برترین 29 برنامه مشابه به Stone Massage Therapy Guide

Shiatsu Massage
We Love Healthy Apps
Learn Shiatsu massage techniques and other massage styles.
Massage Therapy Study App Free 1.0
Health & Fitness Guide
Interested in learning the different types of massage therapybutdon’t have the time to take formal courses? This is thebestmassage therapy app for you. This app provides a briefdescription,list of benefits and comprehensive instructions ortechniques foreach massage therapy. APP GOAL: To equip wanna- betherapist usersa complete, informative and easy guide to differentmassage therapylike: Aromatherapy- enhance your well-being usingnatural oil andessences Shiatsu massage- relive pain and tensionusing manualpressure Trigger points- manage pain and stress fromchronicinjuries by releasing constricted areas in the muscleFootmassages- relieve stress by foot massage Release and enhancethetherapist in you! Help your love ones alleviate their painorstress. Treat them with the best massages using our app. Ourappsare always free, works 100% offline from all android devicesandperfectly easy to use. Download Massage Therapy Study App Freenowand feel like a pro therapist. God bless, Share this app toyourfamily and friends and let's all be stress and pain free.
Basic Massage Techniques Guide 2.0
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give Your PartnerTheBest Massage Ever! That's really what a good rubdown is a waytorelieve stress and channel positive energy through to theotherperson. Not only is it one of the best ways to signal toyourpartner that you're ready to move to the next level physically,butit's also a fantastic way to let her know how much you care.Givinga quality massage is one of those things that shouldtechnically beeasy to do. Learn basic massage techniques with thedemonstrationsin these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By RatingUs 5 ★★★★★✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question!✰✰✰ "
Head & Neck Massage 1.0
Sports & Fitness Studio
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★How to give yourself a neck and shoulder massage?In this stressed-out world, nothing beats a neckandshouldermassage. A simple shoulder rub or back massage canbeincrediblyrelaxing.Giving an effective professional-level therapeuticmassageissomething that requires training and years ofpractice.However, here are some simple techniques that you can usetoperforma short, safe and simple massage.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Massage 1.1.2
Best Free Application
Our hands take a beat every day, and can carry a surprisingamountof tension. A hand massage can be a quick and rewarding waytorelieve stress and tension in someone's hands, and let thatpersonfeel relaxed and refreshed. Hand massages are a great way torelaxbefore bed, or give to someone's hands (or your own!) A muchneededbreak in the middle of a long day's work. Facial massagesincreaseblood circulation to your facial tissues, giving youngerandyounger skin. Facial massages can also help lift and firm theskin,reducing the appearance of pockets and wrinkles. As anaddedbenefit, a good facial massage reduces stress, leaving youfeelingpeaceful and relaxed. Treat yourself to a massage once aday,either in the morning or in the evening before going tosleep.There is no better way to treat a friend or loved one thangivingtheir aching feet a wonderful foot massage. Here aresometechniques to give a foot massage that anyone could enjoy withthisfree application The ability to give a relaxing whole bodymassageis a great skill to have. You can use it to relax friendsandfamily members, to help people suffering from pain or togetintimate and romantic with your partner. Giving a fantasticfullbody massage is not difficult, it takes just a littlepreparationand know-how. Learning to give a massage is a noblepursuit, butpeople rarely consider the art of receiving massages.This freeapplication tries to open this door. This applicationassumes thatyou have already chosen a gifted massage therapist andhave learnedto never let it go. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused bycompressionof the median nerve at the wrist and is associated withnumbness,tingling, pain or dull pain in the fingers, hand or wrist.If leftuntreated, it can cause severe pain and motor deficits,which canaffect your ability to work and even cause temporarydisability.Massage therapy can help treat and prevent carpal tunnelsyndromeby promoting circulation, relieving inflammation, helpingtoeliminate metabolic residues and soothing irritated musclesandtendons This free application will be your personal guide. Enjoymywork for free on your phone and tablet. Please if you likethisAndroid app give your review
Leg Thigh Massage 1.2
A leg and thigh massage is an ancient method for relaxationandimprovement of health. Before or after exercise, this is thebestoption to increase blood supply and to get relief from stress,.Asthe legs and thighs are our weight bearing structure, standingforlong, running, walking, sports and exercising make themtiredeasily as well as prone to be attacked by muscle knots,sciaticaand such health hazards. A massage once or twice a week canremoveall the pain and stress and can give us very attractiveskinnythigh with shiny skin! Though these massages are notdirectlyrelated to lose excess weight, the positive effect ofgetting ahealthy skinny thigh has been proven by many researches.Thesemassages can help in muscle building and enhancing thefitnesslevels, which indirectly increases chances to loselower-bodyweight. These massages are also good for breaking downthecellulites under the skin to help reducing the unwanted fatsthatmake legs skin look unattractive. Learn how to massage legsandthighs using massage techniques with this amazing tutorial.
