برترین 16 برنامه مشابه به The Arabian Nights - eBook

الف ليلة وليلة 4.4
The most beautiful stories of One Thousand and One Night
अलिफ लैला [Arabian Nights Hind AL1.9
अलिफ लैला की कहानियां हिंदी में- Stories of Alif Laila(ArabianNights in Hindi)
Hindi Stories Of Alif Laila 1.3
BlackPearl Infotech
Wizi Technologies this time comes with Historical Story that isAlifLaila it is story said by Scheherazade to Shahryar .Stories Of Alif Laila contains both the well-known andthelesser-known stories from One Thousand and One Nights whicharementioned here. Actual word is Alif Laila meaningthousandnights.Stories Of Alif laila is the best Story ever and its delighttoread in hindi with your Mobile phone.Stories Of Alif Laila App Contains so many Story saidbyScheherazade to Shahryar .i Hope you all Love this Alif Laila as Other Wizitechnologiesapp.
Тысяча и одна ночь (1001 ночь) 1.01.2251
Книга сказок и историй 1001 ночи некогда поразилаевропейцевнеменьше, чем разноцветье восточных тканей,мерцаниесталибеспощадных мусульманских клинков, таинственныйблескразноцветныхарабских чаш. Собрание рассказов, обрамленноеисториейо персидскомцаре Шахрияре и его жене по имениШахразада(Шахерезада). Название"Тысяча и одна ночь" сформированноподвлиянием тюркской культуры,так как первоначальноеназваниеперсидского цикла было "Тысячасказок". В тюркской средедобавлениеединицы к тысяче несло оттенокбессчетного количества. -арабскиесказки - сказки на ночь -русские народные сказки - сказкиАладина -про Али Бабу и 40разбойников - про Синдбада мореходаВопрос опроисхождении иразвитии «1001 ночи» не выяснен полностьюдонастоящего времени.Попытки искать прародину этого сборника вИндии,делавшиеся егопервыми исследователями, пока неполучилидостаточного обоснования.Прообразом «Ночей» на арабскойпочве был,вероятно, сделанный в Xвеке перевод персидскогосборника«Хезар-Эфсане» (Тысяча сказок).Перевод этот, носившийназвание«Тысяча ночей» или «Тысяча однаночь», был, каксвидетельствуютарабские писатели того времени,очень популярен встолице восточногохалифата, в Багдаде. Судить охарактере его мы неможем, так как донас дошёл лишь обрамляющийего рассказ, совпадающийс рамкой «1001ночи». В эту удобную рамкувставлялись в разное времяразличныерассказы, иногда — целые циклырассказов, в своюочередьобрамленные, как например «Сказка огорбуне», «Носильщик итридевушки» и другие. Отдельные сказкисборника, до включения ихвписанный текст, существовали частосамостоятельно, иногда вболеераспространенной форме. Можно сбольшим основаниемпредполагать, чтопервыми редакторами текстасказок былипрофессиональные рассказчики,заимствовавшие свойматериал прямо изустных источников; поддиктовку рассказчиковсказки записывалиськнигопродавцами,стремившимися удовлетворитьспрос на рукописи «1001ночи».
Hindi Kahaniya Hindi Stories HS2.4
Read Akbar-Birbal, Tenaliram, Panchtantra, Lok-Kathayen, DadiNaniki Kahaniyan
Hindi Romanchak Kahaniya 4
Offline Hindi Romanchak Kahaniya of Akbar - Birbal, PanchatantraandMany More.
