برترین 17 برنامه مشابه به Porte Logiche

Logic Gates 1.0
A good application for theengineering,secondary and higher secondary school students ( allthe boards)to learn the Integrated Circuit ( AND, OR , EX-OR andNOT gates)in a effective and interactive manner.
Boolean lab 2.2.0
Pavel Kříž
Interactive work with the log. functions and gates (OR, AND,XOR,SR, JK, ...).
& logics 4.20
& logics is a logic circuit simulatorwithan integrated scheme editor and a waveform browser.Currently available schematic components:Transistors: NMOS, PMOSLogic gates: buffer, inverter, and, nand, or, nor, exor,exnor,tri-state buffer and inverterFlip flops: D latch, edge triggered D, JK flipflops,monostableMultiplexers: 2 to 1, 4 to 1, 8 to 1.Demultiplexers: 1 to 2, 1 to 4, 1 to 8Indicators: LED, oscilloscope probeDisplays: decimal, hexadecimalSwitches: toggle button, push buttonConstants: high and low.Scheme editor features: custom subcircuit (black box),contextsensitive menu, autorouter, 7 steps undo/redo, labels forfarconnections, automatic enlarge on selection, cloning,rotating,locked and unlocked move, vertical and horizontalalignment, moveto center.The digital circuit simulator works with three logic levelsandthree impedance values. They are low, undefined and high.Wires optionally can display logic levels.Switch level modelling, gate level modelling and complexdevicelevel modelling can be mixed in a circuit.The simulator detects run time errors and puts error messages ontheschematic.Detected errors are:Temporary short circuit conditions. When connected outputshavedifferent or undefined levels and have low orundefinedimpedance.Spike detection. When an input receives an impulse shorter thantheconfigured value.Flip flop setup, hold, recovery, resume time violations. Flipflopsmay enter a metastable state in these cases.The waveform browser is a virtual digital oscilloscope. Thecurrentfeatures are: start, stop time, buffer length setting, timeshiftand zoom, display of logical low, high, and undefinedstates.The 3.x releases contain HDL extension. It is possible to describeacircuit in a box using a very small subset of Verilog. Thegates.sdemo loads the following module from simple.v file:module smpl_circuit (A,B,AND,NAND,OR,NOR,XOR,XNOR,BUF,NOT);input A,B;output AND,NAND,OR,NOR,XOR,XNOR,BUF,NOT;and #10 g0(AND,A,B);nand #10 g1(NAND,A,B);or #10 g2(OR,A,B);nor #10 g3(NOR,A,B);xor #10 g4(XOR,A,B);xnor #10 g5(XNOR,A,B);buf #10 g6(BUF,A);not #10 (NOT,A);endmoduleand the test1.v file:module circuit(A,B,C,y);input A,B;output y;wire e;and #30 g1(e,A,B);or #30 g2(y,e,C);endmoduleThere is no runtime error detection inside the boxes.Only the first compile time error is displayed.The program comes with built in demo circuits. They help you togetstarted quickly.See http://www.hexastyle.com/home/andlogics/first-3-stepsfordetails.You can easily simulate, analyse and modify operation and timingofthe examples.Built in examples:74160, 74163 synchronous counter74180 parity generator checker74181 4 bit ALU74147, 74148 priority encodertransistor level modelling of CMOS gatesMore examples e.g. binary adder, Johnson counter can bedownloadedfrom here:http://www.hexastyle.com/home/andlogics/download-examples
Digital Electronics 7
Engineering Apps
Digital Electronics is an important subject, commonforElectrical,Electronics, and Instrumentation Engineeringstudents.It dealswith the theory and practical knowledge of DigitalSystemsand howthey are implemented in various digital instruments.ThisApp havebeen developed based on the latest GATE syllabus andwillbe usefulfor Electronics Engineering students as well as forGATE,IES andother PSU exams preparation. Digital Electronics isanElectronicsthat uses binary numbers of 1 and 0 torepresentinformation 1.Number Base System 1.1 Logic Operations1.2Mathematical Operations1.3 Building Circuits with Breadboards1.4Digital Logic Gates 2.Logic Gates 2.1 LogicGates/FundamentalDigital Gates 2.2 LogicGates/Combinational Gates2.3 LogicGates/Basic Logic Gates Summary2.4 