برترین 7 برنامه مشابه به Cozinha Livre

My Food Intolerance List
Do you suffer from lactose,fructose,histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance?Or doyou even have several of them? No problem! With ALL i CAN EATyouhave all your food intolerances under control.ALL i CAN EAT adjusts to your individual intolerances andcalculatesyour compatibility for each food. The compatibilitiesare displayedin a simple traffic light system, ranging from green(very welltolerated) to yellow and orange up to red (bad idea toeat). If arecommendation does not apply to you, you can easilysave yourindividual tolerance for the food concerned.Search quickly for a specific food, browse certain categoriessuchas beverages, fruits, dairy products, etc. or filtercompatibilitesby color. In addition, ALL i CAN EAT does alsoprovide many detailssuch as the amounts of lactose, fructose,glucose, histamine,sorbitol, salicylic acid, amines, amino acids,etc. And in case youshould miss a food, you can add iteasily.You will never have to search various lists again or learnanynumbers by heart! With ALL i CAN EAT you manage all yourfoodintolerances in one place.
Lactose Intolerance
Apps Angel
Lactose Intolerance is an essential newappforyour health!This fantastic app will really help you spot andhandlelactoseintolerance in yourself and your family!Awesome ways to deal with it in kids and babies!Video recipes and tricks for delicious lactose free meals!Tons of signs, symptoms and solutions!Effective treatments and supplements!This Lactose Intolerance app is essential for anyone whowantstoeat well and feel good!So, what are you waiting for?Get your Lactose Intolerance app today!
Laktose Info 1.1
Carsten Gross
Laktose Info ist eine ganz simple App mitderSie den Laktoseanteil (pro 100g) von gängigen Lebensmittelnsehenkönnen.Dazu gibt es eine kleine Suchfunktion mit der Sie schnelldasentsprechende in der Liste finden.Wenn Sie ein Lebensmittel anklicken bekommen Sie auch eineInfowieviele Laktose-Tabletten Sie einnehmen "sollten".Gerechnet habe ich mit der allgemeinen Formel das 1000FCCEinheiten5gramm Laktose spalten.Eine Angabe habe ich für 3 verschiedenen Stärken.Laktose Info, Ist meine erste App im Store und daher leidernochnicht so ausgereift wie ich Sie Ihnen gerne bereitstellenwürde,aber ich freue mich über AnregungenundProblembeschreibungen.Ich werde die App stetig weiterentwickeln und hoffe das SieIhnensowie uns das Leben ein bisschen erleichtert.Lactose info is averysimple app with the lactose content (per 100g) can see fromcommonfoods.There is also a small search function allows you to quicklyfindthe corresponding in the list.If you click on a food you get is an info how manylactosetablets you are taking "should".Projected I have with the general formula split the 1000FCCunits5gramm lactose.A statement I have for three different strengths.Lactose info, Is my first app in the store and unfortunatelynotas mature as I you would like to provide you, but I look forwardtoyour suggestions and problem descriptions.I will continue to develop the app ever and I hope that you andusease your life a little bit.
Receitas e Coisas Sem Glúten 3.1
Lex Eximius
Gluten-free recipes and information about other application(CeliacDisease).
Lactose Intolerance Disease 1.0
thadanporn boonmarkmee
This app provides completeinformationaboutlactose intolerance diseases. Best comprehensiveoverviewcoversthe symptoms and treatment of lactose intolerance .This apphasbeen developed for everyone, all topics has been made tomakeitcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friendsandfamily.Application does not overload you withcomplicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does notrequireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from lactose intolerance• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of lactose intolerance and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for lactose intolerance• easy to read and download & beautifulfullscreenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keepupdatinglocaldatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this Appnowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep awayfromlactoseintolerance in your family! Just download it and learnfromit!Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains lactose intolerance diseasesinformationforknowledge if you need to apply then please contacttonearbydoctor. Useful information but is not a substituteforprofessionalmedical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If youthinkyou may have amedical emergency, immediately call your doctororthe emergencyservices. Before acting on any of the informationinthisapplication, consult with your doctor to make sure that itisrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application,arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can beusedforinformation purposes only. This app cannot and shouldnotreplace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content isonlyfor pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult adoctorbeforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free toemailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement.Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email withinformationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'lltry to fixitimmediately.This appprovidescompleteinformation about lactose intolerance diseases.Bestcomprehensiveoverview covers the symptoms and treatment oflactoseintolerance.This app has been developed for everyone, alltopicshas been madeto make it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friendsandfamily.Application does not overload you withcomplicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does notrequireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from lactose intolerance.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of lactose intolerance and riskfactors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for lactose intolerance.• easy to read and download & beautifulfullscreenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keepupdatinglocaldatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to usethisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app foryourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this Appnowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep awayfromlactoseintolerance in your family! Just download it and learnfromit!Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains lactose intolerance diseasesinformationforknowledge if you need to apply then please contacttonearbydoctor. Useful information but is not a substituteforprofessionalmedical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If youthinkyou may have amedical emergency, immediately call your doctororthe emergencyservices. Before acting on any of the informationinthisapplication, consult with your doctor to make sure that itisrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application,arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can beusedforinformation purposes only. This app can not and shouldnotreplacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content isonlyforpocket reference & educational purposes. Consultadoctorbefore actual usage of any of the information inthisapp.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free toemailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement.Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email withinformationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'lltry to fixitimmediately.
