برترین 50 برنامه مشابه به Lifesaver Mobile

QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
Code Blue Pro 6.0.1
Code Blue is a specialized cardiopulmonary event timer andactivitylogger.
Pedi STAT 5.0.1
James Kempema
A rapid reference for healthcare professionals caring forpediatricpatients.
Anesthesia Emergency 1.2
Anesthesia Aid
A simple application to quickly referencecommonintraoperativeanesthetic emergencies. Emergency algorithmsandcognitive aids areincluded for: ACLS, malignanthyperthermia,anaphylaxis, airembolism, local anesthetic toxicity,bronchospasm,pneumothorax,high spinal, hypoxia, and hypotension.Also includesactions andbroad differential for hypotension Latestresources usedas notedin the "about" section. Future versions toadd: highairwaypressure, hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, and others.Thisapplication ismeant as a cognitive aid and resource for thoseinthe medicalprofession and anesthesiology in particular atalllevels includinganesthesiologists, anaesthetists, nurses,andstudents. While everyeffort has been made to keep currentandaccurate the informationin this app, it is ultimatelytheresponsibility of the user toensure the accuracy of anyinformationhere before using forpatient care. Please feel free toemailAnesthesia.Aid@gmail.comwith any feedback, questions,orsuggestions. Thank you!
EMR Guide
National Safety Council
App is designed with multiple ways of finding themedicalinformation you need.
MedSight 2.4
MedSight, designed by Mindray, allows you to transferultrasoundimages and cine loops from ultrasound systems to yourportablesmart devices via WiFi. It provides patients with an easyand fastway to save ultrasound images in smart devices. 1) Remotereview:Users can remote review the patient information which isstored inultrasound system and even download the patient data. 2)Downloadmanagement: Users can check the patient data downloadprogress andstatus. 3) Local browse: Users can browse the patientdataincluding ultrasound images and cine loops. 4) Setting:Providingbasic setting functions and software information.
iRadTech 4.1.3
RadTech Resource Group
Radiographic Positioning Guide for Medical Imaging ProfessionalsandStudents
Clinical Practice Guidelines 2.2.0
Endocrine Society
Endocrine Society's Clinical Practice Guidelines App
Your personal Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) reference guide
InSimu Patient - Diagnose Virt 7.0.0
Practice real-world diagnostic decision-making on virtual patients.
PulsePoint AED 2.6.1
PulsePoint Foundation
PulsePoint AED lets you report and update AED locationsforemergency responders
ONCOassist 9.7.18
ONCOassist is a CE approved decision support app foroncologyprofessionals.
Anesthesiologist 3.1
Vikas O'Reilly-Shah
Anesthesiologist is designed to help quickly calculate adultandpediatric anesthesia related information. Usefulforanesthesiologists, CRNA, ER and critical care physicians, aswellas medical students, residents, and fellows. Drug dosing andairwaymanagement information is calculated on the basis of patientweightand age. The app is a work in progress; please see "What'snew" forupdates about included information. Airway: Mask sizeLaryngoscopeblade size Endotracheal tube size Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) sizeand ETT it will admit Drugs including IM and rapidsequenceinduction dosing: Succinylcholine RocuroniumCisatracuriumVecuronium Propofol Etomidate Ketamine ThiopentalFentanylHydromorphone Morphine Ketorolac AcetaminophenOndansetronDexamethasone Metoclopramide Epinephrine AmiodaronePhenylephrineEphedrine Midazolam Clonidine Glycopyrrolate AtropineNeostigmineCefazolin Ceftriaxone Ampicillin Cefoxitin ClindamycinGentamicinVancomycin Infusions: Remifentanil Propofol DopamineDobutamineEpinephrine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine MilrinonePhenylephrineVasopressin Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside EsmololObstetric drugs:Magnesium Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost (Hemabate)TerbutalineCopyright 2011 Vikas Shah. Disclaimer and warning: Thisapplicationwas written solely to be used as a helpful adjunctforprofessionally trained physicians and practitionersotherwiseexperienced in airway management and drug administrationanddosing. The data is provided for informational purposes only andinno way should be construed as professional medical