برترین 5 برنامه مشابه به 한시간빠른날씨배경화면

한시간빠른날씨배경화면 디럭스 1.03
이​ ​엡​은​ ​시​간​과​ ​날​씨​에​ ​맞​춰 고​화​질​의​​총​ ​21​장​의​ ​이​미​지​가​ ​배​경​화​면​으​로​ ​바​뀝​니​다​.사​용​자​가​ ​선​택​한​ ​이​미​지​가​ ​바​뀌​게​ ​할​수​도​ ​있​습​니​다​.또​한​ ​사​용​자​ ​선​택​에​ ​따​라​ ​벨​소​리​도​ ​함​께​ ​바​꿀​수​도​ ​있​습​니​다​.1​.​ ​인​터​넷​으​로​ ​한​두​시​간​후​의​ ​날​씨​ ​상​황​에​ ​맞​는​​예​보​를​​받​고예​보​는​ ​맑​음​/​구​름​조​금​/​구​름​많​음​/​흐​림​/​눈​,​비​/​비​/​눈의​ ​7​개​의​ ​정​보​를​ ​엡​에​게​ ​알​려​주​고엡​은​ ​그​ ​정​보​를​ ​가​지​고​ ​시​간​에​ ​맞​추​어​ ​폰​의​ ​배​경​화​면​을자​동​으​로​ ​바​꾸​어​ ​줍​니​다​.(​기​본​ ​이​미​지​외​에​ ​원​하​시​는​ ​이​미​지​로​ ​바​꾸​실​​경​우​​시​간​과​​날​씨​에​ ​맞​춰​ ​2​1​가​지​의​ ​상​황​이​ ​나​타​나​므​로​​이​미​지​는​​총​​2​1​장​을​ ​준​비​하​시​면​ ​좋​습​니​다​만​ ​원​하​시​는​​이​미​지​만​​바​꾸​셔​도​​됩​니​다​.​ ​나​머​지​는​ ​기​본​ ​내​장​이​미​지​로​​나​타​납​니​다​.​)(​라​이​브​배​경​으​로​ ​설​치​되​니​ ​.​​아​래​​설​치​방​법​을​​필​독​해​주​세​요​.​)2​.​ ​날​씨​에​ ​따​른​ ​벨​소​리​ ​자​동​ ​변​경날​씨​에​ ​따​라​ ​벨​소​리​ ​또​한​ ​사​용​자​가​ ​선​택​한​​곡​으​로​​자​동​으​로​​바​뀌​게​ ​할​수​ ​있​습​니​다​.3​.​ ​사​용​자​의​ ​위​치​는​ ​자​동​으​로​ ​파​악​되​며​​설​정​에​서​​위​치​를​​확​인​,​갱​신​ ​할​ ​수​ ​있​습​니​다​.(​엡​은​ ​위​치​만​ ​파​악​할​뿐​ ​위​치​를​ ​서​버​에​​전​송​하​거​나​​하​지​​않​습​니​다​.​ ​서​버​도​ ​없​습​니​다​ ​ㅋ​;​;​)4​.​ ​시​간​에​ ​따​른​ ​업​데​이​트​,​ ​거​리​에​ ​따​른​​업​데​이​트​​간​격​을​​사​용​자​가​ ​정​할​수​ ​있​습​니​다​.대​한​민​국​에​ ​적​용​됩​니​다​.★​★​★​ ​설​치​방​법​:​ ​화​면​에​서​의​ ​빈​공​간​을​ ​꾹​ ​눌​러​주​세​요​.배​경​화​면​-​>​라​이​브​배​경​화​면​-​>​한​시​간​빠​른​날​씨​배​경​화​면​​누​르​시​면​​완​료​입​니​다​~​​^​^​ ​★​★​★후​기​나​ ​문​의​로​ ​개​선​사​항​ ​알​려​주​시​면​ ​적​극​ ​참​조​하​겠​습​니​다​.날씨정보출처: 야후 https://weather.yahoo.com/기상청 http://www.kma.go.kr/----개발자 연락처 :문의및 요청사항은아래 이메일로 연락부탁드립니다.kleopard001@gmail.comMr. hour and dayoftheEphesians to meet the high image quality of the dance.A total of 21 chapters around the screen is not whethertheshipkkwip lead you to the bar.Use this not one person is selected it can be turned intoaplacethat could be included too.The person selected for the four cows back, depending on thelevelofhoney can also be too wet bar together you all.1 Net of data coming from two hours to one day afterthematchsituation, Mr. Beam Example To get highExamplesofsecurity​맑​음​/​구​름​조​금​/​구​름​많​음​/​흐​림​/​눈​,​비​/​비​/​눈Information 7 of the week and trying to findsomethingonEphesiansInformation for that kind of Ephesians hours and times tofitaroundthe phone's screen added to controlAutomatically lead you to pick up the bar packed fish.(Whether in addition to the default one and when the U.S.isnotthe case, whether the bar room when packed Mr. Daymatchbetweenthe 21 kinds of dance. situation or the other and nottoManadowhether to prepare a total of 21 chapters and tenthousandwon itwhen you face it with a good wet this Avon also willnot do,butyou all packed bar., or bots, do not do this is bydefaulttheinternal I lead you all another.)(D this boo BACKGROUND coming back to your installation.Belowhowto install the necessary poison me three weeks.)2 seed in the follow-ing day, automatically changes thebellcowbackDepending on the day, Mr. Lee also used the bell cow whoisselectedto lead one automatically it can be turned into aleadcould beincluded.3 for the four lead characters in the filepositionisautomatically set on the evil being in said valuetoconfirm,update, can be included.(Ephesians is not only location, but bad location for filesontheserver and you sent me a Not be included. conditions couldnothaveit too ㅋ server;})4 up to two hours at the follow-ing, depending onthedistancebetween the other up to this at price is positive andcanbe usedfor parties could be included.Numbers for the station you will ever use.★ ★ ★ Installation Method: standing in an empty space onthescreenpress and hold the required three weeks .배​경​화​면​-​>​라​이​브​배​경​화​면​-​>​한​시​간​빠​른​날​씨​배​경​화​면​Icompletedwhen you press the side ~ ^ ^ ★ ★ ★Acknowledgement of doors trying to find one line fourweeksduringterm if ever I'm going to see extreme conditionscouldthe.Weather Information Source:Yahoohttps://weather.yahoo.com/                      Meteorologicalhttp://www.kma.go.kr/
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Romantic Snow Live Wallpaper. 1.2
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기상정보(현재날씨,동네날씨, 미세먼지) 1.4.7
Local weather information at a glance and fine dust! Widgetcoloralso can be changed.
Snowflakes Live Wallpaper 1.2
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