برترین 9 برنامه مشابه به Salatuk_صلاتك

Prayer Times in Sudan 2.0
Prayer Times in SudanPrayer Time in Sudan on a schedule for 30 days"Sudan Prayer Time - Come to prayer" free andreliableserviceoffering with beautiful and liquidity-friendlydesign.Application list:Prayer Schedule in one day (today).Software Islamic times a month (30 days).Islam is the most widespread religion in Sudan,asstatisticsindicate that the proportion of Muslims inSudan,amounting toalmost 95%, of them Arabs and non-Arabs of them,therest belongingto the understanding of the Christian religion(onlyabout 5% ofthe total population) and religion revivalism.Muslimsand spreadsin northern Sudan significantly, with a largeChristiancommunitiesare also there, especially in places with toomuchdisplaced.Number of southern Sudanese who have fled to thenorth toescapethe war by more than 4 million since 1970, has beenalmost asmuch,and most of the south's population cling toreligionorChristianity biotechnology, but there are a large numberofthemcling to Islam as well. Most of Sudan's Muslims are Sunnis,whoaremostly Sufi, and there is diversity of Sufi Muslims inwaysthatfollowed there, and the largest two methods are the wayoftheAnsar and the way Khatami.Prayer times are times of temporal set the start timeforprayerand the end of the time he says: )an prayer book onthebelieversMoukota(The time of dawn prayers: the first time for Fajr prayeristhedawn second any true dawn and the last time untilthesunrises.The time of the noon prayer: If the sun is still on the middleofthesky to the point of sunset, and extends to the fateofundereverything like him with a smaller increase, or when itisunderthe man as a table.Asr prayer time: the first time under the age if you becomelikehimonly thing under disappearing and continues to bewitheringsun, butthe need is time to sunset.Time for Maghrib: the first time Morocco from sunset to fullsundiscand ends coma red twilight.Time of evening prayers: the first dinner time ofsunsetredafterglow to a third of the night and was told halfthenight
Flash Alerts on Call & Alerts 2.4.8
Fantastic Droid
Flash Light Alerts on Call, SMS and app notifications viaphoneflash.
Azaan Muslim Prayer Audio 29|08|2014
AP Technologies
Adhan is called out by a muezzin fromthemosque five times a day, traditionally from the minaret,summoningMuslims for mandatory (fard) worship (salat).الله أكبرأَذَان‎, Adhan: The Islamic Call to Prayer:اﷲﺍﻛﺑﺮ ,اﷲﺍﻛﺑﺮ, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allah is theGreatest,Allah is the Greatest,ﺍﺸﻬﺩاﻦﻻاﻟﻪاﻼﷲ ,ﺍﺸﻬﺩاﻦﻻاﻟﻪاﻼﷲ, Ash-hadu-ala-ilahailAllah,Ash-hadu-ala-ilaha ilAllah, I testify that there is noneworthy ofworship but Allah, I testify that there is none worthy ofworshipbut Allah,ﺍﺸﻬﺩاﻦﻤﺤﻤﺪﺍﺮﺴﻮﻝاﷲ ,ﺍﺸﻬﺩاﻦﻤﺤﻤﺪﺍﺮﺴﻮﻝاﷲ, Ash- ha- du annaMuhammadarRasoolullah, Ash- ha- du anna Muhamma-dar Rasoolullah, Itestifythat Muhammed (ﺼﻟﻰﺍﷲﻋﻠﻴﻪﻮﺴﻟﻢ) is the Messenger of Allah, Itestifythat Muhammed (ﺼﻟﻰﺍﷲﻋﻠﻴﻪﻮﺴﻟﻢ) is the Messenger ofAllah,ﺤﻲﻋﻠﻰﺍﻠﺼﻼﺓ,ﺤﻲﻋﻠﻰﺍﻠﺼﻼﺓ ,ﺤﻲﻋﻠﻰﺍﻠﻓﻼﺡ,ﺤﻲﻋﻠﻰﺍﻠﻓﻼﺡ, Hay-yaalas-Salaah,Hay-ya alas-Salaah, Ha-ya alal-Falaah, Ha-yaalal-Falaah, Hastentowards Prayer, Hasten towards Prayer, Hastentowards success,Hasten towards success.اﷲﺍﻛﺑﺮ اﷲﺍﻛﺑﺮ, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allah is theGreatest,Allah is the Greatest,ﻻاﻟﻪاﻼﷲ ,ﻻاﻟﻪاﻼﷲ, Laailaaha-il-Allah, Laailaaha-il-Allah,Thereis none worthy of worship besides Allah. There is none worthyofworship besides Allah.
