برترین 2 برنامه مشابه به Epoxy Resin Floors

Pinbeton 2.0
Centrados en la fabricacióndepinturasplásticas de todo tipos, (interiores,revestimientos,elastómeras,cauchos, fijadores, etc…) PinturasPinbetoncomercializa pinturasindustriales, (suelos al disolvente,epoxi,poliuretano, esmaltes,antioxidantes, barnices, etc…),pinturas dealta decoracion yaccesorios, (papel pintado, murales,estucos,tierras florentinas,veladuras, etc…) y pinturas en sprayspara losartistas de lacalle.Centered inthemanufactureof plastic paints all types (interiorcoatings,elastomeric, rubber,adhesives, etc ...) Paint Pinbetonmarketedindustrial paints(solvent floors, epoxy, polyurethane,glaze,antioxidants, coatings,etc ...), high decoration paintsandaccessories (wallpaper, murals,stucco, Florentine lands,glazes,etc ...) and spray paints forstreet artists.
첨단소재로 각광받고 있는 POLY URETHANE,EPOXY,산업용접착제등산업의 기초 소재를 생산 공급하고 있는 화학업계의 선두주자 (주) 이에스피켐[우레탄 / 에폭시 / 산업용 접착제]The state-of-the-artinthespotlight as POLY URETHANE, EPOXY, industrialadhesives,etc.Production and supply of the basic materials industry and aleaderinthe chemical industry Co., Ltd. We Chem Hospitality[Urethane / epoxy / industrial adhesives]