برترین 10 بازی مشابه به Erecciones Duras y Prolongadas

Impotencia,eyaculación precoz. 1.0
Consigue una vida sexual sana, plenayduradera.Si incluye los siguientes alimentos que le nombramos en sudieta,verá como:Desaparecerá la impotencia, la infertilidad,, la inseguridad,eldesánimo, poco rendimiento... logrando aumentar elrendimiento,potencia y deseo sexual etc. todo ello para disfrutaren la cama odonde te apetezca de una manera satisfactoria ysaludable.En esta aplicación encontrará:- Los 30 alimentos naturales más efectivos. Describiendosuspropiedades de manera clara.De fácil adquisición en cualquier lugar, estos alimentos leayudarána combatir y eliminar los problemassexuales de una manera notable, tanto para el hombre como paralamujer.- Varias recetas naturales 100 % efectivas. Comprobadas !!- Las zonas erógenas, en las que aprenderás, que puntos sonlosindicados para comenzar lospreliminares y excitar tanto a un hombre como a una mujer y a suvezsorprenderlo/a.- Términos que seguramente desconocias que estan relacionadosconel apetito sexual.- Alimentos o productos perjudiciales pàra el sexo quedeberíaeliminar de su vida.Get a healthy, fullandlasting sex life.If you include these foods in your diet you name it, youwillsee:Disappear impotence, infertility ,, insecurity,discouragement,low yield ... achieving increased performance, powerand sexualdesire etc. all to enjoy in bed or wherever you feel likeasatisfying and healthy. In this application you will find:- The 30 natural foods more effective. Describingtheirproperties clearly.  Readily available anywhere, these foods will helpyoufight and eliminate problems  sex in a remarkable manner, both for men and women.- Several natural recipes 100% effective. Proven !!- The erogenous zones, in which you will learn which pointsareindicated to begin  Preliminary and excite both a man and a woman andturnsurprise / a.- Terms probably were unaware that they are related to thesexualappetite.- Food or harmful products for sex you should eliminate fromyourlife.
Potencia sexual 1.1
¿Quieres obtener una puntuación paratupotenciasexual?¿Cuáles son las causas de impotencia?¿En qué consiste el estudio de la impotencia? ¿Sonnecesariaspruebasespeciales?¿Cómo deben tomarse los fármacos orales paramejorarlaerección?¿Qué otras opciones existen?El equipo de Urología Práctica ha creado versionesparaAndroid,iPhone y iPad de “Potencia sexual". Además de responderaestaspreguntas y otras muchas, con esta aplicación podrásrellenaruncuestionario con el que obtendrás una puntuación para tupotenciaypodrás graduarla en potencia normal, impotencialeve,impotenciamoderada e impotencia severa.La aplicación tiene como única finalidadproporcionarinformacióny orientación sobre los temas relacionadoscon lapotencia sexual yel problema de la disfunción eréctil. Enningúncaso puede sustituira la consulta con tu médico deAtenciónPrimaria o con tu Urológo.Al contrario, entre lasrecomendacionesque se te hagan, siempreestará la de acudir a tumédico.No todos los aspectos pueden ser tratados con la profundidadoelacierto que quizá merezcan. Conscientes de ello proponemosalosusuarios interesados que nos hagan llegar, por mediacióndecorreoelectrónico (urologiapractica@gmail.com) aquellassugerenciasquecrean oportunas para mejorar la aplicación.Los autores.
Kegel Trainer - Exercises 9.2.18
Olson Applications Ltd
Kegel exercise plan for an easy way to strengthen your pelvicfloormuscles!
