برترین 50 برنامه مشابه به Resp Assist

QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
CDC DentalCheck 2.1
Assess dental infection prevention policies and practices withCDCDentalCheck
5-Minute Clinical Consult 2.8.17
Unbound Medicine, Inc
2023 Edition with Bonus Features
Helpilepsy 1.13.0
Your digital epilepsy assistant
One Medical 4.26.0
1Life Healthcare, Inc.
Fall in love with your doctor’s office.
Peace of Mind: Caregiver
Peace of Mind is an AI-driven remote health monitoring platform
Medical ID 7.16.4
Laurent Pellegrino
Enables quick access to medical data and contacts in caseofemergency (ICE)
WebMD: Symptom Checker 11.8.1
Med Reminders, Doctor Finder
Okee in Medical Imaging 1.2.2
From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this apphelpschildren to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming tohospitalfor medical imaging (radiology) can be a littleoverwhelming –especially if it’s your first visit! But this iswhere Okee theOctopus and his friends can help. They’ll show youthe ropes andhave you ready for your appointment in no time. Infact, they’rehaving so much fun you’ll want to join in their gameseven if youdon’t need to have your picture taken. And that’s okaytoo – theylove company! So are you ready? Join Okee in apicture-takingadventure in Medical Imaging! 3 training games Startthe adventurewith some training in holding your breath with Puffer,keepingstill with Jellyfish and helping Squid fill up with glowink. 6picture – taking activities Help Okee and friends to:Buildsubmarines in MRI Make milkshakes in fluoroscopy Look forstickersin CT Find the broken bones in X-ray Search for sea starsinultrasound Fasten seatbelts for a ride in nuclear medicineReallife action Videos and photos let you see what it’s really liketohave medical pictures taken at The Royal Children’s Hospital(RCH)Melbourne. Getting ready for your appointment Handy tips andeasyto understand information help you know what to do before youcometo the hospital. Information for parents This appincludesinformation to help you discuss your child’s upcomingappointmentand make visiting the hospital fun and exciting. There’salso handyinformation like phone numbers, parking tips and FAQs.This app hasbeen developed as a collaboration between thedepartments ofMedical Imaging, Educational Play Therapy, and theEducationalResource Centre at The Royal Children’s HospitalMelbourne’s.Funding generously provided by The Royal Children'sHospitalFoundation. Disclaimer This application is intended tosupport, notreplace, discussion with your doctor or healthcareprofessionals.The authors have made a considerable effort to ensuretheinformation is accurate, up to date and easily understood.TheRoyal Children's Hospital accepts no liability foranyinaccuracies, information perceived to be misleading, orthesuccess of any suggestions detailed in this application.
Therapie Clinic 2.1.0
Thérapie Clinic
Earn points and enjoy rewards
The Chief Complaint 3.1
Escavo Inc.
An algorithmic approach to the most common complaints inemergencymedicine
icompanion: understand your MS 1.9.0
Multiple sclerosis app with a low-effort symptom diary, and somuchmore!
