برترین 50 برنامه مشابه به Dr. Charles Stanley Devotions

Dr. Myles Munroe 1.40
Download this free app “Dr. Myles Munroe – SermonsandPodcast”brings the wisdom of Dr. Myles Munroe to you in a formofMobileApp, wake up every day and starting today. This appcontain:1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4.PodcastsMylesMunroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) wasaBahamianevangelist and ordained minister avid professor oftheKingdom ofGod, author, speaker and leadership consultantwhofounded and ledthe Bahamas Faith Ministries International(BFMI)and Myles MunroeInternational (MMI). He was chief executiveofficerand chairman ofthe board of the International Third WorldLeadersAssociation andpresident of the International LeadershipTrainingInstitute aswell as the author of numerous books.Additionally, hisanalysis ofprominent past leaders who madepositive impacts onhumanity,despite having to overcome all odds, isrevealing. Dr.Munroe waswidely known for his leadership trainingseminars thatbecame aname brand internationally. Many Fortune 500companieshired him asa Business Consultant. Dr. Munroe was of theview thatwe were allborn as leaders and the difference between aleader anda followeris attitude – and that people do not changeuntil theirbeliefsystem changes. “Your job is your skill that theycan fireyou fromat any time. But your work is your gift. No one cantakethat fromyou. – Myles Munroe “The greatest tragedy in life isnotdeath, buta life without a purpose.” – Myles Munroe “Whenpurposeis notknown, abuse is inevitable.” – Myles Munroe “Seeds offaitharealways within us; sometimes it takes a crisis tonourishandencourage their growth.” – Myles Munroe“Healthyrelationshipsshould always begin at the spiritual andintellectuallevels: thelevels of purpose, motivation, interests,dreams,andpersonality.”– Myles Munroe “Your purpose can befulfilled onlyduring the timeyou are given on earth to accomplishit.” – MylesMunroe “Solidcharacter will reflect itself inconsistent behavior,while poorcharacter will seek to hide behinddeceptive words andactions.” –Myles Munroe “You must decide if youare going to robthe world orbless it with the rich, valuable,potent, untappedresources lockedaway within you.” – Myles Munroe“Being open tocorrection meansmaking ourselves vulnerable, and manypeople arenot willing to dothat.” – Myles Munroe “Friendship is nota gift,but is the resultof hard work.” – Myles Munroe NOTE:Internet orWiFi connection isrequired in order for the app toaccess the audiomessages,sermons, audio and podcasts. This app isfresh every day:New dailydevotional, new messages and new sermons.DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloperof this app (MTSOFT) is not arepresentative, affiliateorsubsidiary of the Dr. Myles Munroe, butbelieves in what Godisdoing through his ministry. Therefore anyenquiry or requestasregards the Bible teachings accessible throughthis app shouldbesent to the Dr. Myles Munroe.
Dr. Charles Stanley daily devotionals 1.65
This app brings you the works of one of God's most inspiredservantThe Bible app free by Dr. Charles Stanley that you’ve cometo knowand love, right in the palm of your hand. Charles Stanleyisfounder and president of In touch ministry. He has also beenseniorpastor of first Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, for morethan35 years. He has twice been elected president of theSouthernBaptist Convention and is a New York Times best-sellingauthor ofmany books, including Living the Extraordinary Life, Whenthe EnemyStrikes, and How to Listen to God. Truth for life , thebible studyis full of truth about the importance of controlling ourminds.Daily bible devotion, he shares Biblical truth found inColossians3 about how our tendencies to think as unbelievers changewhen webecome believers. Christ gives us renewed thoughts and theholybible to guide us towards thinking like Christ—godly andpositivethoughts. Features: • Audio Messages • Daily Radio Program• InTouch TV Broadcast Featuring WARNING: We recommend you useonlywhen WiFi connection in order for the app to access theaudiomessages and sermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnota representative, affiliate or subsidiary of In touchministry.Therefore any enquirer or request as regards the Bibleteachingsaccessible through this app should be sent to Dr. CharlesStanley.
