برترین 16 بازی مشابه به IQ Foundation 4-5 Tahun

Marbel Firefighters Kid Heroes 5.0.7
Educa Studio
Marbel Fire truck. A fire department simulation for kids
Game Edukasi Anak : All in 1 2023.1
RC Multimedia
Kids Educational Game is suitable for your child. Learn torecognizeand memorize.
learn to read 1.0.25
Edutalk Indo Studio
Complete Education Learning Package for pre school,kindergarten,toddler
Monster Trucks Game for Kids 2 2.9.69
Raz Games
Monster Truck Racing Game for young kids and toddlers! getReady,Set, GO!
Game Edukasi Anak Lengkap 2.1
A complete educational game children play early childhoodeducation/ early childhood
Taman Impian Kanak-Kanak 1.6
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakUntuk anak umur 4-7 tahunTaman Impian Kanak-Kanak?! Wah…wah…bagaimana bentuknyaya?!Sepertinya asyik nih! Ayo teman-teman kita mengunjungi TamanImpianKanak-Kanak ini, sambil bermain dan belajar bersamaBobbyBola!Ada banyak permainan menarik yang dapat kita nikmati dalamserialBobby Bola Di Taman Impian Kanak-Kanak ini. Teman-temandapatmenemukan permainan itu dalam Taman, Rumah Belajar, GuaMisteri,Rumah Pohon, dan Rumah Balon. Selain itu kita jugadapatmengunjungi peternakan yang ada di taman ini dan memotrethewanternak yang ada disana.Tunggu apalagi?! Ayo, sekarang saatnya kita bersenang-senangdiTaman Impian Kanak-Kanak ini! Teman-teman harusmencobapermainannya ya, jangan sampai ketinggalan lho!Fitur :• 24 Areal Permainan• Bilingual : Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris denganNATIVESPEAKER• Multi tingkat kesulitan• Design grafis yang sesuai untuk anak-anak• Permainan yang dirancang sesuai umur si anakMateri Pelajaran :• Pengenalan huruf ABJAD• Pengenalan Angka dan Jumlah• Pengenalan Warna, Bentuk dan Ukuran• Melatih Ketangkasan• Menumbuhkan Logika• Melatih Ketelitian• Memahami Kalimat dan gambar• Belajar mengenal Letak benda• Melatih Pengambilan keputusan• Meningkatkan Kreativitas
Kids Preschool Learning Games 15.3
GunjanApps Studios
Educational kids games for Kindergarten, pre-k &Preschoolchildren and Toddlers
Balloon Pop Kids Learning Game 18
GunjanApps Studios
Preschool Kids Learning game with Alphabet, Number, Animal&Piano. Balloon Pop
Fishing for kids and babies 1.6
Looking for memory training game for your kid? Baby Fishingisjustsomething your kids will love to play! Baby Fishing for kidsisalearning teaser game that will help your child to trainmemoryandability to concentrate, encourage perseverance. BabyFishingisdesigned for children of all ages, by selecting thelevelofcomplexity you can easily simplify or complicate the gameforyourkid. How to play Baby Fishing: In the upper right-handcorneris anicon of the fish you need to scoop. Select this fishamongothersand click on that fish - a scoop-net will catch it! Ifyouhavemismatched a fish - no worries, the fish will releasebubblessoyou may try again until succeed and scooped fish willproduceafunny sound :) - Easy to play - Build cognitive skills-Trainmemory - Concentration skills test - Beautifulfishpictures,exciting music and lots of fun Kids love playingmemorygamesonline. Baby Fishing makes it easy for kids toimprovetheirshort-term memory and speed recognition skills. BabyFishingforkids is a good choice of fun educational game that willhelpyourchild to discover the fishing world and train memory. Ifyoulikethis game, please take a moment to rate it and share ittoyourfriends, thank you! Your votes encourage us to developmorefreegames for kids!
