برترین 12 برنامه مشابه به Es fácil dejar de fumar

Cigarette Counter 1.0.0
BR Consulting
Cigarette Counter is the ultimate tool togetyour smoking under control!This application will help you:.★ Track the amount of cigarettes and e-cigarettes you smokeeachday!★ Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke!★ Or maybe make you quit smoking completely!★★ MAIN FEATURES :- With a really clean and intuitive user interface,"CigaretteCounter" will let you track and compare how manycigarettes andelectronic cigarettes you smoke each day.- Visualize your consumption in tables (per day, week, ormonth)In short, the easiest way to count your dailycigaretteconsumtion, lower the amount of smoked cigarettes, staymotivatedand maybe quit smoking!★★ UPCOMING FEATURES :- How much your smoking costs.- Charts and graphs.★★ All suggestions to further improve the app are morethanwelcome!
Get Rich or Die Smoking Gold 2.2.6
Tobias Gruber
Helps you to stop smoking by showing what you can afford withthemoney saved!
Quit Smoking Tracker GOLD - st 4.0
This app will help you to stop smoking now and quit for good
Quit smoking Pro 1.2
Quit smoking is possible today.Quit smoking, The best application to leave this habit, easytouse, it gives you all the information you need to motivate youtoquit.We had been led to believe that replace the tobacco bytheelectronic cigarette is a benefit for health, but the realityisthat nicotine is a carcinogenic in any of their presentationsandmaintain its consumption we create physicaldependence,deterioration of our health and we gave away our moneyto ruthlessentrepreneurs who profit from our effort.If you want to improve your health the better option is tostopconsuming this poison. Stop smoking presents indicators ofhealthwith achievable goals in the short and long term. In additionshowsyou information of interest, such as the amount of nicotine,tarand carbon monoxide that beam left to enter your body.In addition to worry about your health Quit Smoking will helpyousave a lot of money to buy those things you've alwaysdesired.Enter the price of the product and Quit Smoking will tellyou whenyou've saved enough to buy it.Quitting is easier when you are motivated, get all the medalsandawards improving yourself every day.Today is a good day to start. Download now Quit smoking,improveyour health and save money.
Tobano Pro - quit smoking 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try tounlockthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!
Stop Smoking with Allen Carr 1.1
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLDThis app contains vintage footage of Allen Carr himself–presenting his revolutionary method. After 80 engaging minutes“inthe company of” Allen Carr – you will gain the key to setyourselffree.Please note: The app streams video to your device and willworkbest over a WIFI connection.Whatever you do – DO NOT STOP SMOKING before you have viewedthisentire app. Given that you’re planning to stop smoking - beingtoldto “carry on” for a little longer is probably a littleconfusing…butno doubt music to your ears.At this point you’re probably finding the concept of itbeing“easy to stop smoking” a little hard to believe but all we askisthat you progress through this app, carry on smoking, andfollowthe instructions. When you are ready to have your finalcigaretteyou’ll understand why Allen Carr’s Easyway method has soldmorethan 14 MILLION books worldwide almost entirely on the strengthofword of mouth; it works!Whether you are a chainsmoker, an occasional smoker, a cigarorpipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’re usinge-cigarettes,nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any other nicotineproduct thisapp can set you free. If you haven’t smoked in the pastfew days –there is no need to do so – other than that – please docarry onsmoking as normal while you make your way through thisapp.AN ADDED BONUSThis app is proudly supported by Allen Carr’s worldwidenetworkof stop smoking clinics. If at any stage during or after theuse ofthis app you have any questions or concerns or requireadditionalguidance you are very welcome to contact your nearestAllen Carr’sEasyway Clinic for free of charge advice. A link to theclinics isincluded in the app.Allen Carr’s Easyway is the most successful stop-smoking methodofall time. It has helped millions of smokers from all over theworldquit•instantly•easily•painlessly•permanentlyAllen Carr’s Easyway does not require willpower as itremovesyour desire to smoke. It eliminates the fears that keep youhookedand you won’t miss cigarettes. There are no gimmicks orscaretactics, you won’t put on weight, and you continue to smokewhileyou watch.IF YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME AHAPPYNON-SMOKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE“Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving up smokingisdifficult.” – The Times“A different approach. A stunning success.” – The Sun“Allow Allen Carr to help you escape painlessly today.” –TheObserver“His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependenceoncigarettes.” – Sir Richard Branson“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of thesuccessand fame of Allen Carr’s Easyway, there were no gimmicks andtheprofessional was something a GP could readily respect. I wouldbehappy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.” –DrPM Bray MB, CHb, MRCGP“Instantly I was freed from my addiction. I found it notonlyeasy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.” – SirAnthonyHopkins“Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking program achieved for meathing that I thought was not possible – to give up athirty-yearsmoking habit literally overnight. It was nothing shortof amiracle.” – Anjelica Huston
En finir avec la cigarette 1.0
PLUS DE 14 MILLIONS DE LIVRES EASYWAY VENDUSAllen Carr est largement reconnu comme l’expert mondialparexcellence pour arrêter de fumer. Cette application présentelaméthode d’Allen Carr, qui a aidé des millions de personnes dumondeentier à devenir des non-fumeurs heureux. Il s’agit d’unprogrammeen soi complet et efficace, qui permet aux fumeursd’arrêterimmédiatement, sans tracas et de façon permanente, toutenappréciant réellement le processus.Présentée par Allen Carr et animée par Robin Hayley, lavidéocontenue dans cette application fait appel à desreconstitutionsthéâtrales, des graphiques d’animation et undiscours instructifdirect. La méthode est devenue célèbre dans lemonde entier pourune seule et simple raison : PARCE QU’ELLEMARCHE.Le réseau international de cliniques pour arrêter defumerd’Allen Carr est fier d’avoir développé cette application. Siàtout moment pendant ou après l’utilisation de cetteapplicationvous avez des questions ou des préoccupations ou si vousavezbesoin de conseils complémentaires, n’hésitez pas à contactervotreclinique Easyway d’Allen Carr la plus proche pour desconseilsgratuits. Un lien vers les cliniques est inclusdansl’application.Veuillez noter que l’application diffuse une vidéo survotreappareil et qu’elle fonctionnera mieux avec une connexionWIFI.Que vous soyez un gros fumeur ou un fumeur occasionnel ouquevous fumiez des cigares ou la pipe, quel que soit votre âge,quevous fumiez des cigarettes électroniques ou que vous utilisiezdespatches à la nicotine, des chewing-gums à la nicotine ou toutautreproduit à la nicotine, cette application peut vousaffranchir.SI VOUS SUIVEZ TOUTES LES INSTRUCTIONS, VOUS N’AUREZ AUCUN MALÀDEVENIR UN NON-FUMEUR HEUREUX POUR LES RESTE DE VOTRE VIE« Allen Carr dissipe le mythe de la difficulté d’arrêter defumer». – The Times« Je me suis instantanément affranchi de mon accoutumance.Nonseulement cela m’a semblé facile, mais aussiincroyablementagréable de rester un non-fumeur ». – Sir AnthonyHopkins
ExSmoker - Stop Smoking Now 2.2.5
Antonio Sánchez Díaz
ExSmoker is an application that helps you to quit smoking.
