برترین 15 برنامه مشابه به Stay Safe Bully

BullyProofAssistant!anti-bully 2.0
Are you targeted by bullies day in anddayout?Do you have feelings of being numb and in a stateofconfusion? Whenyou run into this type of situation, whatyoureally need to do isto bring to a swift end such harassment.1. You must expose the BULLY for what he/she really is.2. For Legal reasons you must keep an accurate record(papertrail)of all Bullied activity.3. You must find a way to get others to be willing tostandbehindyou or by your side.That's how you would appear to beless ofavictim.Bully Proof Assistant will take care of all thisandmore.Eliminating such horrifying harassment in work (officejerk)or inschool will also eliminate much of the unnecessary stressinyourlife. As difficult as it may be you must addressthesituationbefore its too late. Just remember you arenotalone.This anti-bullying app is designed to be used by anyone whoisbeingtargeted and bullied in the playground or in the WorkplaceAspecial"settings" option has been added to the menu selection.Allyou needto do is check off the environment where you arebeingBullied, Theapp will use that selection to generate anappropriatemessage to besent out. This app is also useful forsomeone who istargeted on theinternet (cyber bullies) and if you,the target,are having thoughtsof harming yourself or the bully.My main goal is to use the latest technology availabletocombatall forms of Bullying as peacefully as possible, I alsowouldliketo hear from anyone who has been bullied in theworkplace.Bully Proof Assistant Professional works fine on thephoneortablet for any living environment and for any age. I'mhopingthatpeople who are being targeted by bullies will try it out.Ifthereare any issues, or suggestions, please let me know andIwillimmediately look into it. Also, please feel free to checkoutmyWeb site: www.bullyproofassistant.com.If you like what I'm doing, please let me know. I wouldlovetohear from you. We all need to work together to make ourworldabetter place.
BullyProofAssistant:anti-bully 2.3
Robert Pearson Richardson
Are you targeted by Bullies day in anddayout?Do you have feelings of being numb and in a stateofconfusion? Whenyou run into this type of situation, whatyoureally need to do isto bring to a swift end to such harassment.1. You must expose the BULLY for what he/she really is.2. For Legal reasons you must keep an accurate record(papertrail)of all Bullied activity.3. You must find a way to get others to be willing tostandbehindyou or by your side. That's how you would appear to belessof avictim.Bully Proof Assistant will take care of all thisandmore.Eliminating such horrifying harassment in work or inschoolwillalso eliminate much of the unnecessary stress in yourlife.This anti-bullying app is designed to be used by anyonewhoisbeing targeted and bullied in the playground or in theWorkplace.Aspecial "settings" option has been added to the menuselection.Allyou need to do is check off the environment where youarebeingBullied, The app will use that selection to generateanappropriatemessage to be sent out. This app is also usefulforsomeone who istargeted on the internet (cyber bullies) and ifyou,the target,are having thoughts of harming yourself orthebully.My main goal is to use the latest technology availabletocombatall forms of Bullying as peacefully as possible, I alsowouldliketo hear from anyone who has been bullied in theworkplace.Bully Proof Assistant Lite works fine on the phoneforeachenvironment. I'm hoping that people who are beingtargetedbybullies will try it out. If there are any issues,orsuggestions,please let me know and I will immediately look intoit.Also,please feel free to check out my new and improvedWebsite:www.bullyproofassistant.com.If you like what I'm doing, please let me know. I wouldlovetohear from you. Also I have a "Professional" version ofthisappwhich has the added capability of running onandroidtablets.
No Such Thing as a Bully
Ron Graham
MISSION STATEMENTNo Such Thing as a Bully® provides YOU with the skills youneedtoeradicate bully actions in your home, school and community.DESCRIPTIONSociety has been trying to change the “bullies” andthe“victims”.But we forget that they are people, and that thoselabelsdon'tdefine who they really are. Each bullying situation islike aplay,with actors who use “bully actions” and “victimresponses”.Thoseactions will vary according to culture and context.We have toworkon the behavior, the culture, and the context -ratherthanlabeling the people.VISION STATEMENTWe teach adults and children to avoid using bully actionsandvictimresponses.We move people from a combative state to one ofcollaboration.We provide skills that allow both adults and children tobestrongbystanders.We work in schools and communities through the influenceofcommunityleaders.ABOUT USA gifted team has come together to help you. RonGraham,KellyKarius, Cindy Mikolas, Bruce Fowler, Steve Johnson andmanyothers,here for children and their important adults. This isnotanunsolvable problem, but it does need to be redefined toallowfornew solutions. Glad you found us! Let us know how wecanhelpyou.
