برترین 6 برنامه مشابه به Little Big World (French&EN)

Терем-Теремок 1.0
"Сказка «Теремок»представляетсобоймультимедийную интерактивную иллюстрированнуюдетскую аудиокнигу.Это первая российская детская книга дляпланшетных устройствсмаксимальным уровнем интерактивности.Сюжет сказки дополнен развивающими играми – пазломираскраской.Большинство объектов книги (главные герои,растения,облака,предметы интерьера и т.д.) – интерактивны. Ребеноклегкимкасаниеммонитора может играть ими, передвигать зверей,убираться вдоме,включать свет, ловить рыбу, собирать цветы идажестроитьтеремок.Особенности*лучшая интерактивность*красочные персонажи*озвучка, как из любимых мультфильмов*обучение и развлечение в мире доброй русской сказки«Теремок» - одно из приложений, в которые ребенокзахочетсыгратьеще и еще раз!«Теремок» открывает серию интерактивных книг «Живыесказки»,средикоторых сказки «Колобок», «Курочка Ряба», «Репка»,«Емеля»,«Волк исемеро козлят».""Fairy Tale"TheMansion"is a multimedia interactive illustrated children'saudiobook.This is Russia's first children's book for tablet deviceswiththehighest level of interactivity.The plot of the tale is complemented educational games-puzzlegames and coloring. Most of the objects of the book(themaincharacters, plants, clouds, interior, etc.) -interactive.Babymonitor with a light touch can play with them, movetheanimals,clean the house, turn on the lights, fishing,pickingflowers, andeven build a Mansion.Features* Best Interactive* Colorful characters* Voice, as of favorite cartoons* Education and entertainment in the world of goodRussianfairytales"The Mansion" - one of the applications in which thechildwillwant to play again and again!"The Mansion" opens a series of interactive books "Livingafairytale", among which the fairy tale "The GingerbreadMan","SpeckledHen", "turnip", "Emelya", "The Wolf and the SevenLittleKids.""
قصص الأطفال -الإصدار الأخير- 2.3
تطبيق قصص الاطفال الإصدار الأخير هو أحدثوأقوىالتطبيقات التي تقدم العديد من الحكايات والقصص المثيرة للأطفالو قصصقبل النومشامله ومفيده لأطفالكم .ويتعبر تطبيق قصص الأطفال في الإصدار الأخير التطبيق الأمثل والمميزلطفلك او صغيرك كما يمكن ان تقرأ عليه أنت القصص هذه , فيمايدخل ضمناطار قصص قبل النوم كما كان يفعل أجدادنا و آباؤنا . ويحتويتطبيق قصصالأطفال على قصص مذهلة و مفيدة للأطفال بحيث توجد في كل قصةعبرةيستفيدها طفلك و شيء جديد سيساعده في حياته اليومية و حينما يكبرإذان تطبيق قصص الأطفال ينمي فيه روح التعاون و التآخي و التسامحوالمحبة . كما يحتوي أيضا على بعض من قصص الأنبياء واللتي ستنميلديهالقيم الأخلاقية و الإسلامية ايضا .وايضا تستطيع مشاركه القصص ونشرها على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعياوارسالها عبر رسائل نصية او واتساب ... ،أضخم مجموعه من القصص والحكايات للأطفال حمل التطبيق الآن .The application ofthekids stories latest version is the latest and mostpowerfulapplications that offer many exciting tales and children'sstoriesand stories before bedtime Inclusive and beneficial to your children.Tangier and the application of children's stories in thelatestversion optimized application and characteristic of yourchild oryour child to be read by you of these stories, while fallswithinthe framework of the stories before going to sleep as he didourfathers and grandfathers. It contains the application ofchildren'sstories on the amazing stories and useful for children sothatthere is a lesson in every story Astvidha your child andsomethingnew will help him in his daily life and when he grows upas theapplication of children's stories develop the spirit ofcooperationand brotherhood, tolerance and love. It also containssome of thestories of the Prophets and which will develop has amoral andIslamic values ​​as well.And also you can share stories and publish them on socialnetworksor sent via text messages or Atsab ...,The largest group of stories and tales for children downloadtheapplication now.
