برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به geometria descriptiva

Знать Начертательная геометрия 2.5
Ответы на 800 тестовпоНачертательнойгеометрии. Все главные вопросы для студентовиабитуриентов поодному из важнейших предметов.Удобная организация знаний с быстрым доступомкважнейшемуконтенту. Поиск ответов по каталогу, самыепопулярныевопросы иполный список вопросов.База знаний регулярно модерируется и пополняется.Кответамдобавляются подробные объяснения, ссылки наисточники,скриншоты изучебников. Все обновления доступнымоментально безнеобходимостиобновлять приложение.Прозрачная система оценки контента такими же учащимися, какиты.Смотри лайки и оставляй свои замечания, чтобымыоперативноисправили неточности или добавили большеинформации.Изучение Начертательной геометрии еще никогда небылотакимпростым!>> Количество ответов и срок работыприложенияНЕОГРАНИЧЕНЫ! <<Answers to 800testsindescriptive geometry. All the main issues for studentsandstudentsof one of the most important items.Convenient organization of knowledge with quickaccesstoimportant content. The search for answers in the catalog,themostfrequently asked questions and a complete listofquestions.The knowledge base is regularly updated andmoderated.Fordetailed explanations of answers are added,citingsources,screenshots from textbooks. All upgrades areavailableimmediatelywithout the need to update the application.A transparent system of evaluation of the contentsuchasstudents, like you. See huskies and leave comments sowepromptlycorrect any inaccuracies or to add more information.The study of descriptive geometry has never been so easy!>> The number of responses and duration oftheapplicationis not limited! <<
Isometric 2.0
App to easily draw an isometric object from the 3 views
Dibujo Técnico
BBY Digital
Curso completo de la asignaturadeDibujoTécnico.Se desarrollan los apartados de:- Geometría Plana- Sistema Diédrico- Sistema Axonométrico- Planos Acotados- Sistema Cónico- Dibujo Técnico IndustrialDentro de cada uno de los apartados se incluyen todoslostemasexplicados paso a paso y con ejercicios por niveles.Este sistema de Enseñanza está siendo utilizado enmultituddecentros de enseñanza tanto a nivel deBachillercomoUniversitario.Especialmente indicado para utilizar mediante proyectoropizarradigital en el aula.Es perfecto como libro digital de la asignatura.Puede encontrar toda la información detallada deapartados,temasy ejercicios solucionados en nuestroportaltododibujo.com.Miles de alumnos lo están utilizando comoherramientasdeapoyo.Debido a la gran cantidad de información contenidaenlaaplicación necesita un tiempo de carga. Esperar asucargacompleta.FullCourseCourseTechnical Drawing.Paragraphs to develop:- Plane Geometry- Diédrico System- Axonometric System- Plans Acotados- Conical System- Industrial Technical DrawingWithin each of the sections all topics explained step bystepandgraded exercise are included.This system of education is being used in many schoolsatbothBachelor and University.Especially suitable for use with projector or whiteboardintheclassroom.It is perfect as a digital book for the course.You can find all the details of sections, topicsandexercisessolved in our portal tododibujo.com.Thousands of students are using it as support tools.Due to the large amount of information containedintheapplication requires a charging time. Wait a full charge.
dibujo tecnico 1
Antonio AZA
Clases particulares para lapreparacióndeDIBUJO TÉCNICO-GEOMETRÍA DESCRIPTIVA-EXPRESIÓN GRÁFICAySISTEMASde REPRESENTACIÓN con 40 años de docencia.Nuestrapreparación espara todaslasuniversidades:NEBRIJA-UAX-CEU-COMPLUTENSE-POLITÉCNICA-UEM-Otras...TutoringforpreparingTECHNICAL DESCRIPTIVEGEOMETRY-GRAPHICS-EXPRESSIONSYSTEMSREPRESENTATION and 40 years ofteaching DRAWING. Ourpreparation isforalluniversities:NEBRIJA-UAX-CEU-COMPLUTENSE-POLYTECHNIC-EMU-Other...