Deep Tissue Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give a DeepTissueMassage Step by Step! Deep tissue massages focus onrelievingtension deep within the body's musculature. To give a gooddeeptissue massage, you will need to know the basics of humanmuscleanatomy, how to properly apply deep pressure without causingpain,and how to identify areas that need more attention.Professionalmasseuses attend many hours of school and practicetheir techniquesdaily. Even without all that training, you can givea pleasant deeptissue massage by learning the basics. Learn how togive a deeptissue massage with the massage techniques demonstratedin theseapplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Massage Therapy Lite 3.0.0
London Massage therapy
Massage Therapy Lite is a Massage app madebymasseurs for masseurs and clients who want to learn differenttypesof massage Techniques. It includes a big amount oforiginalpictures, graphics and explanations of every massagetechnique. itis been designed as a simple tool easy to use for anykind ofpublic but at the same time it is full of knowledge andexperienceby the footprint of a team of the best masseurs andexperts inmassages in the city of London.Massage Therapy Lite includes:AromatherapyBenefits of massage therapyFoot MassageHead MassageMassage contraindicationsSeven Steps for a great massageMassage Therapy Pro also includes:Beautiful facial massageLegs massageAbdominal massageMassage for back painBack, neck & shoulderShiatsu massageThai massageTrigger Point massageHot Stone massageAromatherapy (oil at home)Circulatory massageLymphatic massageAnatomy for massage
Soothe: Wellness On Demand 7.2.0
Soothe Inc
Relax with in-home spa service
Reflexology foot massage chart 1.0.0
Reflexology is a foot massage health management app free. It isasimple app to easily implement the reflexology (reflexzonetherapy) has been called to the foot massage and general. Footissaid to be the second of heart. You can also use healthmanagement.How to use Foot of the pot and the corresponding partsof the bodyto tap the site of your choice of the body because it islisted onthe screen will be displayed. Reflexology is I would liketo helpin health management to continue since it even a shortperiod oftime. Future versions will (by the number of downloads)Pot otherthan the soles of the feet Commentary by animation orvideoMultilingualization ☆ Please use this app at your own risk.
Ayurvedic Body Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give AyurvedicMassageStep by Step! Ayurvedic Massage: Ancient India’s Best KeptSecret.Ayurvedic massage is a key part of Ayurvedic therapy. Justas amachine needs to be oiled, the body loves to have itslargestorgan, the skin, soothed, which is why oils are commonlyused inAyurvedic massage. Ayurveda sees everything in theuniverse,including human beings, as composed of five basic elements(orPanchamahabhutas): space, air, fire, water and earth. Learn howtogive an Ayurvedic body massage, aka Abhyanga, withthedemonstrations in these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support UsByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveanyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Массаж 100.0
Массаж можно проводить всем здоровымлюдям,атакже он показан при различных заболеваниях.Массаж и самомассаж могут быть применены как отдельно, такивсочетании с другими видами лечения.Костная система Кровеносная система Нервная системаГигиена массажа Влияние массажа на организм.Требования к массажистуПоложение массируемого и массажиста при массаже ( поА.Захаровой)Смазывающие средстваТребования к массируемомуПредварительный осмотр массируемой областиПоказания к применению массажаСистемы массажа и его классификацияПриемы массажаПоглаживание Разминание Растирание ВибрацияДвижения в суставахMassage can be donetoallhealthy people, and it is shown in various diseases.Massage self massage and can be used either alone orincombinationwith other treatments.Bone System Circulatory System Nervous SystemHealth massage massage effect on the body.Requirements for masseurThe situation and the masseur massaged during amassage(byZakharova)lubricantsRequirements massagedPreliminary examination of the massaged areaIndications massagemassage systems and its classificationmassage techniquesStroking Kneading Grinding Vibration Movement in the joints
Massage Techniques Videos 1.0
A video tutorial app for you to learnhowtomassage for different categories like massaginginfants,massagingfor sports all types of massage techniques
Массаж 1.1
Новикова Вера
Массаж служит залогом будущегоздоровьяигармоничного развития ребенка. Приложение«Детскиймассаж»позволяет легко связаться сквалифицированнымспециалистом,спланировать время посещения позаранее составленномуграфику,получить своевременный совет напротяжении всегопериодавосстановления, прочитать и оставить свойотзыв ополученныхрезультатах.Главная цель массажа - чтобы Ваш ребенок восстанавливалсязасчетсобственных ресурсов организма.Будьте здоровы!Massage is the keytothefuture health and harmonious development of the child.Theapp"Baby Massage" allows you to easily contact aqualifiedtechnician,plan a visit to a predefined schedule, gettimely advicethroughoutthe recovery period, read and leave commentson theresultsobtained. The main purpose of massage - your child wasrecoveringfromits own resources of the body.Be healthy!
