برترین 14 برنامه مشابه به Buah Hati Bunda

The 100 Squat Challenge 1.3
Want a round glutes? Strong sexy thighs?This100 Squat Challenge is for you.This 100 squat challenge is an excellent way tochallengeyourself to get the gorgeous body and sexy butt youwant.Basic bodyweight squats are one of the best exercises you candoto get a nice round buttocks and sexy legs. But you will getfasterresults by doing a combination of squat variations, ratherthan thesame exact exercise over and over again.The glutes are formed by three different muscles(minimus,medius, and maximus), this workout combines 5 differentsquatvariations in order to target all of those muscles, frommultipleangles, making it more effective than hundreds ofrepetitions ofthe same exercise.Do this workout 2 times a week in addition to yourregularworkout and record your progress. Follow the detailinstructions ofthis sexy female fitness model. make sure to haverest days so yourmuscles can recover.Tone your buttocks, shape your booty and get glutes thatsalute;give this workout a try!
Booty Activation Exercises 1.2
Booty Activation ExercisesDo you want mini-skirt worthy booty and thighs? Thisexerciseswill get you there in just 15 minutes per day. The secretis theright mix of targeted exercises, to sculpt your butt,thighs,hamstrings, quads and calves.Shape your butt and legs with these exercises designed toworkyour lower body. You can do this amazing exercises at home oratthe gym and you don't need any equipment, just your ownbodyweight. Sculpt your buttocks with these movements designedtotarget your glutes and thighs for the best quicktoningworkout.We want you to get the best booty possible! It is easier thanyouthink, just practice this glutes exercises in your workout toworkevery muscle in your butt until it's got no choice but toshapeup.If you're determined about shaping your butt, practicethisglutes focused workout three times a week, follow thedetailinstructions in this tutorial and you’ll be amazed withtheresults.
Butt Workout for Beginners 1.0
Do you want a mini-skirt readybooty?Thisworkout will get you there in just 15 minutes per day.Thesecretis the right mix of targeted exercises, to sculptyourbutt,thighs, hamstrings, quads and calves.Shape your butt and legs with these exercises designedforyourlower body. You can do this exercises at home or at the gymandyoudon't need any equipment, just your own body weight.Sculptyourbuttocks with these proven exercises designed totargetyourglutes.This fifteen minute routine is perfect for shapingthemajormuscles of the lower body.We want you to get the best booty possible! It is easierthanyouthink, just practice this glutes thighs workout.If you're determined about shaping your butt, practicethisglutesand thighs focused workout three times a weekonnon-consecutivedays. This workout is ideal for beginners. Forbestresults, do someactive stretching on rest days. Follow thedetailinstructions inthis tutorial and you’ll be amazed withtheresults.
Vaccine Time 1.3
Aplikasi pengingat jadwal vaksin anak.Jadwal vaksinasi berdasarkan dari Ikatan DokterAnakIndonesia.Bunda & Ayah juga bisa mencari Rumah Sakit &Puskesmasterdekat untuk mendapatkan suntikan imunisasi anak anda.
Round Butt Workout 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Want a gorgeous body? Round sexy buttocks? Give priority toshapeand round your glutes and your entire body will look amazing.Justdo this round butt workout and sculpt your buttocks withtheseexercises designed to shape your derriere. If you'redetermined toshape your butt and legs, put this workout intopractice. For bestresults do this exercise routine three times aweek. Theseexercises works all the muscles in your glutes soeffectively thatthey get in shape in the shortest time possible.Take theopportunity with this exercise routine and get the sexybody andbeautiful round butt you've always wanted.
Tight Booty Workout at Home 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
To tighten your butt, you have to buildmuscle.Building new lean muscle will help develop glutes with anaturalwell-rounded shape.Get your booty into shape with these incredibly easy exercisestotone your glutes. This quick workout routine will tone, tighten,andfirm your butt from every angle.The key to a tight butt is introducing new exercises thattoneevery inch of your glutes. This Exercises target all themuscles inyour glutes and hamstrings to give you a fitter, firmerbutt.Get ready to look sexier in those jeans or at the beach, justdothis exercises 3 times a week and you’ll be surprised withtheresults.
Tight Round Butt Exercises 1.2
When it comes to your backside,here'sthebottom line: To lift your butt, you have to buildmuscle.Buildingnew lean muscle will help develop glutes withanaturalwell-rounded shape.Get your butt into shape with these incredibly easyexercisestotone your glutes. This quick workout routine willtone,tighten,and firm your butt from every angle.The key to a gravity-defying butt is introducingnewexercisesthat tone every inch of your glutes. This Exercisestargetall themuscles in your glutes and hamstrings to give you afitter,firmerbutt.Get ready to look even sexier in those jeans or at thebeach,justdo this exercises 3 times a week and you’ll be surprisedwiththeresults.
