برترین 10 برنامه مشابه به Crochet Mitten Patterns

Nasıl Yapılır TV 2.1.1
Örgü, Moda, ElSanatları,Tasarım,YemekTarifleri ve Pratik Bilgiler videolarınıyüksek kaliteveçözünürlükle izleyebilirsiniz.Knitting,Fashion,Crafts,Design, Recipes and Practical Information can watchvideosof thehighest quality and resolution.
Вязаные игрушки амигуруми 2.0.1
Вязаные игрушки амигуруми, вязаниекрючкомдлядома и семьи, схемы и мастер-класс по вязанию дляначинающих –всеэто и многое другое вы найдете в нашемувлекательномприложении«Вязаные игрушки амигуруми».Вязание игрушек амигуруми – увлекательноезанятие,позволяющеесоздать своими руками настоящие шедевры иуникальныеподарки.Техника амигуруми отличается простотойисполнения, ведь вее основебазовые принципы вязания крючком.Главное - грамотноподсчитыватьпетли, убавки и прибавки, но об этомвы можете небеспокоиться,потому что мы подготовили для вас готовыесхемывязания игрушек,аксессуаров и других изделий.Подробные описания и пошаговые мастер-классы помогутвамслегкостью связать крючком понравившуюсяигрушкуамигуруми,украшение для дома или подарок для близкого.Запасаемся пряжей, крючками и фурнитурой и отправляемсявместеснами в увлекательный мир амигуруми и вязания крючком!Knittedtoysamigurumi,crochet for the home and family schemes and masterclassonknitting for beginners - all this and much more can be foundinourexciting application "Knitted toys amigurumi".toys amigurumi Knitting - an exciting experience thatallowsyouto create your own hands real masterpieces anduniquegifts.amigurumi technique is simple version, because it isbased onthebasic principles of crochet. The main thing -correctlycalculatethe loop gain and ubavki, but this you can notworrybecause wehave prepared for you to complete the scheme ofknittingtoys,accessories and other products.Detailed descriptions and step by step workshops will helpyoutoeasily crochet amigurumi favorite toy, home decoration or agiftfora loved one.Stored yarn, hooks and accessories and go along with usinthefascinating world of amigurumi and crochet!
Вязание пошагово 1.0
Большое количество узоров, моделейдлявязанияспицами и крючком. Раздел уроков для начинающихпоможетпогрузитьсяв основы мира вязания. А для тех, кто ищет новыеидеивсе узоры имодели для любых инструментов разбиты на категориидляудобногопоиска и вязания шаг за шагом. Каждый пример приведенввидекартинки и описан текстом для лучшего понимания.Базаизделийобновляется, поэтому Вы всегда сможете найти новые идеиаданномприложении.A large numberofpatterns,patterns for knitting and crochet. Section lessonsforbeginners willhelp to immerse in the world of knitting basics.Andfor thoselooking for new ideas all the patterns and patternsforanyinstrument categorized for easy searching and crochet, stepbystep.Each example is provided in the form of images and textisdescribedfor better understanding. The base product is updated,soyou canalways find new ideas and the application.
Crochet Vest Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
If you have ever been interested inknittingorcrocheting, then chances are you have heard ofsomethingreferred toas Tunisian crochet. In this article we willcover someof thehistory as well as some ideas for usingTunisiancrochetInstructions.This particular kind of crocheting differsfromclassicalcrocheting and knitting in many key ways. We are goingtocoversome of the basic instructions on Tunisiancrochet.Tunisiancrochet is considered by the majority to be ahybridbetweenknitting and crochet. The distinct fabrics createdbythisparticular technique look more as if they have beenwovenratherthan knitted or crocheted.Tunisian crocheting is done on a long hook with a stopperontheend of it and the hook on the other. This is similar toaknittingneedle in the fact that it is long. The stopper keepsthemanystitches held on to the tool.Tunisian crochet is different from the other two otherformsofcreating fabric in the fact that each row is done intwospecificpasses. First is the forward pass in which the loopsareworked onto the hook and then there is the reverse pass, wheretheloops areworked off of the back of the hook.When you are doing any sort of Tunisian crochet the workisneverturned, meaning that the right side of the fabric willalwaysremainfacing the correct side. Another name for thisparticularkind ofcrochet is Afghan crochet or the Afghanstitch.This particular type of crochet creates a moretightlywovenfabric and is perfect for things like blankets orsweatshirts.The fabric this crocheted material produces is very warmandworkswell insulating the body. As this kind of crochet makesthefabriclock tighter together. Which of course means that itisgoing to bemore likely to keep out the cold elements becauseofthe fact thatthere are fewer openings in which wind canflow.Afghan rugs (blankets) have become valuable because ofthiskindof crocheting creates an almost air tight kind ofblanket.Whichmeans that it is going to remain warm unless it getswet,howeverif you manage to keep it dry it is a great insulatorwhetherit bea shirt or a blanket. A vest made with thisparticulartechnique itisextremely effective to wear underneath a jacket asprotectionagainstthe weather.Many items can be made using Tunisian crochetinstructionsbesidesa vest. There are beautiful baby blankest,shawls, rugs,and eventoys. This is a wonderful and fun stitch thatcan beapplied to manyprojects.