Farm Adventure for Kids Free 1.9
Mihail Falcuta
"Farm Adventure for Kids Free" is an appforkids between 1 and 7 years old. The app helps the childrendeveloptheir vocabulary and their perception of objects andbeings.In the "Farm Adventure" free educational top apps for kids,thetoddlers will learn in the best way:a) The letters of the alphabet;b ) Words :- Numbers;- Domestic animals;- Colors;- Shapes;- Vegetables;- Fruits;Check out our reviews:- "Cool game for kids" - 5 stars - Prisecaru Silviu- "The game is great fun ,,,,, :-) 👍" - 5 stars -AzizahtulFitria- "I became like a nice clever kid " - 5 stars - PutriAyuNingrumThe images are accompanied by native pronunciation in theEnglishlanguage and other specific sounds.The "Farm Adventure for Kids" free educational fun apps have10levels:1. Learn the alphabet, learn animals, learn numbers, learnfruits,learn vegetables – the toddlers click on the characters thatappearon the screen to hear the name of the English language andspecificsounds.2. Play with colors - learn by playing or check your knowledgebyclicking the announced color. In the first level click onthecolored squares and you will hear their name. In the otherlevels,groups of 3,5,7,8 or 10 colors will appear and the kids willhaveto choose them in order they are announced.3. Sort Games Free – the toddlers will sort and put vegetablesintheir basket. The children will be given 3 baskets and ineachbasket the children will gather a type of veggie.4. Labyrinth Games Free - Collect eggs form words, find yourwaythrough the maze and listen to the correct pronunciationinEnglish. This is a maze of low difficulty for toddlers inwhichthey gather the letters of the alphabet that make up a word -everytime you collect a letter of the alphabet, its pronunciationsareheard in English. The final words represent the name of theitemsthat have to be found by children. When the kids collect alltheletters and reach the finish, they will hear the domesticanimal’sname and its specific sound.5. Jump Games Free - Jump and collect fruits, vegetables,lettersof the alphabet and numbers – this is a learning anddexteritytesting game. Every time you catch a fruit, a vegetable,a letter ora number , you will hear the pronunciation of thosewords or lettersin English.6. Match Games Free – the toddlers will drag the shapes tothecorresponding location to form a new funny image and watch theendanimation. Arrange shapes in the boxes indicated to form anewfigure.7. Drop – Play by running and catching the items dropped bythebirds such as fruits and vegetables. This is a learninganddexterity testing game. The items carried by birds escape fromthebird’s clutches and you must catch them before theydisappear.8. Shaped Fence - learn numbers and shapes. Raise a fencearoundthe sheep by pressing the buttons in ascending order and seewhatgeometric item is formed: triangle, square, trapezoid ,pentagon ,star .9. Play games Free - A) the toddlers connect the colors totheanimals and watch them change their color; B) Help the catcrossthe road through the walking dogs;10. Test - test your knowledge skills. Choose betweenthedomestic animals in order to find the correct one.The best information, personalized to the children's needofdiscovery, together with new words, tests and free games willbeadded periodically to these fun apps’ list ofinteractiveeducational tools.We have done our best to provide an excellent tool for yourkidto learn from a young age. If you feel to contribute or giveussupport, send us an email at: support@ideonteam.com orratethem as the best apps out there!Download "Farm Adventure", Free educational top apps andhelpyour toddlers find words, numbers, domestic animals, fruits,vegetables , shapes and learn the English language’s alphabet.Check out our website: http://www.ideonteam.com and learn moreaboutour best apps in stores. See you soon !
Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib 1.5.1
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakUntuk anak umur 2-5 tahunKali ini anak-anak diajak bermain di dalam sebuah RumahAjaibyang bernama Rumi. Rumi akan senang sekali bila ada anak-anakyangingin bermain dengannya.Didalam serial 'Rumah Ajaib', Bobby Bola akan mengajak buahhatianda bermain sambil mempelajari dan memahami berbagaimateripendidikan dasar anak-anak dalam berbagai arena permainansepertiMaze, Puzzle Abjad, Gunting & Tempel, Ketok-ketok,Menyanyi& Menari, Musik Panda, Kereta Api, ABC, Kartu Memori,dansebagainya.Fitur :- Berbahasa Indonesia sehingga mudah dimengerti anak-anak- Terdapat motivasi permainan berupa bintang yang dapatdikumpulkandan kemudian ditukar dengan ikan-ikan yang dapatdikoleksi diakuarium yang terdapat di Rumah Ajaib- Tingkat kesulitan dapat disesuaikan sehingga cocokdengananak-anak yang duduk di TK ataupun PG- Permainan dapat disave dan dilanjutkan dilain waktu tanpaharusmengulang dari awalMateri Pelajaran :- Pengenalan Benda- Pengenalan Abjad & Angka- Pengenalan Bunyi bunyian- Pengenalan Warna & Bentuk- Belajar Menyanyi- Melatih Ketelitian- Melatih Ketangkasan- Menumbuhkan Logika- Puzzle- Pengambilan keputusan- Motivasi & Kreativitas
Jadi Pintar 3.1
Permainan ini adalah jenis menyamakan duabuahgambar atau huruf.Terdapat 5 mode permainan yang dapat kamu pilih.Selain menyamakan gambar, permainan ini juga dapat dimainkandenganmendengarkan suaranya.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,20 Oktober 2013SiswaMediaThis game is kindofequate the two pictures or letters.There are 5 game modes you can choose from.In addition to equalize images, this game can also be playedbylistening to his voice.Created in Yogyakarta,October 20, 2013SiswaMedia
