برترین 21 بازی مشابه به Free Blood Sugar Test Prank

Test Diabetes sugar-Joke 1.0.1
A glucose detector in free blood to measurethesugar levels in the blood joke.Scare your friends, just press your finger on the scanner andwaitfor the result.The color you like on the device means that everything is goodorbad.- Green color: It's normal.- Orange color: Pre-diabetes.- Red Color: High diabetes.Check now this application for your mobile phone and enterthis"joke".
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
J Dee Studio
Finger Blood Sugar Test PrankDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes then checktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.Many peoples needs to check their sugar level regularly. Theresultshelp you to manage the sugar levels. This is a prank appdoes notsupport to find the actual sugar level. Till the time thatandroidmake it possible to support these kinds of things inreality you cancarry on to make prank of your friends by thisFinger blood sugartest prank.A blood glucose test measures the amount of a sugarcalledglucose in a sample of your blood.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. This raises your blood glucose level.Features of Blood sugar Test Prank• Simple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• No privacy invasion• High definition graphics• This is a prank app does not test sugar in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because it ismadeonly for entertainment purposeWays to check the Blood sugar level♥ From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with asmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip. Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your blood sugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at your localpharmacy.♥Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalled interstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulin pumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucoseresults andcan show patterns and trends in your results overtime.Disclaimer:Finger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnot capable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused in this app are fake and randomly generated by app. Itsonlyfor the entertainment purpose only.
قس نسبة السكر في الدم Prank 1.0
Top Apps Pranks
تطبيق قياس نسبة السكر في الدم تطبيق مجاني وسهلالاستعمال.هناك العديد من الناس يعانون من مرض السكري أو يخافون من الاإصابةبه،لهذا يحتاجون إلى التحقق من نسبة "الجلوكوز" في الدم، بانتظامعندطبيب مختص، لكن مع هذا البرنامج، أصبح الأمر في منتهى السهولةوالبساطة، فمن خلال هاتفك تعرف نسبة السكر في دمك، و ذلك بشكلمجانيوقتما تريد.كيف يمكن استعمال التطبيق :عند فتح التطبيق تضع أصبعك على الجهاز الصغير المرسوم علىالشاشةالأولى من البرنامج لبضع ثوان، ثم تنتظر قليلا حتىتظهرالنتيجة.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank ، للتسلية مع أصدقائك و الضحك معهم .The applicationofmeasuring blood sugar free application and easy to use.There are many people suffering from diabetes or are afraidofAlaasabh him, for this they need to check the ratio of "glucose"inthe blood, regularly at a specialist, but with this program,hasbecome a matter of the utmost ease and simplicity, it isthroughyour know sugar in your blood, and it is free wheneveryouwant.How can the use of the application:When you open the application put your finger on the littledeviceDecree on the first screen of the program for a few seconds,thenwait a little until the result is shown.Application Gateway for Prank, for fun with your friends andlaughwith them.
Blood Sugar test Prank 1.6
High apps
Blood Sugar Detector Prank is easy to useScanor Detect your Blood sugar.These days there are many people suffering with diabetes needtocheck their blood sugar (glucose) levels regularly. Aftercheckupresults help you and your doctor manage those levels, whichlaterhelps you avoid diabetes complications.Instructions: Put your fingerprint on examine machine for 4-5secthen this prank app will automatically show the result bloodsugar(glucose) in graphical way.Features:1. It is made in such a way that it gives realistic looking.2. share this app with friends on social media like Google PlusorFacebook etc.3. Best prank game to play and Fun or joke on your " FriendsandFamily ".Disclaimer/DisclosureBlood Glucose Detector Prank is joke app and is only for funandentertainment purposes and there is no relation of real resultinany way.
Free Blood Sugar Test Prank 3
Free Blood Sugar Test Prank helps you to simply andefficientlycheck all that you should handle your own blood sugars.Knowing howto study your current blood sugar is usually an issue.Prank recordblood sugar app is usually an imitation cell phone appthat canreveals your own bogus sugar blood that is definitelycreated forfolks who want to enjoy genuine pranks on the rest andwould liketo show the strength of their very best android OScellular phone.Steps for Prank Free Blood Sugar Log:The First Thing: Put your fingertips gently throughout thefingerprint analyzing zone and wait for the scores.Final result: Your own personal Prank blood sugar shall beshownimmediately after formula.Top features of free blood sugar converter Prank:- Effortless to read and much easier to apply- Very simple and extensively clean UIImportant note: Free Blood Sugar Test Prank is designed forfunoperates strictly, and will not truly examine your fingerprintforcertain.