How to Draw 3D 3.5
Learn to draw 3D pencil sketch illusion step by step with howtodraw 3D drawing
Geometria 3.0.2
Geometry quick reference
Geometry Pad
Bytes Arithmetic LLC
Geometry Pad is a dynamic geometryapplicationfor Android tablets with universal appeal. Teachers canuse it in ageometry class for better students engagement anddeeperunderstanding of geometric concepts. Students would benefitfromusing Geometry Pad while working on geometry assignments athome aswell. Easily create complex geometric sketches, measureeverythingyou have in your document, experiment with shapesandtransformations.Use following tools to sketch your geometry constructions(*):- Move and scale. Scroll the workbook by your finger. Pinch andzoomthe content of your workbook. Move and modifygeometricshapes.- Compass to create arcs.- Point. Plot a point on the workbook. Customize point nameandcolor.- Line. Create a line. Customize line style, color andstart/endpoints. Calculate line length (distance betweenpoints).- Midpoint for lines. Show/hide midpoint for lines andpolygonsides. Snap to midpoints.- Parallel, perpendicular and tangent lines. The lines canbecreated as easily as regular lines. Just create and move thelineuntil it automatically snaps to parallel, perpendicularortangent.- Angle. Create an angle with up to 1 degree precision.Customizeangle line style and color.- Triangle. Create a triangle of one of the predefinedtypes:regular, right triangle, isosceles, equilateral. Customizesidesstyle and color. Calculate triangle perimeter and area.Calculateinner angles of the triangle and length of itssides.- Triangle lines. Create altitude, bisector and median lines inatriangle. Calculate length of triangle lines. Customize linesstyleand color.- Quadrilateral. Create a quadrilateral of one of thepredefinedtypes: regular, square, rectangle, parallelogram,rhombus.Customize sides style and color. Calculate quadrilateralperimeterand area. Calculate inner angles of the quadrilateral andlength ofits sides.- Circle. Create a circle. Calculate circle perimeter andarea.Easily create circles inscribed into a triangle by placingcircle'scenter close enough to the incenter of a triangle.- Circle radius and chord. Create radius and chord lines foracircle. Customize lines style and color. Calculate the lengthofthe lines.- Polygons and regular polygons.- Arcs and circular sectors.- Ellipses.- Text annotations. Create floating and pinned single andmultiplelines text annotations. Customize text/background colorandtransparency.- Measurements tool. Measure shape properties in singletouch.Measure intersection points (line & line, line &circle).Use multitouch to measure distance between points and anglebetweenlines.- Transformation tools: rotation, reflection, enlargementandtranslation.- Manual input of coordinates, lengths and angles. Use manualinputto precisely locate points, setup custom length for a line orapolygon side, and change angle value.- Built-in calculator: basic arithmetic functions, square root,sin,cos, tan.Manage multiple documents with your geometric sketches at thesametime using Save and Load features. In addition, you cansharedocuments through e-mail or Dropbox.Some of the tasks you can solve with Geometry Pad:- Create geometric shapes and measure all its possible metricslikelength, angle, area, perimeter, intersections, distancebetweenpoints, angles between lines.- Move/resize geometric shapes and watch how its metricsarechanging in real time.- Demonstrate circle theorems by creating and changing inscribedandcenter angles.- Demonstrate theorems about incircles andexcircleslocations.- Create and annotate complex geometric figures. Share themthroughexport to image and e-mail features.* Geometry Pad is a commercial product and some of its featuresareunavailable in the free version. A paid in-app unlock isrequiredto get access to the premium features (PremiumFeaturesPack).
Isometric raultecnologia 1.0
App to easily draw an isometric objectfromthe3 views front view, top view and side view. Solutions:viewsare thesame and in the same order than the ones included inmyother appnamed "Vistas raultecnologia". I released an improvedappnamedIsometric, look at my other apps.
Engineering Drawing 1.0.4
Engineering Hub
Engineering drawing notes for civil engineering students.
Views raultecnologia 1.0
Program to easily draw the 3 viewsfromanisometric object: front view, top view and sideview.Solutions:objetcs are the same and in the same orden than theonesincludedin my other app named "Isometricoraultecnologia".
dibujo_tecnico 11
Antonio AZA
Para UNIVERSIDADES Y COLEGIOS quetenganestasasignaturas y Sistemas de Representación:Diédrico-Axonométrico-Caballera- Cónico-PlanosAcotadosCentral-Gnomónico. Todo tipo de SuperficiesSombras Propias, Arrojaddas y Auto-ArrojadasBellas Artes UCM-Nebrija-URJC - Aranjuez-UEM...:DibujoTécnicoSistemas I y II Diseño Industrial-Modas -InterioresDibujo Técnico I y II para NEBRIJA - Bellas Artes-ArquitecturaCaminos - Navales -Topografía-Edificación...Istituto Italiano de Diseño de Madrid - Escenografía-Arte 2,4Clases para Bachillerato - Selectividad -Otras...Oposicionesaprofesores de secundaria.UNIVERSITIESANDCOLLEGESfor having these subjects and SystemsofRepresentation:Dihedral-Axonometric-Knight-Taper -PlansAcotadosCentral-gnomonic.All kinds of surfacesOwn Shadow Arrojaddas and Auto-ThrownFine Arts-UCM-Nebrija URJC - Aranjuez-EMU ...: TechnicalDrawingIand II Industrial Systems-Fashion Design - InteriorTechnical Drawing I and II for NEBRIJA - Fine Arts-ArchitectureCaminos - Naval Topography-Building ...Design Istituto Italiano Madrid - Set-Art 2, 4School Classes - Testing - More ... Oppositionssecondaryschoolteachers.
