برترین 20 بازی مشابه به Golera

Bracket Maker & Tournament App 1.2.5
The best league organizer app for tournament manager andbracketcreator
Soccer Board Tactics 10.36
Coach Board for Coaches. Help for your team for TrainingSessionsand Games
Canchereando - Reservar cancha 2.0
¡Olvídate de las agotadorasllamadastelefónicas para poder jugar con tus amigos!Canchereando es la aplicación que te va a permitir reservarlacancha estés donde estés y a la hora que quieras.Vas a poder ver las instalaciones del complejo antes dejugar,marcar tus complejos favoritos, compartir tus reservas ycalificartu experiencia, entre otras posibilidades.Además, con tus reservas participas porimportantespremios...¿Qué esperás? ¡Descargá Canchereando y jugá más fácil!Próximamente complejos en otras ciudades...Si tenés un complejo deportivo y querés sumarte aCanchereandocontactate a info@canchereando.comForget stressful phonetoplay with friends calls!Canchereando is the application that will allow you toreservethe court wherever you are and when you want.You'll be able to see the resort facilities before playing,markyour favorite resorts, share your reservations and qualifyyourexperience, among other possibilities.And with your reservations you participate for importantawards...What are you waiting for? Download Canchereando andJugáeasier!Coming complexes in other cities ...If you have a sports and joining Canchereando contactate wanttoinfo@canchereando.com
Enjore 4.1.6
Enjore is the App disegned to enjoy your competitions.
versus tournament (free)
Tournament app for elimination, round-robin, king of the hill&team tournaments
Tournament Manager 1.3.16
Create and manage your own tournaments.
LEVERADE - Real Play 3.6.1
Follow competitions and championships. Organize friendlygames.YOUMAKE THE GAME
The Tournaments Manager v1.9 Android
Manage any kind of tournament. Save your stats and shareonfacebook!
All Football 1.1.1
Manage your friends, create matches and champs. Footballwillneverbe the same!
DeTaquito 1.1
DeTaquito te ofrece todas las canchas defútbolde Rosario, para que desde la misma aplicación puedas llamara tucancha preferida y reservar.Podrás encontrar la cancha que mejor se adapte atusrequerimientos, divididas por cantidad de jugadores, por el tipodepiso, techada o abierta. Con más de 60 complejos, tebrindamostodas las características de la cancha que vas a reservar,paradarte toda la información que necesitás.DeTaquito, todas las canchas de Rosario, en un sólo lugar.DeTaquito offers allthesoccer fields of Rosario, so that from the same applicationcancall your favorite court and set aside.You can find the course that best suits yourrequirements,divided by number of players, the type of floor,covered or open.With over 60 resorts, we give you all the featuresof the fieldthat you book to give you all the information youneed.DeTaquito, all courts of Rosario, in one place.
Ultimate Tourney Creator 2.0
Shea Developers
The free version of the ultimateappforcreating and managing tournaments.Choose between: A round robin style tournament, that willcreateaschedule, keep track of all games played and updatestandings.Choosebetween 2 or 3 points for a victory.Or, a play-off elimination style tournament. Createasingleelimination tournament bracket and have up to a bestof7series.Free version supports 8 teamsUpgrade to the full version and have access totonsoffeatures:Single elimination play-off isn't enough? The fullversionallowsyou to choose to play either a single eliminationordoubleelimination play-off.Can't decide? Then, you can choose to have both. Playaroundrobin style tournament and when you're done a play-offbracketwillbe created based on the standings from the roundrobin.Choose up to 64 teams in the full version.Both scored and un-scored games can be played.If a game isn't able to be played but you still want ascore,youcan simulate the game based on the teamspreviouslyplayedgames.Didn't quite finish a tournament? No problem, because youcansaveup to 10 tournaments and load them again later. All youneedto do isenter a save name. This makes it ideal forphysicaleducationteachers trying to organize multiple classes,orintramurals.Too many people all trying to see the screen at once?Notaproblem. In the full version you print out a copy ofthetournamentto display for everyone to see. The print copywilldisplay allgames played, and games yet to be played. It willalsodisplay thecurrent standings and all uniquetournamentsettings.This app is for anyone wanting to manage multipletournamentswithmany teams, or for just a group of friends wantingan easy waytokeep track of a small tournament.