Billy Graham – Sermons and Podcast 2.55
Download this free app “Billy Graham – Sermons andPodcast”dailydevotion and enjoy daily bliss! Billy Graham isaChristianevangelist who heads the Billy GrahamEvangelisticAssociation.Graham preaches across the world onChristian values.He haspreached in person to more people around theworld thananyone whohas ever lived. More than 2.5 million peoplehad steppedforward athis crusades to accept Jesus Christ as theirpersonalsavior. BillyGraham has been a spiritual adviser tomultiple U.S.presidents andwas number seven on Gallup's list ofadmired peoplefor the 20thcentury. His one purpose in life is tohelp people finda personalrelationship with God, which comes onlythrough knowingChrist asSavior and Lord. Features: - Set option toauto playepisodes oneafter the other, avoiding hassle to changeepisodes andhelps inseamless listening experience. - Share podcastwith yourfriends -Easy to understand and simple - Automatic filemanagement- Clearaudio and easy to use - Free Enhance each day withversesfrom theBible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. Youwillfind thestrength, peace and comfort you need to strengthenyourwalk withChrist. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whomshallI fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall Ibeafraid?”—Psalm 27:1 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He willbewithyou; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fearorbedismayed.” —Deuteronomy 31:8 “Even though I walk throughthevalleyof the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you arewithme;your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” —Psalm 23:4 “Hesetsonhigh those who are lowly, and those who mourn areliftedtosafety.” —Job 5:11 WARNING: We recommend you use onlywhenWiFiconnection in order for the app to access the audiomessagesandsermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnotarepresentative, affiliate or subsidiary of theBillyGrahamEvangelistic Association. Therefore any enquiry orrequestasregards the Bible teachings accessible through this app
Titles of God 1.0
Title as defined by the dictionary its"Anamethat describes someone's position or job.". So, wanna knowwhatalltitles are given to God from the Holy Bible?, Presenttoyou,Titles of God,This app has a collection of Titles from theHolyBibleto get you inspired and motivated every day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Titles and are freely accessible toyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family viaanysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Title of God Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The Titles are taken from the UnitedPeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)(http://www.unitedpeoplesfellowship.org/) and thebible verses usedare taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasicEnglish"(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_in_Basic_English)And even after plenty of effort there might be some typosorsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you findanypleasedo let me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Thank you.
Joel osteen daily devotions 1.50
Welcome to the daily audio bible from “Joel osteen dailydevotions".Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston,Texas, avibrant and diverse church that Forbes calls the largestand fastest- growing congregation in America. Daily bible verse byJoel Osteensermons are some of the most powerful online sermons.This dailybible study is one of the revered pastors in the world.His sermonsalways encourage a lot of people going through somechallenges inlife. He has impacted a good number of people acrossthe globe justby what he teaches. You can become part of thosethat continue to beblessed by listening to brings the wisdom ofJoel to you in a formof Mobile App, wake up every day and startingtoday. NOTE: Internetor WiFi connection is required in order forthe app to access theaudio messages and sermons. Joel Osteen'sSermons app is fresh everyday: New daily devotions, daily bibleverse and a new messages. Thisapp contain: 1. Sermons 2. DailyDevotionals 3. Play the speech 4.Free daily audio bible We are sothankful for the opportunity toshare the greatest message of allwith individuals, families andcommunities all over the world. Thisministry is committed tohelping people from all walks of lifeexperience the unconditionallove and unending hope found only in apersonal relationship withJesus Christ. DISCLAIMER: The developerof this app is not arepresentative, affiliate or subsidiary of theJoel OsteenMinistries, but believes in what God is doing throughhis ministry.
