برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به Eventos USP

Cardápio+ USP 2.1.50
USP restaurant menus and more PRIP services
Bibliotecas USP 2.6.24
Do some research on Integrated Library System (SIBi) USP.
Noticias USP 1.1.1
Notícias da USP no seu telefone etablet.Filtre pela editoria desejada. Compartilhe as notíciaspeloFacebook, Twitter e e-mail diretamente do aplicativo.Esse aplicativo mostra as notícias publicadas no Portal da USP.Paratanto, utiliza conexão de dados do celular ou rede Wi-Fi.Consultesua operadora sobre os custos.Esse é um desenvolvimento da Superintendência de TecnologiadaInformação da USP (STI) em conjunto com a SuperintendênciadeComunicação Social da USP (SCS)..USP news on your phoneandtablet. Filter the desired publishing. Share the newsthroughFacebook, Twitter and email directly from theapplication.This application shows the news published on the website of USP.Tothis end, uses mobile data connection or Wi-Fi network.Contactyour service provider about the costs.This is a development of the Superintendent of USPInformationTechnology (ITS) in conjunction with the Office ofSocialCommunications of the USP (SCS) ..
USP 1.2.0
The USP App accompanies UniqueStylePlatform'sprinted style forecasts. These are available tobuyatwww.uniquestyleplatform.com/shop/Scan images in your USP style forecasts to accessvideos,links,and to access extra content that can be downloaded toyourdeviceor your Dropbox.
Study Checker PRO
♥♥♥ TranslationProject♥♥♥https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RB0k7USNxL4eQB4rGcmCsApD_5hAtP6Lx8Sdd_amdI8/edit?usp=sharingThisappautomatically records your study or break times. Itdisplaysthestats of each study and break time for a day, a week,a month,and acustom period. Please give us your valuablefeedback. Thank youforusing our app. +.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚*:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.♥Difference between free and pro versions ♥ - Nocommercial adsinpro version - App widgets in pro version
Digital Electronics 7
Engineering Apps
Digital Electronics is an important subject, commonforElectrical,Electronics, and Instrumentation Engineeringstudents.It dealswith the theory and practical knowledge of DigitalSystemsand howthey are implemented in various digital instruments.ThisApp havebeen developed based on the latest GATE syllabus andwillbe usefulfor Electronics Engineering students as well as forGATE,IES andother PSU exams preparation. Digital Electronics isanElectronicsthat uses binary numbers of 1 and 0 torepresentinformation 1.Number Base System 1.1 Logic Operations1.2Mathematical Operations1.3 Building Circuits with Breadboards1.4Digital Logic Gates 2.Logic Gates 2.1 LogicGates/FundamentalDigital Gates 2.2 LogicGates/Combinational Gates2.3 LogicGates/Basic Logic Gates Summary2.4 Logic Gates Summary 3.DigitalDevice 3.1 Mathematic and LogicOperations 3.2 SynchronousDevice3.3 Asynchronous Device 4.Digital Signal Processing 4.1DigitalData 4.2 Data Encoder 4.3Data Selector 5. DigitalControllers 5.1Controller Concepts 5.2Arduino 5.3 Blinking Light 6.CommunicationStandards 6.1 OpenStandards 6.2 ANSI 6.3 ISO Some ofthe topicsCovered in the appare: 1. Decimal System 2. Binary System3.Representing BinaryQuantities 4. Octal and Hexadecimal System5.Binary-To-Decimal andDecimal-to-binary Conversion6.Binary-To-Octal / Octal-To-BinaryConversion 7. HexadecimaltoDecimal/Decimal to HexadecimalConversion 8.Binary-To-Hexadecimal/Hexadecimal-To-BinaryConversion 9.Floating-Point Numbers 10.Binary Codes 11. NonWeighted Codes 12.Binary - Gray CodeConversion 13. Gray Code -Binary Conversion 14.Gray CodeApplications 15. AlphanumericCodes-ASCII code 16. EBCDICcode 17.Seven-segment Display Code 18.Error Detecting Codes 19.ErrorCorrecting Codes. 20. BooleanSwitching Algebras 21. BooleanAlgebraTheorems 22. Minterms andMaxterms 23. Sum Of Products (SOP)andProduct Of Sum (POS) 24.AND-Logic Gate 25. OR-Logic Gate26.NOT-Logic Gate 27. NAND-LogicGate 28. NOR-Logic Gate 29.XNOR-LogicGate 30. Universal Gates 31.Realization of logic functionusingNAND gates 32. Realization oflogic gates using NAND gates33.Realization of logic functionusing NOR gates 34. Realizationoflogic gates using NOR gates. 35.Tristate Logic Gates36.AND-OR-INVERT Gates 37. Schmitt Gates 38.Karnaugh Maps39.Minimization Technique 40. 