Хочу массаж. Днепр 1.0
Приложение "Хочу массаж. Днепр" позволитВамбезединого звонка записаться на массаж: выбрать удобныйсалон,видмассажа и массажиста в г.Днепр, Украина.После заполнения анкеты с Вами свяжетсяадминистратор,уточнитнеобходимые детали и подтвердит заказ.В приложении Вы также сможете почитать подробную информациюовидахпредоставляемых массажей, изучить регалии массажистовиоценитьдизайн каждого из салонов.Приложение постоянно совершенствуется, добавляются новыеопции.Мыпросто хотим быть лучше - для Вас!Appendix. "I wantamassageDnepr" will allow you without a call for amassage:choosecomfortable lounge, massage and massage ing.Dnepr,Ukraine.After filling the form you will be contacted bytheadministrator,will specify the necessary details and confirmtheorder.In the application, you can also check out thedetailedinformationon the types of massages, massage therapistsexplore thejewels andevaluate the design of each of thesalons.The app is constantly being improved, new features are added.Wejustwant to be better - for you!
Massage Therapy 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★A Step By Step Guide To The Hot Stone Massage!Here is a short, informative demonstration ofhotstonemassage.Find Out How A Hot Stone Massage Is Done!Like all massage techniques, hot stone massage is amethodforrelieving soreness and relaxing tension in the musclesofthebody.The hot stones applied to the body penetrate deeply andthestonesused by the therapist make it easier to applythetherapeuticeffects of manipulation.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Shiatsu Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn how to do the SiatshuMassagetechniques in Easy Steps! Shiatsu is a massage techniquethat usesthe power of touch and applying pressure. This type oftherapycomes from ancient Japanese culture however was adaptedintoChinese medicine practices and uses the principles of themeridianhealing system. Shiatsu therapy is also helpful towardsthose thatsuffer with arm aches and tension, long term usage ofrepetitivemovements such as a keyboard, writing, computer mouse,and otherany other repetitive motion devices. Learn how to do themassagetechniques used in shiatsu with these application videos,whichshow you how to massage scalp, feet, shoulders, and more.✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us firstifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Massage Techniques 1.0.9
Real Bodywork
130 massage techniques, 13 full massage routines and ananatomysection.
Baby massage 2.0
Kim E-Commerce Co. LTD
This app will teach you how to make funny massage for your baby.
Vibrator Strong: Vibration App 6.3
Vtro Studio
Close your eyes, feel and enjoy with strong vibration andrelaxingsounds
Vibration Massage 2.2
This application is designed to performamassage, using smartphone or tablet. For your healthandpleasure.Button at the top switches views: predefined patterns, orfingercontrolling vibrations.You can choose one of predefined patterns, or control vibrationsbysliding finger on the colored surface.You can also change the parameters by moving the sliders"Vibration"and "Break".Rate this app here, on Google Play site. Like Facebook siteofthis app, via app menu.Have much fun! :)
Thai Massage 1.0
Blue heart
Thai Massage Videos all at One place.So, no more searching for Videos everywhere. Just open theAppandstart Enjoying.We all need massage sometimes, especially if you do somekindofThai. In this app you will learn all the best massagemethodstorelive pain and to get deep relaxation, so yourperformance inThaiwill be a lot better.Don't forget to subscribe.