Geometry 2.37
All you need in geometry. Over 30 figures. Step by stepsolutionsand formulas.
Maths Formulas Free 9.6
All Maths formulas for your work and study
Geometria plana e espacial 1.12
Geometry: Concepts and interactive 3D models of polygons,solids,and more!
Geometric - Plane Geometry 1.0.2
GEOMETRIC is an application destinedtostudents who attend classes in technical drawing and geometry.Thepurpose of the application is to provide a tool for practicalandquick access to contents about plane geometry, with a partdestinedto the basic theory and the other part, which is the heartof theapplication, designed to teach the basic geometricconstruction intechnical drawing.All the geometric construccions are explained step by step,withthe correponding image and the explanatory text.Contents:1. Drawing tools2. Drawing fundamentals3. Triangles4. Quadrilaterals5. Polygons6. Transformations7. Tangency8. Technical curvesThe sections 1. Drawing tools 2. Drawing fundamentals and3.Triangles are for free. The total content is availablebyintegrated purchase.Languages Included:- English- French- Spanish- Catalan
O Porquê da Geometria 1.0
Eruga Educação
Inove na forma de ensinar conceitos abstratos!*O APP ESTÁ EM FASE DE PRÉ-LANÇAMENTO POR UM PREÇOPROMOCIONAL,AVERSÃO FINAL DO APP SERÁ LANÇADA EM FEVEREIRO. OSUSUÁRIOSQUEADQUIRIREM O APP AGORA RECEBERÃO TODAS AS ATUALIZAÇÕESSEMCUSTOADICIONAL.- Vários exercícios do ENEM para você fazer bonitonaprova!- Aprenda Geometria de maneira fácil e divertidautilizandomodelos3D e realidade aumentada.- As formas geométricas se adaptam aoexercícioescolhido,facilitando a contextualização e visualizaçãodoproblema.- Experiência concreta.Innovate in howtoteachabstract concepts!* APP IS IN PRE-LAUNCH PHASE FOR A PROMOTIONAL PRICE,THEFINALVERSION OF THE APP WILL BE LAUNCHED IN FEBRUARY. USERSTOACQUIREAPP NOW RECEIVE ANY UPDATES WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST.- Several ENEM exercises for you to do well in the race!- Learn Geometry easy and fun way using 3D modelsandaugmentedreality.- Geometric shapes are adapted to the chosenexercise,facilitatingthe contextualization and visualizationofproblem.- Concrete experience.
GeoGebra 3D Calculator 5.2.807.0
Graph 3D functions, plot surfaces and do 3D geometry with ourfree3D Grapher
GeoGebra Graphing Calculator 5.0.632.0
Easily solve math problems, graph functionsandequations, do statistics and calculus, combine withinteractivegeometry, save and share your results. Millions ofpeople aroundthe world use GeoGebra to learn mathematics andscience. Join us:Dynamic Mathematics for everyone!• Plot functions, polar and parametric curves• Solve equations with our powerful math engine• Experience sliders, points, graphs and geometry allworkingtogether• Get intersections, roots, maximums, minimums, derivativesandintegrals• Do statistics and regression with best-fit lines and curves• Search for free learning activities directly from our app• Save and share your results with friends and teachersVisit www.geogebra.org to learn more and find all our freeGeoGebraapps. We’d love to hear from you: send us your questionsorfeedback via www.geogebra.org/help or support@geogebra.org
1300 Math Formulas: All in One 2.5.7
Study Apps
All Formulas in 1 app! 1300 Mathematics Formulas offline tostudymath.
Math Formulas - Offline 3.0.6
All math formulas , calculator and tools
Геометрия 7-9 класс 30.01
Geometry 7-9 grade. Necessary Basic Concepts