2-Variable K-Map41.Grouping/CirclingK-maps 42. Example of 2-Variable K-Map groups43.3-Variable K-Map44. Example of 3-Variable K-Map 45.4-VariableK-Map 46. Example of4-Variable K-Map 47. 5-Variable K-Map48.QUINE-Mccluskeyminimization 49. QUINE-MccluskeyminimizationMethod-Example 50.Multiplexer 51. 2x1 Multiplexer 52.Design of a2:1 Mux 53. 4:1 MUX54. 8-to-1 multiplexer from SmallerMUX 55.16-to-1 multiplexer from4:1 mux 56. De-multiplexers 57.MechanicalEquivalent of aDe-Multiplexer 58. 1-to-4 De-multiplexer59.Boolean FunctionImplementation using Mux and de-Mux 60.3-variableFunction Using4-to-1 mux 61. 2 to 4 Decoder using Demux62.Arithmeticcircuits-Adders 63. Full Adder 64. Full AdderusingAND-OR 65. n-bitCarry Ripple Adder 66. 4-bit Carry RippleAdder67. Carry Look-AheadAdder 68. BCD Adder 69. 2-digit BCD Adder70.Subtracter 71. FullSubtracter 72. Parallel Binary Subtracter73.Serial BinarySubtracter. 74. Comparators 75. Encoders76.Decimal-to-BinaryEncoder 77. Priority Encoder 78. IntroductiontoSequential Circuit79. Concept of Sequential Logic 80. Inputenablesignals 81. RSLatch 82. RS Latch with Clock 83. Setup andHoldTime 84. D Latch85. JK Latch 86. T Latch 87. R-S Flip-FlopwithActive LOW Inputs88. R-S Flip-Flop with Active HIGH Inputs 89.R-SFlip-FlopImplementation with NOR gates 90. Clocked R-SFlip-FlopDigitalElectronics is part of electronics engineeringeducationcourses andtechnology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Estuda.com ENEM e Vestibular 7.5.4
ENEM 2022 and Entrance Exam / Questions Tests and Simulations
Analog Electronics
Engineering Apps
This free App on Analog Electronics covers most importanttopicsinsimple English and diagrams for a quick study and revisionsatthetime of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It isthemostuseful App for last minute preparations. The Best appforschool,college and work. If you are a student It will help tolearna lot.This useful App lists 290 topics in 5 chapters, totallybasedonpractical as well as a strong base of theoreticalknowledgewithnotes written in very simple and understandableEnglish.Considerthis App as a quick note guide which professors usein aclassroom.The App will help in faster learning and quickrevisionsof all thetopics. Some of the topics Covered in the appare: 1.Ideal diode2. Semiconductor materials- Resistivity.3.Semiconductor materialsGe and Si 4. Energy levels 5.Extrinsicmaterials n-Type 6.Extrinsic materials p-Type 7. ElectronversusHole Flow 8. Majorityand Minority Carriers 9. Semiconductordiode10. P-N junction withno external bias 11. P-N junctionwithReverse-Bias Condition 12.P-N junction with Forward-BiasCondition13. Silicon semiconductordiode characteristics 14. ZenerRegion 15.General characteristicsof a semiconductor diode 16.TemperatureEffects Silicon Diode 17.DC or Static Resistance 18. ACor DynamicResistance 19. Average ACResistance 20. Diodeequivalentcircuits-Piecewise-LinearEquivalent Circuit 21.Simplifiedequivalent circuit for thesilicon semiconductor diode22.Transition and diffusioncapacitance 23. Reverse recovery time24.Light-emitting diodes 25.Load-line analysis 26.Diodeapproximations 27. Series diodeconfigurations with dc inputs28.Half-wave rectifier 29. Effect ofVT on half-wave rectifiedsignal30. Peak Inverse Voltage PIV(PRV). 31.Full-waverectification-Bridge Network 32. Peak InverseVoltagePIV-BridgeNetwork 33. Center-Tapped Transformer34.Center-TappedTransformer-PIV 35. Series-Clippers36.Parallel-biased clipper 37.Clampers 38. Zener diodes 39.Zenerdiodes- Fixed Vi, Variable RL40. Zener diodes- Fixed RL,VariableVi 41. Halfwave-Voltage Doubler42. Full-wave-VoltageDoubler 43.Voltage Tripler and Quadrupler 44.Introduction toTransistorBiasing 45. Proper zero signal collectorcurrent 46.Proper minimumbase-emitter voltage 47. Proper minimumVCE at anyinstant 48.Operating point 49. Stabilization. 50.Stability Factor51.Transistor Biasing-Base Resistor Method 52.TransistorBiasing-Emitter Bias Circuit 53. Emitter BiasCircuit-Collectorcurrent(IC). 54. Emitter BiasCircuit-Collector-emitter voltage(VCE). 55.Emitter BiasCircuit-Stability 56. Biasing with CollectorFeedbackResistor 57.Voltage Divider Bias Method. 