Urología Práctica 3.1
Urología Práctica es un librodeconsultapensado para Urólogos, Médicos de AtenciónPrimaria,Médicos deUrgencias, Nefrólogos, Ginecólogos yespecialistas enMedicinaInterna que quieran actualizar susconocimientos sobre untemaconcreto mediante una lectura rápida.Además, su carácterprácticocon innumerables flow-charts y tablas defármacos de muyfácilvisualización, lo hace ideal para serconsultadorápidamenteincluso mientras se está viendo a un pacienteen laconsulta, enurgencias o al pie de la cama en pacientesingresados.Cada tablade fármacos incluye el principio activo, ladosis, laduración deltratamiento y el nombre comercial en España.Fuera deEspaña laspautas de tratamiento son igualmente válidas,pero puedenvariarlos nombres comerciales.Para Atención Primaria, Médicos deUrgencias,Nefrólogos,Ginecólogos y Medicina Interna resultaráespecialmenteútil elmanejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de lasurgenciasurológicas(cólico nefrítico, hematuria, priapismo, escrotoagudo,etc), lahiperplasia benigna de próstata, lasinfeccionesurinarias(cistitis, prostatitis, balanitis,orquiepididimitis,enfermedadesde transmisión sexual, pielonefritis,etc), laincontinenciaurinaria (de esfuerzo y de urgencia), pautasenandrología básica(infertilidad masculina, disfuncióneréctil,eyaculación precoz,etc), el atlas de imágenes delesionesurológicas cutáneas o elUrovademcum, por poneralgunosejemplos.Para Urólogos, destacamos el acceso rápido a laspautasdeactuación en urgencias (priapismo, sepsis, gangrenadeFournier,etc), litiasis, tratamientos de patologías pocohabituales(TBCurogenital, dermatosis peneanas, ereccionesnocturnasrecurrentes,ascitis quilosa postquirúrgica, etc), manejodelpaciente urológicoingresado (preparación intestinal,profilaxistromboembólica yantibiótica, alteracioneshidro-electrolíticas ymetabólicas,anticoagulación y antiagregación,etc), enfoquepráctico y concisode la patología oncológica, aspectoslegales enUrología, consultade cifras normales de laboratorio,etc.Dadas las posibles variaciones en las indicacionesdelosfármacos, información de las dosis,toxicidadrecientementedescrita, interacciones medicamentosas yotros asuntosdeimportancia, se recomienda al lectorcomprobardichasinformaciones. Pese a todos los esfuerzos realizadosenlaconsecución de un texto sin errores, los autoresdeclinancualquierresponsabilidad ante la inexactitud de cualquierade losdatospublicados.El libro está distribuido en secciones a las que seaccededesdeun índice en la página principal de la aplicación.Cadaseccióncontiene un listado de capítulos, que sepuedenabririndividualmente. Además existe un índice de palabrasclave,uníndice de capítulos y un índice de las abreviaturasutilizadasenel texto. Otras funcionalidades de la aplicaciónson:- Enlaces a sitios web de interés en Urología:vínculosacalendarios de eventos, revistasurológicas,nomogramasprostáticos, vesicales y renales, calculadoradetestosteronalibre, cuestionarios validados,consentimientosinformados,portales urológicos, y mucho más.- Atlas de lesiones dermatológicas genitales.- Urovademecum: acceso rápido a mecanismo deacción,efectossecundarios, posología y contraindicaciones delosfármacosutilizados en Urología.- Sitio para anotaciones: en cada capítulo hay una páginadenotaspara que añadas toda la información que desees.El equipo de Urología Práctica.UrologyPracticeareference book designed for Urologists, PrimaryCarePhysicians,Emergency Physicians, nephrologists, Gynecologistsandspecialistsin internal medicine who want to update theirknowledgeon aspecific topic through a quick reading is. Moreover,itspracticalnature with countless flow-charts and tables ofdrugseasyvisualization, makes it ideal to be consulted quicklyevenwhilewatching a patient in the office, in the emergency roomorbedsidein hospitalized patients. Each table of drugs includestheactiveingredient, dose, duration of treatment and the tradenameinSpain. Outside Spain treatment guidelines are equallyvalid,butmay vary trade names.For Primary Care, EmergencyPhysicians,nephrologists,Gynecologists and Internal Medicine resultthediagnosis andtherapeutic management of urologicalemergencies(renal colic,hematuria, priapism, acute scrotum, etc.),benignprostatichyperplasia, urinary tract infections (especiallyusefulcystitis,prostatitis, balanitis, orchitis, sexuallytransmitteddiseases,pyelonephritis, etc.), urinary incontinence(stress andurgency)guidelines in basic andrology (maleinfertility,erectiledysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.), theatlasimagesurological cutaneous lesions or