برترین 5 برنامه مشابه به Vital Tones Snoring Pro

STAmina Apnea Trainer 6.3.7
Squarecrowd Apps SIA
STAmina — static apnea table: breathhold training,scuba,spearfishing, freedive
Morpheus: Sleep Apnea Syndrome 2.8
Alexandru Topirceanu
This application serves as your personal sleep apnea diary: ithelpsassess your current risk towards sleep apnea, as well as keeptrackof your risk in time. Your risk for developing apnea isusuallymeasured in specialized clinics, but we - the Morpheusresearch team- have developed an algorithm based on 3 years ofresearch that cancompute a so-called SAS score. This scrore is areliable predictorof your current health risk. The development andresearch behindthis application have been supported by the LindeRealfund project.Whether you get alarming results, you shoulddefinitely seek medicaladvice!
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea 1.6
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea is abrainwaveentrainment for neurological sleep apnea and obstructivesleepapnea.Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses inbreathingor instances of shallow or infrequent breathing duringsleep.Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (or apnoea) is the most commontype ofsleep apnea and is caused by obstruction of the upperairway.Vital Tones Sleep Apnea consist of 3 different sessions.Every sessions is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For afullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.http://www.Vitaltones.com
無呼吸症候群&睡眠障害&いびき 熟睡快眠の為の学習アプリ 1.0.1
常に眠気がある、疲れがとれない。眠りが浅い。そんなあなた、寝てる間に呼吸をしていない無呼吸症候群かもしれません。正しい知識と対策を学びましょう。アラームをつけているのにちゃんと起きられない。就寝時間でもないのに眠い。リラックスして安眠できる、熟睡できる方法を学べます。 肩こり、機能障害、集中力低下などの健康を害することもある無呼吸症候群は危険です。集音マイクなどで睡眠中のいびきや呼吸を記録したりすることも大事ですが自覚がない場合が多いので周りの人に聞きましょう。
Ankit Bhatia
This app is a ready tool forthegeneralpopulation to screen themselves of the possibilityofhavingdisorder commonly called as Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea isacommoncondition which occurs when a person's airwaybecomespartially orcompletely blocked many times during sleep.Sleep Apneaif severeenough can have negative effects on health,causingsleepiness andincreased risk of cardiac disease,Hypertension anddiabetes. SleepApnea is important to look for andtreat if presentbecause of thenegative effects it has onhealth.