Sacabo 1.2.2
Amarutek S.L.
S'Acabó is the official application to quit smoking of the SEDET
Dejar de Fumar-Plantas 1.0
Context Apps
En un primer momento. No hay remediomágiconifórmula infalible que nos permita dejar para siempreesenecesitadocigarrillo. Las plantas medicinales pueden ayudarte,sinduda, y lohacen sobre todo por permitirnos alivianar elsíndromedeabstinencia. Pero si no ponemos de nuestra parte, si novemoslafirma necesidad de dejar para siempre el tabaco, nada nosvaaservir, ni tan solo los tratamientos máscarosysofisticados.At first. There isnomagicbullet or foolproof formula that allows us to leaveforevertheneeded cigarette. Medicinal plants can help, no doubt,andit'smainly for allowing ease the withdrawal symptoms. But if wedoourpart, but we need to leave the firm for ever snuff,nothingwillserve us, not even the most expensiveandsophisticatedtreatments.
The Kerry Gaynor Method 1.0.9
DESCRIPTION:“I simply and honestly believe in Kerry Gaynor’s methodofhelping smokers quit smoking period” – Martin Sheen“I’m living proof it works” – Jerry Ferrara“Kerry says after the third session your not going to wanttosmoke anymore, and your like right, that will never happenandsomehow that happens” “Aaron Eckhart”“Kerry Gaynor and his method saved my life” – Eden SassoonThis free app works in conjunction with The Kerry GaynorMethod,which has helped thousands of people quit smokingcigarettesincluding the likes of Martin Sheen, Aaron Eckhart, KevinPollak,Emily Procter, Katie Cassidy and Jerry Ferrara. The KerryGaynorMethod makes quitting smoking a simple, easy and nearlyeffortlessway to quit smoking. Kerry Gaynor has spent over 30yearsdeveloping a program that helps people quit smoking cigarettesinas little as two hours of your time.Throughout your participation in The Method, this app willtrackyour progress during your journey of becoming a nonsmoker forlife.By sending you reminders and mantras, keeping track of howmuchmoney you're saving by not smoking cigarettes, and more, thisappis here to help you during and after you've completed TheKerryGaynor Method.WHAT IS THE KERRY GAYNOR METHOD?The Kerry Gaynor Method is a resoundingly modern yetastoundinglysimple and proven way to end your smoking addiction.The Methoddoesn't involve a pill, patch, gum, e-cigarette or thelike. Adesire to quit and a TV or computer are all you'll need tobecome anonsmoker once and for all.The Method includes three DVDs, a supplemental CD andarevolutionary new perspective on smoking that will help youtochange your life in just three hours. In the time it takes towatcha baseball game, you can quit smoking for good. It's thateasy.Thousands of people have already quit using The KerryGaynorMethod. They stopped smoking and started living. Gotowww.kerrygaynormethod.com.HOW TO USE THE METHOD APP:This app was designed as a “wingman” to The Kerry GaynorMethodDVDs. It’s still fun and informative on it’s own, but pairedwithThe Method it’s an even better tool and support system.Once you receive The Kerry Gaynor Method DVDs watch Session1.Afterwards, hit the “Start” tab to enter in your Session1completion date. The Method app will help you stay ontrackthroughout the course of your journey with helpful remindersandupdates to your calendar.After your second Session the “Smoking Calculator” will beyournew addiction. This calculator lets you track exactly howmuchmoney you’ve saved, how many cigarettes you haven’t smoked andevenhow much tar your body has been spared. You’ll be amazed athowmuch money you are going to save by quitting smoking.KEY FEATURES:Smoking Calculator• Tracks how long since you last smoked• Tracks how much money you have saved• Tracks how many cigarettes you have not smoked• Tracks how much tar you have not ingestedCalendar Tracking and RemindersSupplemental Audio SessionsShopping Cart to Buy or Gift The Method
Chinese Health Massage 1.0
AM Mobile
Easy to use guide how to make Chinese self-massage to keep&improve your health