قصص اطفال قبل النوم 2.0
قصص اطفال قبل النومانتظروا التحديثChildren'sBedtimeStoriesWait update
Splash: Icky's Shower Playtime 1.1.0
Here is Icky, he’s the one! We’ll playwithIcky’s Bathtime Fun! - let’s get the messy icky clean usingtheSudsy - we’re a cleaning machine! Turn temperature dials forwarmeror colder, you’ll play it safe as you grow older! Steamywindow inthe bath, you get to write and scribble! Lots of thingsthat youcan try, its Bathtime Fun, no quibble! Suds and scrubbingfun forkids, - tickle Icky’s ribs!ICKY BATHTIME FUN is a delightful way to play, and learnaboutsuds, steam, colors, and hot and cold water! With a simpletouchinterface, this intuition game helps your child buildconfidencewhile learning manipulation activities with Sticky Icky.Your childis practicing and building anticipation and outcomeskills, all thewhile, having an exciting and silly adventure!DEVELOPMENTAL CRITERIAEarly Childhood Development (ECD) criteria: learning–recognition – anticipation – activity outcomes - spatialcognition– emotional development.Ideal ages for this playtime game: 2 - 5 yearsABOUT AGNITUSWe know children are naturally creative. Children learnthroughplay, and by seeing, touching, hearing, and doing.Enjoyinglearning, prepares your child for ready-entry intopreschool andstructured learning environments.Agnitus touch-enabled ‘smart’ learning games for the iPad takeabrand new approach to playtime learning! As your childlearns,Agnitus recognizes your child’s strengths and challenges,gentlyincreasing familiarity for your child, through‘learning-to-learn’and providing alternative activities adapted tomeet your child’sneeds.Try our other learning and fun games for the phone andtablets.Search Google play to find our titles for the followingages andskills:✔ 2 YEAR OLDS : Fun Learning Games about - Shapes, Colors,Fruits,Quantities, ABC's, Animal Names, Memory Puzzle,Counting✔ 3 YEAR OLDS : Writing and Reading Games including -Tracing,Alphabet Sounds, Consonant, Blending, Reading,Spelling,Vocabulary.✔ 4 YEAR OLDS : Early Reading, Nursery Rhymes and Interactivebooksfor kids that reads a story for 4 year old kids✔ 5 YEAR OLDS : Fun Math Games including - Number,Counting,Tracing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Factoring&Distribution✔ 6 YEAR OLDS : Math and Worksheets including - Number,Counting,Tracing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Factoring&Distribution✔ 7 YEAR OLDS : Geometry & Math - Shape Puzzle, StoryTelling,Coloring Book, Space Puzzle, Balance Puzzle, PatternMatchingPuzzle.By downloading this App you agree to Agnitus's Privacy PolicyandTerms of Use at http://www.agnitus.com/terms.html andathttp://www.agnitus.com/privacy.html
TEOG Cepte 4.0
Sevgili 8. Sınıf Öğrencileri,Bu uygulama TEOG Sınavlarına hazırlanmanız içinüretildi.Uygulamamız yakında Fen ve Teknoloji, Din Kültürü ve AhlakBilgisi,Matematik, İngilizce, İnkılap Tarihi ve Türkçe dahil bütünderslerive bütün TEOG konularını kapsayacak şekildegüncellenmektedir.Uygulama İle İlgili Birkaç Faydalı BilgiUyarı: Lütfen uygulamamızda (video bölümü hariç)“sadeceuygulamanın kendi tuşlarını” kullanınız. Özellikletelefonunuzungeri tuşuna basmanız sizi uygulamadan çıkaracaktır.Sadece videoizlerken tam ekrandan çıkmak için telefonunuzun gerituşunukullanabilirsiniz.Dersi seçtikten sonra 3 temel öğe ile karşılaşacaksınız:İlgilidersin TEOG Konuları, Yazılı Sınavları ve TEOG Denemeleri.Şimdiisterseniz bu bölümleri yakından inceleyelim.TEOG 1 Fen ve Teknoloji Konuları: Her konu içinde de 3 temelöğebulunmaktadır.1. Konu Özeti ve Örnek Sorular:Bu bölümde sizin için özenle maddeler halinde hazırlanmış,basitve anlaşılır bir konu özeti mevcuttur.Her maddede interaktif örnekler bulunmaktadır.