اذكاري بدون نت azkari 3.0.0
Morning and evening remembrances, sleeping, waking up,ruqyah,automatic Muslim remembrances, voice of Hisn al-Muslim
Salaat First Prayer Times 2017 1.0.1
Alvin Jako Labs
Salat First 2017 allows to have theschedulesofthe prayers with support of the GPS and activation ofthe silentmodeautomatically for each prayer. The applicationgivesschedulesaccording to the method of calculation of theMoroccanMinistry ofHabous and Islamic Affairs in addition tootherorganizations knownthroughout the world. The functionality oftheapplication:Using GPS technology, the app gives schedules accordingtothecalculation methods of the Ministry of EndowmentsandIslamicAffairs of (Morocco,Alger,Tunisie,ArabieSaudi,Emirates,Egypt……..)in addition to other organizationsknownworldwide.The application of your prayer is your companion tokeepyourprayersUsing automatically determine your location, thisapplicationcanteach you the prayer times, the nearest mosques toyour site,aswell as determine the direction of directionApplication links Salaat First Prayer Times: Qibla, Athan isthemostfamous prayer dates of applications for Android, itoffersseveralservices, including the performance of the fivedailyprayersdatesProgram features prayer and software Times:★ Qibla direction★ determine the times of prayer★ afternoon prayers account by all countries andtheArabcountries★ Koran★ notices Control★ notices Friday prayers★ change the sound of the earsAfficher des notifications de rapprochement delaprièresuivante.❃ Intègre une base de données d'Ahadiths tirés deSahihAlBoukhari.❃ Multilingue (Arabe et Français et Anglais)❃ Widget affichant le temps restant de la prière suivante,etunautre affichant les prières de la journée.❃ Adhkar Assabah, Almassae et Annawm, avec optiond'affichagederappels.Adansalaat FirstSalatuk firstAdan Priere Gratuitadhan call to prayer freenamaz timeالصلاة اولا
الاذان باجمل الأصوات بدون نت 1.0
Devkh ALQuRan
تطبيق متعدد الوظائف يمكنك من الاستماعالىالاذانباجمل الأصوات بدون نت و تعين الاذان كنغمة منبه.الأذانهونداء ينادىبه للصلاة عند المسلمين، ويؤذّن كل يوم خمس مرات قبلكلصلاة. كانالمؤذن ''الشخص الذي يؤذن'' يؤذن من مكان مرتفع، منعلىالمنارة أو منعلى سطح المسجد. الآن يؤذن المؤذن من خلالأجهزةالتكبير، هذا مما سهلعليه الأمر كثيرًا. كان أول مؤذن فيالإسلام هوالصحابي بلال بنرباح.قد ارتاينا في التطبيق استعمال سيرفرات عالية الجودة والحمايةلكييتماستعمال وتحميل البرنامج بشكل سريع وبدون اي مشاكل, التطبيقيحتويعلىما يلي.- الاذان باجمل الأصوات بدون نت- الاذان واوقات الصلاة- الاذان في المغرب في كل وقت- الاذان وقت الصلاة بالمغرب بدون انترنت- أوقات الصلاة مع الأذان في كل وقت في المغرب- الاذان وقت الصلاة بالمغرب بدون انترنت- وقت الصلاة بصوت ماهر المعيقلي- ادعيه واذكار الصباح بصوت راشد- صوت عالي و الجودة العالية- ادعيه واذكار الصباح بصوت راشد- اوقات الصلاة والاذان عند كل صلاة بدون إنترنت- برنامج المؤذن تلقائيا بدون انترنت ل تعليم الاذان و تعليمالوضوءوالصلاةو للباحثين عن تطبيقنا يمكنهم الحصول عليه مجدداوذلكباستعمالمايوجد اسفله- adhan salat maroc downlod- azan prayer times maroc gratuit- salaat first maroc adan gratuit- telecharger salatuk horaire de priere maroc صلاتك- al moadin moazin- adhan salat maroc rabat mohammedia sans internet- muslim prayer times azan- athan islamic prayer timesفي الاخير نتمتى ان نكون قد توفقنا ولو قليلا ان شاء اللهفيهذاالتطبيق ونرجو من العلي القدير ان يغفر لنا ولكم, لا تنسوامنفضلكمالتقييم الايجابي للبرنامج باعطائه 5 نجوم,بالتوفيقوالمغفرةللجميع.Multifunctionalapplication you can listen to the ears of thewarmestsoundswithout the Net and had ears tone Menbh.aloman is thecallisproclaimed to prayer for Muslims, is authorized everydayfivetimes before each prayer. The muezzin '' a person whoisauthorized'' authorized from a high place, from the lighthouseorfrom theroof of the mosque. Now authorized muezzinthroughmagnificationdevices, this making it much easier to order.Thefirst muezzin inIslam is a great companion Bilal binRabah.May we decided to use in the application of highqualityandprotection servers so quickly and without any problems istouseand download the program, the application containsthefollowing.