Sync My Health Data
Allows veterans to synchronize multiple health devices andconnectedapps
Nurx - Birth Control and PrEP 1.0.0
Propel Network
The Nurx app is the most convenient and affordable way totakecareof your personal healthcare needs online. Our licensedmedicalteamprescribes birth control, PrEP for HIVprevention,prescriptiontreatment for oral and genital herpes,emergencycontraception, andhome STI and HPV tests—privately,affordably, andon your schedule.Featured in Women’s Health, NPR,InStyle, ELLE,Forbes & more!HOW IT WORKS 1.Tell the Nurxmedical team aboutyour healthhistory.👩‍⚕️ 2.A provider prescribesmedication ororders hometests, if appropriate.💊 3.We deliver toyour door indiscreetpackaging.📭 AFFORDABLE PRICES ✔Get birthcontrol startingat $15 or$0 with insurance. ✔99% of our PrEPpatients pay $0 forthemedication. ✔Herpes treatment, HPV tests, andSTI tests arecoveredby many insurance plans, and we offeraffordable pricing ifyoudon’t pay with insurance. ✔Pay $15 for themedicalconsultation,which unlimited includes follow-up messagingwith ourmedical team.✔Delivery is always free. BIRTH CONTROL Getbirthcontrolprescribed online and delivered free. Choose from100+formulas —pill, ring, patch, or shot. ✔Answer questions aboutyourhealth.✔We prescribe and deliver to your door. ✔Refillsareautomatic.✔Message with our medical team any time torequestchanges or askquestions. HERPES TREATMENT Nurx prescribesanddelivers theantiviral medication valacyclovir (generic Valtrex)topeople whohave been diagnosed with oral or genital herpes.*✔Answerquestionsabout your health and your herpes outbreaks. ✔Ourmedicalteam willprescribe valacyclovir either for outbreaks orfordailyprevention. ✔We send valacyclovir to your doorindiscreetpackaging. *At this time we only offer herpes treatmenttopeoplewho have been diagnosed. If you suspect you have herpesbuthavenot received a diagnosis we recommend you see anin-personproviderthe next time you experience an outbreak. PrEP FORHIVPREVENTIONNurx is the most convenient and affordable placetoaccess PrEP.Our PrEP Home Test Kit lets you do the requiredtestingfrom home.✔Use the app to connect with a member of ourmedicalteam. ✔We’llsend you a discreetly-packaged PrEP Home TestKit thatyou returnby mail, prepaid. ✔If PrEP is right for youwe’llprescribe Truvadaor Descovy and deliver it for free. STI HOMETESTKIT Test yourselffor common sexually transmitted infections(STIs)at home. ✔Choosefrom 3 cost-effective kits which includetests forup to 5 STIs inmultiple areas of the body. ✔Followingsimpleinstructions, collectsamples at home and send to our partnerlabusing a prepaid label.✔Once results are in, our medical teamwillguide you. If you havea positive test result we willeitherprescribe treatment directlyor connect you with in-personcare. HPVHOME TEST KIT Skip thestirrups while protecting yourhealth. OurHPV Home Test Kit cansafely assess your risk forcervical cancer.✔Answer a fewquestions about your health and we’llsend you a homeHPV test kitif appropriate. ✔Following simpleinstructions, collectyoursamples and return using a prepaid label.✔Once results are in,ourmedical team will walk you through them.EMERGENCYCONTRACEPTIONThe “morning-after pill” (Plan B or Ella)preventspregnancy whentaken up to 5 days after sex. ✔Answer a fewquestionsabout yourhealth. ✔We’ll help you get emergencycontraception bymail orfilled at a nearby pharmacy. REAL MEDICALPROVIDERS,PRIVATEMESSAGING Your Nurx app medical provider will becertifiedandlicensed in your state. Nurx is HIPAA compliant andencryptseverytransaction and conversation you have with us so thereis noriskof breach of privacy. Available in these states: AL, CA,CO,FL,GA, IA, IL, IN, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR,PA,SC,TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, District of Columbia, and totheArmedForces. Only available to people 13 and older.
Symptomate – Symptom checker 2.6.1
Check your symptoms and find out what could be causing them.
Merck Manual Consumer 3.3
Merck & Co Inc
Featuring detailed explanations of medical disorders, symptoms,andtreatments.
ACH HealthCheck 3.24.0
Standing Stone, LLC
Optimize your therapy by submitting your results directly toyourclinician.