İnteraktifsorular, örnek sorular tuşuna bastığınızda alt kısımdaaçılacaktır.Bir sonraki örnek soruya geçebilmeniz için beyaz okişaretinebasmanız gerekmektedir.2. Konu Anlatım Videoları:www.eba.gov.tr adresinde bulunan konu ile ilgili dersanlatımvideolarına uygulama aracılığı ile erişebilirsiniz.Videolara tıkladığınızda kesintisiz izleyebilmenizveanlamadığınız yerleri kolaylıkla geri alabilmeniz içinvideoindirilecektir. Bu işlem sırasında uygulama bir ikidakikadonabilir ama sonrasında konforlu bir şekildevideonuzuizlersiniz.Videonuz indiğinde açılması için play tuşuna basın. Dahagenişekranda izlemek isterseniz telefonunuzu yançevirerekizleyebilirsiniz.3. Bilgi Yarışmaları:Her konuda bilgilerinizi eğlenerek ölçmenizi ve tekraryapmanızısağlayacak bilgi yarışması kısmı bulunmaktadır.Bilgi yarışmasında her soru için ilk seferde doğrucevabıbilirseniz 10 puan alacağınız 10 soru sorulur. Bu sorularherseferinde o konu için hazırlanmış soru havuzundan rastgeleseçilir.Bütün soruları doğru bilirseniz toplamda 100 puanalmışolursunuz.İki adet joker hakkınız bulunmaktadır:“Yarı yarıya” jokerini kullandığınızda yanlış şıklardanikisielenir.“Geç” jokerini kullandığınızda ise bir soruyu puankaybetmedenpas geçersiniz.Yarışma sonunda kaçırdığınız soruları tekrar edipaçığınızıkapatabilirsiniz.Yazılı Sınavları:Yazılı konularına ait sorulardan oluşturulan havuzdanherseferinde rastgele seçilen 10 sorudan oluşan sınavlardır.Sorularher seferinde rastgele seçildiği için kendinizidefalarcasınayabilirsiniz.1. TEOG Denemeleri:Tüm TEOG 1 konuları ile ilgili yüzlerce sorudan oluşanhavuzdanher seferinde rastgele seçilen 20 sorudan meydana gelir.Her soruTEOG ’da olduğu gibi 5 puandır. Bütün sorularıdoğrucevapladığınızda toplamda 100 puan almış olursunuz.Ödül Oyunlar:Bilgi yarışmaları, yazılı sınavlar veya denemelerden 100puanaldığınızda açılan küçük ama eğlenceli oyunlar sınavstresindensizi bir süreliğine olsun uzaklaştırmak için konuldu.Tadınıçıkartın :)Şimdilik bu kadar. Hepinize başarılı ve mutlu birgelecekdilerim.Dear 8thGradeStudents,This application was made for teoge you prepare for the exam.Ourpractice soon Science and Technology, Religion andEthics,Mathematics, English, and all subjects including History ofTurkishand updated to include all teoge issues.Applications Related to A Few Useful InformationNotice: Please our application (except for the videosection)"own keys, just practice" use. Especially, do not pressyour phoneback you will remove the application. You can only usethe backbutton to exit the full screen while watching videos onyourphone.After you select you will be greeted by 3 basic elements ofthecourse: course teoge Related Issues, Examination and teogeTrials.Let us examine closely this section if you want it now.Teoge 1 Science and Technology Topics: There are threebasicelements within each topic.1. Subject Summary and Sample Questions:In this section, if carefully prepared material for you,simpleand straightforward topic summary is available.There are interactive examples in each item.Interactivequestions, sample questions will appear when you pressthe buttonat the bottom. To move on to the next sample questionsyou shouldpress the white arrow.2. Lecture Videos:www.eba.gov.t in the relevant address on the application youcanaccess the course via video narration.Where you can watch a continuous video will be downloadedwhenyou click on the video and understand that you can easily getback.This process may freeze for a minute or two during practicebutcomfortably after you watch your video.To open when you press play in the video. If you want to trackawider screen, you can follow by turning your phone sideways.3. Information Competitions:Everything about you and your information will enable youtorepeat information amused measure has some competition.If you know the right answer the first time you get 10 pointsforeach question in the quiz of 10 questions are asked. Thesequestionsare randomly selected from a pool of questions preparedfor eachtime it issues. If you know all the questions correctlyyou will get100 points in total.You have two lifelines:"Half and half" eliminated two of the wrong stylish