Promises of God 1.0
Promises of God, This app has a collectionofPromises from the Holy Bible to get you inspired andmotivatedevery day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Promises and are freely accessibletoyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family via anysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Promise Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The promises are taken from the United PeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)( http://www.unitedpeoplesfellowship.org/) and thebible verses used are taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasic English"(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_in_Basic_English )And even after plenty of effort there might be some typos orsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you find anyplease dolet me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Though there are plenty of promises in this app I thinkitsimportant for us to remember what Jesus Christ Said ,"Father,....,not my will, but yours, be done " - Luke 22 : 42Thank you.
Book of Enoch 4.0
Igor Apps
Book of Enoch - an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribedbytradition to Enoch
Joel Osteen - Sermons and Podcast 3.30
Download this free app “Joel Osteen – Sermons and Podcast”bringsthewisdom of Joel to you in a form of Mobile App, wake upeveryday andstarting today. Osteen is a preacher and televangelistwholeadsLakewood Church, the largest Protestant church in theUnitedStates.Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor ofLakewoodChurch,which according to Church Growth Today is America'slargestandfastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God'smessageof hopeand encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees.This appcontain: 1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech4.Podcasts NOTE:Internet or WiFi connection is required in orderforthe app toaccess the audio messages, sermons, audio andpodcasts.This app isfresh every day: New daily devotional, newmessages andnew sermons.“You weren’t created to be average. Youwere createdto excel. Youhave a destiny to fulfil, an assignmenttoaccomplish.” Joel Osteen“People of excellence go the extra miletodo what’s right.” JoelOsteen “Choosing to be positive and havingagrateful attitude isgoing to determine how you’re going toliveyour life.” Joel Osteen“Life’s too short to spend it tryingtokeep others happy. You can’tplease everyone, to fulfilyourdestiny stay true to your heart.”Joel Osteen “Get your mindgoingin the right direction and you’llget your life going in therightdirection.” Joel Osteen “Don’t letthe fear of what otherpeopleare going to think keep you from yourmiracle.” Joel Osteen“We mayget knocked down on the outside, butthe key to living invictoryis to learn how to get up on theinside.” Joel Osteen “Inlife youwill realise that there is apurpose for everyone you meet.Somewill test you, some will use you,and some will teach you. Butmostimportant are the ones that bringout the best in you. Thosearethe ones worth keeping around.” JoelOsteen “No one can offendyouwithout your permission. They can saywhatever they want, butyouhave the right to ignore it.” Joel Osteen“The real battleistaking place in your mind. If you’re defeated inyourthoughts,then you’ve already lost.” Joel Osteen DISCLAIMER:Thedeveloper ofthis app (MTSOFT) is not a representative, affiliateorsubsidiaryof the Joel Osteen Ministries, but believes in whatGodis doingthrough his ministry. Therefore any enquiry or requestasregardsthe Bible teachings accessible through this app shouldbesent tothe Joel Osteen Ministries.
Bible in One Year 8.5.9
Alpha Int
A daily Bible reading plan with thoughts from Nicky and PippaGumbel
Memorize Scripture (Bible) 10
Suchitha Konatham
To Memorise Bible Verses In A Categorized Serial Order. *Offline*No-Ads * Free
Bishop TD Jakes Sermon 1.70
This app brings you the works of one of God's most inspiredservant"Bishop TD Jakes" that you’ve come to know and his preciousSpiritilluminates the Word as you listening. Bishop TD Jakes, oneof theworld’s most revered masterminds, leverages his pioneeringvisionand instinct to serve others in areas extending beyond thechurch.In order to help lead people to their destiny, you have tomeetpeople where they are in life. In order to help lead peopletotheir destiny, you have to meet people where they are in life.Itis with this earnest approach that TD Jakes has been able toreachmillions of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds,races,nationalities, and creeds. Digital media, film, andtelevision,among others, have been instrumental in helping TD Jakesmeet thedisparate needs of countless individuals that he has givenyou topersevere the struggles that you have overcome and continuetoovercome. Features: - Forward/Back - Play back and forward by2minutes while listening.. - Set option to auto play episodesoneafter the other, avoiding hassle to change episodes and helpsinseamless listening experience. - Share podcast with your friends-Automatic file management - Easy to understand and simple -Clearaudio and easy to use - Free WARNING: We recommend you useonlywhen WiFi connection in order for the app to access theaudiomessages and sermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app isnota representative, affiliate or subsidiary of the TDJakesministries. Therefore any enquiry or request as regards theBibleteachings accessible through this app should be sent to theBishopTD Jakes.