Crochet Rug Patterns 1.0
Knitting, I'm sure you've heard ofthisbefore.Most people have, it's a hobby as old as time. It hasbeenaroundfor years, and it has been estimated that the hobbystartedas faras the 1500s! Unfortunately, there is no evidence thatneverborewhen it really came from.Have you ever wondered where and when this startssewinghobby?According to the September 1997 newsletter of theCrochetGuild ofAmerica, researchers theorize that crochet art canbetraced as faras the 1500s in Italy. However, there is nostrongevidence forthis statement.But even so, we can only imagine that this craft hasbeenaroundfor a long time. And it has evolved from making onlyhomedecorworks for stitching clothes and other fashionaccessoriesaswell.recallKnitting can let you do a lot of things. From smallpursestojackets and sweaters, there are many options to choosefrom.Butthere may be some fans who are looking for the oldpeople,theclassic pattern that can usually be seen in the early1900s orevenearlier. To assist you in finding those hard to findapattern,here are some resources that you can see on the WorldWideWeb.- Vintage Crochet Patterns. Tabitha Gibbons, the ownerofthiswebsite, offers a few volumes of crochet patterns. He sellsawideselection of vintage crochet patterns, from smallplacemats,rugs,Afghan to bed covers and tablecloths. By visitinghis website,onecan fill in your name and email form to receive afreepatternbook.- Crochet Treasures. "The pattern of the past;Creatingheirloomsfor tomorrow ..." This is the slogan of this websitewith acollection of classic patterns. It is a member-basedsitethatoffers more than 950 vintage patterns for customers.Forvisitors,it also offers about 25 free vintage crochet patternsforpersonaluse. However, not accepting new members at this timeuntilfurthernotice by the owner.- Vintage Crochet Celt. Yet another vintage crochetpatternssite,it actually has a wide range of vintage patterns tochoosefrom. Andthe best thing about this site is that all ofthispattern for free!It also displays the completed projectowners,most of which aredoilies and other table accessories.- Memories soft. This site brings you back to the pastwithacollection of over a thousand vintage crochetpatterns.Patternsare grouped in different categories - placemats,bedjackets andslippers, handkerchief edgings, potholders, rufflesandflowers,doll clothes, and other home decor pieces. All ofthesepatternscan be viewed and printed by subscribing to the site.Therearealso a few free patterns are available for visitors to getapeakof what the site has to offer.- Vintage Crochet Patterns eBook. a sort of e-bookcontains20beautiful vintage patterns that are easy to crochet andcan behitson exhibition and bazaar. Some examples of patternsavailableis abag of knitted work, beaded lace, and linen weddingring. It isaportable document file (pdf) can be downloaded forfreefromCrochet and Knitting web site.- 1800s to the early 1900s Vintage Patterns Link.Thissite,written by a woman named Martha who is also known astheStargazer,has some links to pattern designed way back in 1800untilthe1930s. These patterns can be accessed free of charge.Thissitealso has links to other web sites that offervintagecrochetpatterns.
Knitting Sock Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
They provide comfort to our feet whenweneedthem the most. Their soft, warm feeling allows us totreadacrossmany floors. They offer added protection for our feet.Madefrom awide variety of materials, and available in countlesscolors,sockshave become a very important accessory for all of us.Beforewe canenjoy the comfort of them though, they have to be madebysomeone.Knitting socks can be a great hobby for people who wanttobecomemore versed in the wonderful craft of knitting. The key istofinda great pattern that will work best for you. Thenextimportantstep would be to choose a good quality sock yarn.Betweenthepattern and the sock yarn, there are many options tochoosefrom.You'll also need a measuring tape and a needle ofcourse.Whether you're a beginner, an expert, or you fallsomewhereinbetween regarding the craft of knitting, there are acoupleofmethods that you can use. There's thedouble-pointedneedlesmethod, two circular needles method, or onecircular needlemethod.There's also the Magic Loop Method, whichonly requires onelongcircular needle. It all depends on one'spreference.The first step is to cast on your stitches. Secondly,knityourstitches, come across to the first row, and thenpurlthem.Thirdly, repeat this step, alternating and purling untilthepiecefor each row measures out to be the inches thatyourequire.Fourthly decrease the stitches in the following row,byknittingand purling the stitches together for the whole row.Thefifth stepis to cut the yarn, allowing enough remaining inchestosew theseam. Thread through your needles. Then place yourneedleunder theremaining stitches on the needle. Pull it throughthestitches thesecond time and pull until the string is tight. Sewtheseamtogether at the back of the sock. Then repeat the stepstoensurethe size is the same.There are a lot of resources to aid an individual onlearninghowto knit socks. Connect with a buddy and do it togetheras ahobby.There are also lots of social groups where peoplepartakeinknitting, embroidery, crocheting, and quilting. You canfindthesegroups locally, or even online.The fun thing about knitting socks is that when theproductiscomplete, it's all yours. It's something that you havecreatedthatyou can be proud of. There are so many different designsthatyoucan use to create some of the most beautifulsocks.Thepossibilities of the things you can create areendless.Thematerials are affordable, and you'll have a piece of artthatcanbe passed down to the generations in your family.