Infectious Disease Compendium 45.05.01
Mark Crislip
As of 5/1/21 the content will no longer be updatedAhyperlinkedguide to Infectious Diseases. Over 600 pagesofinformation onantibiotics, organisms, and diseases. Intended asaquick referencefor non-infectious disease practitioners withafocus on inpatientID and what I think is cool Updatedquasi-monthlyfrom theliterature. References link to Pubmed orprimary sources(withinternet connection). Written over 15 years byapracticingInfectious Disease doctor, voted one of PortlandsBestDoctors anda US News and World Report Best Doctor US,provingLincoln'sdictum. All the content is always available forfreeatedgydoc.com. Check it out before purchasing. The 'code'behindtheversion number. 12.6. The June update (6) of 2012. 'Humor'atnoextra charge. Reviews for the Uncertain: - Medical AppJournal​:4Stars "BOTTOM LINE: The Infectious Disease Persiflager’sGuideisan entertaining and engaging overview of infectiousdiseases,whichis well suited for practicing clinicians andpublichealthresearchers. The content appears accurate and ishighlyreferenced,although some sections seem to be pendingfutureupdates. Theaffordable price seems well worth theassimilation ofcurrentmedical content and experience-basedknowledge from apracticingexpert inthefield.http://medicalappjournal.com/review_editorial.php?appsname=Infectious+Disease+Compendium%3A+A+Persiflager%27s+Guide-MobileInfectious Disease References: From the Bedside totheBeach.​Clinical Infectious Diseases. ​"The InfectiousDiseasesCompendiumwould be perfect for students and residents toreviewtreatmentoptions prior to staffing a consultation withtheattending physicianor while admitting patients to amedicalorsurgicalservice."http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/1/114.full
Lemonaid – Doctor Visit $15 5.0.258
GET TREATED WITHOUT GOING ANYWHERE:BIRTHCONTROL PILLS, PRESCRIPTION TREATMENTS FOR UTI, SINUSINFECTION,ACNE AND MORE• Birth control, UTI, sinus infection, acne etc.• Takes 5 minutes to request a prescription.• 2-hour turnaround during business hours.• $15 visit fee. No charge if we can’t help.• Pick up your medicine from any pharmacy.• AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA andWAonly.• Confidential and private.EASY, SAFE AND SIMPLESave time, money and hassle and get a doctor’s prescriptionwithoutgoing anywhere. Our visit fee is just $15. We review allordersfaster than 2 hours during business hours [Mon-Fri 8am-5pmPacificTime]. Don’t take our word for it, read our reviews!TAKES 5 MINUTESIt’s even easier than you think to use Lemonaid.• Create an account and select a service.• Answer a few health questions.• Take a photo of yourself in the app – our doctors need to seewhowe’re treating.• Select any pharmacy in your state.• Pay our $15 visit fee. If you’re in AZ, CT, GA, OH, OR, RI orVAyou’ll have a short video visit with our doctors immediatelyafteryou answer our health questions. In other states you don’tneed avideo visit.• Wait for our message that says that a doctor has reviewedyourinformation and sent your prescription to the pharmacy, then gotothe pharmacy to pick up and pay for your medicine. If we needtoask you any questions, we’ll call you or send you a privatemessagein the app. We can only give you a prescription if it’s safeto doso.• Read our treatment plan before you take your medicine. Messageorcall us on 415 926 5818 if you have any questions.CHOOSE ANY PHARMACYWe’ll send your prescription to any pharmacy in your state.Justlike with any doctor visit, you pay the pharmacy foryourmedicines. Depending upon your health plan, your insurancemaycover the cost of your medicines.OUR SERVICESBirth control pills – get a 3-month prescription for over 100brandsof pills. We can start you on a new pill or give you arefill. Youneed to know your blood pressure.UTI/bladder infections – we help you get the prescription youneedfast. UTIs are uncomfortable and you need therighttreatment.Sinus infections – get better quickly with the right antibiotic.Weonly prescribe treatment if your symptoms are consistent withaninfection caused by bacteria.Acne - we prescribe medicines that are stronger and moreeffectivethan over-the-counter products. We can refillexistingmedicines.Hair loss – the medicine we prescribe stops and can evenreversehair loss in men. It’s stronger and more effectivethanalternatives you can buy over-the-counter withoutaprescription.Acid reflux (GERD) – we prescribe medicine that is effectiveatpreventing acid reflux unlike most over-the-counter, whichonlyprovide temporary relief. We can refill existing medicines orstartyou on new ones.Flu – take our treatment and get over the flu faster oravoidgetting the flu in the first place. We can give you aprescriptionif you fall into 1 of 2 groups: you don’t havesymptoms, but you’vehad recent close contact with someone who hasthe flu, or; you havesymptoms combined with a chronic medicalcondition, pregnancy, oran outbreak in your area. You need to starttaking the medicinewithin 48 hours of symptomsstarting. AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA and WAONLYService available in Arizona, California, Connecticut,Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington only.WHAT ELSE TO KNOWWe take a number of steps to protect your personal information.Seeour Privacy Policy for details. Read our Consent to Telehealthforimportant information about our service. The doctor whoprovidesyou with care will be licensed in your state.
Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker - DrugStars
Donate to charity for free simply by using our medicationreminder& tracker
VA Rx Refill 4.3.1
Request refills and view prescription details for VA prescriptions
PulsePoint AED 2.6.1
PulsePoint Foundation
PulsePoint AED lets you report and update AED locationsforemergency responders
Baptist Health Care On Demand
See a physician 24/7 on your mobile device with Care On Demand.
UHealth 5.1.1
University of Miami
Navigate your entire experience using our UHealth appwithwayfinding technology
Anesthesia Emergency 1.2
Anesthesia Aid
A simple application to quickly referencecommonintraoperativeanesthetic emergencies. Emergency algorithmsandcognitive aids areincluded for: ACLS, malignanthyperthermia,anaphylaxis, airembolism, local anesthetic toxicity,bronchospasm,pneumothorax,high spinal, hypoxia, and hypotension.Also includesactions andbroad differential for hypotension Latestresources usedas notedin the "about" section. Future versions toadd: highairwaypressure, hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, and others.Thisapplication ismeant as a cognitive aid and resource for thoseinthe medicalprofession and anesthesiology in particular atalllevels includinganesthesiologists, anaesthetists, nurses,andstudents. While everyeffort has been made to keep currentandaccurate the informationin this app, it is ultimatelytheresponsibility of the user toensure the accuracy of anyinformationhere before using forpatient care. Please feel free toemailAnesthesia.Aid@gmail.comwith any feedback, questions,orsuggestions. Thank you!
Life Notes - Symptom Tracking 0.0.11
Seb Ferrer
Volunteer project. Track your symptoms, write down yourdailyhabits.
Pill Reminder and Med Tracker 6.74
Med List Pro: Medication list, pill reminder and med trackeralarmapp
AMN Passport 1.3.101
AMN Healthcare Inc
Introducing AMN Passport — your one stop shop to manageassignmentinformation
Merck Manual Professional 3.3
Merck & Co Inc
Stay up-to-date with the Merck Manual Professional App.
Peace of Mind: Patient
Peace of Mind is an AI-driven remote health monitoring platform
BruxApp 2.6.4 Advanced
BruxApp Project
BruxApp - world’s first phone app for Bruxism
Asthma Inhaler Diary 4.1.1
Gary Stanton
Keep track of inhaler usage
First Aid: American Red Cross 3.0.0
American Red Cross
Expert advice for first aid everyday emergencies in your hand.
BoardVitals Medical Exam Prep 1.2.0
BoardVitals, Inc
Prepare for your medical exams with board-style cases andpracticequestions.
Abridge for Patients 2.24.6
Record doctor visits, get transcribed summaries, and understandyourhealth.
Carely Family 4.0.6
Carely Inc.
Carely is a caregiving app to bring together families aroundagingloved ones.
Epipal: Manage Epilepsy Safely
HealthAppy Tech
Epipal is about granting peace of mind for users, their familiesandcaregivers.
