برترین 10 برنامه مشابه به Alcohol Test (Joke)

Luck Meter 1.3
Peixet Studios
- You have an exam?- Will you play the lottery?- You're going to a job interview?Do not do without measuring your level of luck !!! We allhavealot of luck at all times but ... How much is it?Withthisapplication you can know!With this application you can measure your level of luckandyoucan also make joke with friends with the options itcontainstoforce out a level always low or high luck.To measure your luck without any manipulation pressthe"MEDIRSUERTE" button.Note: It is an joke application :)
Test Alcoholemia 8.0.0
Con esta aplicación podrás saber,siteencuentras bajo la influencia de bebidas alcohólicasTest imprescindible cuando salgas de fiesta con tus amigos.Este test de alcohol es válido igual que los querealizalasFuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad.No dudes en compartir la aplicación, que no te multen,pornosaber tu nivel de alcohol.With thisapplicationyouwill know, if you are under the influence of alcoholTest must when you go out with your friends.This alcohol test is valid as those who performtheSecurityForces.Feel free to share your application, you will not getfinedfornot knowing your level of alcohol.
Wredny Alkomat
Laser Computer
Wredny Alkomat wyświetlapoziomupojeniaalkoholowego.Użytkownik dmucha w tym celu w mikrofon telefonu... jednakwynikisądość zaskakujące.Wkręć znajomych!MeanBreathalyzerdisplaysthe level of intoxication.The user blows for this purpose in the phone's microphone ...buttheresults are quite surprising.Screw your friends!
Arrow Random 1.0
Peixet Studios
Push Start and Spin the arrow and getarandomposition.
Алкотест Юмористический 1.0.1
Хорошо провели время с друзьями иливузкомкругу семьи, а может просто выпили пивкапередтелевизором?Приложение "Алкотест Юмористический" поможетопределитьуровеньалкоголя в вашей крови и подскажет время егополноговыведения.Чтобы можно было смело сесть за руль без какихлибопоследствий какдля вас, так и для бедного радостногосердцаавтоинспектора,которое может не выдержать "радости"пользуйтесьэтим простым ивеселым калькулятором промилле. Кстати,если незнаете, то"промилле" - это тысячные доли концентрацииспирта(этанола) вкрови. Чем больше содержание спирта - тем выпьянее.С 1 сентября 2013г. и на текущий момент вправилахдорожногодвижения допускается концентрация этанола в кровиводителядо 0.35мг или до 0.16 мг на литр выдыхаемого им воздуха.Этодействует натерритории России!Были времена когда даже от кваса или кефирчикапередпоездкойлучше было отказаться. Ведь совсем недавно лишитьсяправможно былодаже если прибор показал бы 0.01 мг. этанола.Считается, для человека (вмеру здорового) доза алкоголявкровисвыше 4.0 промилле приводит к летальному исходу. Здоровьеувсехразное, поэтому лучше не экспериментировать,т.к.серьезноепохмелье на утро гарантированно. Каждыйчеловекиндивидуален и,соответственно, пьянеет (усваивает алкоголь вкрови)по своему. Нодалеко не все зависит от особенностей организма,наопьянение иусвоение алкоголя влияет еще множество факторов,такихкак вид икрепость напитка, какие были закуски, запивалилиалкоголь,температура воздуха и т.д и т.п.Пользуйтесь "Алкотестом Юмористическим" и будте здоровы!Had a goodtimewithfriends or family in a small circle, or maybe just drank abeerinfront of the TV? Appendix "Alcotest Humorous" willhelpdeterminethe level of alcohol in your blood and tell the timeofitscomplete removal. To be able to safely get behind thewheelwithoutany consequences for you and for the poor inspectorjoyfulheartthat can not stand the "joy" use this simple andfuncalculatorppm. By the way, if you do not know, "ppm" - athousandthof theconcentration of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood.The morealcoholcontent - the more you are drunk.On September 1, 2013. and a current traffic rulesallowedethanolconcentration in the driver's blood to 0.35 mg, or0.16 tomg perliter of the exhaled air. It acts on the territoryofRussia!There were times when even kvass or kefirchik before thetripwasbetter to give up. But recently it was possible to losetherightseven if the device is shown to 0.01 mg. ethanol.It is believed to humans (moderately healthy) dose ofalcoholinthe blood of more than 4.0 ppm is fatal. Health isalldifferent,so it's best not to experiment, because serioushangoverin themorning is guaranteed. Every person is differentandthereforedrunk (metabolizes alcohol in the blood) on the. Butnoteverythingdepends on the characteristics of theorganism,intoxication andabsorption of alcohol affects many morefactors,such as the typeand strength of the drink, which weresnacks, drinkalcohol if theair temperature, etc., etc.Use the "Alcotest humorous" and Be Healthy!
