برترین 22 برنامه مشابه به 吉祥星座論命

Daily&Love Horoscope 1.2.0
Daily&Love Horoscope!Professionalhoroscope app on android!★The eastest way to get your daily and love horoscope !★Designed for everyone,support English,Chinese!Daily & Love Horoscope Features:Horoscope widget.Check your complete horoscope for today, tomorrow and keep aneyeon your horoscope of the week, your love horoscope, yourmonthlyhoroscope and your yearly horoscope with differentconstellationwritten by our best, most serious and experiencedastrologers.The horoscope texts are updated every day in real time, and youcanconsult them at any time without any limitations!What can you expect from the zodiac ? For Love, Work, orWellness? Which key-dates are the essential for success this month? Daily& Love Horoscope on Android is the horoscopeapplication youmust have...Like Daily & Love Horoscope? Give us 5 stars! Yourfeedbackis very important to our work. We are determined to makethe besthoroscope app on Android.***Note - this does not have any impact on the battery sincetheapp does not run in the backgroundKeywords:Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces,Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,horoscopewidget
星座情侣速配-戀愛必讀手冊 1.11
想知道情侶​​星座之間的細微關係嗎?本軟件可以查找所有星座之間的速配關係,讓你一目了然,提示你配對指數,指數越高,生活越和諧幸福,當然,指數低的是需要你要克服一些問題了。星座情侶速配會告訴你每個星座之間的關係,有星座之間的配對指數(友情、愛情、婚姻、親情)還有談情必讀,提示你在和另外一個星座相處時,可能碰到的性格上的摩擦,提醒你注意並且可以很好的維繫兩個人的感情。本軟件操作簡單:1. 程序啟動後,會顯示幫助信息2. 點擊左右兩邊的星座圖標,會彈出選擇菜單,點擊選擇其中的星座,程序會自動顯示選擇後的星座速配情況3. 點擊中間圖標,程序會選擇右邊星座的下一個星座,並且自動顯示它和左邊的星座的速配情況4. 查看速配情況後可以繼續用以上兩個方式選擇其他星座5. 點擊手機的返回鍵即退出程序-----------------想知道情侣​​星座之间的细微关系吗?本软件可以查找所有星座之间的速配关系,让你一目了然,提示你配对指数,指数越高,生活越和谐幸福,当然,指数低的是需要你要克服一些问题了。星座情侣速配会告诉你每个星座之间的关系,有星座之间的配对指数(友情、爱情、婚姻、亲情)还有谈情必读,提示你在和另外一个星座相处时,可能碰到的性格上的摩擦,提醒你注意并且可以很好的维系两个人的感情。--------相信你也关注心理測試、塔羅牌、周公解夢、風水占蔔、指紋算卦、愛情配對、萬年曆老黃曆、運程求簽。如果你也关注以下同类内容,你可以安装本软件哦:MyHoroscope、12星座、十二星座查询、新浪星座、腾讯星座、星座大师、星座配对、星座运程、心理测试、算命取名、1518、周公解梦、起名、姓名测算、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、处女座、天秤座、天蝎座、射手座、摩羯座、水瓶座、双鱼座。
Birthday password 1.10
Walter Choy
Check their birthday password, character, lucky numbers andotherinformation.
Zodiac Horoscope – Daily tips,
Nikola Kosev
Free daily horoscope and detailed astrology predictions ofthefuture.
十二星座目錄 2.03
Provide the most complete twelve constellations Daquan!