advice. Ifyoudon't know the drug, its side effects, and its pitfalls, don'tuseit! Care has been taken that no errors in calculation havebeenmade, but all calculations must be verified by the user.Drugdosing given here is based on published doses, but in allcasesdrugs should be administered on a case by case basis andtitratedto effect for the individual patient. In no case haveindividualpatient differences been taken into account, andconditionsincluding but not limited to renal disease, hepaticdysfunction,cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, metabolicdiseases andmitochondrial diseases may impact dosing or safety inthe usecertain drugs. Neither the name of the copyright owner northe nameof this project may be used to endorse or promote productsderivedfrom this software without specific prior writtenpermission. Thissoftware is provided by the copyright holder "asis" and anyexpress or implied warranties, including, but notlimited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particularpurpose are disclaimed. In no event shall thecopyright owner beliable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, orconsequential damages (including, but notlimited to, procurementof substitute goods or services; loss ofuse, data, or profits; orbusiness interruption) however caused andon any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way outof theuse of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuchdamage. In places where such liabilities cannot be waivedordisclaimed, liability shall not exceed the retail cost oftheapplication to the user of the application. Use of this appimpliesagreement to these terms and conditons. If you do not agreewiththese terms and conditions, delete this applicaton fromyourdevice.
MedUltra 2.0.1
Salus sistemas ltda
Exclusive medical application with reference measurementsinultrasound
Sepsis Clinical Guide 6.0
Escavo Inc.
Sepsis treatment guide for medical professionals
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
OpenEM Foundation
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationathttp://www.wikem.org. If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
Alert2Me - Emergency Alerts 1.3.4
Alert2Me is an informative app to follow warnings andemergencyinformation.
QCPR 6.1.0
Laerdal Medical
The ultimate digital solution for life-saving skill instructionandtraining.
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
Ortho Traumapedia 1.0.11656
Quick access to information important to the treatment ofskeletaltrauma.
Advanced Trauma Life Support 1.10
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to testyourdecision-makingskills in simulated trauma cases. TraumaLifeSupport Features:Primary Survey and ResuscitationAirwayMaintenance Secondary Surveyand Management Airway andVentilatoryManagement OropharyngealAirway Insertion NasopharyngealAirwayInsertion Adult OrotrachealIntubation Laryngeal MaskAirwayInsertion Laryngeal Tube AirwayInsertion InfantEndotrachealIntubation Needle CricothyroidotomySurgicalCricothyroidotomyShock Femoral Venipuncture: SeldingerSubclavianVenipunctureInternal Jugular VenipunctureIntraosseousPuncture/Infusion VenousCutdown Thoracic Trauma PrimarySurveySecondary Survey NeedleThoracentesis Chest TubeInsertionPericardiocentesis Chest X-RayReview Abdominal and PelvicTraumaFocused Assessment SonographyTrauma DiagnosticPeritonealLavage—Open Diagnostic PeritonealLavage—ClosedApplication of aPelvic Binder Techniques to ReducePelvic FracturesHead TraumaMinor Brain Injury Moderate BrainInjury Severe BrainInjury HelmetRemoval Evaluation of Head CTScans Spine and SpinalCord TraumaScreening for Cervical SpineInjury SuspectedThoracolumbar SpineInjury Cervical Spine X-RayAssessmentAtlanto-Occipital JointAssessment Assessing SpineInjuries Thoracicand Lumbar X-RayAssessment MusculoskeletalTrauma AssessmentExtremityImmobilization Realignment of DeformedExtremities TractionSplintApplication Compartment SyndromeIdentification of ArterialInjuryBurn Injuries Pediatric TraumaTrauma During Pregnancy Pleasereviewthe screen images beforedownloading.
Emergency Nurse Practitioner 2.0
The RCH Emergency Nurse Practitioner App is a guide forpaediatricspecialties.
Physio Network Research Review 3.3.9959
Stay up to date with the latest Physiotherapy research.
Emergency Nurse Essentials 6.30.5598
An invaluable resource for nursing students working in ERs orurgentcare!