Daily Spurgeon Devotional 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Contains both Faith's Checkbook and Morning and Evening byCharlesSpurgeon.
The Holy Bible Audio 3.60
The Holy Bible App Free Christian Books (English) Thebiblefreedownload - The Holy Bible a beautiful way to readtheclassicversion in Bible app for android. Many features are stillinactivedevelopment, including access to resources fromtherecentlyreleased Reformation Heritage Study Bible. The bestBibleapp withtext and audio of the Bible for free. BibleVersionsandTranslations: The bible offers a balance betweenaword-for-wordand thought-for-thought translation and isconsideredby many as ahighly accurate and smooth-reading version ofthe Biblein modernEnglish. The app contains both "Old Testament"and "NewTestament".Search option is also provided for quickreference ofthe newinternational version. Ease of Reading the bibleor FreeChristianBooks : The offline bible is simply designed tomake itavailableOFFLINE complete. Very easy access to all Chaptersof HolyBible.Ease of Listening the bible or net bible: TheHolyBibleApplication has been designed to make both readingandlisteningeasy. If you android device is connected to internetyoucan listenstreaming audio Bible free. "We are proud and happytorelease TheHoly Bible Application. The bible read by millionswasmore thanfive decades in the making. What started as oneman’svision soonbecame a cross-denominational movement,unitingevangelicals aroundthe dream of a trustworthy, accessibleBibletranslation for thewhole English-speaking world. With theHolyBible Free you canread, listen and share the Bible with friendsandfamily anywhere,anytime.We are looking forward to your feedbackandany suggestionsfor improvement. Try to install now, it'sFREE.(limited time todownload)"
Mornings With God 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional for your Mornings With God.
Morning and Evening Devotional 2.9
Igor Apps
C. Spurgeon - Morning and Evening: Daily Bible Devotional App,Freeand Offline
King James Bible KJV app 1.2.0
Daily Bible Apps
Offline Holy Bible King James version app with KJV Daily Devotions
Joel Osteen's Podcasts & Devotional 1.0.7
This app features the weekly audio and video podcasts byPastorJoelOsteen, daily devotional, over 600 audio sermons, over400videos,inspiring quotes, Blog posts by Joel and VictoriaOsteen,and lotsmore. NOTE: Internet or WiFi Connection is requiredtoplay allaudio and video files, as well as to access allotheronlinecontents.
Mujer Cristiana Reflexiones 2.0.17
Reflections Christian woman, meditations and devotionals for women
Study Bible explanation KJV Study Bible in english free 15.0
Biblias audio
The Bible study app with Matthew Henry explanation and commentaryinEnglish
Bible Promises
Bible Promises is Android's top Bibletopicalreference guide, containing more than 500 of the mostpopularverses organized in meaningful topics, now updated forAndroidN.Bible Promises is free and supported by ads.Features* Daily verse notifications* Beautiful design and presentation* Multiple English translations: KJV, NIV, NKJV, ESV, NLT, aswellas Bibles in French, German, Spanish and Italian.* Share verses through Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email, and manyotherappsTopics include:Addiction, Anger, Belief, Boredom, Children, Christmas,Contentment,Courage, Death, Depression, Encouragement, Envy,Faith, Family,Fear, Friendship, Forgiveness, Gossip, Grace, Grief,Guidance,Healing, Health, Hope, Humility, Jealousy, Joy,Loneliness, Love,Lust, Marriage, Meekness, Money, Obedience,Patience, Peace,Perseverance, Praise, Prayer, Pride, Protection,Redemption fromSin, Repentance, Righteousness, Sabbath, Salvation,Seeking God,Strength, Stress and Anxiety, Success, Suffering,Temptation,Thanksgiving, Tithes and Offerings, Trust, Truth,Wisdom, Work,Worry, Worship.