Logic Gates Summary 3.DigitalDevice 3.1 Mathematic and LogicOperations 3.2 SynchronousDevice3.3 Asynchronous Device 4.Digital Signal Processing 4.1DigitalData 4.2 Data Encoder 4.3Data Selector 5. DigitalControllers 5.1Controller Concepts 5.2Arduino 5.3 Blinking Light 6.CommunicationStandards 6.1 OpenStandards 6.2 ANSI 6.3 ISO Some ofthe topicsCovered in the appare: 1. Decimal System 2. Binary System3.Representing BinaryQuantities 4. Octal and Hexadecimal System5.Binary-To-Decimal andDecimal-to-binary Conversion6.Binary-To-Octal / Octal-To-BinaryConversion 7. HexadecimaltoDecimal/Decimal to HexadecimalConversion 8.Binary-To-Hexadecimal/Hexadecimal-To-BinaryConversion 9.Floating-Point Numbers 10.Binary Codes 11. NonWeighted Codes 12.Binary - Gray CodeConversion 13. Gray Code -Binary Conversion 14.Gray CodeApplications 15. AlphanumericCodes-ASCII code 16. EBCDICcode 17.Seven-segment Display Code 18.Error Detecting Codes 19.ErrorCorrecting Codes. 20. BooleanSwitching Algebras 21. BooleanAlgebraTheorems 22. Minterms andMaxterms 23. Sum Of Products (SOP)andProduct Of Sum (POS) 24.AND-Logic Gate 25. OR-Logic Gate26.NOT-Logic Gate 27. NAND-LogicGate 28. NOR-Logic Gate 29.XNOR-LogicGate 30. Universal Gates 31.Realization of logic functionusingNAND gates 32. Realization oflogic gates using NAND gates33.Realization of logic functionusing NOR gates 34. Realizationoflogic gates using NOR gates. 35.Tristate Logic Gates36.AND-OR-INVERT Gates 37. Schmitt Gates 38.Karnaugh Maps39.Minimization Technique 40. 2-Variable K-Map41.Grouping/CirclingK-maps 42. Example of 2-Variable K-Map groups43.3-Variable K-Map44. Example of 3-Variable K-Map 45.4-VariableK-Map 46. Example of4-Variable K-Map 47. 5-Variable K-Map48.QUINE-Mccluskeyminimization 49. QUINE-MccluskeyminimizationMethod-Example 50.Multiplexer 51. 2x1 Multiplexer 52.Design of a2:1 Mux 53. 4:1 MUX54. 8-to-1 multiplexer from SmallerMUX 55.16-to-1 multiplexer from4:1 mux 56. De-multiplexers 57.MechanicalEquivalent of aDe-Multiplexer 58. 1-to-4 De-multiplexer59.Boolean FunctionImplementation using Mux and de-Mux 60.3-variableFunction Using4-to-1 mux 61. 2 to 4 Decoder using Demux62.Arithmeticcircuits-Adders 63. Full Adder 64. Full AdderusingAND-OR 65. n-bitCarry Ripple Adder 66. 4-bit Carry RippleAdder67. Carry Look-AheadAdder 68. BCD Adder 69. 2-digit BCD Adder70.Subtracter 71. FullSubtracter 72. Parallel Binary Subtracter73.Serial BinarySubtracter. 74. Comparators 75. Encoders76.Decimal-to-BinaryEncoder 77. Priority Encoder 78. IntroductiontoSequential Circuit79. Concept of Sequential Logic 80. Inputenablesignals 81. RSLatch 82. RS Latch with Clock 83. Setup andHoldTime 84. D Latch85. JK Latch 86. T Latch 87. R-S Flip-FlopwithActive LOW Inputs88. R-S Flip-Flop with Active HIGH Inputs 89.R-SFlip-FlopImplementation with NOR gates 90. Clocked R-SFlip-FlopDigitalElectronics is part of electronics engineeringeducationcourses andtechnology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Digital Electronics 101 1.19
John Western
Digital Electronics Fundamentals
Gates 1.1
Learn all about the most common 6 logicgatesAND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR.For each gate you can experiment with the inputs and see howthisaffects the output. The app then shows you how to complete atruthtable for each gate.The app covers all the facts you will need for exams including,whattruth tables are all about, how gates are made, why gates aresoimportant etc.Specially designed to meet the UK KS3 nationalcurriculumrequirements for Computing and also for GCSE ComputingandScience.
I can design a counter deluxe 3.3
Russell Sasamori
EE students: Automatically generate Finite State Machinesfrombubble diagrams.
Digital Logic Gate 1.0.2
Vishal H
This Application shows informationaboutDigitalLogic Gate with Truth Table.It Shows Information ofANDgate,ORgate,NOT gate,EX-OR gate and EX-NOR gate withtruthtables.When Userenters two inputs and click on show outputthen itshows output.WhenUser click on Back then it goes topreviousscreen.