Stop Bullying Bully Prevention 1.0
Discover 7 Vital Things That Parents MUSTDoIfTheir Child Is Being Bullied6 Important Steps That Children Can Do To Stop Bullying8 Critical Tactics For Parents To Stop BullyingWho To Talk To About BullyingHow To Stop BullyingIn addition, you'll learn...What Is BullyingBully PreventionHow To Tell If Your Child Is Being BulliedSteps You Can Take To Stop BullyingMistakes Parents Make When Their Child is BulliedWhat To Say When Your Child Is Being BulliedSymptoms of BullyingWhat NOT To Say If Your Child Is Being BulliedCan The School HelpWhat To Say To The AuthoritiesBullying can be a scary proposition for kids and issometimesmadeworse because many kids are reluctant to talk aboutit. You'llleanhow to tell if your child is being bullied as well aswhat toask,what to say, what NOT to say and more.Unrelenting bullying and teasing during childhood can leadtoseriousemotional problems as these kids approachadulthood.Protect yourchild from bullying and Stop BullyingToday.Learn About Bullying, How To Stop Bullying, Bully Prevention,WhotoContact, What To Say, What Not to Say, What to doaboutbullying,and more.
Remaja Gifted & Masalah Bully 1.1
Valerie Studio
Masa remaja merupakan suatufaseperkembanganantara masa anak-anak dan masa dewasa. Pada masainikondisi psikisremaja sangat labil dan merupakan masa pencarianjatidiri. Hal-halyang baru diketahui baik yang bersifat positifmaupunnegatif akanditerima dan ditanggapi oleh remaja. Seorang dimasaremaja, perludapat menentukan dan membedakan yang terbaik danyangburuk bagikehidupannya. Di sinilah peran lingkungan sekitarsangatdiperlukanuntuk membentuk kepribadian seorang remaja.Tidak sedikit remaja yang tumbuh di lingkungan yangkeras.Bahkanbagi remaja yang hidup di lingkungan cukup baik punjugarentanterkena pengaruh negatif karena masaglobalisasi.Pengaruh-pengaruhburuk dari luar ini memicumeningkatnya perilakubullying. Apalagi,pada fase remaja, merekamengalami puncakemosionalitas danperkembangan emosi tingkat tinggi.Perkembanganemosi remaja awalmenunjukkan sifat sensitif, reaktif,emosinyabersifat negatif dantemperamental (mudah tersinggung,marah,sedih, dan murung).Sedangkan remaja akhir sudah mulaimampumengendalikannya, namunbagi beberapa remaja yang berkembangdilingkungan yang kurangkondusif, kematangan emosionalnyaterhambat,sehingga seringmengalami akibat negatif berupa tingkahlakuagresif danregresif.Anak remaja yang menjadi korban bully akanmenjadipendiam,sensitif, dan mudah menangis. Selain itu, merekajugamenjadicemas, antisosial, penakut, dan tidak percaya diri.Haliniditimbulkan karena rasa tertekan yang sering dialaminyapadasaatdibully sehingga rasa tertekan ini menjadi melekatdanselalumembayang-bayanginya. Pada intinya, semua dampakiniterbentukmelalui proses.Jangankan anak remaja normal, remaja gifted jugaseringdijadikantarget bullying karena adanya perbedaan yangjauh,khususnya dalamhal overexcitability seperti yang sudahdijelaskandi tinjauanpustaka. Bila antara anak normal dengan anakgiftedtidak ada rasatoleransi dan saling mengerti, maka akanselalutimbul konflik dalamkehidupan sosialnya. Konflik tersebutpadaakhirnya dapat memacutimbulnya bullying.Bullying tentu memberikan dampak-dampak negatif kesemuaanak.Namun, anak remaja gifted berbeda daripada siswalainnyadibeberapa hal yang sangatlah signifikan. Sebagaihasilnya,responnyaterhadap bullying dapat bervariasi. Anakgiftedpertama-tama akanterpengaruh dampak buruk bullying inidenganmelihat karuniaakademiknya sebagai sebuah kekurangan. Karenaremajagiftedseringkali ditindas oleh karena kekuatanakademiknya,merekamenjadi mulai memiliki pandangan negatifterhadapkemampuannya. Halini dapat menyebabkan mereka menjadimeragukankemampuannya danpercaya bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah dalamdirinya.Mereka jugamenjadi malu akan karunia akademiknya.Setelah itu, remaja gifted yang merasa dijauhiolehsiswa-siswalainnya karena kemampuan akademiknya, akanberusahauntukmenyembunyikan kemampuannya itu. Hal ini dilakukannyaagardapatbergaul