Blood Sugar DR Checker Prank 1.0
This amazing blood sugar prank.Most peoplewithdiabetes need to check their blood sugar (glucose)levelsregularly.The results help you and your doctor manage those levels,whichhelps you avoid diabetes complications.Blood sugar testing is an important part of diabetes care. Findoutwhen to test your blood sugar level, how to use a testingscanner,and more.A Blood Sugar DR Checker Prank measures the amount of a sugarcalledglucose in a sample of your blood.Features:> Realistic looking.> sharing options to share the detection fun with your palsonGoogle Plus or Facebook etc.> For playing prank And Fun or joke on your " Friends andFamily".Disclaimer> Blood Sugar Scanner Prank is only for fun andentertainmentpurposes and a prank application> And no real "Blood Sugar" will Display from your device.
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
Hi Logix
Finger blood sugar test is a prank appanditdoes not check blood sugar level in real. Its onlyforentertainmentpurposeDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes thenchecktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.This is a prank app does not support to find the actualsugarlevel.Till the time that android make it possible to supportthesekindsof things in reality you can carry on to make prank ofyourfriendsby this Finger blood sugar test prank.Methods to check the Blood sugar level&bull ;From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger withasmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip.Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your bloodsugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at yourlocalpharmacy.• Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalledinterstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulinpumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucose resultsandcan showpatterns and trends in your results over time.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells ofthebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found infruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turnedintoglucose in yourbody. This raises your blood glucoselevel.FeaturesSimple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• Prank sugar test app does not work in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because itismadeonly for entertainment purposeDisclaimer:Blood sugar patient please note thatFinger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnotcapable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused inthis app are fake and randomly generated by app
Мои анализы 1.2
В программе представлены нормы основных лабораторныханализов:крови, мочи, кишечного содержимого (кала) для людей,проживающих вЕвропейской части России.В удобной наглядной форме приведена исчерпывающая информацияобольшинстве исследуемых показателях; указаны нормывунифицированных единицах для мужчин и женщин.В текущую версию программы включены 18 видовлабораторныханализов, планируется пополнение базы с каждымпоследующимобновлением.Полный перечень анализов, представленных в программе:Система крови•Периферическая кровь•Лейкоцитарная формула•Эритроциты•Тромбоцитограмма•Морфологическая картина стернального пунктата•Лимфаденограмма при подсчете на 1000 клеток•Спленограмма при подсчете на 1000 клеток•Система свертывания крови и фибринолиза•Исследование групп крови системы АВ0 при помощистандартныхсыворотокМоча•Физические свойства•Химический состав•Осадок мочи•Метод Каковского-Аддиса•Метод Нечипоренко•Метод Штернгеймера-Мальбина•Функциональное исследование почекКишечное содержимое•Микроскопия кала•Химический составПродуманный интерфейс и различные способыпредставленияинформации позволят самостоятельно интерпретироватьрезультатыисследований крови любому желающему.Врачам-клиницистам и студентам-медикам программа рекомендуетсявкачестве удобного карманного справочника.Theprogrampresents the basic rules of laboratory tests: blood,urine,intestinal contents (feces) for people living in the Europeanpartof Russia.In a convenient visual form given comprehensive information onthemost studied indicators; are the norm in standardized units formenand women.In the current version of the program includes 18laboratoryanalyzes, planned replenishment base with eachsubsequentupdate.A complete list of the analysis presented in the program:Blood system• Peripheral blood• Leukocyte formula• Red blood cells• Trombotsitogramma• Morphological picture sternal punctate• Limfadenogramma counting 1,000 cells• Splenogramma counting 1,000 cells• The system of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis• The study of blood groups AB0 system using standard seraUrine• Physical properties• Chemical composition• urine sediment• Method Kakovskogo-Addis• Method nechyporenko• Method-Shterngeymera Malbina• Functional study of kidneyIntestinal contents• Microscopy feces• Chemical compositionDesigned interface and various ways of presentinginformationwill allow yourself to interpret the results of studiesof bloodanyone.Clinicians and medical students program is recommended as ahandypocket guide.
Glucose Test Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Black and white studios bring you glucosetestwhich will test your sugar level without any glucometer oranymedical strip. This is not a very unique finger scanner app totestsugar level, but will give you three results at a time:Sugar,Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.Glucose test is an awesome and unique way to test glucose levelinyour body.Testing glucose or sugar level in human body have many ways suchas:from patient forearm, from patient thigh, from patient blooddropetc.If are afraid of injection needle then you can trackyourglucose/sugar level through this app.This prank application test your sugar level from your thumb-tiporfingertip, you don't need to have any medical deice or any kindofsugar detector strip.This app is specially developed for those people who arediabeticpatients and use insulin to control their sugar level toavoid anymedical complication.This application cannot test your true blood sugar but will giveyousome fake random readings.If you are very conscious about your health then you can testyourglucose level anywhere anytime without any medical device toavoidany type health complications and to use proper medication.This app will also show your fake blood pressure and heartrateafter scanning period, and also shows the precaution tocontrolyour glucose level.App is very easy to use, first select your gender then selectyourage limit and finally place your finger or thumb tip onthescanning pad to test your glucose level.Features:Track fake glucose / sugar level.Track through fingertip.Display precautions.Show fake blood pressure and heart rate.Simple and Nice Graphics.Works without any internet connection.Note:Glucose test is a fake application which always give differentandrandom readings, This is a very fine way to prank your friendsandfamily. THIS IS A PRANK APPLICATION.