Arabian Nights Entertainments 1.0
App Smile
The _Arabian Nights_ was introduced toEuropein a French translationby Antoine Galland in 1704, and rapidly attained auniquepopularity.There are even accounts of the translator being roused fromsleepbybands of young men under his windows in Paris, importuning himtotellthem another story.The learned world at first refused to believe that M. Gallandhadnotinvented the tales. But he had really discovered anArabicmanuscriptfrom sixteenth-century Egypt, and had consulted Orientalstory-tellers. In spite of inaccuracies and loss of color,histwelvevolumes long remained classic in France, and formed the basisofourpopular translations.A more accurate version, corrected from the Arabic, withastyleadmirably direct, easy, and simple, was published byDr.JonathanScott in 1811. This is the text of the present edition.The Moslems delight in stories, but are generally ashamed toshowaliterary interest in fiction. Hence the world's mostdelightfulstorybook has come to us with but scant indications of itsorigin.Criticalscholarship, however, has been able to reach fairly definiteconclusions.The reader will be interested to trace out for himself thesimilarities in the adventures of the two Persian queens,Schehera-zade, and Esther of Bible story, which M. deGoejehaspointed out as indicating their originalidentity(_EncyclopædiaBritannica_, "Thousand and One Nights"). There are twoorthreereferences in tenth-century Arabic literature to aPersiancollectionof tales, called _The Thousand Nights_, by the fascinationofwhichthe lady Schehera-zade kept winning one more day's lease oflife.Agood many of the tales as we have them containelementsclearlyindicating Persian or Hindu origin. But most of thestories,eventhose with scenes laid in Persia or India, arethoroughlyMohammedanin thought, feeling, situation, and action.The favorite scene is "the glorious city," ninth-centuryBagdad,whosecaliph, Haroun al Raschid, though a great king, and heirofstillmightier men, is known to fame chiefly by the favor ofthesetales.But the contents (with due regard to the possibility of laterinsertions), references in other writings, and the dialectshowthatour _Arabian Nights_ took form in Egypt very soon after theyear1450.The author, doubtless a professional teller of stories, was,likehisSchehera-zade, a person of extensive reading andfaultlessmemory,fluent of speech, and ready on occasion to drop intopoetry.Thecoarseness of the Arabic narrative, which does not appearinourtranslation, is characteristic of Egyptian society undertheMamelukesultans. It would have been tolerated by the subjects of thecaliphinold Bagdad no more than by modern Christians.
3 in 1 Hindi stories- कहानियाँ 1.0.1
Read famous Hindi storiesfromPanchatantra,Akbar-Birbal and Tenali Raman in a single app withanice designand great features. This app contains Hindi storiesfromclassicslike Panchatantra, Akbar Birbal and Tenali Raman.The Panchatantra is an ancient Sanskrit collectionofstories,probably first composed around 300 AD, though some ofitscomponentstories may be much olderBirbal was an advisor in the court of Akbar and is verypopularforhis sharp intellect and sense of humor. The stories ofBirbalarevery popular among kids and adults alike and formsanindispensablepart in Indian folklore.Tenali Ramakrishna(a.k.a Tenali Ramalinga, a.k.a TenaliRaman)whowas known as Vikatakavi (jester poet)was a very famousTelugupoetwho hails from the present Andhra Pradeshregion.TenaliRamakrishna composed works on religion in Telugu.पढ़े पंचतंत्र, तेनाली रामा, और अकबर बीरबल की कहानियाँ एवंकिस्सेइसफ्री app में.
Surah Yaasin audio | Quran MP3 1.6
