برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به Corticoid Converter

MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at http://qxmd.com/calculateEssential tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid:http://qx.md/readFounded my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
ECG practical Demo 2.84
"ECG practical" is an application designed to help you acquirethebasic knowledge of electrocardiography;Knowledge that all healthcare professionals shouldpossess,especially those who work in intensive care units such asCCU, ICU,Operating Rooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not an "easy" subject of studybutwith a minimum effort you can acquire the basic informations tobeable to detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist.Theelectrocardiogram is a simple test, fast, painless, verylow-cost,and can definitely save the life of a person. In Italyevery yearabout 120,000 people are affected by myocardialinfarction, ofthese, approximately 25 000 die before reaching thehospital. Thediagnosis of myocardial infarction is mainly madewith the executionof the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple way thebasicprinciples of electrocardiography, you can calculate yourheartrate from the milliseconds or the number of squares betweentwo RR,you can see several examples of ECG tracings, calculatethecorrected QT interval, you can easily find the QRS axes or youcanmake your "diagnosis" simply by answering a few simplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraor loaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadinglarge images (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially in phones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than 4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.Version "Demo"The "Demo" version has the same functionality as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings (15) of the application. Ididnot want to put the usual time limit (number of days) becauseithappened to me to install an app to try it for a certain periodoftime, but due to work and family commitments I could not trythemsufficiently before deadline.Before you buy the full version, please try the "demo" versionofthe product. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ecg.practical&hl=it)andsupport the further development of the application.ATTENTION!This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to place any medicalornursing diagnosis, but should only be used foreducationalpurposes.Bug reports, comments and suggestions are very welcome: kapelis95@gmail.com
Corticosteroid Conversion 3.1
iMedical Apps
Conversion of corticosteroid equivalent doses basedonanti-inflammatory potency