Bible Verses
Droid Experiment
Easy to use application will give you a new verse from theHolyBible.
Daily Bible Study: Audio, Plan 7.15
Salem Media Group
Daily Bible - Bible reading plans, verse, Bible devotional,audiopodcasts
Joyce Meyer - Daily Devotional 2.0.0
Install Free Now - Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying EverydayLife,Hand of Hope.
T.D. Jakes Sermons 3.20
Download this free app “T.D. Jakes Full Sermons” and enjoy itnow!Bishop T. D. Jakes is a charismatic leader, visionary,provocativethinker, and entrepreneur who serves as senior pastor ofThePotter’s House, a global humanitarian organizationand30,000-member church located in Dallas, Texas. One of PBSReligionand Ethics Newsweekly’s “Top 10 Religious Leaders” in2000,preaching by TD Jake to imaginary congregations, Jakes holdsaplace in the Black Americans of Achievement series,TheEncyclopedia of African-American Christian Heritage, as well astheWho’s Who Among African Americans. The four-step processofpreparing by T. D. Jakes a sermon. I found his description tobeboth helpful and encouraging. Jakes’ mission is carried outthroughfour distinct channels: global humanitarian outreach,inspirationalconference series, media and entertainment ventures,and thoughtleadership forums. 👍👍👍NOTE: Internet or WiFi connectionis requiredin order for the app to access the audio messages andsermons. Theapp is fresh monthly: New EEL radio. 👍👍👍DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloperof this app is not a representative, affiliate orsubsidiary of theT.D. Jakes Ministries, but believes in what God isdoing throughher ministry (which is transforming lives with thegospel of JesusChrist that is being preached and taught). Thereforeany enquiry orrequest as regards the Bible teachings accessiblethrough this appshould be sent to the T.D. Jakes Ministries. 👍👍👍 Ifyou like ourapp, please take a moment to rate us in the Play Store.For bugreports or complaints, email theholybibleverse@gmail.com.
Powerful Bible Prayers- Holy B 4.0
Powerful Bible Prayers- Holy Bible Book offline is forconnectingwith god
In Touch Ministries 4.1.23
In Touch Ministries, Inc.
On the go? Take Dr. Stanley with you!
Psalms 1.7.40-gp
The Holy Apps
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comesfromGod.
daily devotional and prayer 2.81
Read the bible verse of the day and prayer for today - thelord'sprayer study
JOApp 1.7.5
Clear Design Group
Know Jesus deeply and enjoy him more as you become all Godcreatedyou to be.
Daily Bible Devotion & Prayer 5.65
Salem Media Group
Devotionals from scripture everyday. Bible verses and study.
La Biblia Cristiana Diaria 5.7.0
Igor Apps
Daily Christian Bible readings today, Verses Daily Audio Bible!
Holy Bible the Living Word 32
Zavarise Apps
Complete Bible with MP3, Dictionary, Prayer Request,DailyDevotional and more.
MFM Sermons NG
Media MyAPP
MFM Sermons NG is a platform dedicated to bring youtheundilutedWORD of GOD on the MOVE from Dr D.K Olukoya and otherMFMAnointedMinisters of GOD. ...Get your SPIRIT-MAN saturatedwithHOLY GHOSTINSPIRED SERMONS and FIRE PRAYERS that breaks yokesandset thecaptives FREE on the GO! On this platform, you get accessto- *Daily Deliverance Prayers. * Insightful and Deep TeachingoftheWORD. * Economic & Finance Empowerment Seminars (EagleHour)*Marriage & Relationship Sermons (Happy Home) *DownloadSermonsfor Offline Access. * Access FIRE prayer points. *AudioLiveStreammajor programs. Don't forget, stop the enemy beforetheystop youand if the enemy has stolen from you, recovery is byFIREand byFORCE. God bless you!!!