Easter Cakes 1.2
A sweet touch for everyday occasions
Laktosefreier Kaffee Finder 1.0.13
Finde Kaffee - überall wo du bist -ohneLaktoseDu trinkst gerne Milchkaffee, Cappuccino oder LatteMacchiato?Doch Laktose verträgst du nicht und musst deshalb oft aufdeinenKaffee unterwegs verzichten? Ab jetzt nicht mehr! Mit dieserAppfindest du ab sofort schnell und einfach die nächsteMöglichkeit,einen Kaffee mit laktosefreier Milch zu trinken. Undwenn du selbsteinen Tipp für die Kaffeeliebhaber-Community hast,kannst du direktein neues Café oder Restaurant eintragen. Ab jetztin jeder Stadt -egal ob München, Hamburg, Köln oder Berlin - wirzeigen Dir wo Dulaktosefreien Kaffee ganz in Deiner Nähe trinkenkannst.Infos/ Aktuelles:16.02.2016:Yeah! In Berlin Kreuzberg haben wir die aktuell höchsteCafè-DichteDeutschlands. Wenn du eine Berlin-Tour planst und dichnach demSeightseeing am Brandenburger Tor in einem Restaurant miteinemChai Latte erholen möchtest, solltest du dir diesenReiseführer zuden besten Cafès Berlins auf dein Smartphoneladen.05.02.2016Wir haben heute den beliebtesten Eintrag der Kategorie"Restaurant"ermittelt. Sieger ist das SouthEastO21 im GroßraumDresden. Dasbesondere ist, dass es dort neben gutem Kaffee mitlaktosefreierMilch auch vorbildliche Allergeninformationen auf derSpeisekartegibt, hier wird die LMIV vorbildlich umgesetzt! Das Menüist dazuauch noch ein Rezeptbuch. Du kannst die einzelnen SeitenderSpeisekarte heraustrennen und so die Rezepte mitnehmen undZuhauseselberkochen. Die VerträglichkeitsangabenbeiNahrungsmittelintoleranzen stehen direkt dabei. GelistetsindAngaben zu Fruktose, Histamin, Lactose, Sorbit und Gluten.01.02.2016Erst seit ein paar Tagen im Store und schon viele neueEinträgedurch euch, herzlichen Dank! Wenn ihr so weiter macht, sindwirbald nicht mehr nur MC Donald`s/ Mc Café, Nespresso-Bar,Starbucks,Vapiano und Burger King Finder. Unser Ziel war esimmer,Alternativen zu diesen Fast Food Restaurants zu bekommen. BeieinemTrip nach Erfurt viel dann die Entscheidung zu dieser App,denn einReiseführer mit Infos zu Cafès fehlte im Store. Die Stadtist vollmit tollen kleinen Cafès und am Ende saßen wir doch wiederbeiMcDonalds, nur weil wir nicht wussten wo es laktosefreie(Soja)Milch gibt. Dank unserer Finder-App und eurem Engagement mussdasaber bald niemandem mehr passieren.28.01.2016Ein Aufruf an euch alle: Teilt uns eure Ideen mit! Für waskönntedie Finder-App noch genutzt werden? Was sucht ihrregelmäßig?SlowFood, Soja-Milch, hefefreies Brot, fruktosearmeSchokolade,laktosefreie Desserts oder oder ... schreibt uns einfachanservice@myFoodMap.deFind coffee - whereveryouare - without lactoseYou like to drink macchiato latte, cappuccino or latte? Butyoucan not stand lactose and therefore often have to give upyourcoffee on the go? Not any more! With this app you can findnowquickly and easily take the next, a coffee with lactose-freemilkdrink. And if you have a tip for coffee lovers communityitself,you can just type a new cafe or restaurant Add. Now in everycity -whether Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Berlin - we show youwhere youlactose-free drink coffee very close to you can.Information / updates:02.16.2016:Yeah! In Berlin Kreuzberg we have the current highest densityCafèGermany. If you are planning a tour of Berlin and want yourecoverafter Seightseeing at the Brandenburg Gate in a restaurantwith achai latte, you should upload to your smartphone this guideto thebest cafes of Berlin.02/05/2016We have now determined the top entry in the category"Restaurants".The winner is the SouthEastO21 in the Dresden area.The special isthat in addition to good coffee with lactose-freemilk is alsoexemplary allergen information on the menu there, herethe LMIVimplemented exemplary! The menu is in addition also still arecipebook. You can separate out the individual pages of the menuso takethe recipes and cook yourself at home. Thecompatibilityinformation for food intolerances are right there.Listed are havefructose, histamine, lactose, sorbitol andgluten.01/02/2016Only for a few days in the store and have many new itemsthroughyou, thank you! If you continue like this, we will soon nolongeronly MC Donald`s / Mc Café, Nespresso Bar, Starbucks, VapianoandBurger King Finder. Our goal has always been to obtainalternativesto these fast food restaurants. In a trip to Erfurtmuch then thedecision on this app, because a guide to cafes lackedthe store.The city is full of great little cafes and in the end wewere yetagain at McDonalds, just because we did not know wherethere arelactose-free (soy) milk. Our finder app and yourcommitment mustbut soon anyone happen.01/28/2016A call to all of you: Let us know your ideas! For what theFinderapp could be used? Why do you seek a regular basis? SlowFood, soymilk, yeast-free bread, fructose poor chocolate,lactose-freedesserts or ... or just write us atservice@myFoodMap.de