Anaesthesia Logbook-Log4ASLite 3.0.1
Log4AS: design to produce reports for Anaesthetists
Emergency Ready App 1.6.8
This Service provides emergency shelters for safe evacuation.
Physiotherapy Assessment App 4.0.0
Physiotutors Guide to Physiotherapy Assessment Tests
5 Minute Emergency Medicine 3.7.2
Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Rosen & Barkin's - Definitive Guide to Diagnosis &Treatmentin the EM Room
Pedi Safe Medications 3.4
iAnesthesia LLC
Pediatric Emergency Guide for medications, airway equipment,andBroselow Colors
The Manual Therapy App 2.0.2
Learn mobilisations and manipulations of the musculoskeletal system
ACL knee rehab video therapy 1.3.3
Curovate Inc.
Curovate - physical therapy excercises & daily video afterACLknee replacement
Geeky Medics - OSCE revision 3.96
Geeky Medics
Learn clinical skills on the go with our awesome collection ofOSCEguides.
Diagnosaurus DDx 2.8.08
Unbound Medicine, Inc
Quick-reference tool for differential diagnosis for allhealthcareprofessionals
Staying Alive 6.9.9
Le Bon Samaritain
Staying Alive AED global mapping & Citizen Respondersmanagement
Atlas of Ultrasound Anesthesia 11.3.577
Thorough coverage of regional blocks in over 400 images ofnervesand structures
Okee in Medical Imaging 1.2.2
From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this apphelpschildren to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming tohospitalfor medical imaging (radiology) can be a littleoverwhelming –especially if it’s your first visit! But this iswhere Okee theOctopus and his friends can help. They’ll show youthe ropes andhave you ready for your appointment in no time. Infact, they’rehaving so much fun you’ll want to join in their gameseven if youdon’t need to have your picture taken. And that’s okaytoo – theylove company! So are you ready? Join Okee in apicture-takingadventure in Medical Imaging! 3 training games Startthe adventurewith some training in holding your breath with Puffer,keepingstill with Jellyfish and helping Squid fill up with glowink. 6picture – taking activities Help Okee and friends to:Buildsubmarines in MRI Make milkshakes in fluoroscopy Look forstickersin CT Find the broken bones in X-ray Search for sea starsinultrasound Fasten seatbelts for a ride in nuclear medicineReallife action Videos and photos let you see what it’s really liketohave medical pictures taken at The Royal Children’s Hospital(RCH)Melbourne. Getting ready for your appointment Handy tips andeasyto understand information help you know what to do before youcometo the hospital. Information for parents This appincludesinformation to help you discuss your child’s upcomingappointmentand make visiting the hospital fun and exciting. There’salso handyinformation like phone numbers, parking tips and FAQs.This app hasbeen developed as a collaboration between thedepartments ofMedical Imaging, Educational Play Therapy, and theEducationalResource Centre at The Royal Children’s HospitalMelbourne’s.Funding generously provided by The Royal Children'sHospitalFoundation. Disclaimer This application is intended tosupport, notreplace, discussion with your doctor or healthcareprofessionals.The authors have made a considerable effort to ensuretheinformation is accurate, up to date and easily understood.TheRoyal Children's Hospital accepts no liability foranyinaccuracies, information perceived to be misleading, orthesuccess of any suggestions detailed in this application.
PEPID for Android 050523.0
Top clinical decision support for medical and druginformationresources.
NEJM Knowledge+ IM Review
NEJM Group
NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review
Veterinary Emergency Medicine 1.9
KIMBA Vet Apps
A Clinical tool that will help you to deliver the BEST CARE toyourpatients.
EM:RAP for Emergency Medicine 2.0.0
Join over 22,000 of your colleaguesandsubscribe to the #1 Emergency Medicine show in the world. Forover14 years, Mel Herbert and our team of EM experts have beensharingtheir “Reviews and Perspectives”, bringing you the mostup-to-dateand relevant topics in emergency medicine, every month.It’s funny,it’s smart and it’s truly irresistible medicaleducation.Love listening. With over 54 hours a year ofconcise,up-to-date education, EM:RAP is so much fun, it willquickly becomeyour go-to podcast. You’ll find ways to improve yourpractice everytime you listen.Save time by listening on any device, anywhere. Ourhandyapps for iPhone and Android make listening a breeze. You’llalsotake care of that pesky CME requirement while you’re at it withupto 54 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™.Learn with the best alongside our world-class physicianteam.If you need a refresher on anything you listened to, thatsame teamcrafts concise written summaries of every chapter.Learn more and sign up for an account at: http://www.emrap.orgPaid account: Full episodes, 10+chapters,delivered to your app each month, regular audio bonusshorts andaccess 54 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ eachyear.Free account: One episode chapter each monthandregular audio bonus shorts.