bersama teman-teman sebayanya. Dia akanberpura-puradanmenjadi orang lain. Bahkan, mereka juga mungkinrelamemberikanjawaban yang salah dikelas agar dapat dimaklumi.Yang ketiga, dikarenakan sikap remaja giftedyangself-reliant,remaja gifted seringkali merasakan rasa tanggungjawabakanpermasalahan bullying ini. Sebagai hasilnya, merekaakanlebihmemilih untuk berusaha untuk memecahkan danmemperbaikisituasinyasendiri daripada meminta bantuan orang lain.Padahal,bantuan dankonsultasi dari orang lain sangatlah pentingdalammenanganimasalah bullying. Maka sebaiknya remaja giftedlebihberlatih agarbisa mengandalkan orang lain ketimbang bergantungpadadirisendiri, agar tidak terlalu merasa tertekan.Untuk mencegah agar hal di atas tidak terjadi,makadibuatlahmobile app ini.
I AM UNAFRAID Anti-Bullying 1.1
Jay Banks Publishing
IS YOUR CHILD BEING BULLIED?· The SIGNS? How can you know if your loved onesarebeingbullied?· The STATISTICS? What does research show concerningbullying?· The SOLUTIONS? What can we do to reduceoreliminatebullying?Jay Banks Productions has been leading educationalprogrammingforover 35 years with an anti-bullying emphasis for over15 years.Dr.Jay Banks has developed a strategy that will helpdiscover,defineand disable bullying efforts directed at yourchildren. It isbasedon research, which reveals two indicators thatdrasticallyreducebullying: self-empowerment and parentalinvolvement. Thisisachieved via the UNAFRAID acronym: A – AvoidBullies, F – FindaFriend, R – Report Bullying, A – ActConfident.THE PROGRAM IS SEEING AN AVERAGE 50% REDUCTIONINBULLYINGBEHAVIORS!Read more about it at http://crazy-js.com/iamunafraid.
Bullying FL 2.0
Sarah E. Setser
Education about bullying in the worplaceandhowto deal with it. You are not alone. There are plentyofpeoplefighting for dignity in the workplace.
Say NO To Bullying
THROGGS NECK – LA FAMIGLIA, INC.~ANTI-GANG& ANTI-BULLYING SPECIALISTSMission Statement - Our mission is to educateandempowerschool-aged youth with the social and life skillsalongwithrelevant information necessary to gain control oftheirlives,disavow bullying and gang activity and to becomepositiveandproductive role models in their schools and communities.Wearealso concerned with educating families and the communitywithvitalskills necessary to identify bullying and gangaffiliationsandpotential gang recruits.Vision Statement - Restoring lives; restoringfamilies;restoringhope.Throggs Neck - La Famiglia (TNLF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)organization which concentrates on wiping out gangactivitiesinschools and communities. TNLF was started by ChristianClaudio,anex-convict and ex-gang member. Christian grew up intheSpanishHarlem section of Manhattan and in the Throggs Necksectionof theBronx. He began selling drugs in his teenage years,wasaffiliatedwith organized crime and soon became a leader of adrugenterprise.That life came to an end, while he was in his 20's,whenhe wasconvicted of drug and various violent felony offensesandsentencedto serve 37 years in a NY state prison.Unfortunately,hisincarceration did not end his criminal mindset.While onRikersIsland he proliferated the Latin Kings gang. Thatgang,composed ofHispanics, came to dominate the violent activitiesinRikers Islandduring the 1990's and in the New YorkStatecorrectionalfacilities. Fortunately, Christian recognized theerrorof his waysand renounced the Latin Kings gang and all othergangactivity. Hewas even released from prison after serving only15years.Christian Claudio founded Throggs Neck - La Famigliawiththehopes of stamping out bullying and gang activity bynotonlyfocusing on bullies and gang members, but by concentratingonthehotbeds of gang formation - the public school system,etc.TNLFstrongly believes that gang influence and affiliationstartswaybefore youth are actually involved with gangs. It startswhenkidsare in school and they start emulating older kids who areingangsand start assimilating gang ideas, language, clothingstylesandpersonas. TNLF combats these ideas by actually