Scarf Knitting Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
Of all the scarf knitting patternsoutthere,nothing makes a beautiful and bold fashion statementasthisdazzling confetti scarf. The best part of making thisprojectisthat it makes use of large needles that make the yarnsuperblyeasyand simple to knit!You'll need:1. 160 meters of bulky ribbon yarn2. Size 15 US needles3. Stitch markers, crochet hook and tapestry needleGauge: The gauge is not critical due to the loose textureofthepiece.Size: The length is approximately 66 inches whichincludesthefringe; width is approximately 4 inches.Let's start!1. Begin by casting on 14 stitches2. For Row 1: knit3. For Row 2: purl4. Switch to garter stitch by knitting every row untiltheprojectmeasures about 50 inches.5. Purl one row, next, knit the last row.6. Bind off and don't forget to weave in the loose ends.How to make the fringe:I recommend using open stitch markers so that youcanproperlydetermine where you want to place the fringe.1. Cut about 60 strands of yarn (about 18 inches each).2. Divide the strands of yarn in 12 groups, each oneconsistingoffive fringe strands.3. Gather a group of 5 fringe strands, starting at oneoftheshort edges.4. *Put in the crochet hook starting from back to frontalltheway into the openings just above the second row ofthepiece'sedge.5. Fold the fringe strands in half and make a loop byholdingthecut ends together.6. Next, put the loop on top of the hook and pullithalfwaythrough the piece.7. To create a knot, pull the cut ends of the fringethroughtheloop. Do this with the hook still in place.8. To tighten, pull the fringe ends.9. Repeat from step 4 5 times, making sure to allow anevenspacebetween fringes along the scarf's edge, creating a totalof 6groupsof fringes.10. Repeat the process at the opposite end of the scarf.11. Trim the fringes to at least 8 inches.
DIY : Granny Square Crochet 1.7
If you love crocheting then you must love granny square ! Youwillfind 30 crochet patterns in the app. The granny square istheclassic crochet motif, and it is often one of the first thingsthata person masters when first learning how to crochet. Grannysquaresare easy to be made and even beginners can successfullycrochetthem : the perfect DIY project. They are so versatile andflexible.Crocheted granny squares are a hit with crafters sincethere are somany different items you can make with them: blanketsor afghans,scarves, potholders, wraps, totes…the ideas are endless!Here areseveral different designs to check out, use a singlepattern for aproject or mix them up as you like. All crochetpatterns usesymbols in a chart form. Don't worry if you don't knowhow to reada diagramm (or crochet chart), take a look at thetutorial section!
How to Knit 1.0
This app offers a large scale of video tutorials to easily learnhowto knit.
Dolls and Toys Crafts 1.0
Dolls are loved by everyone. Dolls happenstobethe best friend of children. A doll is basically definedasathree-dimensional representation of human form meantforchild'splay. It's fascinating to be able to create some ofthesedollpatterns. So we bring you the Dolls and Toys app. Dollsandtoysapp is a huge collection of free patterns for diy dollsanddollscraft. A great craft to do with family and friends.Give your daughter a gift she can never forget when you makeheradoll of her very own. Find all kinds of craft dolls thatyoucanalter and use to create a special playmate for yourdaughterorgranddaughter. There's just something special abouthaving adollthat is like no other in the world. With many kinds ofparts,youcan customize for the age and personality of your littlegirlwithDolls and Toys app. Choose from plastic or vinyl parts tomakeit adurable toy that she can play with for years. Dolls andToysappalso have steps for easy cleanup when she gets dirty.Findtheperfect design patterns for your craft dolls from DollsandToysapp. Of course, the most important decision is choosingbetweenthecraft dolls heads to find the one that capturesyourdaughter'sheart. Find and make just what you need from Dollsandtoys app.Make your daughter or granddaughter her own friendtotreasure formany years with the perfect craft dollsandparts.Get the best designs for your dolls from all over the worldwithourDolls and Toys app. Nobody wants a ugly doll. Everybodywantsthattheir dolls look most beautiful and charming. Dolls andToysapp isthe best solution for it. Use your imagination and makebestdollsfor yourself and your kids. DIY dolls, choose your owndesignandmake them look cooler and beautiful. Dolls are thebestcompanion ofkids. Only a sincere lover of dolls knows whatdivinepleasure hegets from playing with dolls. Make dolls lookmoreattractive withDolls and toys app.