Therapy: Hand massage 1.1
Learn hands reflexology with this great app!Reflexologyorreflexotherapy is an ancient technique of treatingailmentsanddiseases through the application of massage on specificpointsofthe feet, hands, ears, etc., to achieve beneficial effectsoneveryorgan of the body. Reflexology has been used torelieveailmentssuch as headache, back pain, constipation,menstrualcramps,asthma, etc. The reflex zones used in the footmassage arewellknown, however, sometimes you can not apply yourselfamassagetherapy foot: as when you're at the office, on thestreet,etc.Therefore, this application lets you quickly andaccuratelyknowwhat the appropriate pressure point on the hands toachievethesame effects, so that therapeutic massage can apply atanytime,easily and discreetly, without relying on someone else .Thehandmassage, in addition to relaxation and well-being, can beusedtohelp other people, or even to maintain a beautifulandromanticmoment with your partner. *** Some features oftheapplication: **** English descriptions * Keep it simple:ananimation will show youwhere to apply the massage in each case.*Quickly and easily findremedies for many diseases and ailments.*Locate pressure pointsreflections of each area and importantorgan.* Learn the historyof reflexology hand. * Studyapplicationtechniques of handmassage. * Meet the precautionsandcontraindications ofreflexology. Do not you think, leadsTherapy:Massage of hands inyour pocket and use reflexology toimprove yourwelfare. ***Acknowledgements *** Images by freepik.com
Sport Massage Videos 1.2
Massage is simply one of the simplestandnatural way of medical care for that all people needmassageespecially after sport , sport massage video will help youto learnall massage methods to relive pain and stress and to getrelaxationand get tranquillityDownload this app for free! and enjoy the relaxing fullbodymassage
Massage Therapist 1.0.1
Gennaro Guarino
Use the device vibration for a relaxing massage
Beauty masters chat 3.3
Evgeny Tarkhov
Organisation of mobile booking at salonesandprivate masters with location:manicure,makeup,hairremoval,eyebrowns,hairstyles,hairdressers, likeUber.Beautiful Massage girls for men.
Аватана 4.5.2
АВАТАНА - ЭТО ЦЕНТР САМОСОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ.В нашем уютном и стильном Центре каждый может найти себезанятиепо душе и сделать первый шаг на пути к самосовершенствованиюипринятию себя.В клубе Аватана мы реализуем много интересных программ:— передовые методы компьютерной диагностики здоровья,— телесно-ориентированную терапию: гимнастика, лфк,— эффективные техники массажа,— массаж для похудения,— психологическое консультирование,— занятия телесными практиками: йога, цигун,танец мандала,— спа процедуры, фитобочка, ориентированные навосстановлениеестественной энергетики человека,— эзотерические практики от мастеров совсероссийскойизвестностьюПри помощи этого приложения можно легко выбрать длясебяпроцедуру или занятие и записаться на них, получать бонусныебаллыи подарки, читать новые статьи и книги, слушать музыку, атакжеполучать приглашения на закрытые мероприятия клубаAVATANA - IT Centerofself-perfection.In our unique Centre everyone can find something for everyoneandmake the first step on the path to self-improvementandself-acceptance.In Avatana club we sell a lot of interesting programs:- Advanced computer diagnostics health practices,- Body-oriented therapy: gymnastics, gymnastics,- Effective massage techniques,- Slimming massage,- Psychological counseling,- Employment bodily practices: yoga, qigong, dance mandala,- Spa treatments, phyto barrels aimed at the restoration ofnaturalhuman energy,- Esoteric practice of artists with wide fameWith this application, you can easily choose the procedureoractivity and sign up for them, to receive bonus points andgifts,read new articles and books, listen to music, and alsoreceiveinvitations to the closed club events
Chinese Health Massage 1.0
AM Mobile
Easy to use guide how to make Chinese self-massage to keep&improve your health
Alpha School of Massage 0.8
Total Loyalty Solutions
Download the app for the Alpha SchoolofMassage and enjoy offers and discounts that will help youfeelbetter for less! Reap the rewards of a relaxing massage done byastudent under the direct supervision of an experiencedclinicaltherapist and teacher. Enjoy different massage modalitiesfrommyofascial release and reflexology to hot stone, deep tissueandneuromuscular therapy massage. Try a sweetheart massage andrelaxwith a loved one, or consider a four-hand massage wheretwotherapists relax your muscles, increase blood flow and helpyoufeel oh so relaxed. Tap the app and check the times andspecialsfor on-site appointments or off-site chair massage eventsfrom theAlpha School of Massage.The app from Alpha School of Massage provides:• An exclusive download offer• Loyalty Program• Photos• On and off site event Information• Discounts & Special OffersThe app is free and you will receive your first relaxingoffersoon after it is downloaded.Massage releases a lot of stress and there are increasinghealthbenefits to ongoing, regular massage therapy. The AlphaSchool ofMassage in Jacksonville, Florida knows this and guidestheir manystudents into successful, professional careers. Studentsgain a lotof experience helping YOU relax under the supervision ofpracticingclinicians and experienced teachers. Massage therapy willrestoreenergy, release tension, diminish headaches, calm the body,reducestress, and help you feel great. Add in militarydiscounts,convenient appointment times and now a money-saving app,relaxunder the ministrations of caring, student hands withexperiencedsupervision at the Alpha School of Massage.