Timpik Connecting Sport People 4.72
Description ****** Timpik, Winning applicant - AppCircusBarcelonafor Mobile 2.0 ****** TIMPIK.com the Social Network forSportsarrives to your Android device. From now on, organizing agame withyour friends won't be a headache. Forget the emails, thephonecalls. No more "I'm in" "I can't make it" "can i bring mycousin?"forget the extra expense of phone calls and text messages.- Findgames and join nearby - Organize you own with the click of amouse- Check out your friends’ sporting profiles Join thecommunity,create your profile, even make groups for ‘the regulars’.Organizeprivate games, you decide who you play with, or make itpublic soanyone from the community can join. Pick the teams to makeit fair,even assign positions on the field, get directions to thevenue,even check the weather forecast! Remember that feeling ofwanting akick-about and not being able to recruit the troops? Fretnot,those days are over! Now the game continues on Timpik: - VoteforMan of the Match - Write you own version of the game highlights-Late arrivals, we know who you are! Want to play on Sundaybutno-one’s got a game set up, make a note and be the first toknowwhen someone does with out text message notifications. Notinggoingon yet in your city? Spread the word and invite to friends tojoinTIMPIK. Name a team sport, we cover it! Football, Tennis,Hockey,Rugby, Squash… every sport is in Timpik!
Gestor Liga 2.0
Gestor Ligas app's
Gestor Ligas es un software onlineygratuitodirigido a organizadores deportivos quenecesitanadministrar,organizar y gestionar sus ligas y torneos.Podrás actualizar en tiempo real todos los datos de tusligasytorneos a través de Internet. Entre sus muchasherramientasGestorLigas permite:- Inscripción pública o privada de equipos y resultados- Emparejamientos automáticos- Estadísticas de partidos- Tablas de goleadores- Red social facebook- Tablón de anuncios- Geolocalización- Y más ...Crea tu cuenta y prueba Gestor Ligas sin compromiso.League Manager isanonlineand free software aimed at sports organizers who needtomanage,organize and manage their leagues and tournaments.You can update in real time all the data of yourleaguesandtournaments over the Internet. Among its many toolsLeagueManagerallows:- Public or private registration teams and results- Automatic Matches- Statistics of matches- Tables scorers- Social network facebook- Bulletin board- Geolocation- And more ...Create your account and test withoutobligationLeagueManager.
Tú Compites App 3.0.0
Tu Compites App´s
Tú Compites es una App gratis y permitelacreación, gestión y administración de torneos y ligas dediferentesdeportes a nivel aficionado a través de la tecnologíamóvil. Los/asusuarios/as pueden auto-gestionar sus competicionespues lespermite grabar y actualizar sus resultados yclasificaciones entiempo real con el ahorro de trabajo que ello lesupone a losorganizadores/as de torneos, ligas, tours, etc....Permite registrar los resultados para el control delrendimientopersonal a lo largo del tiempo. También ofrece consejosparacompetir a un mayor nivel e informa de torneos y ligas enprocesode inscripción para toda aquella persona que quieraparticipar.Informa de la meteorología, permite leer la prensadeportivanacional e internacional con un solo clic, se puedenpublicarinstalaciones deportivas para alquilar en cada provinciayservicios de monitores y entrenadores. Para anunciarse hayquecontactar con los desarrolladores.Novedades: Esta versión permite la publicación en el murodeFacebook de tu resultado deportivo obtenido en tu liga otorneo(desde la sección "Resultados y Clasificaciones"), o delosresultados de tus partidos amistosos desde la sección"RendimientoPersonal".You You compete is afreeApp and enables the creation, management and administrationoftournaments and leagues of different sports at the amateurlevelthrough mobile technology. The / as users / as canself-managetheir competitions because it allows them to record andupdatetheir results and standings in real time with saving workthat hadassumed the organizers / as tournaments, leagues, tours,etc ... .Allows record results for the control of staff performanceovertime. It also offers advice to compete at a higher levelandreports tournaments and leagues registration process for anyonewhowants to participate.Weather reports, can read national and international sportspresswith a single click, you can publish sports facilities forrent ineach province and services of coaches and trainers. Toadvertisemust contact the developers.New: This version allows the publication in the Facebook wallofyour sports result in your league or tournament (from the"Resultsand Standings"), or the results of your friendly matchesfrom the"Personal Performance" section.
Mis Reservas 3.6.7
Nubapp Ltd.
The application Mis Reservas will let you to book any facilityofyour favourite sport club (Just available in sport clubs whouseour software to manage their facilities). You will be able tojoinany of the activities offered by the sport club. All this atyourfingertips from your smartphone and in just a few taps. Withthisapp you will be able to: - Book the sport club facilities. -Joinany activity or course. - Pay directly from your smartphonebycard, credit, voucher... - Check the sport centre informationandlocation. - Available in several languages.