Sugar test prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar) patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucoselevelon regular basis?So Sugar Test is the best application for you and your doctortomanage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedicalcomplications. This application measures the amount ofglucose inyour body.Sugar test is an important application for alldiabetic(sugar)patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: Frompatient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with adrop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculatesugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, Butmanypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use suchmedicaldevices. So those people can use this application to testtheirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Finger Sugar monitor is not only for diabetic patients butotherpeople can also use this application to avoid any sugar ordiabeticcomplications.Sugar test is very easy to use that's why everyone can usethisapplication. This application calculates your glucose levelfromyour fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your finger onthescanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugarlevel.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get thisapp.Person can share his sugar result with his doctor or anyone hewantsto.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share itonany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Work without internet connection.Note:Sugar test is a Prank application and it is only used forfunpurposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandomreadings. So just download this application for fun and startprankwith your friends and family.
iBP Blood Pressure 7.0.1
Leading Edge Apps LLC
What is iBP? iBP is a blood pressure tracking andanalysistool.Please note, it is not possible to measure your bloodpressurebytouching the screen. A separate device is required. Whatkindofanalysis does iBP provide? iBP uses color icons toindicatewhenyour blood pressure values are normal, high, orhypertension.Italso provides interactive graphs that allow you todisplayyourvalues by weeks, months, year and time of day. Thegraphsdisplaylows, highs, averages, and trend lines usingstatisticalanalysis.Why iBP vs. other blood pressure apps? iBP isthe #1 bloodpressureapp on the iPhone and it is now available onAndroid! Wehave beenworking on this app for over 5 years andcontinue tomakeimprovements. iBP is the only blood pressure appwith a builtintransfer capability to sync all your iOS and Androiddevices.Whatare the key features? * Transfer capability to sync allof youriOSand Android devices * Calculates Mean Arterial PressureandPulsePressure * Track one personal item (blood glucose,stresslevel,medication dosage, exercise time) * Backup /Restorecapability *Multiple users * Multiple email addresses (youanddoctor) *Multiple email formats (HTML, CSV, Plain Text) *Snapshotof thegraphs can be saved * User configurable color ranges* Weightunits(lb or kg) * Withings Blood Pressure Monitor &WirelessScaleWithings + iBP = No more data entry! iBP can retrieveyourbloodpressure and weight data directly from your Withingsaccount.TheBlood Pressure Monitor and wireless Body Scaleautomaticallyrecordand send the data to your account. There is nodata entryrequiredand you can view the data anywhere using a webbrowser or avarietyof mobile apps. Free shipping coupon inside theapp!Disclaimer:iBP is intended to be used as a means to collectdata tobe sharedwith your doctor. This application is not intendedto beasubstitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis,ortreatment. We assume no liability for any personal harmorinjurysustained as a result of using this application.