Nautilus Technical Ref Lite 4.0.3
The Doobry Lab
Nautilus is one of the fastestgrowingtechnical reference applications in the Android Market.It is being developed to cover a broad range oftechnicalsubjects, with regular high-quality content updates.Current content (note that some items restricted to PROversiononly):*Arithmetic:-Number systems-Rules of signs-Laws and operations-Fractions-Powers-Roots*Geometry (2D & 3D)-Analytical Geometry-Anatomy of a circle-Circular-Conical-Coordinate system: Cartesian-Coordinate system: Polar-Cuboid-Cylindrical-Geometric Construction of Algebraic Expressions-Polygons-Pyramid-Quadrilaterals-Scalars-Spherical-Vectors*Trigonometry-Laws-Ratios-Identities-Graphs of functions-Signs of functions-Unit Circle*Constants and Units-Prefix multipliers-SI units & derivative-Constants-Greek symbols*Optics-Mirrors-Lenses-Optical distance laws-Light spectrum-Refractive Index-Laws of reflection & refraction*Physics-Expansion of solids and liquids-Forces (static, impulse, centrifugal, centripetal, etc)-Force interactions-Power & Work Done-Gravity-Momentum-Velocity & Speed-Acceleration-Mass Inertia-Weight-Speed-Specific Gravity-Temperature-Newton's Laws-Kepler's Laws-Frequency bands-Pendulum (simple)-Projectile Motion-Rotational forces-Mechanical Transmission (ratios, torque, efficiency)*Electronics-Resistors & resistor networks-Capacitors-Inductors-Logic gates-Heat sinks-Operational Amplifiers-Switches-Laws (Ohm's and Kirchoff's)-LEDs-Rectifiers-Transistors (will be expanded)-Diodes-Active filters (basic and classic); low pass, high pass, bandpassand notch.*Calculus-Derivatives-Integrals*Chemistry-The Atom (characteristics, nucleons, isotopes, ions,nuclide)-pH Values-States of Matter-Chemical bonds-Properties of materials-The Periodic Table-Chemical Formulae*Hydrodynamics-Bernoulli's equation (ideal and real fluid)-Continuity (conservation of mass and volume)-Liquid outflow-Pressure and density-Surface tension (Young's equation, hydrophobic andhydrophilicsurfaces, contact angle)*Mechanics-Basic Levers-Springs-Mechanical Transmission-Con-rod mechanism-Scotch-yoke mechanism-Pulley mechanismsMore to follow...*** If you like the 'Lite' version, please consider upgradingtothe PRO version to unlock additional content and to helpfundfurther development ;-) ***Because Nautilus technical content is still growing, pleaseletus know if there's information or features that you'd like toseeincluded in future revisions.NOTE: Screenshots are from PRO version.For support or comment, please contact:thedoobrylab@gmail.comAll popular feature/content requests will be placed on the wishlistand the most popular will be added to a future update of thePROversion...Upgrade to Nautilus PRO today! More quality content andregularcontent updates!
DiCiDe: Digital Circuit Design 1.2
Adrián Vaca Humanes
Solve combinational systems up to 8variables,8 outputs by Quine-McCluskey- Display loops on Karnaugh maps- Display solutions in boolean algebraic form- Plot schematicTip: You can fill rows or columns of the truth table at oncebyfirst tapping on their header.Design sequential systems (synchronous deterministic finitestatemachines) up to 5 inputs, 5 outputs- Moore and Mealy automata- State diagram capture (long tap to edit statesandtransitions)- State codification and flip-flop excitation tables- Display solutions in boolean algebraic form- Plot schematicTip: You can change the state codification by tapping on thecellsof the qi column.Please, do leave your feedback and suggestions either by email orinthe comments below.
Electrical Simbology 2.1
Diablo Code
Electrical Symbology can help you to identify all the elementsinschematics.
