برترین 6 بازی مشابه به Save The Homeless

sheltermanager 1.2
Sheltermanager Ltd
This app is a companion tothesheltermanager.com website. To use this app, you needasubscription to sheltermanager.com. If you would like to try ademoof sheltermanager.com, login to the app with account"demo",username "demo", password "demo".sheltermanager.com is a complete online service foranimalshelters, rescue groups and animal control facilities. Itcoversall aspects of managing the organisation, including animalintake,adoptions, medical treatments and vaccinations, diary,payments,wishlists, trap loans, citations, licensing and a lotmore.App features include:* Remembers your sheltermanager.com credentials forquicklogin* Self-contained navigation* Fast animal photo uploads using the camera or gallery* Fast access to smartphone and desktop/tabletbrowserinterfaces* Optimises sheltermanager.com for efficient touch device usebydisabling visual effects and unwanted drag/drop behaviours
Save the Cat!® 1.0.0
The last story structure software you'll ever need!
Crypto Trillionaire 2.1.2
The Crypto Empire Idle Sim
Quit Porn/Drug/Food Addiction
The Recovery Tribe, Inc.
Change your habit or addiction, improveyourrecovery, reach your goals. Track and share yourrecoveryexperience and learn from your group. Find the honesty,courage,and support you need to be successful and sober inyourrecovery.Our team of mental health experts has over 20,000 hoursofexperience, education and personal healing from an addiction.Builtby addicts, for recovery.The first app of it’s kind.In addition to individual and group messaging connecting you toyourcommunity, the app also has other free features to help inyourrecovery:• Check-in’s - Daily reminders to engage you in recovery and foryouto show others you’re active.• Secure Group Messaging - No more accountabilityconversationsthrough SMS and instant messengers that others mayhave access to.Share your struggles safely and securely.• To-Do’s - Set 1-time or repeating tasks to be reminded ofthethings you need to do to keep your recovery movingforward.• Blog - Educational content to keep you on track and to helpyouget the most out of the app. Hear personal stories aboutaddictionthat will inspire your recovery and give you hope.• Discrete - Set a custom password to unlock the app.You won't be judged and will have a safe place to go forsupport.With rTribe you’ll move from isolation to having someonelookingout for you. We support people struggling with many kindsofaddictions, struggles, and habits. Join a community of peoplefromthe following communities: alcoholics anonymous; porn, love,andsex addiction; 12 step programs; overeating and foodaddiction;marijuana and narcotics anonymous; faith-based recoveryandsobriety groups; and people struggling with depression,anxiety,and anger. Prevent relapse, increase sobriety, and findvictory inyour life.PREMIUM FEATURESYou get a 30-day free trial when download rTribe. Experiencethebenefits of using our premium features before you need to payforthem. If you see their value and want to subscribe, theservicecosts $5.99/month or $59.99/year (that’s 2 freemonths).• Track your and your friends’ progress with premium tools.• Set your privacy level.• Keep your mentors and recovery guides (mentors,ministers,sponsor, etc.) up to date on your progress withweeklyemails.• Video Courses. Applied Knowledge leads to transformation.Learnthen grow. Requires a one time, in app purchase.Visit rtribe.org to view our Privacy Policy(www.rtribe.org/privacy)and Terms of Use(www.rtribe.org/terms).Download rTribe today and share it with your friends to findyourfreedom.
Self-manage Depression: Daily exercise (GGDE) 2.3.4
Ggtude Ltd
Do you feel stuck? Wish to feel better, hop out of thenegativecycleand enjoy better wellbeing? GGDE helps peopleself-managetheirdepression by learning how to develop healthierinnerdialogue anduse this power to improve their mentalhealth.IMPROVING DEPRESSIONIS POSSIBLE Throw away your negativethoughts.Accept your positivethoughts. Learn to identify yourinnerconversation and respond toreal life thoughts. Train dailyandimprove your thinking and achievemental wellness. SCIENCEBACKEDNew findings support theeffectiveness of the core mechanismusedin GG apps. According to CBTmodels, negative self talk–individuals’ interpretations of theself, others and the world-maintain psychological difficulties suchas depression, lowmoodand maladaptive behaviours. DO I SUFFER FROMDEPRESSION?TESTINGYOUR DEPRESSION LEVEL We all sometimes want toknow howoursituation compares to others and where we are located onthegraph.In GG Depression, we introduce an intuitive and quick wayforselfevaluation - the Assessment level. Please note thattheassessmentis just a guide designed for personal feedback as wellasmean forour system to personalise content based on theresults.Theassessment test should NOT be used asmedical/psychologicaladvice.HOW DO I PREVENT DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS?The foundations ofhealthythinking and self-talk are built uponbeliefs. Our beliefshave thepotential to bias and affect ourability to deal withdailysituations. For example, if I believe that"My choices have tobeprefect", I won't be able to live up to theseexpectations.Myconfidence will decrease, my mood will become low,anddepressivethoughts will take over. BELIEFS AND SELF TALKBeliefsand selftalk are interrelated. Once we learn to embracehealthierand moreadaptive self-talk, it can change our beliefs andhelp usget ridof the ones that negatively affect our confidence andselfesteem.IS THIS APP SIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Ourappplatform isnot designed to be used as a therapy ortreatment,however: 1. Itis being used by CBT therapists as acomplementingtool. 2. Ithelps in maintaining self esteem during oraftertherapy. 3. It isfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety,worries,obsessions and more.STATEMENTS (OR THOUGHTS) The basic taskin theapp is simple - youwill be presented with thoughts. If thethoughtpromotes negativeself talk - throw it away by draggingiton-screen. If the thoughtpromotes positive or neutralthinking,accept it by dragging ittowards you. The more we train,the moreautomatic this processbecomes. HOW MUCH SHOULD I TRAIN EACHDAY? Tofeel better andimprove your thinking, start today! GG Appsaredesigned to be mosteffective in short training sessions. Youareadvised to completeup to 3 levels per day, which should onlytakebetween 2-4 minutes.LEVELS AND TOPICS The app's many topicsandthemes are broken downinto more than 40 levels. Each level hasapool of self talkstatements (or thoughts). The topicsinclude:belief in change,self criticism, negative thinking,hopelessness,helplessness,positive boost, being active, loneliness,feelings,self blame,comparing, perfectionism, emotions, socialfears, fearofabandonment, trusting and more. You can also testyourself toseehow well your confidence progresses with our selfassessmenttool.LEARN MORE ABOUT THE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visitourwebsite:http://ggapps.net Privacypolicy:http://ggapps.net/privacy-policyTerms ofuse:http://ggapps.net/terms-of-use
Spruce: Cleaning & Chores 5.4.0
Spruce Services, Inc.
Get a clean home, stress-free