ضغط الدم بالبصمة مجربة Prank 4.0
App admob
قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة مجربة Prank هو عبارةعنجهاز يقوم بقياس ضغط دمك عن طريقة بصمتك و يعطيك النتيجة في أسرعوقتو يمكنك بعمل خدعة رائعة لأصدقائك عن طريق قياس ضغط دمهم مجاناوبسرعة.من مميزات التطبيق :- قياس الضغط و جهاز قياس دقات القلب- ارتفاع ضغط الدم- علاج ضغط الدم- اعراض ضغط الدم- انخفاض ضغط الدم- ضغط الدم الطبيعي- ضغط الدم المرتفع- قياس ضغط الدم- قياس دقات القلب و ضغط دم- جهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم- يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت و يمكنك مشاركتهمعأصدقائك.- This Application is just a Prank- جهاز قياس ضغط الدم بدون انترنت- يقوم بقياس ضغط دم بإبهامك فقط لا غير.كيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- عند الدخول للتطبيق ستظهر لك الواجهة الرئيسية للتطبيق بها مكانخاصبالبصمة.- سيخبرك الهاتف بوضع إبهامك في المكان المخصص للمسح ضغط الدم قمبوضعبصمتك و إنتظر.- سيقوم التطبيق بفحص إبهامك و سيقوم التطبيق بإظهارالنتيجةالنهائية.ملاحظة : تطبيق قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة هو مزحة للتسلية اي عبارةعنPrank فقط .Caution: fingerprint blood pressure checker is a prank andfakeprogram and it is unable to measure the blood pressure of ahumanbody, all the examining which are found in this app are fakeandrandomly generated by app. It's created for the cause ofamusementand pleasure.Blood pressuremeasurementfingerprint proven Prank is a device that measuresblood pressurefor a way your fingerprint and gives you the resultas soon as youcan work and great trick to friends by measuringtheir bloodpressure for free and quickly.Of the application features:- Pressure gauge and measure your heart rate- High blood pressure- Blood pressure treatment- Symptoms of blood pressure- Low blood pressure- Normal blood pressure- hypertension- Blood pressure measurement- Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure- Measuring blood sugar device- You can run the application and without access to the Internetatany time and you can share it with your friends.- This Application is just a Prank- Blood pressure measurement device without Internet- The measurement of blood pressure with your thumb only.How to run the application:- When you enter the application you will see the main interfaceofthe application of the special place fingerprint.- The phone will tell you put your thumb in the provisionforscanning blood pressure then place put your fingerprintandwait.- The application will scan your thumb and the application willshowthe final result.Note: the application of blood pressure measurementfingerprintis no joke for entertainment only a Prank.Caution: fingerprint blood pressure checker is a prank andfakeprogram and it is unable to measure the blood pressure of ahumanbody, all the examining which are found in this app are fakeandrandomly generated by app. It's created for the cause ofamusementand pleasure.
Blood Test 1.1
Free mobile apps
This application analyzes the performance of a blood test. Itwillbe useful to doctors and medical students. Attention!Applicationfor informational purposes only! The author is notresponsible forthe accuracy of the data. App analyzes: •Red bloodcells •Hemoglobin • Colour indicator • Hematocrit • White bloodcells •SIT • ICSU • MCV • RDW • Segmetoyadernye neutrophils •Bandneutrophils • Lymphocytes • Eosinophils • Monocytes • Basophils•Platelets • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Valores Analíticos Normales 7.0
Contiene múltiples tablas con parámetros de uso clínicohabitualtales como hemograma, coagulación, bioquímica, etc...Datosordenados y revisados Alfabéticamente para fácil manejo delosmismos. Totalmente gratuita.
Народные рецепты здоровья и кр 4.5
👍 6 thousand recipes of traditional medicine for alloccasions.Works without Internet
Sugar & Glucose Tester prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to find the exact amount ofsugarand glucose level in your body?Are you a diabetic patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucoselevelon regular basis?So Sugar and Glucose Tester is the best application for you andyourdoctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedicalcomplications. This application measures the amount ofglucose inyour body without any medical instrument.Sugar and Glucose Tester is an important application foralldiabetic patients and for those who are very conscious abouttheirhealth.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: Frompatient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with adrop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculatesugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, Butmanypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use suchmedicaldevices. So those people can use this application to testtheirsugar or glucose level.Sugar and glucose tester is not only for diabetic patients butotherpeople can also use this application to avoid anysugarcomplications.Sugar and glucose tester is very easy to use that's why everyonecanuse this application. This application calculates your glucoselevelfrom your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron thescanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugarlevel.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share itonany social media.Calculates Sugar level or Glucose level with thumbprintorfingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Sugar and glucose tester is a Prank application and it is onlyusedfor fun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it onlygivesrandom readings. So just download this application for funandstart prank with your friends and family.
Diabetes Connect 2.6.5
SquareMed Software GmbH
DiabetesConnect - Your Documentation, Easy and Fast
Dnevnik samokontrole dijabetes 1.1.1
Diary for record keeping blood glucose and blood pressure
Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker 5.36.8529
Azumio, Inc.
Track blood glucose, A1C, carbs, medication, exercise, and moreallin one app!
Blood Sugar Test Prank. 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucoselevelon regular basis?So Blood Sugar Test is the best application for you and yourdoctorto manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedicalcomplications. This application measures the amount ofglucose inyour body.Blood Sugar Test is an important application for alldiabeticpatients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: Frompatient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with adrop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculatesugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, Butmanypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use suchmedicaldevices. So those people can use this application to testtheirsugar or glucose level.Blood Sugar Test is not only for diabetic patients but otherpeoplecan also use this application to avoid anysugarcomplications.Blood Sugar Test is very easy to use that's why everyone canusethis application. This application calculates your glucoselevelfrom your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your finger onthescanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugarlevel.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share itonany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Blood Sugar Test is Prank application and it is only used forfunpurposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandomreadings. So just download this application for fun and startprankwith your friends and family.
Weight Loss Tracker 4.6.4
Track your weight loss, bmi, and body measurements.