Regional Anesthesia Reference 3.0.0
Andrew M Walters
Quick reference guide to ultrasound guided regionalanesthesiablocks.
HazMat for First Responders 5 hazmat-5 2.6
Contains Skill Videos, Container Identification, Exam Prep,Courses,Audiobook
GoodSAM Alerter
GoodSAM revolutionises the ability to activate first-aidersinemergencies.
First Aid: American Red Cross 3.0.0
American Red Cross
Expert advice for first aid everyday emergencies in your hand.
Emergency Alert
Ryan McCondach
Need to be alerted in silent mode?
NYSORA Nerve Blocks 2.0.69
Practical and authoritative reference guide toultrasound-guidednerve blocks.
2019 A&P Perpetual 6.2.01P
VB Learning
For Organizations Only
This vastly modified new version ofMicroGuideallows medical organisations to self-manage and publishtheir ownidiosyncratic antimicrobial protocols directly to thenewApp!Now, not only can administrators manage their data as they seefit,they can update and publish it whenever they want.Our fully functional and secure web portal is now availableforprotocol management, and the release of this version oftheMicroGuide App is the first in a line of self-maintainedspecialistcontent management systems directly linked to mobiletechnologyproduced by Horizon Strategic Partners.Each organisation that subscribes to the service cancurrentlymanage up to two antimicrobial guidessimultaneously;Adult MicroGuide----------------Do you know what drug covers which bug? What antibioticresistanceis a problem in your locality? Are you competent atprescribingnephrotoxic drugs like gentamicin and vancomycin?Many newly-qualified doctors and pharmacists find it challengingtoknow which bacteria are associated with differentclinicalinfections and what antibiotic regimen will provideadequatecover.The MicroGuide App provides a concise authoritative guide tothetreatment of common infections and safe prescribing ofantibioticson a Trust by Trust basis.Infections covered include:- Septic shock and severe sepsis- Meningitis and shunt infection- Pneumonia (community and hospital)- COPD exacerbation- Urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis (includingESBLorganisms)- Peritonitis- Cholecystitis and cholangitis- Cellulitis and wound infection (including bite wounds)- Necrotising fasciitis- Septic arthritis- Line infection- Febrile neutropeniaGentamicin and vancomycin dosingMicroGuide App incorporates these great tools:- a creatinine clearance calculator- vancomycin dosing table by creatinine clearance- gentamicin dosing interval calculator (just enter the serumleveland the time)The MicroGuide App also provides invaluable expert adviceonspecific topics including:- MRSA carriage and decolonisation- Clostridium difficile antibiotic risk factors- Principles of safe and effective antibiotic prescribing- Penicillin allergy and anaphylaxis- IV to oral switch criteria and switch choicesA new section on the recognition and early management ofseveresepsis and septic shock includes ‘The Sepsis Six’ – sixlife-savinginterventions that can be performed by the junior doctorwithin thefirst hour after the onset of severe sepsis.Paediatrics Guide---------------This module is based upon the successful pocket guide tofirst-lineempirical antibiotic therapy for specific childhoodinfections,developed at University Hospital Southampton in 2010/11byspecialists in paediatric infectious diseases, microbiologyandpharmacy.Treatment recommendations are provided for commonchildhoodinfections in addition to a number of paediatricsub-specialitiesincluding gastroenterology, cystic fibrosis,oncology andophthalmology.
JoinTriage 2.13.0
Allm Inc.
A triage app for EMS providers
Merck Manual Professional 3.3
Merck & Co Inc
Stay up-to-date with the Merck Manual Professional App.