برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به Mobile Home Skirting Design

Modern Mobile Home Design 1.2
Life Break
Mobile homes or manufactured homesrefertoresidential structures that have the ability to be movedfromoneplace to another. Initially called trailer homes, mobilehomeshavenow come a long way. Modern mobile homes are muchmoreintricateand beautiful in their designs. Some newer mobilehomesappear nodifferent than traditional brick, cement and mortarhomesto theamateur eye.There are typically two kinds of mobile homes- thesinglewideandthe doublewide. Singlewide mobile homes are less thansixteenfeetin width when assembled, while doublewide mobile homesaremore thantwenty four feet in width. Singlewide mobilehomesconsist of singlepieces which are transported by means oftrucktrailers to the site.Doublewide mobile homes have two parts,whichare fixed together onsite. Some people havereservationsconcerning doublewide homes, asthey believe they areprone toleakages if assembled improperly.However, doublewide homesarevery spacious. Triplewide mobile homesare also manufactured,butthey are very scarce. A triplewide homeis immensely spaciousandcan provide for as many as five bedroomsand three bathrooms.Mobile homes or manufactured homes need to meet thestandardsofthe Housing and Urban Development code of the US,popularlycalledthe HUD code. This code was effectuated in June 15,1976 anditdelineated norms to manufacture mobile homes. These normsrelatetobuilding standards, fireproofing, plumbing,heating,airconditioning and electricity systems. Apart from theserules,ifthe mobile home has garages, sheds, etc. then they mustmeetthecodes.Earlier mobile homes were classified as movable propertyandtaxedas vehicles. This led to a spurt in people buying them,asthey saveda lot on taxes. Modifications occurred in the designsofmobilehomes, and newer homes are actually permanentstructuresthat remainon one location throughout their lives afterbeingassembled. They nolonger have wheels, but can be dismantledanderected at anotherlocation if needed. This led to amendmentsinthe taxation process.Today mobile homes are also classifiedasreal properties and taxesare accordingly levied on them.Moving a mobile home can be a complicated andexpensiveprocess.If you are not already familiar with the logisticsoftransportinga trailer home, it can be a little intimidating.Thereare a fewthings that you need to know in order to makesurethattransporting your home goes by without any problems.First off, you need to be familiar with any applicablecityandstate laws regarding the transportation and installationofyourmobile home. Check with your city government regardinganyzoninglaws that may affect whether or not you can install atrailerhomeon the property you are moving it to. Some land may bezonedforresidential purposes, but may have clauses excludingtrailerhomes.You will also need to know of any transportationlawsregardingwhen and how you can move your home. Yourstate'sdepartment oftransportation should have this information.You couldalso callaround to some local mobile home moving companies- theyshouldknow about any applicable laws that wouldaffecttheirbusiness.You should also get familiar with the equipment usedtotransportmobile homes. It's not like the old days where youcouldjust hitchyour trailer to a pickup truck and go. Modernmobilehomes requirevery specialized equipment and skilled movers togetthe job done.Trailer homes in transit will be moved ontotrucksvia cranes orhydraulic lifts. Single wide homes usuallyrequireonly trailer,while double wide and larger homes mightneedmultiple trucks andtrailers. In addition to the big trucksthattransport thebuildings, pilot vehicles are also used to helpguidethe way andwatch for potential obstacles on the road.Thesevehicles can be anordinary passenger car, van, orpickuptruck.