ServerSports Competitions
Follow all the information of the competitions managedwithServerSports
Crear Liga de Futbol 6.0.0
Tu Compites App´s
Versión reducida de Tú Compites App. Sitegusta esta "demo" puedes instalar la versión completa(gratuita)buscando en Play Store Tú Compites App sin que por ellopierdasninguna información grabada como usuari@ registrad@ en estaversiónreducida. Esta versión reducida permite:Registrarte en la B.D. de Tu Compites App para no perdertuinformación de rendimiento deportivo si decides instalar enalgúnmomento la versión completa de la App.Crear y administrar ligas de pádel de forma gratuita.Llevar un control del rendimiento personal mediante un históricodeestadísticas y resultados.Permite saber las últimas noticias deportivas.Permite publicar para la inscripción de jugadores/as tus torneosoligas poniéndose en contacto con el desarrollador.Permite publicar resultados directamente en Facebook.Pincha en Play Store en el video promocional y encontrarásnuestrocanal de Yuotube de Tu Compites donde puedes consultar losvideostutoriales para sacar el mayor rendimiento a la App.Reduced version of YouYoucompete App. If you like this "demo" You can install the full(free)version you looking at Play Store App You compete withouttherebylose any information recorded as a registered user @ @ inthisshortened version. This version allows reduced:Sign in B. D. You compete in Your App to keep yourathleticperformance information if you decide at some point toinstall thefull version of the App.Create and manage leagues paddle for free.Keep track of staff performance through historical statisticsandresults.Lets find out the latest sports news.It allows publishing for the registration of players / asyourtournaments or leagues by contacting the developer.It allows publishing results directly on Facebook.Click on Play Store in the promotional video and find our channelTuyuotube You compete where you can view the tutorial videos togetthe most out of the App.
Reservala 7.0
¿Qué es RESERVALA.COM.UY?Reservala.com.uy es una aplicación de reservasdecanchasdeportivas de Futbol 5, permite tanto a usuarios,comoa losadministradores de los centros deportivos realizar elalquilerdelas canchas a través de una experiencia ágil,fácilyagradable.La plataforma de Reservala.com.uy permite aloscentrosdeportivos gestionar de manera ágil y eficientesusreservas, locual garantiza que la oferta de canchas disponiblesquese presentaal visitante se encuentra en tiempo real.Reservala.com.uy es una propuesta innovadoraquepretendefacilitar la forma de realizar las reservas de canchasyespaciosdeportivos utilizando todos los beneficios quelatecnología einternet ofrecen.¿Qué ofrecemos?Nuestra plataforma permite que nuestros visitantesconozcanentiempo real la disponibilidad de canchas que hay en suciudaddeMontevideo, dando la posibilidad de reservarlas en pocospasos ydemanera simple.Además podrán conocer las promociones, convenioseinformacióndetallada de cada uno de losestablecimientosadheridos.Algunos de los beneficios que presenta Resérvala· Realiza tu reserva de forma práctica, segura ysincostoadicional.· Evita llamadas telefónicas y líneas ocupadas.· Revisa la calificación y los comentarios sobre elcomplejo.· Encuentra miles de canchas al alcance de tu mano.· Encuentra descuentos y promociones exclusivas· Paga en efectivo, sin necesidad de compra online.What is RESERVALA.COM.UY?Reservala.com.uy a reservation application sports fieldsSoccer5,it allows both users and administrators sports centersmake therentof the court through a quick, easy andenjoyableexperience.Reservala.com.uy platform enables agile sports centersandmanageefficiently its reserves, which guarantees the supplyofavailablefields is presented to the visitor is in real time.Reservala.com.uy is an innovative proposal that aimstofacilitatethe way to make reservations for tennis andsportsspaces with allthe benefits that technology andinternetoffer.What we offer?Our platform allows our visitors to know in realtimetheavailability of courts is in his Montevideo, givingthepossibilityto reserve them in a few steps and simple.They may also know the promotions, conventionsanddetailedinformation on each of theparticipatingestablishments.Some of the benefits presented Reserve it· Make your booking conveniently, safely and at noextracost.· Avoid busy signals and telephone calls.· Check the rating and comments about the resort.· Find thousands of tennis at your fingertips.· Find exclusive discounts and promotions· Pay cash without online purchase.
hoyjugamos 1.5.3
Ahora podés reservar canchas de fútbol5desdetu smartphone!. Con hoyjugamos podrás reservar, pagareinvitar atus amigos a unirse al partido.Now you can book5footballfields from your smartphone !. With hoyjugamos youcanbook, pay andinvite your friends to join the party.
Clicky 1.2
Clicky es la plataforma de reservasonlinedecomplejos deportivos más grande de toda Latinoamérica.Posibilitaque cualquier jugador que ingresa a nuestro sitiopuedareservar elturno que está buscando con los mejores preciosydescuentos.Clicky istheplatformonline booking largest sports complexes throughoutLatinAmerica.It enables any player who access our site can booktheshift youare looking for the best prices and discounts.