- Ears warmest votes without Net- To prayer, prayer times- Ears in Morocco, all the time- Ears prayer time in Morocco without Internet- Prayer with the software all the time in Morocco Times- Ears prayer time in Morocco without Internet- Prayer time voice Maher Almaikulai- Citation for morning prayers and the voice of Rashid- High-quality voice and high- Citation for morning prayers and the voice of Rashid- Times of prayer and ears every prayer without Internet- Muezzin program automatically without the Internet forteachingandlearning ears ablution and prayerAnd community our application can get it again byusingMaeugdunderneath- Adhan salat maroc downlod- Azan prayer times maroc gratuit- Salaat first maroc adan gratuit- Telecharger salatuk horaire de priere maroc links- Al moadin moazin- Adhan salat maroc rabat mohammedia sans internet- Muslim prayer times azan- Athan islamic prayer timesIn the last Ntemty that we have Tovguena evenslightly,Godwilling, in this application and hope that the Almightytoforgiveus and to you, please do not forget the positiveevaluationof theprogram by giving it 5 stars, conciliation andforgivenessforall.
الاذان باجمل الأصوات (بدون نت) 1
Ears warmest votes without a new Internet mp3
مواقيت الصلاة في الجزائرالاذان 2.1
قال الله تعالى" إِنَّ الصَّلاَةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَكِتَاباًمَّوْقُوتاً"أوقات الصلاة حسب عدة مدن في الجزائرالمرجوا تقييم التطبيق بـ 5 نجمات حتى يراه اكثر عدد منالناسوالدالعلى الخير كفاعلهGod said"The prayer book on the believers at fixed hours"Gallery by several cities in AlgeriaAlmarjoa application by 5 starlets evaluated until heseesmorenumber of people and indicative of good as actors
مواقيت الصلاة والاذان (جديد) 1.1
.تطبيق موقيت الصلاة هو رفيقك للحفاظ على صلاتكبرنامج اوقات الصلاة و الأذان في العالم العربي هو برنامججديديساعدمستعملي هواتف الاندرويد على تذكر مواعيد و مواقيت الصلاةفيالدولالعربية وذلك بالاعتماد على نظام تحديد المواقع (GPS)الذييتواجدبجهازك او بهاتفك .يعطي برنامج اوقات الصلاة و الأذان في الدول العربية جميعاوقاتالصلواتالخمس في جميع مدن العربية و مدن العالم ايضا و ذلكبتحديدموقعك مباشرةلكي يظهر لك تواقيت الصلاة في مدينك و بلدتك .كمايستعمل طرق حساب صلاةالعصر مختلفة حسب العديد من البلدان و الدولحولالعالم مايعطيه دقةاكثر في تحديد اوقات الصلاة و القبلة .ملاحظة: لمن تظهر لديهم الأوقات بشكل غير صحيح يرجى التأكد منضبطفارقالتوقيت من إعدادات الجهازApply Moukat prayerisacompanion to keep your prayersTimes of prayer and the software program in the Arab worldisanew program that helps users of Android phones torememberdatesand prayer timings in the Arab countries and byrelying on theGPSsystem (GPS), which resides device or phone.Gives the times of prayer and the software program in theArabstatesall times of the five daily prayers in all Arab townsandcitiesaround the world and also by selecting your site directlyinorder toshow you prayer times in Medink and your town. It isalsouseddifferent methods of calculating the Asr prayer bymanycountries andnations around the world Maaattiyh more accuracyindetermining thetimes of prayer and direction.Note: for those times appear to have incorrectly Please besuretoadjust the timing of the device settings difference