Belajar Ngaji Yuk! Seri 1 1.2.3
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakAyo! kita akan belajar mengaji bersama dengan Syawal danFitridibimbing oleh pak Ustadz yang bijak dan sabar yang akanmengajariadik-adik mulai dari pengenalan huruf Hijaiyyah hinggaberbagaitanda baca. Tidak ketinggalan juga latihan yang diberikansetelahmelewati pengajaran, pokoknya komplit deh !Oh ya, jika adik-adik belajar dengan baik, adik-adikakanmendapatkan ketupat yang dapat ditukarkan dengan bonuspermainanyang menarik. Wow … sudah tambah pintar ngaji, adik-adikjuga pastitidak akan merasa bosan karena disuguhi dengan permainanyang serudan asyik! Belajar sambil bermain menjadi makinmenyenangkan !Fitur :• Dua pilihan karakter yang bisa dimainkan• Untuk umur 7 thn keatas• Lusinan Areal permainan yang menarik• Animasi dan Design Grafis yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anakMateri Pelajaran :• Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyyah• Tanda Baca Fathah• Tanda Baca Kasroh• Tanda Baca Dommah• Tanda Baca Mad• Tanda Baca Sukun• Tanda Baca Tasydid• Tanda Baca Fathatain• Tanda Baca Kasrotain• Tanda Baca Dommatain• Hapalan Doa• Kumpulan Surat PendekEdu-Games are gamesthatcontain educational material and presented in the formofinteractive games to practice creativity and improvechildren'sintelligenceCome on! we will learn the Koran along with Fitri Shawwalandguided by Mr. Ustadz wise and patient will teach youngersiblingsranging from letter recognition Hijaiyyah to variouspunctuation.Not forgetting the exercises given after passingthrough teaching,just complete deh!Oh yes, if the brothers learned well, the brothers will getthediamond that can be redeemed for exciting bonus game. Wow ...hasadded smart Koran, the brothers also certainly not be boredbecauseit treated the game exciting and fun! Learning whileplayingbecomes more fun!Features:• Two options playable characters• For ages 7 yrs and older• Dozens of exciting games area• Animation and graphic design are very attractive to childrenSubject matter :• Introduction Letter Hijaiyyah• Punctuation Fathah• Punctuation Kasroh• Punctuation Dommah• Punctuation Mad• Punctuation Breadfruit• Punctuation shadda• Punctuation Fathatain• Punctuation Kasrotain• Punctuation Dommatain• memorizing Prayer• Short set Letter
Belajar Menulis Huruf / Angka
Aplikasi game belajar menulis huruf danangkaini masuk dalam seri permainan pendidikan untuk anak usiadiniuntuk mengenalkan abjad sekaligus sebagai sarana belajarmenulishuruf serta angka.Dilengkapi dengan panduan arah penulisan serta suarapengucapanabjad dan angka, membuat proses belajar menulis huruf danangkamenjadi menyenangkan.Aplikasi belajar menulis ini berisi:Huruf kapital A - ZHuruf kecil a - zAngka 0 - 9Silahkan download aplikasi mengenai belajar menulis huruf danangkaini. Gratis.Applications game learntowrite letters and numbers is included in the series ofeducationalgames for young children to introduce the alphabet aswell as ameans to learn to write letters and numbers.Equipped with a guide toward the writing and pronunciationsoundalphabet and numbers, making the process of learning towriteletters and numbers to be enjoyable.Learn to write this application contains:Capital letters A - ZLowercase a - zFigures 0-9Please download the application on learning to write theselettersand numbers. Free.
Tell a Story - Speech & Logic 2.4.0
Games for the development of speech and logical reasoning
IQ Foundation 2-3 tahun 1.1.4
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakUntuk anak umur 2-3 tahunIngin anak anda punya IQ yang tinggi ? Persiapkan dariSEKARANG!Edu-Games Seri IQ Foundation ini dirancang khusus untukmemberilandasan cara berpikir yang kuat untuk anak 2-3 tahun.Meliputipemahaman Logika, Problem Solving, Matematika, Daya IngatdanKreativitas. Disajikan dalam bentuk permainan dangambar-gambaryang pasti sangat menarik bagi si anak, sambil bermainkemampuanotak anak anda akan dirangsang untuk dapat menalar,merencanakan,dan memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yangdihadapinya.Edu-Games IQ Foundation akan menjadi fondasi kuat bagikecerdasananak anda.Fitur :- 10 games pilihan yang sesuai dengan umur anak- Dirancang khusus untuk memberi dasar kecerdasan anak usia2-3tahun- Dua pilihan Bahasa - Indonesia dan Inggris- Animasi dan Grafis yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anakMateri Pelajaran :- Melatih Logika- Melatih Memecahkan Masalah- Melatih Memori- Belajar Matematika- Belajar KreativitasEdu-Games are gamesthatcontain educational material and presented in the formofinteractive games to practice creativity and improvechildren'sintelligenceFor children aged 2-3 yearsWant your child has a high IQ? Prepare from NOW! Edu-GamesIQFoundation Series is designed specifically to provide astrongfoundation for the way of thinking that children 2-3 years.Includeunderstanding the logic, Problem Solving, Math, MemoryandCreativity. Presented in the form of games and images must beveryinteresting for the child, while playing ability of yourchild'sbrain will be stimulated to be able to reason, plan, andsolve theproblems that it faces. Edu-Games IQ Foundation will be astrongfoundation for your child's intelligence.Features:- 10 games option that suits the child's age- Designed specifically to give the basic intelligence ofchildrenaged 2-3 years- Two options Language - Indonesian and English- Animation and graphics are very appealing to childrenSubject matter :- Train Logic- Train Troubleshooting- Memory Training- Learn math- Learning Creativity