunderstanding and appreciation of cultural awareness and tolerance;and We believe that each child has the equal and equitable right tolearn.
Play School Egypt 6.0.44 APK
NOTE: This application access is restricted to Play School Egyptstudents and parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keepingyou up to date on Play School Egypt announcements. **About PlaySchool Egypt** Mission: ----------- Our mission is to develop earlylearners with active and creative minds offering a broad andchallenging educational program to students from diverse culturalbackgrounds. Vision: --------- We are a caring learning communitycommitted to safely and joyfully nurture our children’s excellencevia an international play based and inquiry based curriculum.
Manhattan Schools 6.0.45 APK
Be up to date with Manhattan Schools announcements and more!