十二星座人性大攻略 1.0.0
外冷內熱,喜歡若即若離,好曖昧,急性子,不愛說話,愛寫字,用情專一,憑直覺,善獨處,不張揚,淺淺地活,淡淡地活,淡定從容,寬厚待人,猜猜這性格這是什麼星座?不知道...想知道哪個星座很幸福,哪個星座很有桃花運,哪個星座會升官發財的機會比較大,哪個星比較愛美?十二星座密語告訴你。來吧,這是一本瞭解自己,瞭解戀人,瞭解朋友利器哦。很受歡迎的星座合理書。更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitRaisin, like aloof,goodambiguous, impatient, very quiet, love writing, specific andsoul,intuition, good alone, not play, and the light to live,livelightly, very calm and quiet, tolerant of others, GuessThischaracter is what constellation? I do not know ...   Want to know which constellation is veryhappy,which is very romantic encounters constellation,whichconstellation will careerists opportunity is relativelylarge,relatively beauty which star? Zodiac passphrase tell you.Come on,this is the one about yourself and lover, understandingfriendweapon, oh. Very popular constellation reasonable book.More information welcome attention brainwaveNumerologyNumerology Museum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
Love Matching 2.3.5
WnW Studio
***Paired results are for reference***[Features and Functions]- Analysis of your two matching level, learn from eachotherquickly- Learn how did you like the combination of a pair- Interpretation of analytical character you love and fate- Intimate precautions to help smooth growth of your love- Multiple pairing mode you can choose - Chinese namematching,English name matching, last life and this lifematching,constellation matching, birthday matching, zodiacmatching,blood-type matching[Precautions]- Chinese name pairing languages supported: TraditionalChinese,Simplified Chinese- English name pairing is in English originally, you canadjustsettings for translation- Birthday pairing country calendar BC Range: 1950 to 2009If you have recommendations or comments please email to mePlease also feel free to give us ratingThank you for your usingWelcome to share this app to your friend
星座运程 4.1.1
Gunggo Co Ltd
Daily Horoscope 2.59
This is the app that allows you toreadyourhoroscope without an Internet connection!It is automatically downloaded when connected and then youcanreadit at any time even without connection!Daily Horoscope lets you view your horoscope every day,withouttimelimits and completely FREE.Predictions prepared by a team of astrologers with over 15yearsofexperience.Know what the future holds for you and your closest onesinlove,work and health.
Free Horoscope 29
SF Factory
Free Horoscope - Your daily personalhoroscopefor Android smartphone, tablet and Android Wear- Daily horoscope and horoscopefor tomorrow and theday after  (with offlineaccess for smartphone)- Monthly horoscope- Seasonal horoscope- 2017-2018 Annual horoscope- Star sign profile- Zodiac element profile- Free Tarot readingsDownload the new version of Free Horoscope for an easier andmoreuser-friendly browsing system, making your daily horoscopeseasierto read. The section entitled “my horoscopes” offers you amorecomplete picture of your horoscopes, giving you 100% freeaccess.In addition, a small number of bugs in the system have beenfixed.If you like our new app, don’t forget to give usyourfeedback.This app includes smooth and easy navigation,notificationmanagement and is compatible with Android smartphoneandtablet.
星座大解密 2.0
簡易版星座分析 ,資料來源選自十二星座百科Liteconstellationanalysis, data sources selected from thetwelveconstellations ofWikipedia
科技紫微網 - 愛情・星座・紫微運勢免費算
科技紫微網為全球最大命理網站,由紫微權威張盛舒老師創辦,提供星座、紫微斗數、農民曆、姓名學、日韓命理、塔羅、生肖、心測、解夢、文章等免費優質命理服務,深受850萬名會員肯定。期待幫助大家趨吉避凶、造命改運,迎向幸福美好人生!【APP特色】1.星座運勢:日/週/月運勢及2021年運勢分析 2.紫微運勢:會員登入免費觀看日/週/月運勢,及免費試算2021運勢3.農民曆:吉日吉時、神明生日立即查詢4.命理文章:紫微、星座、塔羅、生肖、愛情、流月運勢、財運開運文章免費閱讀5.心理測驗:愛情配對、職場人際、人格特質等500題以上的免費心測【2021星座運勢】會員立即看~六大運勢獨家詳解!【2021紫微流年運勢】網友狂推!批流年最佳首選,七大運勢給予詳細分析。若有任何使用問題或建議,歡迎來信至click108app@gmail.com讓我們服務有持續進步的機會,非常感謝!
