برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به 33. MONTE CALISIO(t)

21. VAL GIUDICARIE(t) 1.0.4
Geoforma FZE
Trekking maps of Trentino are simple, OFFLINE (no need formobilenetwork coverage), GPS maps, that transform a mobile deviceinto aGPS navigation device Their concept is unique because itcombinesthe achievements of traditional cartography withadvancedtechnologies. They are characterized by variety of highlyoptimizedfunctions. They are extremely easy to use and fit forusers of allages. FEATURES They are combination of cartographicskills andtechnology! This application has been optimized fortablets (highresolution maps) ACCURACY AND READABILITY Unlike ourcompetitorswho's maps are mainly generated automatically, we haveinvestedmuch effort creating our maps They are made in thetraditional way,with a use of various mapping skills and payingattention todetail. Maps are clearly organized and adapted towalkers, cyclistsand other nature lovers of Trentino. EASE OF USEThanks to theelimination of unnecessary features, we have achievedan optimalsolution: MAP - COMPASS, quickly and easily without theuse ofunnecessary buttons and options that are used only at times.