Open Heaven Devotional 11.5
Truth Generation
Daily Devotionals - Open Heaven Devotional 2022 with DailyPrayersand daily Declarations. * Daily Motivational and InspiringMessagesfrom Daddy G.O in Open Heaven Devotional * Open HeavenPrayerPoints * Daily Declarations * Sunday School Manual * AlsoaddedDevotional from Rhapsody Remember this app is fan made and isnotthe official app nor affiliated with the Ministry, if there isanycomplaint, please kindly contact us first via.email.gremacorp@gmail.com Enjoy and Blessings!
Bible Reading Made Easy 3.5.3
Making Bible reading easier
Biblia Cristiana Evangélica 1.48
Christian Bible the beautiful and wonderful words of Blessings
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope 3.0.6
An app to love, learn, and LIVE the Word every day with PastorRickWarren!
Rhapsody Of Realities OFFLINE 1.0.32
Rhapsody of Realities Devotional By Pastor Chris (2018-2021)OFFLINEand ONLINE
Biblia Cristiana Evangélica 1.1
Santa Biblia Cristiana Evangélica, Una biblia para llevarsiempreennuestros teléfono y leer la palabra de Dios siempre,nonecesitaInternet, la biblia en Audio solo se descargar unavezporcapítulo. Como cristianos acudimos a la Bibliaevangélicaparaconocer de la palabra de Dios, llevar una vida convalores,conocerlas buenas conductas, el amor en cristo, el amor alprójimo.EstaBiblia te ayudará a encontrarte con Dios todos los díasconsusnotificaciones, tiene muchas características quetodocristianodebe tener en su celular, tales como esto:Notificacionesdiariacon versículo para compartir Imágenes cristianaquepuedescompartir con tus amigos. Biblia Cristiana ordenadaenAntiguo yNuevo testamento. Aumentar el tamaño de la letra. CambiaamodoNocturno para protejer tu vista en las noches.DiccionarioBíblico.Crea tus versículos favorito con imágenes paracompartir enredessociales. Guarda tus versículos que más teinteresa yverlosrápidamente. Crea notas de tus versículos.Seguardaautomáticamente el capítulo que está leyendo paraleerdespués.Encuentra rápidamente el libro, capítulo o versículoquenecesite.Biblia Cristiana
OnePlace Christian Teaching 6.2.18
Salem Media Group
OnePlace streams free Christian Teaching from your favoritePastorsand teachers
God's Promises in the Bible 1.04
Jocelyn Soriano
App filled with truly RELEVANT promises from God's own words intheBible.
Unveiling the Secrets of Magic 1
Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians
FREE Christian Old Timeless Au 1.0.5
Listen to the puritans and Important writers fromreformationperiod. Old Paths
Woman’s Bible audio offline New Holy Bible free for womans 13.0
Study Bible
The Bible app especially conceived and developed for today's women.
Daily Scriptures MP3: Inspirin 0.0.43
Read/ listen to daily Scriptures & pray with guidance ofourBible devotion app
Biblia Reina Valera en español Biblia Reina Valera español free 15.0
Biblias audio
The Reina Valera 1960 Bible available with audio andwithoutinternet connection
DIOS Hoy: Devocional Cristiano 1.0.70
Receive and share beautiful messages and Christian DevotionalDayand Night
Biblia Cristiana audio
Holy Christian Bible with audio, evangelical with 66 books.
MFM PrayerPoints 3.6.4
This app contains Some Mountain of Fire Prayer Point youwilleverneed as a Christian to improve your spiritual lifeandbattleagainst the powers of this worlds. This app also helps youtoprayaggressive prayers, to arrest every evil powerpursuingyourspiritual life. More update still coming.
Audio Bible 1.9.6
BunOc Games
Free listening MP3 audio bibles. 28 versions. Available todownload.