Hangover 1.0
Humorous calculation of alcohol intakepriortoit happening. "Hangover" will help you avoid onethemorningafter.The following parameters will be used for the calculations:- your gender- weight- drink alcohol concentration- chaser- surrounding company- desired outcome (get drunk, get wasted, have fun, relax)- your typical morning condition- whether do you have to drive after the party- whether you have to work the day afterAlso you can calculate desired intake if you are planningtohavean intimate evening with someone. "hangover"ensure you areupto thechallenge and operable.Alcohol blood level concentration formula is basedonVidmarkcalculations.Application supports English and Metric units, toswitchsimpleclick on Menu buttonThe outcome is shown in grams (ounces)Permissions are used to display ads.Supported languages are: English, German, RussianKeywords: BAC, blood alcohol calculator, hangoverapp,alcoholapp, alcoholic drink, alcohol consumption, alcoholintake,bloodalcohol level, drink app, alcoholcalculator,hangovercalculator
Calculadora Bafômetro 1.1
A Calculadora permite estimar a concentraçãodeálcool no sangue. Alguma vez você já se perguntou se depoisdafesta, seu corpo ainda tem álcool? Você acha que a quantidadedeálcool que você bebe pode ser perigoso para você? Talvezvocêesteja curioso para saber como seu corpo responde ao consumodeálcool?Cada corpo responde ao álcool de forma diferente. Atravésdoaplicativo "Seu bafômetro" você pode estimar qual é o níveldeconcentração de álcool no sangue dando alguns parâmetros, taiscomoidade, altura, peso, sexo, tempo de beber.Como funciona o "Seu bafômetro":- Introduza o seu peso, idade, altura e sexo- Definir que consomem álcool com frequência, às vezesouraramente- Especifique o tipo de álcool e quanto você consumiu- Digite a data de início do consumo- Definir a hora de beber- Verifique seu resultado no tempo presente e uma tabela quemostraas mudanças na concentração de álcoolMas lembre-se. Este aplicativo contem resultados estimados.Tags: Bafômetro, Lei Seca, Teor Alcoólico, Álcool, Cerveja.The calculator allowsyouto estimate the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Haveyouever wondered if after the party, his body still has alcohol?Doyou think the amount of alcohol you drink can be dangerous foryou?Maybe you're curious to know how your body responds to alcohol?Each body responds differently to alcohol. Throughtheapplication "Your breath" you can estimate what the levelofalcohol concentration in the blood giving some parameters suchasage, height, weight, sex, drinking time.How does "Your breath":- Enter your weight, age, height and sex- Define who consume alcohol frequently, sometimes or rarely- Specify the type of alcohol and how much you consumed- Enter the start date of consumption- Set the time to drink- Check your results at this time and a table showing the changesinalcohol concentrationBut remember. This application contains estimated results.Tags: Breathalyzer, Prohibition, Alcohol, Alcohol, Beer.
AlcoMaster - prank you friend 1.1
This small application providesopportunitytoprank your friends.When you are at another party, suggest them to takesmallalcoholtest. Let them blow in you phone and get result justinamoment!Argue with your friends, that your and only your phoneshowscorrectalcohol level.This prank application not just gives some random result, butyoucancontrol how prank will go!* Make a tap on start button and you will getlowalcohollevel.* Make a long tap and unleash your pranking power, theappwillalways show high alcohol level.Become an ultimate and original prankster!
Drunk Test 1.5
8D8 Apps
Take this drunk test to see if youareSober,Buzzed, Drunk or Wasted! The object of the game is toholdthephone as flat and steady as possible. The app willmeasureyourability to do so and display either Sober, Buzzed, DrunkorWastedon the screen. You will need to balance the phone asflat&steady as possible to make the circle in the center ofthescreenas small as possible. This sobriety test is the nextbestthing toa breathalyzer and a much better thing than afieldsobriety test!The results of this app should not be used tomakedecisions forany important actions such as driving sincesomepeople may be ableto pass this test even if they are over thelegallimit!http://www.8d8apps.com/
Drunk Alcohol Scanner Prank 1.5
Trending Applications
This is a fake blood alcohol scannertoplaypranks on your friendsCheck if you can keep drinking or if you are drunk withthisfakefinger scannerPerfect toy for parties with boyfriends or girlfriendsUse this to fool friends while you drink beer, wineorotheralcoholic drinksBe carefull with this, don't let your driver drink and drive!Choose the results from the settings and prankyourfriends.Touch the screen with your finger for some seconds andthisfakescanner will scan your fingerprint and tell you howdrunkyouareThis is not a real alcohol test or a breathalizer. This isajokesimulator and the results of this game should notbetakenseriously.