Daily Horoscopes
With this free horoscope applicationyou'llhave access to:- daily horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs- daily lucky numbers- daily predictions for: wellness, intellect, love,emotions,intuition, creativity, work and money.- famous birthdays- horoscope predictions for up to 3 day in advanceFind your western astrology zodiac sign:Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)Pisces (February 19 - March 20)Aries (March 21 - April 20)Taurus (April 21 - May 20)Gemini (May 21 - June 21)Cancer (June 22 - July 22)Leo (July 23 - August 23)Virgo (August 24 - September 22)Libra (September 23 - October 22)Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)Horoscopes are updated daily based on your region.If you encounter any bugs/errors while using thishoroscopeapplication please contact us at:contact@dailyhoroscopes.net
十二星座攻心策 2.1.0
剖析十二星座各種形形色色的男女性格。看看各個星座的攻心策略,首先看下白羊座男:白羊男的關鍵字---挑戰, 天真。還不懂得如何抓住白羊男的心?那麼給你幾條建議。1、你很溫柔,很細膩,卻被白羊男所吸引?那就讓他對你捉摸不透吧,你越是充滿了挑戰,你就越能吸引他。2、白羊開始對你冷漠,也許你應該轉移注意力,而不是關注於愛情一件事。這只能加大你的傷心和寂寞。不過,好的一面是,他們並不會真地離開。3你想要溫柔,體貼,哄你開心,明白你沒說出口的小心思?好吧,這些都不是白羊的專長,不過這些並不是愛情的全部。他們是孩子一般的男人,好好發揮你的母性吧。我相信那樣不僅能夠使你們的愛情長久,也能讓你最大程度上享用去愛一個人的快樂。4、獨立,開朗,陽光,迷人卻又充滿吸引力。這就是白羊男人心中的女神。面對愛情,沒有的時候我們苦惱,擁有的時候依然苦惱。有沒有嘗試去問問自己到底想要得是什麼?這個世界究竟有沒有能夠滿足你的理想的東西呢?所以,我們很多時候,需要拋棄那些沒完沒了的怨念,真正能夠解決感情問題的不是方法,而是心態。更多精彩內容盡在【12星座攻心策】,暢讀書籍~更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitAnalyze variouskindsofmen and women twelve constellations character. Look atthevariousconstellations of the hearts and minds strategy, firstlookAriesMale: Aries Male keywords --- challenge, naive. Aries mendonotknow how to seize the hearts? Well give you a fewsuggestions.1,you are very gentle, very delicate, but was attractedto Ariesman?Let him unpredictable it to you, the more youchallenging, themoreyou will be able to attract him. 2, Aries coldstart for you,maybeyou should divert attention, rather than focuson the lovething.This can only increase your sad and lonely.However, the goodsideis that they do not really leave. 3 You wantgentle,considerate,coax you happy, understand your unspoken littlemind?Well, theseare not Aries expertise, but these are not full oflove.They arechildren men in general, a good play to yourmotherhoodbar. Ibelieve that not only make your love for a longtime, butalsoallows you to enjoy maximum extent possible to loveaperson'shappiness. 4, independent, cheerful, sunny,charmingyetattractive. This is Aries goddess hearts of men. Theface oflove,when we did not distress, anguish still have time.There isnoattempt to ask yourself in the end get what you want? Theworldisthere to meet your ideal stuff too? So often, we needtoabandonthose endless resentment, the real problem is not abletosolveemotional way, but of mind. More exciting content all intheheartsand minds strategy】 【12 constellations, smooth read books~More information welcome attention brainwaveNumerologyNumerologyMuseum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
Horoscopes Pro 1.0
Horoscopes - The 100% freeapplicationfromDaily Horoscopes dot net.With this horoscope application you'll have access to:- today's horoscope- yesterday's horoscope- tomorrow's horoscope- daily power numbers- email horoscopes to your friends- customize horoscopes for your region- daily predictions for: wellness, intellect,love,emotions,intuition, creativity, work and money.