Urovademcum, togivesomeexamples.To Urologists, highlight the quick access to guidelinesforactionin emergencies (priapism, sepsis, Fournier'sgangrene,etc.), stonedisease, treatment of unusual diseases(TBCurogenital, peniledermatosis, recurrent nocturnalerections,chylous ascitespostsurgical, etc) , management ofurologic patientadmitted (bowelpreparation, thromboembolic andantibioticprophylaxis,hydro-electrolyte and metabolicdisorders,anticoagulation andantiplatelet therapy, etc.),practical approachand conciseoncological pathology, legal aspectsin Urology, seenormallaboratory values, etc.Given the potential variation in the indications ofdrugs,doseinformation, recently described toxicity, druginteractionsandother issues of importance, the reader is advised tocheckthisinformation. Despite all the efforts made in achievingatextwithout errors, the authors disclaim any responsibilityfortheinaccuracy of any of the published data.The book is divided into sections that can be accessedfromanindex on the main page of the application. Each sectioncontainsalist of chapters, which can be opened individually. Thereis alsoakeyword index, an index of chapters and an indexofabbreviationsused in the text. Other features of theapplicationare:- Links to web sites of interest in Urology: linkstoeventcalendars, urological magazines, nomograms prostate,bladderandkidney, calculator free testosterone,validatedquestionnaires,obtaining informed consent, urologicalportals, andmore.- Atlas of genital skin lesions.- Urovademecum: fast mechanism of action, side effects,dosageandcontraindications of drugs used in Urology access.- Site for annotations: in each chapter there is a notespageforyou to add all the information you want.Practice Urology team.
Full Satisfaction (PE) 1.2
Pharma Loyalty
This application will teach you techniquesandtricks to defend yourself the next time and avoidprematureejaculation (PE). This disorder is a result of sexualexcitementthat can be modified. Right now, effectively andconfidentially,you can find the solution to your problems of PE.What you learn here will make that sex is never a problemforyou, improve your mood and relationships with your partner.You'llnotice in your daily relationships, travel and holidays,there willbe no reproaches or evil faces.You exercise in the practices recommended by experts,aresurprisingly effective and you can use immediately as theyrequireno preparation. Are the same techniques kept secretprofessionalathletes and celebrities to be serene and full ofenergy in thenext "game. "The contents of the application have been organized as a setofquestions and answers to several chapters, as you answerthequestions you will gain more knowledge.Premature ejaculation's Test included.Available in English and Spanish.We want you live in 'full satisfaction' that enjoyment isamanifestation of life.
남성건강 지원앱 1.4.3
Eli Lilly and Company
* Disclaimer: 사용자 리뷰란에 남긴 제품관련 문의에 대해서는 답변을드릴수가 없사오니, 제품 관련 문의나 의견은 제조사로 직접 문의하시길 부탁 드립니다.‘남성건강 지원앱’은 환자들의 치료의지를 높이고, 경제적인 부담을 줄여드리기 위해 제작되었습니다. 본 프로그램은발기부전및 양성 전립선 비대증을 동시에 진단받은 환자분들을 대상으로 운영하며, 모바일 단말기를 통하여 간단하게 환급요청을접수할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.1. 환급 요청 접수기존에 콜센터를 통하여 접수, 처리되었던 환급절차를, 모바일 앱을 통하여 빠르고 간단하게 가입, 환급 요청을 접수할수있도록 하였습니다.제품 바코드(QR코드)스캔, 처방전 사진 촬영, 계좌정보 입력 - 3단계의 간단한 과정으로 편리하고 안전한환급요청접수가가능합니다.2. 환급 요청 현황‘남성건강 지원앱’을 통하여 접수한 환급요청의 처리현황을 실시간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.3. 설정이름과 전화번호, 환급 계좌정보, 비밀번호를 변경할 수 있습니다.* Disclaimer: No, Ocannot give an answer for the product-related questions left byuserreviews, product-related questions or comments please contactthemanufacturer hasigil.'Men's Health Support apps' are willing to improve the treatmentofpatients, designed to let you reduce the financial burden.Theprogram is intended for patients who operates diagnosedwitherectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia at thesametime, and help you file a refund request, simply through themobilehandset.1. The refund request is received Received through the call center to an existing, arefundprocedure has been processed, fast and simple to join throughthemobile app, has to accept the refund request.Product barcode (QR code) scans, prescription Photography,enteraccount information - available in a convenient and safe withasimple three-step process of receipt of the requestforreimbursement. 2. Refund Request StatusThe processing status of a refund requests received throughthe'Men's Health Support apps' can be found in real-time.3. SetName and phone number, refund account information, you canchangethe password.