58. Design ofTransistorBiasingCircuits 59. Mid-Point Biasing 60. Oscillators61.operationalamplifiers 62. transistor biasing 63. fieldeffecttransistors 64.Regulated power supply 65. Signals andmultistageamplifiers 66.Transistors at high frequencies 67.Bipolartransistor 68. Bipolartransistor-Junction Biasing 69.Relationbetween different currentsin a transistor 70. BJT-CommonBaseConfiguration 71. BJT-CommonBaseConfiguration-OutputCharacteristics 72. BJT-CommonBaseConfiguration- InputCharacteristic 73. Equivalent circuit ofatransistor: (CommonBase) 74. Common Base Amplifier 75. CommonBaseAmplifier-ACequivalent circuit 76. BJT-Common EmitterConfiguration77. BJT-Common Emitter Configuration- InputCharacteristic: 78.BJT-CommonEmitter Configuration-OutputCharacteristic: 79. CommonEmitterConfiguration-Large Signal CurrentGain Analog Electronicsis partof electronics, electricalengineering education coursesandtechnology degree programs atvarious universities.
Magic Dictionary
Black Magic
Magic Dictionary- English to Myanmar, Myanmar to English Dictionary.- Magic Dictionary can use anywhere in your screen.- Application User Interface as "Facebook Messenger"chathead.- One hand user experience- English word to speech(UK)- Zawgyi font design changer- Word requestOffline APK V1.0,-https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwBZbYWEO-10YXZtd1QzMFhDNzQ/edit?usp=sharingOffline APK V2.0-https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwBZbYWEO-10N29kUlhXZHV4aGc/view?usp=sharingOffline APK V3.0-https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwBZbYWEO-10Wm9Ndnl3RTZCMmc/view?usp=sharing
KleverKid Parenting App
The KleverKids
Parenthood brings along theresponsibilityofchannelizing the energies of your kids for them todiscovertheirtrue passion. KleverKid is a platform to find thebestpreschooland after school activities nearby yourlocation.Must-have for allmodern moms, Kleverkid android app issimple touse and its mapbased interface helps find the directions,completedescription,program details, timing, fee as well aspictures. Notonly that,there are ratings and reviews from otherparents to helpyou make adecision. For young parents, the journey starts from toddler programs,daycareand crèche and preschools. As the kids grow up youngparentslook foracademic programs like brain development, mentalmaths,abacus andtuition etc. Equally important are dance, music,drama,art and craftother extra-curricular activities forcompletepersonalitydevelopment. Indoor games like chess andoutdoorsports likefootball are important too.KleverKid is a simple parenting app used to find thebestcoaches,trainers, tutors, and teachers for kids. This freekidsapp offers abeautiful parents guide that makes it very simpleforparents to findthe best events, after school activities intheirneighborhood area.With ratings, reviews, pricing,locations,timings, payments, andsimple inquiry forms, this easyapp helpsparents find the bestprograms and activities for theirkids Our USP is comprehensive,updated and visuallyappealinglistings of our partners whoprovide after schoolactivities forkids. All a parent need todo is Browse throughdifferentprograms depending on the interest ofthe kid, check outreviewsand ratings from other parents, book aclass and that’s it!Simpleisn’t it? KleverKid also has a separate events section where alltheupcomingworkshops, summer camps and winter camps, scienceshowsetc. arelisted. Don’t miss any event now.Features:·         Findprogramsdependingon your kids’ interest·         Readreviewsfromother parents·         Checkouttiming,duration, fee and other details·         Bookyourclassesand make payments·         Shareitonsocial media·         Favouritealistingto browse it later·         Savekids’detailsfor later·         Sortresultsasper your choice
InterBio 1.0
Bárbara Este
Divetido quiz about ecological interactions!
Toledo Eventos 1.0.0
Toledo Eventos é um aplicativo gratuito paraadivulgação de eventos da Toledo Presidente Prudente. Vocêpoderávisualizar informações sobre o evento, data e local, mapadoevento, programação, serviços, entre outros.Toledo Events is afreeapplication for disclosure of events Toledo PresidentePrudente.You can view information about the event, date and place,eventmap, programming, services, among others.
Eventos ULL 1.1.1
Universidad de La Laguna
With this application of University ofLaLaguna you can see all events in our University: culturalagenda,leisure and training offer.You also could manage your attendance at those events youhaveregistered and receive real-time notifications or updates.