برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به Kingdom Harvesters Int'l

Davidian SDA 1.0.2
This is the official Application of The DavidianSeventh-dayAdventists Association. It connects you to a variety ofresources,including Video, Audio, Literature, Photo Galleries,Events, PushNotifications, Search, Social Sharing, Google Maps andmore. Theobject of this Association is to bring about among God'speoplethat reformation called for in the Testimonies for theChurchVolume 9, page 126, as the prerequisite movement to soundingthe"Eleventh-Hour Call" (Matt. 20:6, 7) of "theeverlastinggospel...to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, andpeople."Rev. 14:6. Through this call, the Loud Cry of the threeangels'messages, it is to gather "the people of the saints of theMostHigh" (Dan. 7:27) into the kingdom "which shall neverbedestroyed...but...shall break in pieces andconsumeall...kingdoms." Dan. 2:44. Thus it shall usher in the reignofChrist as Lord of lords and King of kings over all theearthforever and ever.