DrVasans CurED 1.3
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is asexualdysfunction characterized by the inability to get or maintainanerection of the penis during sexual performance.By downloading this app you can contact the doctor at anygiveninstant and discuss the problems that you are currently facingorhave been experiencing. The app also has an ErectileDysfunctionalmeter that calculates the level of your ED. It hasbeen especiallydesigned to equip you with, easy and convenientquestions thatdetermine whether or not you have ED and to whichlevel. “DrvasansCurED” app offers you the entirety of all the testsand results youneed to know about erectile dysfunction at your easeandconvenience without the hassle of browsing severalinternetwebsites and pages.Additional in-depth questionnaires provide a thorough check foravery wide range of likely causes of your erection issues thatcouldbe medical ones too. If the app has detected you to haveanyindications of ED, you can contact the doctor and bookanappointment. An in-app analysis of all your existing answers,alongwith personalized recommendations and advices will also beprovidedby the doctor.Refer to this app, if you have problems with reaching orholdingthe erection.Features:ED Symptoms-diagnosis and treatment of Erectile Dysfunctionusingadvanced technology, tested procedures andquestionnaires.Complete Privacy-The app focuses on maintainingtheconfidentiality and privacy of the user.IIEF and SHIM level calculation-The IIEF and SHIMdemonstratesthe sensitivity and specificity for detectingtreatment-relatedchanges in patients with erectile dysfunction.Medical History and Co-Morbidity History Track- The“DrvasansCurED” app maintains the patients/users medical historyfor futurereferral.Lifestyle PlanSubscribing to the “Lifestyle Plan” equips you to regularexerciseroutines that are vital for your prevention and cure.Health TipsSubscribing to “Health Tips” gives you access to a lifetimeofadvice on valuable nutritional tips for ErectileDysfunction(ED).Review ProgressDrvasans CurED allows you to review your regular healthprogress.Subscribing to “Review Progress” allows you to keep a tabon yourhealth thus giving you the chance to make the right changesin yourlifestyle, at the right time.Psychometric AnalysisPsychometric Analysis is a set of questions or a questionnairethatrevolves around the study concerned with the theory andtechniqueof psychological measurement. This analysis will helpdetermine thestrength and weakness with which the user can diagnosetheir stageof Erectile Dysfunction (ED).An easy to go app to contact to a doctor-You can now call adoctorand book an appointment using the “Drvasans CurED” app.
Auto Suggestion 2
Ease Art Technology
Use Autosuggestion to make yourself become the one you want to be!
Healing Frequencies 1.0
======================Healing Frequencies======================Brainwave Healing Frequencies.* YOU MUST USE HEADPHONES *and be careful with right / left headsetDaily for at least a month======================"Healing Frequencies" Easy To Get, Anywhere, Any Time.How it works:The "Healing Frequencies" Depending entirely on the differenceinfrequencies of each tone between both ear signals that affectyourhormones, there is No any Side-effects, it's just likeyourfavorite song that can change your mood.have fun :-)======================Instructions For Use:======================741 Hz - Awakening Intuition (solving problems,expressions,solutions).639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships (harmonious communityandharmonious interpersonal relationships).396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear (turning grief intojoy,liberating guilt & fear).852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order (awareness).528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles - (DNA Repair).417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change (producesenergyto bring about change).======================
Gharelu Nuskhe 1.6
Pain and treatment is brought to you by Vijay Web SolutionsIndiaPvt. Ltd. it is very helpful application for the people whobelievein the Ayurvedic medicine. 1) its Contains the Varioussolutions tothe various diseases. 2) Helpful for the home remediesNOTES: - Allinfo in this application collected from science andphysiotherapybooks and rewritten in simplest way. - Please don't doany Medicaltreatment if you misunderstand it. - We don’t haveanyresponsibility if you do the wrong medicine ormisunderstandtreatment content. Please write to us oninfo@vijaywebsolutions.com& we will write back to you. We can'thave you unhappy, can we?Thanks, Team Vijay Web Solutions India PvtLtd.