中華算命 1.2.4
**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**在中華算命中,可以全方位分析您的性格,名字蘊含的天機,愛情,事業等等,讓你可以更好的掌握自己的人生,獲得更加完美的愛情姻緣。***生辰八字***采用大中華地區最傳統,最準備的八字排盤,根據您的姓名,出生日期,性別來做分析。詳細解密出你的生辰八字,愛情財運,命書詳解,運勢詳批。對自己的八字命理,愛情運勢,財富運勢有詳細了解。大中華地區算命應用首創命書詳解,對你的骨重,命書作最詳盡的分析。運勢詳批更是對你未來12年的每年大運進行詳細批述,讓你更加全面的掌控自己的未來運勢。***姓名解密***姓名,蘊涵了人的精、氣、神傳達著天地之玄機。姓名解密綜合了八字和姓名五格、三才配置、81數理來解析姓名。詳細解密你的三才五格,以及姓名對你基礎運,成功運,人際關系,性格等等的影響。***中華起名***中華起名通過人性別、姓氏、生辰八字、補救五行、數理搭配、五個的吉兇搭配和五行搭配等大中華地區傳統命理和知識來起名。獨創的基於中華命理的起名法,深入理解個性化需求;獨創的綜合五行、生肖、五格的取名法,完美滿足傳統取名的要求;更有時尚的詩詞文化典籍幫助你起名;以及全方位的美名解析,做最專業的起名應用!**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**** GreaterChina'smostprofessional fortune-telling application **In Chinese fortune-telling, you can analyze the full rangeofyourcharacter, contains the names secret, love, career, etc.,soyou canbetter control their own life, to obtain a moreperfectlovemarriage.*** *** BirthdatesGreater China using the most traditional character rowplatepreparedaccording to your name, date of birth, gender, dotheanalysis.Details decrypt your birthday horoscopes, love ofwealth,life booksexplain, in detail fortune batch. Theirhoroscopesnumerology, LOVE,wealth fortune detailed understanding.GreaterChina's firstapplication fortune telling books explain,your bonemass, orderedthe book for the most thorough analysis.Moredetailed batch offortune for you in the next 12 years, theannualGrand Canal batchdescribed in detail, make you morecomprehensivecontrol of yourfuture fortune.*** *** Name decryptionName, implies human essence, gas, God of heaven andearthconveymystery. Name decrypted combination of character andnamefivegrid, Sancai configuration, 81 to resolve themathematicalname.Detailed decrypting your Sancai five grid, and thename onyourbasic transportation, successfuloperation,relationships,character and so on.*** *** China namedChinese man named by gender, surname, date of birth,remedialfiveelements, mathematical mix of good and bad with fiveand thefiveelements with traditional numerology and knowledge totheGreaterChina region named. Chinese numerology based on theoriginalmethodof naming, in-depth understanding of individualneeds;integratedoriginal five elements, zodiac, named the fivegridmethod, perfectname to meet the traditional requirements;morecultural fashionpoetry books to help you named; and thewholeorientationreputation analysis, to do the mostprofessionalnamedapplication!** Greater China's most professionalfortune-tellingapplication**
星座運勢-星座物語 1.0.0
每個人都有一個屬於自己的星座,你想要知道你自己的星座背後蘊含的玄機嗎,你想要了解你的Ta有怎樣的性格特點嗎?星座物語就是這樣一個神奇的星座解說,幫你快速的了解自己和他人,簡單的操作,詳細的說明,還不快試試!更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghitEveryone has oneoftheirown constellations, you want to know your ownconstellationliesbehind the mystery and do you want to know howyourcharactertraits Ta have you? Constellation Story is suchamagicalconstellation commentary, to help you quicklyunderstandthemselvesand others, simple operation, a detaileddescription, notquick totry!More information welcome attention brainwaveNumerologyNumerologyMuseum: https://www.facebook.com/linghit
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
Horoscopes 1.57
Horoscope: The zodiac signs - horoscopes 2017, 2018 horoscopes
Love Horoscopes
Horoscope TV
Free Love Horoscopes. Find out what astrology has in store for you.
Daily Horoscope
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取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!