برترین 5 بازی مشابه به Jellybean Candy

Jack The Giant 2.0
Unyon Games
Fun and addictive game!! It is easy and fun, but it isalsochallenging.
Brick Breaker - Jack Beanstalk 1.0.50
Play classic Breakout with a fun twisttocollect falling items! Move left and right to keep the ball inthegame and break the bricks to collect hidden items and completetheenchanting illustrations of Jack and the Beanstalk.Features:- Fast paced arcade game- 15 Different stages- Multiball and other powerups- Image gallery to unlock- Beautiful artwork and musicHave Fun!
Beanstalk Climb
CLIMB and COLLECT as many golden eggsasyoucan! Avoid the oncoming rocks while climbing thebeanstalk.Asimple infinite climber game.
Magic Seed 3.1
(! 일부 해상도에서 UI구성이 깨질 수 있습니다. 다음패치에서수정하도록하겠습니다.)게이지를 잘 조절하여 콩나무를 높게 높게 키우는 게임절대 플래피버드를 따라하지 않았습니다.정확하게 내가 리소스 만들기 시작한지 약 일주일 넘어가는 시점에서 플래피버드를 알았습니다.※ 주의! 도움말을 못 알아보시는게 당연한 일입니다.최대한 빠른 시일내 제대로 된 도움말을 만들도록 하겠습니다.==========플레이방법============빨강 게이지 = 태양파랑 게이지 = 수분노랑 게이지 = 성장게임은 성장게이지가 모두 떨어지면 끝나게 됩니다.성장 게이지는 태양이나 수분이 없을 때 더욱 빠르게 떨어집니다.성장 게이지는 동전을 3개먹으면 1초동안 떨어지는 성장게이지의 양을 채울 수 있습니다.태양 게이지는 움직이면 상승하게 되고 움직이지 않으면 떨어집니다수분 게이지는 움직이면 감소하고 물방울을 먹으면 게이지가 회복됩니다.가만히 있으면 위에 구름이 생기는데 시간이 지나면 먹구름이 생깁니다.먹구름에서 물방울이 떨어지게 됩니다.(We can breaktheUIcomponents in some resolutions! So fixed in the next patch.)Raise high the Beanstalk higher gauge to control thegamewellFlash did not follow the blooming bud absolute.I found the flash to avoid bird in exactly since Istartedmakingresources beyond the time about a week.※ Attention! I know you can see the questionisnotsurprising.We will help to make my firm as soon as possible.How to Play ========== ============Red gauge = sunBlue = water gaugeYellow gauge = growthAll growth gauge falls will end the game.Faster when there is less sun and water gauge growth.You can fill in the amount of growth gauge falls one secondyoueatthree coins gauge growth.The drop does not move when you move the sun to riseandthegaugeReduced moisture gauges move and eat the dropletsarerecoveredgauge.Partly this arises if the cloud is still oversaenggipnidaovertime.The fall of water droplets in the clouds.
Jumping Jack 1.1
Toxic Chili
Jack and the Beanstalk style game. Jumpontheleaves to get higher and higher and earn morepoints.Collectspecial items to get more points, but watch out forbadeggs,rotten leaves and other things trying to stop you gettingtothetop.