Basic Electronics Engineering
Engineering Apps
Basic Electronics Engineering is an electronics engineeringappforstudents and professionals. Very helpful for lastminpreparationfor Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviewsforElectronicsengineering students. Basic Electronics engineeringhascompletesyllabus for electronics engineering. This Electronicsappcontainsall the ECE related 160 topics in 5 chapter in verysimpleandinformative language with suitable diagrams. SomeImportanttopicsin the app:- -Electronic Device & CircuitDesign-SemiconductorDesign -Electromagnetic theory -MicroprocessorsandmicroControllers -Digital Signal processing -Control Systems-Resistor- Transistors It is the most useful App forlastminutepreparations for Electronics engineering students. Someofthetopics Covered in the ebook app are: 1. IntroductiontoElectronicsEngineering 2. Basic quantities 3. Passive andactivedevices 4.Semiconductor Devices 5. Current in Semiconductors6. P-NJunction7. Diodes 8. Power Diode 9. Switching 10.Special-PurposeDiodes11. Tunnel diode and Optoelectronics 12. DiodeApproximation13.Applications of diode: Half wave Rectifier and FullWaveRectifier14. Bridge Rectifier 15. Clippers 16. Clamper Circuits17.PositiveClamper 18. Voltage Doubler 19. Zener Diode 20.ZenerRegulator 21.Design of Zener regulator circuit 22.Special-PurposeDiodes-1 23.Transistors 24. Bipolar JunctionTransistors (BJT) 25.Beta andalpha gains 26. The Common BaseConfiguration 27. Relationbetweendifferent currents in a transistor28. Common-EmitterAmplifier 29.Common Base Amplifier 30. BiasingTechniques for CEAmplifiers 31.Biasing Techniques: Emitter FeedbackBias 32. BiasingTechniques:Collector Feedback Bias 33. BiasingTechniques: VoltageDividerBias 34. Biasing Techniques: Emitter Bias35. Small SignalCEAmplifiers 36. Analysis of CE amplifier 37.CommonCollectorAmplifier 38. Darlington Amplifier 39. Analysis ofatransistoramplifier using h-parameters 40. Power Amplifiers41.PowerAmplifiers: Class A Amplifiers 42. Power Amplifiers:ClassBamplifier 43. Power Amplifiers: Cross over distortion(ClassBamplifier) 44. Power Amplifiers: Biasing a class Bamplifier45.Power Calculations for Class B Push-Pull Amplifier46.PowerAmplifiers: Class C amplifier 47. Field EffectTransistor(FET) 48.JFET Amplifiers 49. Transductance Curves 50.Biasing theFET 51.Biasing the FET: Self Bias 52. Voltage DividerBias 53.CurrentSource Bias 54. FET a amplifier 55. Design of JFETamplifier56.JFET Applications 57. MOSFET Amplifiers 58.Common-DrainAmplifier59. MOSFET Applications 60. OperationalAmplifiers61.Depletion-mode MOSFET 62. Enhancement-mode MOSFET 63.Theidealoperational amplifier 64. Practical OP AMPS 65.InvertingAmplifier66. The Non-inverting Amplifier 67. VoltageFollower(Unity GainBuffer) 68. The Summing Amplifier 69.DifferentialAmplifier 70.The Op-amp Integrator Amplifier 71. TheOp-ampDifferentiatorAmplifier 72. History of the Numeral Systems73.Binary codes 74.Conversion of bases 75. Conversion of decimaltobinary (base 10 tobase 2) 76. Octal Number System 77.HexadecimalNumber System 78.Rules of Binary Addition andSubtraction 79. OhmsLaw 80. Capacitor81. Zener Diode 82. PowerAmplifiers 83. LogicGate 84.Semiconductor Devices 85. Transformer86. DigitalelectronicsElectronics is part of engineering educationcourses andtechnologydegree programs of various universities. Eachtopic iscompletewith diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.
LogicMaker 1.0
LogicMaker is an educational digitalcircuitdesign tool for Android smartphones and tablets. You can useit tobuild logic circuits out of gates, registers, adders, andotherbuilding blocks. With LogicMaker, you can buildsimplecombinational circuits and entire CPUs.
Digital Logic 1.5
Dr. Mutawa
Digital Logic Design Course 262مادة المنطق الرقمي
GoDiGi (Digital Electronics) 1.0.1
Nupur Sandip Maity
This is a free application which will help you to learn,practiceandunderstand digital electronics in a playful manner. Itisintendedprimarily to engineering students, hobbyistsandprofessionals, wholove digital electronics. This applicationisdesigned to makelearning easier by incorporating games(currentlyunder development).It helps you to: 1. Read theContents: Thecontents of digital logicare kept as simple &concise aspossible with several examples. Iam constantly workingonimproving the contents. I would alwaysadvice to refer booksformore knowledge. 2. Quiz the Questions: Testyourdigitalelectronics knowledge by attempting quiz questions.Anadequatenumber of questions have been added, which aremadefullyrandomized and non-repetitive. 3. Solve the Number System:Youcanconvert numbers from one base to another, find complementsanddoaddition, subtraction in any number system. 4.SimplifytheExpression: You can simplify Boolean expression usingkarnaughmap(k-map), find truth table, check whether two Booleanfunctionsareequivalent and find SOP & POS. 5. Simulate theFunction:Thisis currently under development. For applicationupdates,cheatcodes etc, please follow meon:https://www.facebook.com/GoDigiApp
Ar logic 1.0
Arlogicเป็นแอพลิเคชั่นที่ใช้ในการเเสดงผลลอจิกเกตหรือประตูสัญญาณตรรกะโดยนำมาประยุกต์ใช้กับเทคโนโลยีความจริงเสมือนAr logic isanapplicationthat is used to show the results Logic gate orlogicgates. By theapplication of virtual reality technology.
FLXKarnaugh 1.1
Fèlix Galindo Allué
Work with digital functions and Karnaugh maps, minimize andseetheir schematic.