برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به Park Güell - Guía oficial

Park Güell - Official Guide
Ajuntament de Barcelona
A complete guided visit for goingaroundthemain points of cultural interest in Park Güell anddiscoveringthearchitectural style of the genius Antoni Gaudí.Itincludesentirely new articles by the Barcelona History Museum,anaudioguide, a detailed map, recommended routes,practicalinformationfor visitors and a section in which the visitcan beplanned inadvance. It works without Internet connection andisavailable in 7languages.
Park Güell - Guia oficial
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Una completa visita guiada perrecórrerelsprincipals punts d'interès culturals de la ZonaMonumental delParkGüell i descobrir l'estil arquitectònic del geniAntoniGaudí.Incorpora textos inèdits del Museu d'Història deBarcelona,unaàudio guia, un mapa detallat, rutesrecomanades,informaciópràctica per als visitants i un apartat onpoderplanificar lavisita amb antelació. Funciona sense connexióainternet i estàdisponible en 7 idiomes.A complete tourtovisitthe main cultural attractions of the area MonumentalParkGüell anddiscover the genius of Antoni Gaudi's architecturalstyle.Includespreviously unpublished History Museum of Barcelona,​​anaudioguide, a detailed map, recommended routes,practicalinformationfor visitors and a section where you can planyour visitinadvance. Works without internet connection and isavailableinseven languages.
Park Güell - Offizieller Guide
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Eine vollständige Führungentlangderwichtigsten kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten im ParkGüell.EntdeckenSie den Architekturstil des genialen ArchitektenAntoniGaudí.Dieser Guide beinhaltet noch unveröffentlichteTextedesGeschichtsmuseums von Barcelona, einenAudioguide,einendetaillierten Plan, empfohleneBesichtigungsrouten,praktischeInformationen für den Besucher undeinen Bereich, in demSie IhrenBesuch im Voraus planen können. ErfunktioniertohneInternetanschluss und steht in 7 Sprachen zurVerfügung.A complete guidealongthemain cultural sights in the park Guell. Discoverthearchitecturalstyle of the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudí.Thisguide containsunpublished texts of the History MuseumofBarcelona, ​​an audioguide, a detailed plan,recommendeditineraries, practicalinformation for visitors and anarea whereyou can plan your visitin advance. It works withoutInternetconnection and is available in7 languages.
Парк Гуэля
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Полная экскурсия по основнымобъектамПаркаГуэля для знакомства со своеобразным стилемгениальногоархитектораАнтони Гауди. Включает новые тексты,подготовленныеМузеем историиБарселоны, аудиогид, подробнуюплан-схему,рекомендуемые маршруты,полезную информацию дляпосетителей и разделдля планированиявизита. Программа работает бездоступа в Интернет идоступна на 7языках.Full tour ofthemainobjects of the Park Guell, to explore the original styleofthebrilliant architect Antoni Gaudi. Includes new textsproducedbythe Museum of History of Barcelona, ​​audio guide, adetailedplanof the recommended routes, useful information forvisitors andasection for planning the visit. The program workswithout accesstothe Internet and is available in 7 languages.