Are you in search of Surah Yaasin AudioMP3version? Well download this app and listen to Surat Yasin.“QuranMP3” is a series of Quranic Surahs in MP3 Audio version. Wearetrying our best to provide all the Muslim word community withbestIslamic literature, articles, resource, Holy Quran Audio, textwithMultiple Language support. It is our very first effort toprovideall important and famous Quranic Surah (Yaseen, Rahman,Muzamil,Yasiin, Surah Al-Mulk, Yaseen, Maryum, Younas etc) withHighQuality MP3 audio for listening Holy Quran, and Arabic textforreading, reciting, memorizing Holy Quran where ever youare.Finally it does not need you to browse internet for findinganaudio version of Surat Yaseen, just install this Islamic appandyou will get a High Quality Audio of Any surat u maywantlisten.“Surah Yaseen Audio” has following key features.Improved quality of audioBest Recitation by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais (Imam-e-Kabba)Best Recitation by Saud Al-Shuraim (Imam-e-Kabba)Available for free downloadEasy to navigate between these two RecitersPlay, Pause, Stop, Next, Previous Buttons for navigation throughtheaudioNote: If you want to recite Text of these Surahs, check out myotherapps.Includes the following rectors:Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Sammad-(English-Maly-Urdu)TranslationsOther Islamic apps (play store link) are added with this app umayfind any of app developed by visitgamelab easily.********Audio for following Reciters are comingsoon*********mishary rashid alafasySaad Al-GhamdiMohammed Siddiq Al Minshawi Maher Al-MuaiqlyMuhammad al-Luhaidanadded Maher Moagely****Here is some importance of Reciting Surah Yaseen****1 Anas (RA) reported Allah’s Messenger (saw) saying,"Everythinghas a heart and the heart of the Holy Qur’an is Yasin.Allah willrecord anyone who recites Yasin as having recited theHoly Qur’anten times." Tirmidhi, Darimi2. Ata ibn Abi Rabah (RA) told of hearing that Allah’sMessenger(saw) said, "If anyone recites Yasin at the beginning ofthe day,his needs will be fulfilled." Darimi3. Maqal ibn Yasaar Muzani (RA) reported the Holy Prophet(saw)saying, "If anyone recites Yasin for Allah’s pleasure, hispastsins will be forgiven; so recite it on those who aredying."Baihaqi4. Anas (RA) reported Rasulullah (saw) saying, "Whoever goes tothegraveyard and reads Surah Yain Allah gives them (thegravedwellers) ease that day, and the reciter receivesspiritualblessings equivalent to the amount of letters of SurahYasin.”Qurtubi5. Maqal ibn Yasaar (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet (saw)hassaid, "Recite Surah Yasin on those who are dying." AbuDawud6. Ummud Darda (RA) reports the Noble Prophet (saw) saying, "Overnoperson who is about to die and Surah Yasin is read upon thembutAllah lightens the difficulties of death for him." Qurtubi7. Abu Hurairah (RA) says that the Messenger of Allah hassaid,"Whoever recites Surah Yasin at night seeking the pleasure ofAllah, that night he will be forgiven." Abu Nuaym.We (game lab) are trying our best to provide the approvedandauthentic Islam based literature and material by means ofmobilemedium pls feel free to contact us if you u have any kindofsuggestionRegards and thanksVisitgamelab@gmail.com
Arabian Nights Entertainments 3.0
Read "The Arabian Nights Entertainments"byAndrew Lang!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Hindi Stories 1 (हिंदी कहानिया 2.0
Android Fr33k
Cherish your childhood memories with these Hindi Folk talesandStories.
Hindi Stories कथा सागर 4.0
Abhivyakty Apps
Katha Sagar is Hindi language stories by Manmohan Bhatia
India History in Hindi 22
Whiture Apps
Our great history of Independent India in Hindi
Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 2.3
Muhammad PBUH(c. 570 – 8 June 632), full name Abūal-QāsimMuḥammadibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim PBUH, fromMecca,unified Arabia into a single religious polity underIslam.Believedby Muslims to be a prophet and messenger of God,MuhammadPBUH isalmost universally considered by Muslims as the lastprophetsentby God to mankind. Muslims consider him to haverestoredtheunaltered original monotheistic faith of Adam A.S,AbrahamA.S,Moses A.S, Jesus A.S, and other prophets.