when youusethe wildcard."Late" You bypassed a question of losing points if you usethewildcard. The question again whether you miss the end ofthecompetition you can close your gap.Examination of:The pool is created each time the questions are the subjectofthe written test consisting of 10 questions randomlychosen.Questions can test yourself repeatedly for the randomlyselectedeach time.1. Trials teoge:All teoge 1 each time the pool consisting of hundredsofquestions regarding issues occur from 20 randomlyselectedquestions. Each question teoge 'is the same as the 5points. If youanswer all the questions correctly you will havereceived a totalof 100 points.Award Games:Quizzes, you get 100 points from the written exam or essayexamstress was placed drop small but fun games for you to get awayfora while. Enjoy :)That's all for now. I wish you all a happy andsuccessfulfuture.
LittleBigWorld(French&EN Free) 1.2.2
★Travel around the world with the hotairballoon! Discover seven continents for fun!★Little Big World – the latest release from the originalFRPreschool Prep that sold to over 30,000 global viewers!★Preschool learning combined with educational games.★ Six main themes in total. Include story,vocabulary,brainstorming, games, coloring, and craftwork.*****What My Kids Can Learn****Do you have any idea where American Space Launch Site locates?Whyelephants in Africa can drink water without choking? WhatareKoalas up to on the tree all day?Travel around the world with Fruit Rabbits on their hotairballoon and find out lots of fun facts in the world.*****Six Main Themes****★Story★Instill common knowledge of seven continents with vividandappealing animations and pictures to help children widentheirperspective of the global village.★Vocabulary★Increase children's vocabulary and improve their abilitiesofconcentration, visual searching, visual discrimination andvisualclosure by doing manual searching.★Brainstorming★Consists of two challenging and amusing educational games✔Pull and dragMatching games of characteristic figures from seven continentswhichhelps children strengthen the ability of form constancy.✔Finish the puzzleHaving fun while finishing the puzzle! Develop correct conceptsofrelative positions and the ability of spatial relations.★Game★There are total 15 levels in this game, each was set indifferentscenes of every continent and was designed to improve theabilitiesof eye-hand coordination, motor control and motor planningwhilehaving fun joining the tour of worldwide delicacies andavoidingattacks from monsters with the characters on their hotairballoon.★Coloring★Use imaginations and creativities by coloring and drawingpaintingswithout the limitations of line arts (to improve theability ofeye-hand coordination).★Craft★Do craftworks by hands! Follow the instructions to createlovelycraftworks to improves skills of spatial relations,reasoning, andproblem solving.***** Pedia game Features*****1.Professional educators have tailored this program forpre-schoolchildren.-To enrich children knowledge, showing interesting andvariedteaching content.2.Multi-language audio, listening, learning and havingfun!-Easily allows your children to learn as we have manylanguagesselections.3. 「Fruit Rabbits」 the lovely roles, your children like totouch& learn.-The interesting roles design that children like very much,acolorful world of learning will make learning easy, funandinteresting.4.Hundreds of stories using animation to help children graspnewconcepts and ideas5.Thousands of interactive learning games to increaseyourchild's knowledge.6.Science, Geography, Mathematics, Languages, Art,Sports,Health, Psychology, and other subjectsKeywords:painting, bilingual, puzzle, kindergarten, ABC, child,languagelearn, education, jigsaw, preschool ,children ,cartoon,reading,map, Cognitive Skills, Toddlers, Nursery, Infants, Kids,Educational,Reading, Letters, Phonics, Reading, Games forChildren,Preschool-aged