Butt Workout Plan, Day 3 of 5 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Here’s day 3 of our week butt workout plantoget you a more lifted, rounder, and sexier buttocks andhotathletic thighs.A strong, toned butt doesn't just look sexy. It alsoimprovesyour athletic performance in countless ways. This simpleandeffective butt workout plan has been developed to fit intoyourlifestyle in just 10 minutes per day!This is day 3 of this 5 days butt workout plan. You'll getsexyathletic legs and a nice round butt. Just Follow along with allthedetailed instructions for a great lower body workout. There willbea different workout for each day so make sure you follow alongwithall the detailed instructions and you will see amazingresults.
1001 Obat Tradisional 1.2
Devida Studio
Pernahkan Anda sakit dan tidakinginmengkonsumsi obat kimia. Maka dari itu alternatif lain yaitudengnamenggunakan ramuan obat tradisional ataupun obatherbal.Obat tradisional yang sering dikenal dengan sebutan jamuadalahkomposisi beberapa komponen tumbuhan, baik itu daun, akarataupunbatang tanaman.Dengan menggunakan alternatif obat tradisional, dipercayadapatmenyembuhkan beberapa penyakit seperti :pusing, sakit perut, sakit gigi dll.Have you sick and donotwant to consume the chemical drugs. Therefore anotheralternativethat is dengna use of traditional medicine orherbalmedicine.Traditional medicine is often known as herbal medicine isthecomposition of several components of the plant, be it leaves,rootsor stems of plants.By using the alternative traditional medicine, believed tocureseveral diseases such as:dizziness, abdominal pain, toothache etc.
BukuBumil - Pregnancy Tracker 22.4.10
Imperial Healthtech
Indonesian Mom & Pregnancy Community
Aneka resep obat tradisional 1.0
Rizky Studio
Aplikasi ini berisi beberapa resepobattradisional indonesia yang merupakan resep orang tua terdahuludanhingga kini masih digunakan.This applicationcontainssome recipes of traditional medicine which is a recipeIndonesianparents earlier and is still used.
Butt and Leg Home Workout 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Intense Butt and Leg home WorkoutSculpt and tone your butt and legs with this greatworkoutroutine you can do at home or at the gym and you don't needanyequipment, just your own body weight. Shape your butt withtheseexercises designed to target your glutes and thighs fortheultimate quick toning workout so you get the bestbootypossible!A big butt is sexy, feminine, it’s a major turn-on and isalwaysin season.If you're determined about shaping your butt and toningyourlegs, try this glutes and legs focused workout, do this routine3times a week and you’ll be amazed with the results.
Easy Butt and Leg workout 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Easy Butt and Leg workoutLift your butt and tone your legs with this great workoutroutineyou can do at home or at the gym and you don't need anyequipment,just your own body weight. Tone your booty with theseexercisesdesigned to work your glutes and thighs for the ultimatequicktoning workout so you get the best booty possible!This exercise routine is designed as an easy way to workyourlegs and buttocks. Start with a quick warm-up, like jumpingjacks,then get into the workout. Feel free to stop when you needtorecover. This easy at-home exercises will help tone yourbuttocksand give you athletic, sexy looking legs.If you're determined about toning your butt, try this easybuttand legs workout and you’ll be amazed with the results.
200 Squats in 45 days Schedule 1.2
Palmera Labs
Get an awesome butt with this squat trainingin45 daysThis apps guides you to a training to be able to do 200 squatsinabout a month an a half or less, depending on your currentlevel.With this training you'll likely build an awesome butt thatwillimpress your friends and dates.First we asses your current level with a small test and thentheapp determines the schedule you have to follow to be able toreachthe 200 squats goal.Each training day (ideally 3/4 days per week) you'll bepresentedwith a set of squats that you will have to follow. Eachtraining daythe intensity will increase and it will become easieruntil you getto a really good shape.Don't forget to rest between the squats to make the mostofit.IMPORTANT:This app is just a guide and by no means replacestheprofessional advice of personal trainers or coaches. Alsowerecommend that you don't do it more than once a day,If in any moment it hurts your back or any other part, youshouldstop the training right away and get medical consultationjust incase.We don't want you to get hurt, but instead to get healthy. Sotakeit seriously and be mindful, your body and your mind are yourbestassets.