EACS 4.3.0
EACS Guidelines
Manage My Pain Lite
Track, analyze, and share your pain.Manage My Pain helps you and others better understand what youaregoing through. It has helped thousands of people withconditionslike fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, or back painbetterunderstand their symptoms and provide evidence of their painfortheir doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies.ManageMy Pain creates reports designed by doctors for doctors -ones thatyour doctor will actually read!• Track your pain using a simple, quick, yet powerfullycustomizableentry screen• Get insight to your condition through statistics, charts,graphs,and calendar views• Sync with the cloud to safe-keep your records and keep allyourdevices up to date• Share what you're going through by creating evidence-basedreportsfor diagnosis, treatment, and claims• Personalize your account by recording your medical andpersonalcharacteristics• Get support from a responsive team and detailed user guidesCreate and view your records anywhere, anytime, and from anyAndroiddevice, while knowing that your information will beprotected &secure.The Pro version adds:• the ability to view more than 10 records• background sync capabilitiesTo migrate from Lite to Pro (using online account):• Create an online account and synchronize your information• Install the Pro version and login to your accountTo migrate from Lite to Pro (without an online account):• Press the Backup/Restore button in the Lite version• Select Backup from the pop-up• Launch the Pro version, and press Backup/Restore• Select Restore from the pop-up• Select the latest backup file from the list that appears• Validate that all records exist in Pro and uninstall LiteDeveloped for patients suffering from and care-givers ormedicalprofessionals treating:• arthritis & rheumatism• cancer• chronic pain• headaches & migraines• fibromyalgiaQuestions? Bugs? Feature Requests? We want to hear from youtoensure a 5-star experience!• Website: http://www.managinglife.com/contact• Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/lifecontrolsw• Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ManageMyPain• Google+: http://goo.gl/TyXjCUse this pain management app to replace your hand-written:• pain diary• pain journal• pain log• pain tracker
Drugs Dictionary - Offline 1.0.9
FriendsApp Listing
Get all the offline contains about drugs, terminology &detailsabout diseases.
Recognise Foot 1.0.6
Reduce pain, improve performance and assist with rehabilitation.
Epilepsy Journal
Olly Tree Applications
An easy to use app to monitor your epilepsy and communicatewithdoctors
Antidote Health I Telehealth v.1.4.546
Online video doctor on demand, virtual mental health careandhypertension care
Pedi STAT 5.0.1
James Kempema
A rapid reference for healthcare professionals caring forpediatricpatients.
NurseBrain: Smart Report Sheet 3.3.907
Nursebrain LLC
Nurse smarter, not harder! Get NurseBrain - the must-have appforbusy nurses.
No 1 Asthma iPhone app and top recommended by doctors nowavailableon android
Dementia Guide Expert 2.0.0
University of Illinois
A resource for those persons confronting the challenges ofdementia.
my care. by Dignity Health 56.2.1
Dignity Health
Welcome to Dignity Health. We’re here to make yourhealthcarejourneyeasier, and to add in a dose of humankindnessalong theway. The mycare. app is a secure and convenient place totake careofeverything, whether you’re already a patient, have aloved onewhois, or are interested in potentially becoming one.Browse theapp orcreate an account for more benefits. HOW IT WORKS.• Findthe rightdoctor for you • Choose from your care team orselect anew provider• Schedule and view appointments and getdirections tohospitals •Get turn by turn navigation when inside ahospital •Pay your bill •Explore personalized health contentcontributed byexperts • Receivea daily inspirational prayer Webelieve thathuman connection is thefoundation for healing.Download the mycare. app and get connectedtoday. For moreinformation on DignityHealth apps, pleasegoto:https://www.dignityhealth.org/mobile-apps
EM:RAP for Emergency Medicine 2.0.0
Join over 22,000 of your colleaguesandsubscribe to the #1 Emergency Medicine show in the world. Forover14 years, Mel Herbert and our team of EM experts have beensharingtheir “Reviews and Perspectives”, bringing you the mostup-to-dateand relevant topics in emergency medicine, every month.It’s funny,it’s smart and it’s truly irresistible medicaleducation.Love listening. With over 54 hours a year ofconcise,up-to-date education, EM:RAP is so much fun, it willquickly becomeyour go-to podcast. You’ll find ways to improve yourpractice everytime you listen.Save time by listening on any device, anywhere. Ourhandyapps for iPhone and Android make listening a breeze. You’llalsotake care of that pesky CME requirement while you’re at it withupto 54 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™.Learn with the best alongside our world-class physicianteam.If you need a refresher on anything you listened to, thatsame teamcrafts concise written summaries of every chapter.Learn more and sign up for an account at: http://www.emrap.orgPaid account: Full episodes, 10+chapters,delivered to your app each month, regular audio bonusshorts andaccess 54 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ eachyear.Free account: One episode chapter each monthandregular audio bonus shorts.