goingintoschoolsand speaking to them in an auditorium setting, workshopsandinone-on-one settings. The kids are warned of the dangersofbullyingand gang activity, crime, drugs and violence. TNLFalsodesignsfollow up programs and workshops to meet the needs ofthetroubledstudents in the schools visited. In conjunction, TNLFalsoconductsforums and community workshops on gang awareness toinformtheparents and community members about gangs, gangmembership,warningsigns and those youth who are most susceptibletogangrecruitment.The members and presenters of TNLF are men and womenwhoareex-convicts and former gang members & bulliesthemselves,butwho have since left prison and become productivemembersofsociety. Their goal is to give back to the community andreachoutto our youth. They use their life experiences as examplesofwhatto do and not to do. They don't just bring a bookknowledgeaboutgang intervention and social perspectives of troubledyouth,buthave experienced a lot of the same dramas and trialsthattoday'syouth are facing. They also expose the lies andconsequencesofliving a criminal lifestyle as a gang member and/orbully.
BRIM Bullying and Incident Rep 1.1.0
Report bullying and other safety concerns at any schoolregisteredwith BRIM.
Cyber Bullying 1.4
Go For It Apps
This app provides you with accurate,free,helpful information on Cyber-Bullying.This app informs you on:-What Cyber Bullying is-Effects of Cyber Bullying-What to do if you feel you are being Cyber-Bullied-How to report Cyber-Bullying on social media (Facebook,Twitter,Youtube)-And much morePlease note that this app is in BETA stage and is not readyforfull publishing. Some information may be incorrect and stillneedsreviewed. If you have downloaded this app, please feel freetocontact us @Go For It Apps and tell us of these mistakesorbugs...
Talk About Teasing & Bullying 1.0
The Guidance Group, Inc
An app to help children to talk about about teasing and bullying.
Intl Bullying Prevention Conf v2.7.4.2
This is the official app oftheInternationalBullying Prevention Association’s (IBPA)annualconference.Using the app, you’ll be able to browse the IBPAprogramschedule,build your own itinerary, view the expo hall andvenuemaps, andread profiles on speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.Youcan alsocheck out session descriptions, view generaleventinformation andget timely updates through our Twitterfeed.For 13 years, the International BullyingPreventionAssociation(IBPA) has provided quality education, ideas,advocacy,andresources to professionals working in thebullyingpreventionfield. Our conference brings togetherprofessionals fromacross theglobe to contribute to the mix of ideason how to reducetheincidents of bullying in schools andcommunities. Ourannualmeetings provide opportunities forparticipants to attendsessionspresented by industry thoughtleaders.To register for an IBPA event or to learn more abouttheAssociationfor Associations, visit www.ibpaworld.org.
Stop Bully 1.1
StopBully.com, Inc.
Provides a convenient tool for reporting bullying incidentsthroughthe network of schools and school districts associatedwithStopBully.com/StopBully.org. Reports are sentconfidentiallythrough the system to pre-designated "trusted adults"who areconfigured for the individual school where the incidentoccurred.Incidents may be logged by anyone, including thevictim/target orother bystanders/witnesses. StopBully.com began in2001. It beganas a one time publication in the form of an 80 pagebook aimed ateducating parents and children alike of theconsequences ofBullying and how to effectively deal with the issuewhen onebecomes directly involved. This book was originallyreleased anddistributed by the KIDS INTERNATIONAL DISCOVERINGSAFETY FOUNDATIONand the book was supported by this web site. Veryquickly it wasrecognized that there was a need for a program beyonda book andStopBully.com became its own entity.
Moe and the Unexpected Bully 1.1
Kiwa Digital
In the Coromandel, on top of Mt Moehau, lives a furry monster bythename of Moe