Hindi Story - best story app for kids and adults 1.0.0
This app describe wonderful stories about god ,motivational,spiritual, tenali raman, ramayana, mahabharat ,akbar-birbal,panchtantra, betal pachchisi and much more. We havepickedthousands of known and famous hindi, dharmik and pauranikstories-kahani in our app. app is a Great story collection offamous inHindi. This app is helpful to read Moral stories withinspire andlife-changing. This app is based on Hindi Language andFullyOffline and Online App and free Download app. This all in oneAppcontains various stories are Latest Collection of Inspirationalandmotivational stories in Hindi, You can tell this Best HindiStoriesapp to your kids and adults to motivate them. All thestorycategories and their stories / kahani are beautifullyorganized. ★Hindi Story Categories Available ☆ Munshi PremchandStories /प्रेमचंद की कहानियाँ ☆ Mythological Stories / PauranikKahaniyan /पौराणिक कहानियां ☆ Spiritual Stories / Adhyatmik Katha /आध्यात्मिककथाएँ ☆ Mabharata Epic / महाभारत कथा ☆ Sinhasan Battisi /सिंहासनबत्तीसी ☆ Panchatantra Stories / Kahani / पंचतन्त्र कहानियां☆Tenaliraman Stories / Kahani / तेनालीराम कहानियां ☆ Akbar -BirbalStories / Kahani / अकबर-बीरबल ☆ Vikram - Betal / Kahani/विक्रम-बेताल ☆ Motivational Stories / प्रेरणादायक कहानियां ☆VishnuPuran / विष्णु पुराण ☆ Ramayan Katha / रामायण ► पौराणिक कथाएं|Pauranik Kathayen ( kahaniya ) ► आध्यात्मिक कथाएँ | Spiritual-spiritual Stories ► रामायण कथा | ramayan kahani in hindi ►महाभारतकथा | Mahabharat katha ► विष्णु पुराण | vishnu puran katha ►शिवपुराण | Shiv Mahapuran kahaniya ► बाल कृष्ण लीला | krishnaleelashort stories ► वेद परिचय | hindu vedas in hindi ► अग्नि पुराण|agni puran saar ► ब्रह्म पुराण | brahma purana saar ► गरुड़ पुराण|garun puran saar katha ► सामवेद | samved in hindi ► महात्मा बुद्ध|mahatma budh ke updesh stories ► मुल्ला नसरुद्दीन किस्से |mullanasruddin ke kisse in hindi ► शेख चिल्ली | shekh chilli kekisse ►तेनालीराम | tenaliram ke kisse stories ► अकबर-बीरबल | akbarbirbalstory in hindi ► सिंहासन बत्तीसी | sinhasan battisi story ►बेतालपच्चीसी | betaal pachisi stories ► हास्य कहानियाँ | comedystorieshindi ► द्रन्त कथाए | Jatak Tales ( Dant Katha ) Stories InHindi ►पंचतन्त्र कहानियां | panchatantra stories ► प्रेरणादायककहानियां |prernadayak kahaniyan / motivational stories ► ओशोकहानियां | oshostories hindi ► अलिफ लैला कहानियाँ नैतिक शिक्षा |alif lailastories, arabian nights stories ► कहावतों की कहानियाँ |kahavato kikahaniya ► दादी-नानी कहानियाँ | dadi nani stories inhindi ► लोककथाएँ | lok kathayen in hindi ► शिक्षाप्रद कहानियाँ |shikshapradkahani/ educational stories ► जीवन की सीख | moral shortstories ►व्रत कथाएं | vrat kathayen ► मुंशी प्रेमचंद | munshipremchandshort stories and novel/upanyas ► रबिन्द्रनाथ टैगोर |rabindranathtagore short stories and novel/upanyas 👉 Pauranikkatha(पौराणिककथाए) 👉 Ramayan katha(रामायण कथाए) 👉 Betalpachchisi(बेताल पच्चीसी)👉 Mahabharat katha(महाभारत कथाए) 👉 SinhasanBattisi(सिंहासनबत्तीसी) 👉 Vishnu puran(विष्णु पुराण) 👉 Aadhyatmikkatha(अध्यात्मिककथाए) 👉 Tenali raman(तेनाली रामन) 👉Preranadayakkahaniya(प्रेरणादायक कहानिया ) 👉 Akbar Birbal Stories(अकबर-बीरबल)👉 Vikram Betal Kahani (विक्रम-बेताल) 👉 MotivationalStories(प्रेरणादायक कहानियां) 👉 Panchatantra Kahani (पंचतन्त्रकहानियां) 👉Spiritual Stories (आध्यात्मिक कथाएँ) 👉 MunshiPremchandStories(प्रेमचंद की कहानियाँ) 👉 Alif laila hindi Stories 👉Mullanasrudiin ke kisse 👉 Baal Krishna Stories 👉 Shiv Puran 👉OshoStories 👉 Drant kathaye 👉 Shek Challi Stories 👉 MahatmaBudhStories 👉 Story in Native Hindi Language
Hindi Story Book 1.1
Ajay Arya
Stories for Children in Hindi Language (Ad free)